Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • dusk1977
    Hi there, I am Angie. I have always been a big girl but don't want to be any longer. I lost 1 stone on my own over a year, I have lost another stone since joining MFP but am now staying the same :grumble: I need to lose another 6 stone and I am joining Slimming World this evening - I will do it, would love to join team UK please to keep my exercise on track during the winter months :happy:
  • Alisonkirk67
    Alisonkirk67 Posts: 3 Member

    I'm Alison and I am 44 years old from Scotland, i recently got married in June but wish i discovered My Fitness Pal before it. I have only just started using MFP on th 4th Sep 11, I have maybe about a stone to lose, so far i have lost 6lb as far as i know as i only weigh myself every 4 weeks. I just started at Curves gym (on 17 Aug 11) with the Curvesmart card (now advertised on tv) and i am enjoying it and love the fact it is only 30 mins at a time but i really 'go for green' when i do it! I also try jogging for about 30 mins once a week. I do a 5 min jog then 1 min walk, 4 min jog then 1 min walk, 3 min jog then 1 min run, another 3 then a 2, 2,1 and 1 if that makes sense! Can anybody tell me what a 30 day shred is?

    i would like to join your group and make more friends :)
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Yay! I found you!! I had no idea this was here!!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member

    im claire. im 26 and live in plymouth i had a little boy a year ago and got married when he was three months old. i have battled with my weight for ages and have finally decided now is the time to do it. io want to be a healthy weight for my son and want be as healthy as possible for trying to have our next one! that wont be until after xmas though! lol. i dont have any 'goals' like a wedding or a holiday or anything so i need to try and keep focused!

    feel free to add me!!
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Good grief!
    I just saw this thread...Good call, Dotti- I was wondering how to revive Team UK cos I really miss it... Apparently you just post the wish, and the result is 7 pages of UK people in 27 hours!!! Doh

    For those of you who don't know me, I'm Ros, I'm 44, live on the border of Sheffield, Barnsley and the Peak District with my husband, 3 kids (16, 15 and 9), a collie cross called Milly.
    I joined MFP in Jan when I was off sick, did really well then went back to work and it all fell apart. I've spent the last 6 months falling off and getting back on the MFP wagon, but I've really got my act together now. I work part time in mental health, and I've started doing the Beck Diet solution by Judith Beck who is the daughter of the inventor of cognitive therapy, Aaron Beck. It's making all the difference, as it gets you to challenge your thoughts which lead to overeating, and that is exactly my problem. I'm also going to slimming world just to weigh in and accompany my 15 year old daughter (SW do a programme for teens based on making healthy food swaps, with no emphasis on weight loss. My daughter has a learning disability, and loves the applause she gets from the group, so I figure it's worth going for that, as I haven't been able to help her change her habits on my own). I'm mainly tracking calories on MFP, and it's more-or-less ticking the slimming world extra easy boxes too.

    One of my tasks for this week is to decide on an exercise programme. Currently, I walk the dog for an hour on Mon Tues and Fri, and do a ballroom and latin class with my husband on Sunday evening at City Limits in Sheffield. For any Strictly fans, our teacher is Darren and Lilia's sister-in-law, and his identical twin brother may be taking over our class.:love:
    I love dancing, but I also think I need to do some resistance work. I think I'm probably too unfit for the 30 day Shred, plus i don't bend very easily at 15 1/2 stone...might save that for when I've lost a couple of stone! Davina is a possibility, I know I can do that...apart from the jumping jacks!

    Just realised the time. Got to get on with my jobs. Good to see so many UK peeps- old friends and new :happy:

    Ros x
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Yay! I found you!! I had no idea this was here!!

    There used to be a Team UK thread each month (although sometimes it was a bit late haha) but it seems it had died out. So this has only been here as of yesterday :) Loving the response so far!
    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    I'm in the West Midlands (Wednesbury) need to shift my 2 year old saggy baby weight from my Stomach.
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi Team UK - what a fab idea for a thread for motivation! Love it. Would love to join please...

    I live in Fleet (Hampshire/Surrey/Berkshire border), I'm 35, have almost reached my 1stone mark, got another 1-2 to go ideally - but I find it's definitely harder as I'm getting older. Ho hum! Loving the motivation and accountability that MFP gives me, and I'm lucky to have my OH who is also following it too - he's got about half stone to lose.

    So I live with my boyfriend, no children - but hope to one day. Want to be in the best shape to enjoy life and all it has to offer. Always battled on and off, so have fallen into yo-yo dieting which isn't good. I have been successful a number of times, including shredding over 4 stone for my wedding back in 2003 (I put a lot back on we split in 2007). Have been successful on Weight Watchers in the past, but fancied a change this time.

    My current motivation is not only to look good for my partner, and feel good about myself, but to start enjoy shopping again, AND whats more to look good for my dream holiday to Cuba at the end of November. 8 weeks to go - soooo excited!

    I've restarted the exercise, enjoying doing weight/strength training during my lunch hour (lucky enough to have a work gym) and./or a variety of classes at my local gym (Bodypump, spinning etc) - I like to keep it varied to keep me interested. As I get bored easy.

    Love to have more UK friends in the same boat, to share stories/tips/recipes, inspire eachother and generally motivate and cheer eachother on...

  • moon_light10
    Morning every-one (well nearly mid-day)
    hope every ones doing ok, went to get weighed this morning, but the scales weren't working, so going to go back next week.
    think I might do some Ripped in 30 in a mo,

    ETA: Name is Karen
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Yay! I found you!! I had no idea this was here!!

    There used to be a Team UK thread each month (although sometimes it was a bit late haha) but it seems it had died out. So this has only been here as of yesterday :) Loving the response so far!

    I think given the response going back to a monthly thread will be good :happy: if just for variety :tongue:
  • msbandicoot
    msbandicoot Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all can i join
    i'm from the west midlands, i seem to have spent the last 10 years alternating between stopping smoking and losing weight, at the moment i'm not smoking and trying to lose 3 stone, a stone of that was gained this year after stopping smoking again.
    i'm 42 live with my partner, boyfriend , other half ,old man (or whatever i'm calling him at the time ) we have 2 grown up kids and a 18 month old grandaughter.
    i also have a lovely 7yr old gsd girlie who you can see in the pic :)
  • emilyajones
    Hi guys im emily :).
    Im 19 from essex (get a bit panicky about saying exactly where from- it usually entails abuse!). I am addicted to MFP! I got home from my first year at uni, got on the scales and decided 11 stone 4 on a 5 foot 1 girl was too much! So I kicked myself up the backside, cut back on portion sizes and all the bad stuff and went to the gym.
    It was hard at first but I miss it now as Im having a month off between gym memberships due to a late starting uni! Definetly interested in starting zumba classes when I go back and just maintaining this health kick and turning it into a life style!
    Feel free to add me :)
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Hello :flowerforyou:

    I'm Emmy from Cheshire. I'm 41 (and STILL find that number amusing when put in connection with me) and have two teenage sons, three whippet dogs and a cat. And a husband.

    I'm on day 8 of 30 Day Shred and also take the dogs for at least a 3 mile walk every day so that's my exercise! I started C25K before Summer but then my routine disappeared over the hols, combined with the best social life/ travelling I've had in a while so I kinda put that on the back burner, but I WILL finish it one day, not least to get my money's worth out of the cheap running jacket I bought hehe.

    I'm a house elf at the minute (copied that phrase from someone else on here, love it!), looking after my son who has Asperger's. I used to be a Sixth Form English teacher but gave it up when my son was diagnosed and he needed more support. I want to get back to work but am wondering whether to completely change direction and do something with dogs as they are my real passion.

    My goal is 150lbs but if I get it down further I would be stunned. I never had to worry about my weight until I had kids and the poundage piled on. Before that I ate ANYTHING and I never got above a size 10. I guess my metabolism changed and I could no longer eat three donuts for lunch without it showing...this year I finally got around to doing something about it (I was definitely in some kind of weird denial over the figure on the scales.)
  • jesigiro
    Hey i'm up for team uk
    I'm Jessica, i'm 29 and live just outside Glasgow. I'm trying to lose weight as i'm about to hit 30 so wanna look awesome. I've got about a stone to lose, but need all the motivations, tips, recipies you can give me.
  • angw7
    angw7 Posts: 69
    Hi there,

    Great thread & group of people :-) Well done for reviving it.

    I'm Angy, 34 years old from Alton in Hampshire. I'm only 5'2ft and hit 76 kgs a couple of years ago which was a complete disaster and the doctor told me I was obese. I guess the baby weight (I had my son in May 2006. He is 5 and such a lovely biy, very proud mummy), post natal depression and being unhappy with myself didn't help. I was very angry as I had got married in 2005 in a small size 10 dress and my weight was only 55kgs so I had to get back to it... My husband is very supportive and allows me to go out to the gym all the time which makes it easier as I have friends who don't have the support and really struggle.

    I started eating better and doing running which I quickly got addicted to and gradually, I managed to get down to 57kgs last November but my Mum was very ill at the beginning of the year and it all went badly again and I regained the weight. I started being good for 3 months before our holidays in June and felt so good but fell of the wagon again in July so enough is enough, I have to do this once and for all and stick to it.

    Since the begiining of September, I have lost 7lbs, 3 inches of my tum and 3 inches of my thighs by using MFP religiously and doing exercises at least 5 times a week. I am being healthy and feel so much better for it.

    I have won a competition which is a photoshoot in London on Saturday and believe me, I am so determined to lose another 2/3lbs this week so spending my time doing loads in order to keep fit...

    I'd love to join Team UK as all of you are what keeps me going. You inspire me to do well and knowing you are not alone is a great boost for my confidence!

    Feel free to become a friend if you want :-)

  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    I think given the response going back to a monthly thread will be good :happy: if just for variety :tongue:

    Definitely! At this rate, we will need it!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hi My name is Anne, age 50! mother of 3,(22, 20, and 18 , all left home :sad: ) Live near Derby

    I used to go to body pump twice a week , which i loved, pulled a muscle in June and found it hard to get back in the habit since , need Motivation, to get back to the gym.

    Did get my weight down to 149 , but its crept back up to 163! ( i'm 5ft 4in)
  • babbityboo
    babbityboo Posts: 98 Member

    I would like to join too please!! I'm 25 from Manchester.

    Got a long ways to go (100+lb), I've been a memeber of MFP for nearly 3 weeks, lost 10lb quite quickly and nothing since. Which has been quite tough.

    I'm eating around 1400-1500 cals a day, exercising 5-6 times a week and now have a personal trainer, in order to kick my *kitten* into shape, hopefully in time for the end of April when I'll be a bridesmaid. Eep.

    Please feel free to add :) x
  • roebuck1908
    sounds good I'm in
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    ill join the group im sam 25 years old from essex