daily gratitude check



  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I am thankful for:

    The ability to run.

    My job (which includes job security).

    My car. (my one luxery...my BMW - the car I've always dreamed of having).

    Warmer weather.

    That the Steelers won!

    That's it for now...
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I have been blessed with so much more than I need or deserve. Most of all, the blessing I am most grateful for is my wife.
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    i love reading all the garteful words!
    i had a tough weekend. i did not write in this thread.:frown:

    i hope CM is feeling better today.

    :heart: today is my mom's bday.:smile:
    :heart: i have an unbusy week ahead.:huh:
    :heart: i dont feel as fat as my scale says i am this morning.:angry:
    :heart: TOM is almost gone.:smile:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    I am grateful for sticking with my calories since Friday!:smile:
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I am grateful for TV's with cable in the workout room in the hotel I'm staying at.
  • FletcherChic
    The day is almost over and I spent 18 hours in bed with food poisoning, and unable to keep anything down. :frown:

    ~So at this particular moment, I am grateful to be vertical.
    ~I am grateful that I ate about an hour ago, and so far so good.
    ~I am grateful that I chose the whole wheat pasta and veggies rather than the, "drive to the fast food - oh woe is me," approach I would have used in the past.

    yikes! how awful! i hope you're feeling better today!!!! congrats on taking the healthy approach to your meals when you were down (i know that's not easy to do!...so much easier to go on auto-pilot and reach for the comfort foods!)...hope today is a better day for you!!!!

    today i am grateful for...
    1. february - i love this month...i love all the love in the air...i love doing all the valentine crafts :heart:
    2. amazing friends who throw the best parties!!!! i took yesterday off and enjoyed a "life day"...what a treat! my taste buds have never been so happy!...back to the program today, but i am grateful that i allowed myself this one indulgence instead of being a the "diet downer" at the party
    3.zumba - today is zumba and i look forward to this class all weekend long - such a great way to start the week off!!!
    4.my egg steamer - most amazing gadget in the world!!!!
    5. some quiet mommy time as the little one sleeps in....ahhh!
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I am grateful for the house keepers at the hotel who will have my room clean and bed made so I can go right to bed after being awake WAY TO LONG.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    cm, I hope you're feeling better. Great job on cooking some real food rather than taking the easy way out and going with fast food.

    Robin, I was wondering where you've been? I hope things are better now.

    I'm grateful for a walk with DH & my dog
    ginger tea because the walk was cold
    overripe bananas because they make such yummy banana bread
  • bobbiet
    I am totally grateful for the love and support of my friends who helped me through week one!!
  • mrhappy
    mrhappy Posts: 145 Member
    :smile: I'm grateful that I woke up this morning and got to try it again (one morning I won't wake up!). I'm grateful that I can still laugh and smile and sleep soundly even though I haven't got a lot. I've got what i need and I've got a great family and beautiful friends. And even though i don't have much I have more than some, and that makes me humble & grateful... :heart:

  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    happy tuesday peeps!

    :heart: for weeks now, the weather outside has been cold but sunny. i've been out walking most every day.
    :heart: i'm glad mr happy posted here yesterday. seeing his smile makes me smile.
    :heart: bobbiet had the love nd support to make it through her first week here. i hope she enjoys MFP.
    :heart: keiko remembered me! :smile: but i'm jealous of her wonderful smelling banana bread.
    :heart: someday, i'll enjoy a zumba class! i hear great things about it.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I am trying to think of something for today. It was a rough night.

    Today, I am thankful...that it did not snow so much that my appointment with my therapist was canceled like it was last week.
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    I :heart: TUESDAY! (Not sure why, I just do)

    1. I'm thankful that my man had to stop at home to pick something up in the middle of his work day and I was able to get a hug and kiss and 'I love you' from him - unexpected and wonderful! :smooched:

    2. I'm thankful it's weigh in day (officially for me) and I'm excited to step on the scale for once! :happy:

    3. I'm thankful I am God's child and He loves me and blesses me with all that I want and need! :bigsmile:

    4. I'm thankful for such an understanding boss who FORCED me to go home an hour early yesterday so I could get some sleep because I wasn't feeling too well - also thankful I feel better today! :flowerforyou:

    5. I'm thankful for the beautiful sunshine and the knowledge that this cold winter won't last forever, and I'll soon enough be in a boat on the lake with my man catching a bigger fish than he does! :laugh:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I like coming on and reading all the things people are grateful for. It helps me to remember that even though times right now might be hard there are things in my life to be grateful for.

    So today I am grateful that I have food in the house and I'm making Chicken Cacciatore with lots of peppers & zucchini in it for dinner. (I like to add extra vegies)

    That I got to be a MOPS mom mentor today. The young moms don't know how much they brighten our days and that even though we are older we still learn from them.

    That my husband loves me and will support me if I decide to go back to school.
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I'm grateful that I can get an 1-hour massage for 250 Philippine pesos (about $5USD) any day at any hour... traveling does have some perks.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I'm grateful that I can get an 1-hour massage for 250 Philippine pesos (about $5USD) any day at any hour... traveling does have some perks.

    I'd say I'm jealous but I know how hard it is to be away from your wife (husband for me) So enjoy the massage.
    I did (I still do) monthly ones while my DH was in Iraq. That is something I can add to my grateful list. He is home and the girl I go to is $30/hr. which is not as cheap as yours but still very reasonable.
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    I'm grateful to know that someone understands and cares about me:smile:
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I'm grateful I will have a double shift on Thursday and take most of Friday off. I can SO use the rest.
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    good mornig grateful friends!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: my weight finally dropped a bit!! :happy:
    :heart: i choose NOT to have a drink to celibrate my lbs loss:drinker:
    :heart: good weather is forcast 4 today so i plan on a long walk this afternoon w/ my daughter and my dog..
    :heart: i'll work out at the spa this morning.
    :heart: i found my old polar!:smile: but it does ot tell me my calorires burned.:cry:
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Happy Hump Day! 3 days til the weekend!

    1. I'm thankful for the phone call I JUST GOT from my mother in law who is taking me to work today so I don't have to be outside in the cold! :bigsmile:

    2. I'm thankful for having a really good sleep last night. :happy:

    3. I'm thankful for all the messages I get every day. :flowerforyou:

    4. I'm thankful for my creativity and visions - I can't wait to begin to transform the spare room into my own personal space! :glasses:

    5. I'm thankful for finally being able to once again see someone beautiful when I look into the mirror. Don't know who I was seeing before, but I obviously had something in my eye to make me see someone ugly & fat. I love myself again! :heart: