Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I am slowly getting around to adding everyone as a friend. The maximum of 5 friend requests in 10 minutes is pretty annoying, huh?
  • Jayney10
    Thanks honey I have accepted your friend request thanks for that could do with a few new buddies, I need to get back on track now, just want to get this weight off.. Doesn't look like you need to lose any weight... ;0)
  • dazlite
    Count me in... what do we do now then? :laugh:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Count me in... what do we do now then? :laugh:

    Whatever you want! haha. Usually people just introduce themselves then we just have a bit of an ongoing group conversation about our journeys (as you can see the beginnings of). Welcome :)
  • dazlite
    Whatever you want! haha. Usually people just introduce themselves then we just have a bit of an ongoing group conversation about our journeys (as you can see the beginnings of). Welcome :)

    I thought you were gonna set up a spreadsheet or something and whip us all into shape! Oh well, I'll have to take responsibility for myself then :glasses:

    Here's my intro post if anyone wants to know a little about me:

    GO TEAM UK!!!
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Have u anymore space or r u now full ? If not I am in the UK and would love to join :)

    Team UK is never full! Welcome :)

    Thanks :)

    I live in the north west. Lost 23 lbs since end June 2011. On a mission to get back to pre babies - youngest has just started junior school so no excuses anymore. I have been doing 30ds and am currently on day 4 level 3 - nearly there !! I am a chocoholic so it always seems to appear somewhere in my diary !!!

    Is the plan to add all people on the thread as friends too ??
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    Thanks honey I have accepted your friend request thanks for that could do with a few new buddies, I need to get back on track now, just want to get this weight off.. Doesn't look like you need to lose any weight... ;0)

    It's an old photo :(
    I don't look big, but I am. Currently wearing a size 18 all over, but I have big boobs, so I don't mind about the top being a size 18, but I could do with smaller legs and hips etc.

  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Have u anymore space or r u now full ? If not I am in the UK and would love to join :)

    Team UK is never full! Welcome :)

    Thanks :)

    I live in the north west. Lost 23 lbs since end June 2011. On a mission to get back to pre babies - youngest has just started junior school so no excuses anymore. I have been doing 30ds and am currently on day 4 level 3 - nearly there !! I am a chocoholic so it always seems to appear somewhere in my diary !!!

    Is the plan to add all people on the thread as friends too ??

    Forgot to say - I am a SAHM to 3 girls 7, 10 and 13 :)
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    Is the plan to add all people on the thread as friends too ??

    Up to you :) I have been trying to but I'm sure I've missed a few :S
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Im in also, I am katy, 28 from sheffield.

    Been at this waaaaay to long and still have 16lb to go. Hope I can get there for xmas. I have done the 30 day shred twice, first time I lost loads of inches no weight and second time I did it 30 days straight gave it everything and lost NOTHING. I am anti shred atm. Will no doubt try again soon, Im a sucker.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I think they're like our toasting muffins. Ish.
    When I've had biscuits in the us they've been more like dumplings. But baked. Hard to describe. They serve them with a creamy gravy for breakfast....
    I thought they were quite like plain scones... but yes, I can see them as dumpling-like too.

    I had mine with southern-fried chicken, gravy and bbq-beans ... the "biscuit" was served instead of fries or mashed potato.

    Never had it for breakfast... usually waffles or pancakes with bacon, scrambled egg and maple syrup... in the USA that is. Eating like that is but a distant and indulgent memory :laugh:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    It's an old photo :(

    I'm guilty of this too! My pic is from my engagement shoot, I had lost about 10kg (mostly in the last few months despite a year of effort) then gained it all back in 2 weeks of honeymoon!!
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I would like to join you all
    I am from wiltshire

    exercise is a real problem for me at the moment
    as I have recently survived bilateral pulmonary emboli
    so I am trying to up my steps form 2000 by 500 every month
    this month my target has been to walk 2500 a day or 75000 for the month and so far this month I have walked 94960
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hello Team UK!

    What a wonderful idea. I'm Kyle - born in Scotland, but I live now in historic Colchester with my beloved husband. No kids, no pets.

    I'm almost 47 and I'm on a Fit for 50 programme to lose weight and get back into shape. I've been on MFP for 6 weeks and have shed 22lbs without any real effort or sacrifice. It's so easy to keep on track with MFP and I've got a great posse of friends who are all very supportive.

    Nice to have a place on MFP with hopefully some like minds and no cups :laugh:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    exercise is a real problem for me at the moment
    as I have recently survived bilateral pulmonary emboli

    Ugh, that sounds rough. Sounds like you are doing fab with your efforts at gradually improving your exercise tolerance though. Well done!
  • wendiekins
    I have only ever lasted a few days on the 30DS and I give up :(
    All of my muscles ache and I can't continue.
    i am going to try it again soon, and I really hope I can get through at least a week this time :'D

    It is kind of weird in that it is so intensely focused on some small muscle groups that it makes it hard to do it every day at first I think. I was doing a LOT of walking and a little gym as well but there were some days where I could barely move, my back and calves were so sore! Maybe try mixing it up with other things at first, maybe aim for doing it every other day until you can get your bod a bit more used to it?

    I must be a sucker for punishment as Ive just gone and ordered the 30 day shred from Amazon!!! and judging by the things Im hearing, and seeing as how I'm not the fittest of peeps... methinks I should've pre-ordered my coffin too LOL I am trying to build some core muscle strength up before I start the 30DS and have no doubt that I will fail at my first attempt, but I will get there one day I hope... I'll keep you posted!!!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Flippin heck!! This like the old days!! Turn around for a minute and the thread's gone on and on!!

    Hmm, where was i? :blushing: Ermm...

    Anyhoo, oh yeah that was it. new food @LilMissFoodie I think, don't knock it untill you've tried it!! I learnt that from my Chinese friend @ uni when she took me to China Town in London the first time...some v yummy food was was only afterwards she told me exactly WHAT I'd eaten...mmhmm

    30DS - i've actually done it 2 days in a row and so far so good. it wasn't intentional, I've been doing it on and off, but as part of a challenge with some ex-work buddies, I took my meausurements last week. And when I took them these week *drum roll please* I've lost 1" off my waist, 0.5" off my hips, 2" off my bust, 2" off my left thigh and 2" off my right thigh. BUT no weight I'm not sure what to think.

    Thoughts opinions always appreciated x :drinker:
  • Elmaunie
    Elmaunie Posts: 78 Member
    Ooh me! Me! Pick me!

    Hello! 30 yr old mum of 2. I work for a housing association and feel like I am wasting my gym membership....

    Er, I'm sure there's more but I'm nodding off already. Nice to meet all you lovely English peeps :flowerforyou:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    30DS - i've actually done it 2 days in a row and so far so good. it wasn't intentional, I've been doing it on and off, but as part of a challenge with some ex-work buddies, I took my meausurements last week. And when I took them these week *drum roll please* I've lost 1" off my waist, 0.5" off my hips, 2" off my bust, 2" off my left thigh and 2" off my right thigh. BUT no weight I'm not sure what to think.

    I didn't lose any weight either (and unfortunately didn't take measurements) but I felt I had lost inches... Oh and I've seen some amazing pics on the forums of people who lost only 1kg doing it but looked like they had lost 15-20kg!
  • Ekkan
    Ekkan Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I would like to join, please! I'm already inspired to find my 30 day shred DVD. I've started my healthy lifestyle in August and join MFP a few weeks ago. I really surprised to enjoy it all so much.

    I'll will need all the support I can get as my maternity leave is finishing soon and then I will work nights for the first time. I'm a bit apprehensive by it.

    I'm originally from South Africa but have been living in the uk (sussex) for the last 10 years.

    Go on, Team UK