What was your worst "fat" moment?



  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was about 11. He was about 7. I had never seen him before and never saw him again. He got his face within 18" of mine and said in a loud voice, "FATSO!" To this day I can still see his face and hear his voice.
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    Mine was at least ... "in the family" Last Christmas my brother got a wii. Everyone was playing. So he wanted me to play a game with him too...our whole family was around drinking, eating, and being merry (it was Christmas). My whole family, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and you get the picture. Well, anyway, he asked me to step on the platform...and out of NO WHERE this robot voice states: "YOU ARE OBESE". As you can imagine...the entire room was silent...no one knew what to say. And like the "funny" fat chick, I said something sarcastic...and moved on. Here I am 59.6lbs lighter and still moving to my goal! :laugh:

    Mine was similar. I stepped on the Wii fit board and it told me I was too fat for the Wii Fit. I had overloaded the scale in it. I was about 330 then and continued up to 345 before I finally got my *kitten* in gear and started eating right and exercising.

    Now I am down about 60 lbs and running a half marathon in 3 weeks. I still have about 80 lbs to loose but at least I can run now!
  • AliDarling
    pretty much ever pic of me in my teens has met the BBQ or fireplace. when i just had my baby, i was at the store, (hubby was watching her at home) and some old lady asked if i was having twins.

    i blamed the raging hormones of 9+ months for the way i went off.

  • catlover98611
    catlover98611 Posts: 38 Member
    Yeah, I was recently divorced and was going through some old family photos. I saw a pic of me and my daughter on her 14th birthday, realized I weighed 185 in that picture and was only 181 when I delivered her. I found a program just a week later that has helped me shed the last 70 of those horrible pounds.
  • sedativestorm
    sedativestorm Posts: 79 Member
    I don't know when my worst "fat" moment was, I had several ones

    My cousin said a rude comment "I bet you eat fatty pork all day" that one really sunk in and hurt.

    My grandpa said "no wonder you're so fat" when I went to get some more food at the family cookout.

    When I hit 175, my doctor called me overweight and told me to exercise.

    I come from a family of mostly skinny people, so growing up my parents always made a comments on my weight, kinda desensitized when it comes to fat comments now.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Oh, goodness! There have been so many, and they all felt so horrible....

    1. Having a little boy at church randomly stop and ask, "Hey, lady! Why are you so fat?" His mother is a close personal friend of mine. I never told her he said that. She would have been mortified.

    2. Once, I was at a buffet on my lunch hour. After having eaten a relatively healthy meal of garden salad, grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, green beans, and boiled cabbage, I decided to "treat" myself to a 1/2 cup of banana pudding. As I was walking back to my table, I passed an older man sitting at a table by himself. He looked my direction so I smiled politely. He smiled back and said something like, "That's the best part of the meal", gesturing toward my dessert. I said, "I really don't need it. It's not good for me." He said, "Well, you better lose that weight while you're young. It only gets harder the older you get." Now, that was bad enough, but he didn't stop there. He went on to say, "You know, if I were a young fella, I wouldn't date no big girl." I decided I had better move on quickly or that old man was gonna get a banana pudding facial.

    3. Going to Carowinds and being so fat that the attendant on one of the rollercoasters had to jump and push down on the harness to get it to click. Then I almost passed out during the ride because I couldn't take a full breath due to the harness being too tight.

    4. Never being able to capture a fun or important life moment on film because I don't want to see myself in photos or on camera.

    I weighed in after Thanksgiving last year and tipped the scales at 297lbs. I went through about five months of depression, then I decided enough was enough, and in May I started eating right and going to the gym every day. Since the end of May I've lost about thirty pounds. Right now I wear a size 20-22W, and I hope to be in an 18W by Thanksgiving. My Final goal is to be 135-140lbs. WHEN I reach that goal, I plan to reward myself by taking a two day trip to Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH, my favorite amusement park in the whole world. I also plan to have some professional photos taken.
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    I have had several besides the Wii...

    Getting stuck in the waterslide tube and having to wait until the water pressure built up behind me to "flush" me out. Of course the attendant had to stop the line saying something to the effect of "we have to wait till the fat guy flushes out."

    Riding a roller coaster they had to jump on the bar to get it to lock, and then all my weight being thrown against it during the ride, when I got off the attendant pointed out that I had bent it.

    My wife buying me slip on shoes so I wouldn't have to grunt so much in the morning to tie them. She was trying to be nice, but still...

    Test driving cars and having to cross some off the list because my belly wouldn't fit behind the wheel.
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    i have no pics of myself with my little girl, shes 4

    also, i made my hubby ride rides with her at amusement parks because i was afraid i wouldnt fit

    but thats all changing! :flowerforyou:
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    I had some 20ish boys throw food out their car window at me... I didnt understand what they yelled... probably a good thing.

    Didnt get me to go on a diet tho...

    I finally did something about my weight when I got sick of hearing myself say how disgusting I was.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    mine was when i tried to get health insurance (promise to my mom) and since i was over 250 the cost was in the 400's. I was sick with myself....i turned my life around and I am 231 now and considering trying to get insurance again :) (well better than what i have lol).

    There are many other things that have been horrid too....being asked when i was due. my hubby getting me on a ride at a carnival while the attendant had to shove the safety bar closed over me and everyone watched.....being told every effing day how bueatiful my face is (really? and the rest of me sucks?) being afraid to sit on lawn furniture. my hubby telling me i might break the seat in the car.....and then telling me (later) that the scar i recieved as a kid on my shin, was probably my weight creating a stress fracture (total bs). so yeah......im glad to have all of you to make me feel less alone :D
  • Ireshgurl
    Pictures. Plus the fact I moved to a city where if your not wearin shorts and a tank, ur dyin from the heat. Also the fact my *kitten* doesn't fit in2 my bikini bottoms, which is also a must around here...
  • bhagavatilad1
    Ugh, when my daughter was 2 years old, some lady came up to me and said to her, are you gonna be a big sister soon? I was like wtf is she talking about?
    Then she asked me how many weeks along I was. I was not pregnant and have not been for 2 years. The next day I went on a diet. I went from 212 pounds to 144 and it took me about 2 years. Now I am here to lose a few more pounds.

    Anyone else have a crappy "fat" moment that changed your life?

    That is so funny! I know I've had a few everytime I eat I had to unbutton my top button on my jeans, my pants have split I've always been afraid that I may have to pay for an extra seat on an areoplane. Last year I went to schlitterbahn and I got stuck at the bottom of a ride someone had to help me out of the tube and my kids and I just cracked up.
  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    I suffer from Bipolar II. I have horrible depression at times and had been hospitalized twice for attempting suicide. I gained over 100 lbs from medications and absolutely nothing was working. My doctor thought that Electro-convulsive Therapy (Shock therapy) would be best. i went to see another doctor who would perform the sessions and he told me that I was just too overweight and he would not feel comfortable giving me anesthesia. I was like what??? What do they do with severely obese people who need weight loss surgery?? He was willing to let me suffer from my depression and possibly allow me to fall into such desperation to take my own life.

    That of course made me even more depressed, but I finally found a medication that works and allows me to lose. I will just never forget that day. He didn't want to help me, because I was too fat :cry:
  • saugustin07
    saugustin07 Posts: 28 Member
    When fellow classmate comes up to you and says you've gained weight. I'm thinking "really sher-lock I didn't notice".
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    The first time around, I was 15 and got up to 160 lbs. Which was what my dad weighed. And he is over 6 feet tall, I was about 5'4.

    I lost weight, and eventually gained it back and then some.

    In college, I was almost 200 lbs. I had a closet of jeans of many sizes and none fit. My 12s were getting tight, which put me officially into the plus sized realm. Definitely too big for brands that cater to college girls.

    Lost that, plateaued for a long time. The odd picture here and there serves as a fat moment, otherwise I am just more motivated than in the past. I believe that usually when it comes to losing weight or quitting smoking or whatever, you typically have to screw up a couple times before you succeed. Hoping I am going to succeed for good this time!
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    As a pre-teen and teenager every time I went clothes shopping and would come home to show my mom what I bought my dad would say from his chair in front of the TV " Oh I see you went to see Omar" or " Did Omar have any good sales?". The first few times I ignored him because I didn't understand. Then I asked him who Omar was and he said "You know Omar the tent maker and he'd laugh.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Going to Ceder Point (from out of state) with some friends and new co-workers, then not being able to ride about 75% of the roller coasters. I had to see if I fit in the model seats they had at the end of the line on some (and I didn't fit), and on others the roller coaster would be held up while the attendants would go round up an extender for the seat belt while everyone waited. That sucked, and it was embarrassing.

    In general, sizing up chairs (especially antiques) at other people's houses before sitting in them.
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    I still remember streaking with my buddies when I was in highschool..I don't think I'll ever get the horrible flapping sound of my thighs out of my head! Didn't think I was that big..but I certainly was glad it was dark and was hoping no one else heard!

    I've realized that I am 50 lbs. heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, and 30 lbs heavier than right after I delivered..2 YEARS AGO! I'm only 19 and would love to actually shop in the junior's section. :/

    My son is constantly trying to play with my big belly and it makes me feel terrible. :(

    When my son was younger..not even a year..my hubby's little sister (about 15) was over visiting and we were talking about my baby and who he looked like. He had a double-chin from all of his baby fat..she turned and looked at me and said "Well we know he has your neck!" (I've always been uncomfortable with my neck because even when I was thin, it appeared to have rolls. and I had actually been made fun of quite a bit for it.) I couldn't help buy cry..ran to my room and locked them out. I was horrified!

    Oh and I can't forget the time that I wore a half-sleeve shirt to my grandma's house. She told me how good it looked on me because my "fat didn't hang out like in my other shirts." She was referring the the tank tops and short sleeves that I usually wear.

    Realizing that I weight about 10 lbs less than my dad who is a pretty big guy. He's 6 ft and not a skinny guy..I'm only 5'4.

    Something Has To Change!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    There are way too many to list them all, but a few are below. I know some of them are from years ago when I was thinner than I am now, but it just goes to show how these things stick with you.

    1) An entire childhood of being teased by other kids and being called names like "fatty, fatty 2 by 4"

    2) Over 20 years ago: Realizing my first love wasn't taking me to private places on dates just because he wanted to be alone with me. He was also ashamed to be seen in public with me and was trying to hide our relationship from his friends/family.

    3) About 20 years ago: Having a boyfriend tell me that after his friend met me, the friend said "She's cute, but she's a little thick in the thighs isn't she?" and my boyfriend said "Damn right, I'm not gonna freeze at night....hahahaha" - He thought he was being nice, but why tell me at all?

    4) A lifetime of worrying if I'll fit through a space or in a chair, or if my butt will rub against someone as I'm trying to get by them. Always having to call "shotgun" when carpooling because I couldn't fit in the back seat with 2 other people.

    5) 10 years ago: Hearing from my new boss (after I'd lost 70+ lbs, but he didn't know me before the weight loss) " I'd like to see you skinny. I bet you'd look good. "

    6) About 20 years ago: Having an adult cousin call me "Wide Load" in front of everyone at Thanksgiving.

    7) Being told by a male friend that the reason I never had a problem finding a boyfriend when I was young and dating is they all thought I would be easy. I said "why would they think that? YOU know I wasn't" and he said "Oh, I know, but that's what guys do. They call it " goin' hoggin' " - date the fat chick cause they have low self esteem and if you give them attention they'll sleep with you."

    Sadly none of these things (or a host of others) woke me up to what I was doing to myself. Instead I drowned my sorrows in food for years and years. I will no longer let food/weight rule me! I will no longer go through life wishing I was invisible!
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    1. Being the fat kid for 20 years and all the regular horrors that come with that.

    2. Being just about unable to fit into the largest sized pants in the largest brands, even with elastic tops.

    3. Being told by a family friend, 'Who's gonna love you when you're as big as a ****ing elephant?'

    4. Having to order a specially-made scrub top.

    I must have been around 370/380 at my largest. I am down to 240 nowadays, but still plenty to go!