What was your worst "fat" moment?



  • mistina
    mistina Posts: 3 Member
    There are many, but the worst was probably when a friend thought I was poking fun at his very thin girlfriend and said to her "Don't worry, 2-3 of you could easily fit inside of her."

    The first time an ex-boyfriend called me fat was a year after having our baby, which we had placed up for adoption, he said "I'm not as attracted to you, you're not thin anymore." That was a rough one.

    My bandmate saying "You shouldn't buy those cookie.....s" on tour..

    I was 22 when I had a baby and have since been battling my weight. I'm about 20 pound heavier now than I was post baby, I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life.That the roughest part for me. And while I'm an adult and less shallow than ever-- I still remember all those hurtful comments and relive the terrible feeling they gave me, by knowing I'm even heavier now.
  • On a flight to NYC and a steward shouted down the plane that he needed a seat belt extension and pointed at me.
    I was mortified. That was my turning point!!!!
  • My fat moment was the exact same. If another person ask me if im pregnant I cant be responsible for my answer.
  • My worst moment was when I realized I turned into a fat Soldier. I had my son then 6 months later my husband and I both deployed. I knew I was out of shape and overweight but I just never thought about it. It wasnt until I was in the gym one day and a Marine walked by and called me a fat Army b!tch... Yeah working my hardest right now not to be the fat Soldier anymore.
  • vegangirl88
    vegangirl88 Posts: 104 Member
    Oh man there are so many... Most memorable are probably these:

    1) I was bullied at school for 5 years for being fat (including being thrown down flights of stairs, punched repeatedly in the stomach, as well as psychological bullying. This was age 7-12). One time my bullies told me we were friends again and would I like to play tag with them (we were about 9 years old). I was so happy it had finally ended and agreed. We started playing, and I was tagged. I started to run after them and they all started screaming "QUICK HELP US! FATTY'S TRYING TO SIT ON US!" I was mortified and spent the rest of my junior school break times in the library.

    2) Around the same time, in maths class we had to be weighed and stand in class order of weight. Obviously I had to stand at the end of the line and the teacher made a "funny joke" about a girl being the fattest and announced to the class my exact weight.

    3) Also around this time, being "punished" by a teacher (who knew I was being bullied because of my weight) for not handing my work in on time - by making me stand in the playground at lunch time in my swimsuit so everyone could see me.

    4) Everytime I have ever gone into the kitchen (even for a glass of water) and my dad has said "Oh for goodness sake, what are you eating NOW?" (This still happens.)

    5) Every time a kid has ever asked if I have a baby in my tummy. (I'm a trainee teacher.)

    6) When I went to Africa this summer and a guy came up to me and said "I hope one day I have a girlfriend who is nice and fat like you." (He meant it as a compliment. I didn't take it as one.)

    7) Every time anyone has ever said "You're vegan? But aren't vegans skinny?"

    Even when I lost weight before (got down to 147lbs from 231lbs) and a guy said to me "Wow, you look great! Cos, lets be honest, you were f**king fat before."

    Sigh, so many others but I won't keep ranting lol.
  • mondeflottant
    mondeflottant Posts: 30 Member
    There were these boys outside of the bar where I was with friends.
    They were laughing together. One of them said "there are only pretty girls in these bar" and I left for a call.
    Then he laughed loudly and said "no not that one, always an exception."
    I did not react and pretends not to hear but I was vexed and ashamed...
    In my head, I was not that fat but later when I looked at the pictures of that night I realized I was huge between my friends..

    At this time (around january 2010), I started dieting and lose 17 pounds.

    In January 2011, I had a miscarriage while I was 3 month pregnant, I was so depressed and I gained 8 pound back.

    So here I am pregnant again, 55 days on MFP and I already had lose almost 6 pounds !
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I don't have a "worst" fat moment, but, one thing that made me snap and fully commit to losing weight was being dumped by every guy I've dated because of my weight. I been overweight since I was 8 years old, and ever since, I been told that I'm fat and ugly. Guys told me that guys don't date fat girls, they just **** them. I started changing my life as a middle finger to all those b**tards who said that to me.
  • seeing a picture of me my dad took, it always does it. Look so much worse than I think . :(
  • brookelyn2030
    brookelyn2030 Posts: 84 Member
    My fat moments are when I go shopping with my friend who is skinny (she wears a size small) and we go into all the stores that clearly do not carry my size, so I look like a tool while she's in the waiting room and I'm standing in the store waiting for her while the other skinny girls are rummaging around through the racks and they look at me like I'm a tool because I'm the only fat chick in the store.
  • brookelyn2030
    brookelyn2030 Posts: 84 Member
    I don't have a "worst" fat moment, but, one thing that made me snap and fully commit to losing weight was being dumped by every guy I've dated because of my weight. I been overweight since I was 8 years old, and ever since, I been told that I'm fat and ugly. Guys told me that guys don't date fat girls, they just **** them. I started changing my life as a middle finger to all those b**tards who said that to me.

    Awwwww....great minds think alike :-) I thought I was the only one who came to this conclusion!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    You look absolutely fantastic. Congratulations on doing so well, slowly and carefully.
    I don't know about worst fat moment, but I hate seeing photos of myself when I'm overweight. Ugh
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member

    2) Around the same time, in maths class we had to be weighed and stand in class order of weight. Obviously I had to stand at the end of the line and the teacher made a "funny joke" about a girl being the fattest and announced to the class my exact weight.

    3) Also around this time, being "punished" by a teacher (who knew I was being bullied because of my weight) for not handing my work in on time - by making me stand in the playground at lunch time in my swimsuit so everyone could see me.

    These teachers were despicable towards you and have earned my utmost contempt!
  • A few years ago in Turkey I was queuing for a go on the water slide. When I reach the top the guy supervising told me it wasn't suitable for pregnant women. Anyway, 4 years later I've got round to going on a diet. 2stone and 2.5lb down so far since July. Finally a "normal" bmi, however happy to lose maybe at least another stone. HOORAY! x
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    When the scale said 199. 200 was my NO WAY I am going past that number weight, and 199 was way too close.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Aagh! When I went to ride the ferris wheel with my son and they couldn't connect the waist bar! Humiliating! Thankfully, that was MANY, MANY years ago but I have never forgotten that feeling.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I never had a fat moment. I knew things were going wrong as I inched dangerously close to the "fat ladies' clothing" sizes. I couldn't fit into things at the Forever 21 type stores any more. I didn't like having to dress to hide myself instead of wearing whatever I felt like wearing.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    This is an easy one for me... and it's from a long time ago. I was sitting with my roommate and a mutual female friend. I had my shirt off and was drinking a beer, and she said my gut looked looked like Homer Simpson. :embarassed:
  • mmcperez
    mmcperez Posts: 72 Member
    Waited forever to go on a roller coaster...when I finally got into the seat the shoulders bars wouldn't click into the buckle. Got denied. Total FAIL!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    when my boyfriend of many years told me he didn't find me attractive anymore because I had let myself go... at the time I weighed less than I currently do.. at that point I thought well if this guy who has supposedly loved me for years thinks I'm disgusting who is going to want me.. and I hid away for a while.. gained 20 more lbs.. than I came to my senses and was like.. oh wait.. he's an idiot and I'm awesome..and here I am..losing weight. For me.

    This happened to me as well. My husband told me I was boring (sexually) because I was so fat. I lost a whopping 5 stone and as soon as I lost it he started showing interest again so I filed for divorce. I could never get past that remark, he broke my heart.
  • klopiccolo1
    klopiccolo1 Posts: 114 Member
    Two that stick out the most.....

    -Amusement park ride... with my kids about 2yrs ago. I was like the last one to be strapped in with this metal overhead thingy that comes down over your chest and locks in between your legs. Well the ride was full and mine wouldnt lock , the ride attendant tried to push it shut and couldnt so he brought another attendant and they both tried pushing it down for what seemed like forever while everyone im sure was watching idk cause i couldn't get myself to look up at anyone. Finally, I said it was okay I will get off... lucky for me I have wonderful kids and they got off with me... I felt bad but I probably would have felt worse if I had to wait for them to get off and everyone that got to stay on the ride walked by me... anyway I laugh at that now but wanted to cry at the time..

    -Department of Motor Vehicles!!!! I hate your pics!!!! This was my last straw when I had to renew my license in May of this year and when I got it in the mail I discovered I had no neck!!! LOL Face and body thats it.... so in a way I guess I would have to thank the DMV.

    I started my jorney in July of this year and I aint looking back. :smile: