Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Aww Mandy, best wishes for your daughter! I hope she is ok xo
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    Good Morning Guys :)

    "Sunnt" Devon has been foggy the last 2 days... but I see a bit of sunshine poking through (it's actually blinding me because the fog now looks white!) - hopefully this means I can go for a run this evening and not fear running into a lampost or something!

    Sunny day = Happy Aimee = Lots of yummy fruit will be eaten! Got my nectarines, banana's and 2l bottle of water at the ready for my day at work.. and some cupp-a-soups (boo.. they're not real food!)

    Hope everyone has a lovely day full of exercise, tasty foods and smiles :)
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    i try my best with regards to diet but i dont beat myself up if the odd packet of crisps or bar of galaxy sneaks in (we're all human and need naughty things at times ;0))

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    that's the way to be i think!
  • moonlightuk
    moonlightuk Posts: 42 Member
    Good morning everyone..its a lovely sunny day here in Lancashire which made it really easy to get up for my early morning swim. Not sure how I will go when winter hits lol. Hope everyone has a great day :), Susan
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member

    How are we all today?

    Happy Humpday to ya btw :happy: The w/end is just round the corner :drinker:

    @LilMissFoodie - ignore the abuse, what do they know? And besides you blog posting is an expression of your opinion!

    @moon_light10 - don't knock Ms Conley :p it was how I started losing weight. I actually used to attend the classes before I got more involved with St John Ambulance and didn't have the time to get home from the diet & fitness class and shower, before heading back out to the St John Ambulance weekly meeting. Have to say, I don't miss the the exercise classes, aerobics used to bore me silly and there was never enough room to do all the moves properly. I still try and stick to the principles of the diet though and love reading the monthly mag.

    @bubblybabeuk - hope all goes well for your daughter!!

    I really should get my head down and do some work.... :laugh:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I never realised until I moved to the UK how much of my language is 'Australian' rather than English. I have been with my (British) husband for years but every now and then we still come across something that he doesn't understand hahaha.
    As a Scot who has lived (and taught English) abroad I now have a fairly neutral accent ... until I'm with another Scot when the auld Lallans comes out strong & proud :laugh:

    My poor English hubster "claims" he doesn't understand half of what I say to my dad or brother when I'm on the phone and I often come out with guid Scots leid that tottal confuses the poor bloke.

    You can take the lad out of Scotland, but ye cannae tak the Scots oot tha laddie :laugh:
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    Gooooood Morning!

    Once again I am sitting here with my strawberries & yoghurt yum yum!

    I am going cycling today, around Hyde Park on on of the Boris Bikes.
    I decided I should mix up my exercise, so I will cycle 2 days a week, 2 days on the cross trainer, and 1 day playing on the Kinect.
    Weekends are a more relaxing period, and I only log my walking on those 2 days!

    Have a good day everyone <3
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Good morning

    Hope all are well - my 2 new DVDs arrived this morning, a few months ago I would have never got excited about the arrival of workout dvds but now - thats a different story - its my eldest DD bday tomorrow so got lots ot do :( best get a moving - kitchen cleaning is calling ;)

    Have a great day y'all

    Will pop back as I when I can ;)
  • gorgeousgunner
    Good morning all,

    I'm Laura I'm 31 and live in London.

    I'm just back on here again after going really off track again so this is great for me, the motivation and support is really helpful and nice to know there are so many of us in the UK :)
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    My poor English hubster "claims" he doesn't understand half of what I say to my dad or brother when I'm on the phone and I often come out with guid Scots leid that tottal confuses the poor bloke.

    hahaha yes, my first UK job was in Scotland and boy was it difficult to not only understand accents but also to understand what these (seemingly, until I realised what they were talking about) strange foods that they were telling me they were eating.

    My husband had quite a neutral accent (despite his parents having very strong accents - Bristol and Birmingham with a smidge of Devonshire) and I am often told that I don't sound particularly Australian but he often gets asked if he is Australian now!! hehe
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Hellooo! From Essex UK,

    LilMissFoodie I hope you don't mind if I 'friend' you so that I can follow your blog. It made an awefull lot of common sense and I almost posted a 'This is far too much sense for here, you're on the wrong forum' type sarcastic (true brit, eh?) comment, as it really did make a lot of sense.

    Nice to see all of you guys.....:flowerforyou:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    MrsBlobs, of course I don't mind that you friended me - welcome to Team UK! :)
  • Gary170
    Hello Everyone, I'm Gary 39 soon to be 40, married with two daughters 11 and 15. Have been on MFP for quite a while lost 16lbs so far but having a lot of trouble due to back issues. Would be nice to be in touch with more people in the UK.
  • moon_light10
    @ Kendra
    I'm not knocking it, I'm used to following Rosemary, done it for over a yr, (and lost just over 2 stone) just that in her new mag shes not doing cals, its her Hip & Thigh diet, where u choose one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner, and and they are all lower than the 1200 cals that I'm used to.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hi :flowerforyou:

    Another Londoner would love to join.

    I'm currently maintaining whilst working on toning up and still trying to get rid of my belly flab! I'm on week 4 of Insanity, it's bloody hard work but I love it and am determined to get through the whole 60 days!
  • wixy15

    i have been reading these boards for a month or so, mostly the success stories really for motivation. i am wixy from colchester, essex, i started my weight loss campaign on 12/7/11 as i weighed 15stone 5lb. i am only 5ft 6 and so that put my BMI at close to 35, suddenly i felt inspired to become fit and healthy and so joined and gym and started eating more sensibly. i haven't stuck to any plan, diet or calorie intake yet, i have just ate what has felt right at the time and it has been working as i now weigh 13stone 2lb. my original goal was to be 11stone but having lost over 2 stone so far, i still have quite a large belly and so i think i am now aiming for 10stone.

    i look forward to reading all your stories and trying to give, as well as recieve, motivation and support!

    good luck!

  • calamityshell

    I am Michelle, I live in Nottingham but originally from Essex. I started to put on weight when i gave up smoking and have not been able to sort it out. I have been on MFP for 2 weeks and have lost 6lb which i am pleased with. I have a lot to lose so just taking it a stone at a time otherwise I will be overwhelmed.

    This support would be great as i am inherently lazy and like to get straight into my pjamas in the winter when i get in from work.

    So can I join your gang please??
  • Bev_75
    Would love to join Team Uk if possible.

    I'm Bev, 35, mum of 2 from Yorkshire. Hoping to lose 24lb thereabout and tone up alot. I will also send a friend request LMF as I read and commented on your blog regarding the MFP myths, which was a relief as I'd been wondering about all of the points you raised.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    @ Kendra
    I'm not knocking it, I'm used to following Rosemary, done it for over a yr, (and lost just over 2 stone) just that in her new mag shes not doing cals, its her Hip & Thigh diet, where u choose one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner, and and they are all lower than the 1200 cals that I'm used to.

    @moon_light10 I know...I still have the original paperback book my Dad bought me in an effort to help me lose weight! Bless my folks!!
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Are you an exercise in the morning or exercise in the evening type of person? I've been trying to do the 30DS in the morning because I like knowing it's out of the way, and I'm also always in a good mood in work when I've exercised in the morning. I'm interested to hear other people's opinions.