Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Wow! So much friendliness on my profile this morning! Go Team UK!

    Good to hear about everyone's brilliant exercise efforts. I just did level 1 followed by level 2 of the shred - it seemed like a good idea until about half way through level 2 haha. That is going to hurt tomorrow!!
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    On Saturday I provided myself with a lovely new incentive, not only to maintain, but to shift that last stone.... a wedding dress!!

    Yay! So exciting! What is it like?
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    My friend and I are doing the C25K as well and we completed out first 20min jog/run last night, another amazing achievement for both of us.

    Fantastic - well done - I did the C25K with a friend last year and it was great - still havent got past the running for 30 mins tho and that is slowly decreasing all the time - might try doing the last few weeks of C25K and then moving on to C210K - I am finding it harder to get out at night now tho as it is dark just after 7 - and being a scaredy cat cant go out in the dark !!!!

    Well done on the weight loss too - u r doing fab - and u CAN do this ;)
  • florosa
    florosa Posts: 2 Member
    I'm interested, Ihave lost motiveation and to be part of a team might help. I'm 71 nearing 72 and need to lose about 28pounds. I am a widow after caring for my husband with Lewy Body dementia I'd like to think that I could loose weight and feel fitter, my short term goal to be around 12pounds lighter by my birthday in about nine weeks time. Problem is because of physical problems exercise is difficult, certainly walking, just as well my dog isn't allowed long walks either. Any support would be welcome and I can support UK team.
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Wow! So much friendliness on my profile this morning! Go Team UK!

    Good to hear about everyone's brilliant exercise efforts. I just did level 1 followed by level 2 of the shred - it seemed like a good idea until about half way through level 2 haha. That is going to hurt tomorrow!!

    Have u previously done all of the 30 days of the 30ds ??
  • Jen_ht
    Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
    Is it too late for me to join?? I'm Jen, 23, live in London and gone from leading an active life to a desk job so very unhappy with the neglect my body has been receiving from me the past year! I used to play all kinds of sports and was toned as anything, but after an injury left me with surgery that removed the cartilege in my left knee I am now restricted to what I can and can't do - and therefore have gotten lazy! I also am really restricted with money so trying desparately to find a cheap gym, or exercises at home I can do that don't require me buying equipment. What do you need for the 30 day shred??
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    I have only ever lasted a few days on the 30DS and I give up :(
    All of my muscles ache and I can't continue.
    i am going to try it again soon, and I really hope I can get through at least a week this time :'D

    Your muscles stop hurting at around day 4 or 5. After that it's all good until you get to the next level but I only ached for 2days after that. Don't give up, I can actually see a bicep muscle growing now!!

    Have to agree I have muscles where I have never had muscles before !!!

    DD was commenting on my calve muscles the other day and how much they stuck out when I was walking... not sure if that is good or bad - might have problems getting boots to fit this year !!! LOL
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Hi!! Rachel (Meep) from the UK!! Widnes, if anyone has a clue where that is haha. Nice to see you all! :) x
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Is it too late for me to join?? I'm Jen, 23, live in London and gone from leading an active life to a desk job so very unhappy with the neglect my body has been receiving from me the past year! I used to play all kinds of sports and was toned as anything, but after an injury left me with surgery that removed the cartilege in my left knee I am now restricted to what I can and can't do - and therefore have gotten lazy! I also am really restricted with money so trying desparately to find a cheap gym, or exercises at home I can do that don't require me buying equipment. What do you need for the 30 day shred??

    Hi Jen *waves* - for the 30 day shred u just need the DVD (£6 ish on Amazon or Play) and then some handweights... (£5 ish depending on where u shop). To start with I did it with two tins of Heinz beans... !!!!! Jillian has other really good DVDs which u dont need anything with except the DVD of course. There are some good workouts on Youtube - search Tabata ;)
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Hi!! Rachel (Meep) from the UK!! Widnes, if anyone has a clue where that is haha. Nice to see you all! :) x

    Hi *waves* - that will be in the North West of England !!!
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 232 Member
    Right must disappear- jobs are calling :(
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Lesley, congratulations on the dress! Talk about incentive!

    SO, I'm really excited about my lunch today. I had a packet of crisps yesterday (there's a vending machine about 4 feet from where I work) and I was pretty annoyed with myself, so I've done the same lunch today, but with added carbs and protein (sandwich thins and quorn) so I'm hoping that will help my hunger issues. Fingers crossed. I want no more vending machine trips for the rest of the week, that's my goal.

    I've just done Day 4 L2 of 30DS. I'm so crap at the pendulum lunges that I'm just doing squat presses instead. Does anyone else swap out bits of the 30DS?
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    Have u previously done all of the 30 days of the 30ds ??

    No, I haven't. I was about half way through level 2 then I had a week off... and then I did the crazy thing I did today haha
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Morning Team UK - just stumbled across this thread this morning, hope its not too late to join!

    My name is Katia and I'm 33. I'm Canadian but have lived in England since 2001 with a break in Germany from 2007 till now. We move back to Berkshire this November. I am really looking forwards to it! I have 3 children aged between 4 and 8 and now that they are all in full time school, I'm looking to getting myself in shape and losing the saddlebags!

    I am into doing the Jillian Michaels dvd's at the mo, just finishing the 30 Day Shred (last day tomorrow wooohooo!) and starting the Ripped in 30 October challenge next week :)

    Want to wish you all good luck in your journeys and please feel free to add me for mutual support :happy:
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi everyone how are you all today? I've been running my oldest to school this morn then taking my two youngest to a toddler group in a min my three year old is starting nursery from tomorrow so I'm going to have afternoons with just me and my one yr old and you guys have inspired me to buy the 30ds to do while he's there.

    Other than that I seem to be on a plataux at the moment and spend my time going from 145lb-150 and back each day really got to try and get out of it.

    I had the weirdest brecky this morning of porridge with a spoonfull of peanut butter I was really dissapointed it didn't taste that great lol. What have you all had?
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    I had my normal weetabix this morning... BORING but it gets me going. Ha dma major carb craving yesterday so I had toast too...
    I need to get back on with the 30ds, when I had the house to myself, it was ok but now I dont, well I get a little paranoid jumping around like a crazy person!

    Ive been wii'ing instead lately :) x
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    So what is this 30 day shred ? is it hard to do ?

    Have u previously done all of the 30 days of the 30ds ??

    No, I haven't. I was about half way through level 2 then I had a week off... and then I did the crazy thing I did today haha
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Good morning all. Dropped kids off at school, sitting my best mates kids for a few hours. I am starving right bout now. I am doing intermittent fasting at the moment... So at night when I have my last meal I wait about 16 hours for my next meal. I should be having breakfast right now but since I am not at home I am gonna have to wait.

    I have not been on the scale since yesterday... Might have a sneaky peek tomorrow. I weigh in on my spike day Saturday...

    Ok I am a rambler by nature... So I better stop.

    Nice to read you all. We should have a get together for a hike sometime. Butser hill anyone??
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    I had the weirdest brecky this morning of porridge with a spoonfull of peanut butter I was really dissapointed it didn't taste that great lol. What have you all had?

    hahaha love it! I'm not into adding peanut butter to things though but if you put it on the forums here I bet loads of people would swear by it's deliciousness!! I bought English Muffins (do you still call them that in England!?) for the first time in ages the other day so had the last one of those with some baked beans and a cup of tea of course :)
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    So what is this 30 day shred ? is it hard to do ?

    Have u previously done all of the 30 days of the 30ds ??

    No, I haven't. I was about half way through level 2 then I had a week off... and then I did the crazy thing I did today haha

    30 Day Shred is an effective exercise DVD from Jillian Michaels. Its hard going, but good!!