What was your worst "fat" moment?



  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    Wow its amazing to read everyone's story. I think these are more motivational than the before and after pictures. These stories are the true reason why we are all here and how we all have gained the support we need from MFP!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    They are WAY too graphic for your pretty eyes..... should I say them?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    They are WAY too graphic for your pretty eyes..... should I say them?
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I was at a party last year and having a conversation with someone about vegetarianism. This random drunk chick butted in and said to me:

    DC: "Oh, YOU'RE a vegetarian?"

    ME: "Yes."

    DC: "Really? Cause you don't look like one."

    ME: "Ok... what do they look like then?"

    DC: "Well... (long drunk giggle here)... not fat."

    Then she walked away. I was mortified. I didn't even know the girl.

    Yeah, that was not a good moment for me. I hope to never have anything like that said to me again in my life.

    Being an active vegan in my community, I feel the same way sometimes about my weight. I want to be a perfect example of how to be healthy as a vegan. I really want to lose a few more pounds so people won't think that all vegans are unhealthy or some crap. This isn't my only reason, but one of them. I want to live by example and maybe others will notice and follow.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    There are 3 that stick out in my mind and I couldn't narrow it down to which was worse..

    1. Husbands cousing (she was 5 at the time) said she couldn't sit on the couch because "she's too fat and there isn't any room"...at Thanksgiving with 30 other people around.

    2. Going to an amusement park and having the most difficult time getting out of some of the rides.

    3. In a huge fight with someone in immediate family, and she wrote "Big fat b*tch" across my face on my prom pictures and left them on the table...I discovered them with other friends around.
  • when my boyfriend of many years told me he didn't find me attractive anymore because I had let myself go... at the time I weighed less than I currently do.. at that point I thought well if this guy who has supposedly loved me for years things I'm disgusting who is going to want me.. and I hid away for a while.. gained 20 more lbs.. than I came to my senses and was like.. oh wait.. he's an idiot and I'm awesome..and here I am..losing weight. For me.

    You go, girl! >=D
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Getting up from a chair and finding the chair stuck to my *kitten*.... :laugh:
  • Eating Habits:
    Eating an entire batch of raw cookie dough over the summer was a major turning point in how I looked at my nutrition. I couldn't believe I did that, and went into a crazy shock over it. While this was a big fat moment for me, it served as a very effective form of motivation. I threw out or gave away all of the junkfood in my house immediately---one thing I learned is that if I do not have the foods around me as a temptation, it is easier for me to make the right choices! While it is important to have treats, I have substituted sugary cereals for granola and fat-free yogurt (which tastes even better!), potatoe chips for veggie chips and peanuts, vitamin water and pop for V8 and cinch shakes, and ditched coffee, "nutrient bars" and fatty pastries altogether. Things like fiber plus bars may sound good for you, but they have so many grams of sugar! I am trying to get into the habit of taking my women's-1-a-day vitamins instead.

    My boyfriend (who is extremely lean and muscular) accidentally pulled a pair of my pants on one morning. He looked way better in them than I did. Lol.
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    Barley being able to fit in the amusment park ride and feeling the embarassed as the guy running it was trying desperately to get it to lock. He did get it but it was an uncomfortable ride. In October we are taking the kids to Carowinds and I have now lost 140 lbs I know I won't have that problem again.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Ugh, when my daughter was 2 years old, some lady came up to me and said to her, are you gonna be a big sister soon? I was like wtf is she talking about?
    Then she asked me how many weeks along I was. I was not pregnant and have not been for 2 years. The next day I went on a diet. I went from 212 pounds to 144 and it took me about 2 years. Now I am here to lose a few more pounds.

    Anyone else have a crappy "fat" moment that changed your life?

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Never really had a bad one, but occasionally, I'll be out walking and I'll catch my profile when I'm not "sucking it in". Like yesterday. I don't like it.

    I don't really care what others have to say. Besides, no one has ever said anything to my face.
  • wiglet23
    wiglet23 Posts: 887 Member
    Sitting down and feeling my belly rest on my legs.

    yeah. this and thighs touching when in a skirt or shorts. :grumble:
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    Barley being able to fit in the amusment park ride and feeling the embarassed as the guy running it was trying desperately to get it to lock. He did get it but it was an uncomfortable ride. In October we are taking the kids to Carowinds and I have now lost 140 lbs I know I won't have that problem again.
    I go to Carrowinds all the time!! Love, Love, Love it! You will do so much better now that the weight is gone! NO more wierd, uncomfortable looks from people either!
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member

    I was working a retreat for my high school and sat in the same chair for about four days. After the week was over I had bruises on the sides of my legs where the arm rests hit. :frown: That shouldn't happen.

    While in Africa with another youth group, I was climbing up a hill and realized I was falling further and further back from the group. One other leader stuck with me, but I was almost in tears when I realized they were all waiting for me at the top. When I finally made it, I blamed it on my bad knee. I do have a bad knee, but let's be honest, my fat @$$ was too heavy and out of shape. If I had the money, I'd love to go back and conquer that beast :mad:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I had a couple trips to visit with college friends late summer/fall in 2009. These folks all knew I was overweight/obese so it wasn't anything shocking but I was much bigger than I'd been before and had nothing cute to wear and felt horrible about myself Then I saw the pictures...

    Even being obese for years, I felt pretty good about myself most of the time (I had way better self esteem than most of my skinny friends) and felt like I was fairly healthy physically even with the extra weight but the weight was getting worse all the time. How I could've been in denial about my size is beyond me but seeing myself next to my mostly skinny friends was a huge wake-up call. That was it, no more messing around with silly diets and playing mind games wth myself. It was time to face facts, get healthy and fit. The rest is history
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    I was at a sporting good store about 5 years ago with my husband - looking for some paddles for our raft to float the river. We asked the owner if he had any and he grabbed some out, but looked me up and down and said something like "you shouldn't be out in the sun too long anyways" and I was like, um why? And he looked right at my stomach and said "because of the baby" I told him I wasn't pregnant - he kind of looked away, and at his feet and said "you look like you are" and I said, I'm not - he said again but much quieter, "you look like you....."

    I was fighting back the tears and I could tell my husband was upset too....but didn't want to say anything to embarass me further. We never went back to the store, they went out of business. I joined the gym shortly after and dropped 50 lbs - won a fitness competition. So, yea - suck it.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Mine was at least ... "in the family" Last Christmas my brother got a wii. Everyone was playing. So he wanted me to play a game with him too...our whole family was around drinking, eating, and being merry (it was Christmas). My whole family, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and you get the picture. Well, anyway, he asked me to step on the platform...and out of NO WHERE this robot voice states: "YOU ARE OBESE". As you can imagine...the entire room was silent...no one knew what to say. And like the "funny" fat chick, I said something sarcastic...and moved on. Here I am 59.6lbs lighter and still moving to my goal! :laugh:

    OMG, you handled it well. I might have joked it off, too, but I think inwardly I would be mortified. I'll definitely be careful what games I play until I am NOT obese.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    There have been many over the last few years but I think what really made the difference for me and sent me to MFP was this past summer visiting a close friend and her daughter.

    1. While watching Sleeping Beauty, the little girl (4yrs) said to me, "I love you because you're nice and look like the fat fairy". I know she meant to be sweet but that hurt me.

    2. Then that same trip, we had gone shopping and I bought a dress that I absolutely love and was wearing it on the way home. Getting on the plane, the flight attendant asked me how far along I was. :( I've never been pregnant. I didn't respond. I just moved down the row but I think she could tell from my face what she had said.

    Thank you all for sharing these. Your stories absolutely made me tear up and feel better at the same time. I absolutely agree these stories are better than the success pictures for modivation!
  • lace0211
    lace0211 Posts: 53 Member
    Getting asked when I was due by the guy who was installing our directv.. I had my 2 year old son. I was so embarrassed I knew I had to lose so weight!
  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    First time I decided to get healthy, it was a photo of me on a horse. The curve of that horse's @$$ was freakishly similar to the curve of my love handle..EEK! I lost 30 lbs that year....

    Buuut...I slowly gained it all back. A cross country road trip put it all over the edge. I was 20 lbs heavier than I had ever been before. The cross country trip was part of a documentary project in which I was often in the role of interviewer. So, once we got home, I had to start seeing the same clips of myself over and over and over as my boyfriend edited the videos.

    They say video adds 10 lbs or something....let me tell ya....the way my body is distorted into this roundish plumpy pregnant looking thing was way too much for me. I am getting healthy and staying healthy this time!

    Fly on little butterfly ticker, fly on! You'll reach those flowers one day ..lol