What was your worst "fat" moment?



  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Worst - as listed in my profile - being unable to donate a kidney to someone in need because I was morbidly obese. :frown:
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    when my boyfriend of many years told me he didn't find me attractive anymore because I had let myself go... at the time I weighed less than I currently do.. at that point I thought well if this guy who has supposedly loved me for years thinks I'm disgusting who is going to want me.. and I hid away for a while.. gained 20 more lbs.. than I came to my senses and was like.. oh wait.. he's an idiot and I'm awesome..and here I am..losing weight. For me.
  • MColette
    When I was trying to film a video for my bro of some choreo he wanted, and I saw myself in the video! It was depressing.
    I looked fat, frumpy, I had horrible unflattering clothes and my hair was a mess, that was my day 1
    I sure didn't like what I saw, and it was time to do something about it, I'm almost there now!
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    I had quite a few horrible moments! I think the worst was probably having to tell my (male) bank manager my weight for a personal insurance quote! That was embarrassing enough but then he told me due to my weight the price of the premium had doubled!! :embarassed:
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    My worst fat moment was realising that I could no longer find scrub pants that fit me. I was trying on 6X scrub pants and no matter the brand or style I just couldn't get them on. I broke down and cried in the store. :( I can still find scrub tops that fit, but I cant get a 6X scrub pant over my hips to save my life. So, I've had to alter all of my scrub pants. My goal is to be in 3X scrub pant by the beginning of Summer 2012. :) That would make me like a 1 or 2X top. We'll see. I can't wait to be able to wear cute scrubs. :D
  • Maria_Goose
    when i picked up a size 20 skirt off a rack at a store and the sales lady goes "i think you might want to try the 22" wtf?

    fyi i'm in an 8 now. so EFF YOU saleslady!!!!!

    THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE! >=O Can't believe she SAID that!
  • 2Heavy2Long
    2Heavy2Long Posts: 315 Member
    When my belly got in the way of viewing my penis. :embarassed:

    We can see eye to eye now. :bigsmile:
  • YeahMe
    YeahMe Posts: 35 Member
    Mine was at least ... "in the family" Last Christmas my brother got a wii. Everyone was playing. So he wanted me to play a game with him too...our whole family was around drinking, eating, and being merry (it was Christmas). My whole family, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and you get the picture. Well, anyway, he asked me to step on the platform...and out of NO WHERE this robot voice states: "YOU ARE OBESE". As you can imagine...the entire room was silent...no one knew what to say. And like the "funny" fat chick, I said something sarcastic...and moved on. Here I am 59.6lbs lighter and still moving to my goal! :laugh:
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    all senior year of college... my roommates and I would go out to the bars and I would just look fat and terrible next to them..lots of facebook pictures to prove it!

    but the worst night was this - I didn't have anything I thought I looked good in.. went to try on this button dress from my friend's sister (she lost weight and got rid of a lot of clothes and gave some to us) and it was too tight so when I went to take it off.. I couldn't... I had to get my roommate to literally cut me out of it. I was so embarressed and humiliated and I cried. My wonderful roommates comforted me and told me it was okay and not a big deal but I still felt awful.
  • StacyFrisbie
    StacyFrisbie Posts: 159 Member
    I also had a person ask when I was due. My reply was "2 years ago". They were mortified and walked off. The worst for me personally though, was when the season changed, and absolutely nothing fit me. I have 5 sizes of clothes in my closet, and not even my "fat pants" fit. I had to buy new clothes, so I went to my regular stores, and had outgrown their sizes. I vowed then that I would not EVER buy clothes because I don't have anything big enough, and that I don't want to have to go to a plus size store to get them either. So, now I'm getting rid of my fat pants as I grow out of them (when they get too big). I deserve a new smaller pair after all my hard work!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    When I was pregnant with my third baby and the doctor told me that I tested positive for gestational diabetes. That wasn't so much the problem. What really got me was everything that actually meant. I lost 90 lbs after he was born.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    About 4 years ago i was at the park with my ex wife and sons. She started laughing at my "belly" and said my saggy jeans were now "skinny" jeans..lol

    That was the day i decided to change my lifestyle. Within 6 months i had went back to being buff again (amazing I had convinced myself I was even during my chubby times).

    It felt great everytime she wanted my body and i didn't let her have it after that..lol
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Realizing that I was about to have to buy a pair of pants in size 20 if I didn't lose. I'm a 14 now after 25 lbs lost but hope to continue down more. Another thing is seeing all my pictures of my family and I'm in none of them. :(
  • colex97
    going to the fair with my husband and son and being terrified to ride anything because I was sure I was too fat to be on it and afraid the workers wouldn't tell me because it isn't pc. Esp when my 3yr old would not get on the kiddie roller coaster without me and I was sure the whole thing was just going to de rail everytime we whipped around a rickety bend...ugh.
  • ambermichk
    ambermichk Posts: 108 Member
    i had to get off a rollercoaster and wait for the next car (with my kiddo) to fit in the special row with bigger safety harnesses, then when i got off i was almost in tears, i did cry when my husband who got on later was laughing because the same thing happened to someone else and they had to wait for the big person to change rows.....
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Having to constantly hold my breath in order to bend over to tie my shoes :cry:
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    being told if I lost 20 lbs I would be hot:sad:
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    a million times being denied by any sorta cute boys, having all your friends take all the attention and none for you, that blew my whole high school experience and college, thought now I have an amazing loving bf I am losing weight so I don't have to miss out on any part of life, I want to enjoy every moment of it with no reservations :)
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    I was watching nursery at church one Sunday and this little two year old came up to give me a hug he then patted my stomach and said "how come your stomach is so big...my mommy's is not like that".....yeah I wanted to die. Then once I was forced to get off of a roller coaster because they could not get the belt locked for me to sit in it. That I will say was the worst moment of my life and I have never been back since. My oldest nephew actually started to tear up because he felt so bad that I was embarrassed in front of all of these people...I used my humor to brush it off but it crushed me. This is actually one of my first goals is to go back to that same place when I am fit and have no worries about fitting into a roller coaster.

    Man reading that and you sit and think why did I ever allow myself to go through such misery.
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    I was at a party last year and having a conversation with someone about vegetarianism. This random drunk chick butted in and said to me:

    DC: "Oh, YOU'RE a vegetarian?"

    ME: "Yes."

    DC: "Really? Cause you don't look like one."

    ME: "Ok... what do they look like then?"

    DC: "Well... (long drunk giggle here)... not fat."

    Then she walked away. I was mortified. I didn't even know the girl.

    Yeah, that was not a good moment for me. I hope to never have anything like that said to me again in my life.