Team UK - seeking a revival!



  • fitterdancer
    I'm a 19 year old university student from Scotland but going to university in England (about to start second year). I joined MFP a week ago but I like it already. I'd love to get to know some people from the UK :)
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    Hi I'm Tink I am 45 and live in Somerset. I was born in Knutsford and then grew up in Berkshire with my 2 sisters and 3 brothers. I'm sort of in the middle, but was the oldest at home when the older ones left. I got married at 16 (i know i know, it seemed like a really good idea at the time) and divorced at 31, we had a good run, and 3 wonderful children a boy now 27 and 2 girls now 24 and 23 I also have the most wonderful angel of a Granddaughter Tilly, who is the light of my life! She is one! My youngest daughter got married 2 years a go and Tilly belongs to her and Mark her lovely hubby. I have a wonderful Great Dane Blue who is also one, she is the fourth one I have had. She is mad! She has knocked herself out twice running into walls, and hung herself a few months ago, so she is keeping me on my toes. I am a restless sort and trained to be a youth worker, ended up working in specialist adult issues, and now have gne back to uni (again) to finish a degree in health, I also qualified as a fitness and gym trainer and a sports nutritionist. I was a pro bodybuilder in my early 30's and had to stop due to ill health (long story) but I am ok now and sheding the last stone my illness left me with and I am back bodybuilding YAY!!! Very pleased to meet you all! :)

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Mariannewww
    Hi I'm marianne 24 from Leeds. Iv been on here for a few months I tried dukan first and did ok then joined mfp and love calorie counting much better. Started 10st 4 down to 9st 8 and I seem to be hanging around there (and in frustration iv had a few days where I've gone over my calorie goals. Im determined to get back on it with my eating tomorrow don't want the scale to creep up. In doing insanity and really love it (although in a disgusting sweaty mess)

    Loving the team uk I never understand half of the food people eat as they art available here!
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    had a yummy pasta dish for dinner tonight :)

    watching The Great British Bake Off is making me want cake though :/
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    Options it as hubby playing battlefield 3 beta right now...but yep it makes me want whatever their baking, the bread week killed

  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I've been totally addicted to 'Come Dine With Me' lately and it's totally had me craving all kinds of things!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I've been totally addicted to 'Come Dine With Me' lately and it's totally had me craving all kinds of things!

    :noway: of all the cookery reality shows on TV that has got to be one of the worst!! I can't stand it!!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Wowsers, this thread is crazy fast, I can't keep up!!

    I'm Georgette, 33, mum of 3 beautiful kids aged 5, 3 next month and 7 months. I joined after the not-quite-3 year old was born and shifted some weight, then rejoined a month after DD was born and have successfully shed the 2 stone I gained when duffed with her, and another stone on top that has sort of hung around since errrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmm reaching adulthood?? I live in Surrey.

    Oh and I don't watch the great british bake-off or come dine with me!! My guilty pleasure is the x factor. I just can't seem to help myself.
  • stargirl99
    Haha I know what you mean about cookery shows on tv - I was starving after watching celebrity masterchef the other night. Think I am better just giving them a miss altogether!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hi there everyone. I'm Sam, recently had my 40th but still in denial! I am a mum of 2 girls aged 13 and 9, and have just celebrated my 15th wedding anniversary with my gorgeous hubby. Originally from sunny(?) Stoke but I've lived in Leeds now for 22 years. My current weight is 149lbs and I would love to be down to around 126lbs. I've been on MFP for a couple of weeks but haven't lost anything really yet, despite exercising loads more than I ever have in my life.

    Don't know about the rest of you but I am loving my new favourite phrase 'way to go', and when I write it, in my head it's with an American accent.

    Look forward to getting to know you all , Sam
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I lovvvvveeeee come dine with me, the narrator is so funny :D

    I just got weighed and lost 1lb, that will do me, 137lb now.
  • stargirl99
    I lovvvvveeeee come dine with me, the narrator is so funny :D

    I just got weighed and lost 1lb, that will do me, 137lb now.

    Well done!! I'm weighing in on a friday just now so trying to resist hopping on the scales until then!
  • sdscouser2
    HI there... Can I join please.

    Just returned back to MFP after a year of personal hell. Lost my focus on my diet and I am now back to unhealthy size. This place helped the last time I was here so that is why I am back.

  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning Team UK!

    Well done BJshooter, you are doing very well :)

    Sammy, you make me laugh with your American accent written phrases hehehe I never realised until I moved to the UK how much of my language is 'Australian' rather than English. I have been with my (British) husband for years but every now and then we still come across something that he doesn't understand hahaha.

    I'm feeling a bit rubbish this morning because I woke up to much private message abuse regarding my blog :( In any case, I have now made the blog viewable by my friends only which is a shame because a lot of others did message me about how much they enjoyed it but I just do not have the time (or patience!!) to deal with some of these nasty people!!

    Oh also, owwwww my calves!! Really regretting the double shred yesterday... but I reckon I can still get away with doing level 2 today maybe - that first cardio section in level 1 is what gets my calves the most.

    The sun is out in my area of London, hopefully this sunny day shall pick up from here :) Have a fab one guys!

    Dotti x
  • moon_light10
    Morning Peeps. its a very foggy start to the day here, just hope it burns off quickly so we can have some sun.

    Got boring Tesco shop to do today, and gotta be xtra good this week, and not put anything in trolley thats not needed.

    Am starting a new plan with Rosemary Conley today (from her latest mag), so thats going to be fun (not)
  • StacyBee92
    Thanks for putting this link on my thread :) Is nice to see that there are actually quite a lot of people from the UK!!!! Looking forward to all that motivation!!!!
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
  • nikki2609
    hi, i'm Nikki, 36, married with a daughter of 11 who is my absolute reason for getting up on a morning ;0)
    i live in Sunderland and while i dont have much left to lose i am desperate to tone up and see a difference in my body.
    i walk daily and gym 3-4 times a week, recently changed to just doing weights as i get my cardio in the 25 min walk to the gym!
    im a pharmacy dispenser and i try my best with regards to diet but i dont beat myself up if the odd packet of crisps or bar of galaxy sneaks in (we're all human and need naughty things at times ;0))

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • anneyeats
    UK Rwvival sounds good to me!
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Morning everyone from a sunny New Forest, well it is now it was very foggy first thing! Dotti I posted on your wall but don't let them get you down hunny, some people just can't help themselves!

    Well I am off on a road trip today, I need to get to Hull, my daughter is having a medical procedure up there tomorrow and needs her mummy! So the most exercise I will get is walking from my car to the service station!!

    Have a great day everyone enjoy the wall to wall sunshine!!

    Mandy xx