October Shredders!!!!!!!!



  • Leola2011
    Leola2011 Posts: 192

    Btw does anyone know of anybody who's lost the 20lbs Jillian claims on the front of the DVD???

    LOL I've wondered the same thing!!

    it certainly doesnt sound a healthy amount for anyone to lose in just 30 days unless it's the person who was 400lbs she sarcasticallly informs us can do the jumping jacks? (so , so can we!)

    The claim reads: Lose UP TO 20 lbs....
    That's a safe disclaimer because the phrase 'up to' includes everyone who lost anything at all. It's like when you read the sales racks "get up to 40% off" could mean 10, 28, or 1% off. It's misleading but accurate.
  • aqua_zumba_fan

    Btw does anyone know of anybody who's lost the 20lbs Jillian claims on the front of the DVD???

    LOL I've wondered the same thing!!

    it certainly doesnt sound a healthy amount for anyone to lose in just 30 days unless it's the person who was 400lbs she sarcasticallly informs us can do the jumping jacks? (so , so can we!)

    The claim reads: Lose UP TO 20 lbs....
    That's a safe disclaimer because the phrase 'up to' includes everyone who lost anything at all. It's like when you read the sales racks "get up to 40% off" could mean 10, 28, or 1% off. It's misleading but accurate.

    Oh yeah am aware of the 'up to' as they always use that, but am wondering if the 20 has ever actually happened or if it was a random number that was plucked out of the air ;)
  • Leola2011
    Leola2011 Posts: 192

    Btw does anyone know of anybody who's lost the 20lbs Jillian claims on the front of the DVD???

    LOL I've wondered the same thing!!

    it certainly doesnt sound a healthy amount for anyone to lose in just 30 days unless it's the person who was 400lbs she sarcasticallly informs us can do the jumping jacks? (so , so can we!)

    The claim reads: Lose UP TO 20 lbs....
    That's a safe disclaimer because the phrase 'up to' includes everyone who lost anything at all. It's like when you read the sales racks "get up to 40% off" could mean 10, 28, or 1% off. It's misleading but accurate.

    Oh yeah am aware of the 'up to' as they always use that, but am wondering if the 20 has ever actually happened or if it was a random number that was plucked out of the air ;)

    Hope not....sounds destructive.
  • KerriMx5
    KerriMx5 Posts: 569 Member
    Day 6 Level 1.....done.
  • modernsoul
    modernsoul Posts: 148 Member
    Just recorded my stats for the week. Not very thrilled with the results but hey it's only been 8 days right.
  • slainnz
    slainnz Posts: 75
    Just done day 9, got it out of the way nice and early, both my boys are ill and i only had 3 hrs sleep so knew i wouldnt have the energy later.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    The google docs won't let me in today. Keeps saying trying to reach google.com.

    Also I did the first circuit yesterday and I am going to count it! I got called to a birth at 1:30 am yesterday morning, got home at 10:45 pm only to be called to another birth at 11pm. So I think the fact that I spent HALF of the time I was awake and home yesterday exercising totally counts as a full workout. And October has 31 days so I will still have time to do 30 full levels. IF the babies co-operate....
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    I just now finished day 4. I know I'm behind a few days, I took a few days off at the beginning (I know... why?) but it's just life.

    My calfs are so sore!

    I'm on the same day as you so we can be slackers together! LOL

    I had never excercised like this before starting this challenge so am not gonna beat myself up about it too much. I am getting fitter and stronger day by day and thats what matters to me the most. Losing weight /inches will be great , but its just the bonus to me for persisting with all the huffing and puffing! :))

    When I did my 30DS last night , hubbs told me he was very impressed & proud of me for managing to do it... he declined to do it himself in case he did himself an injury!! LOL

    Thanks. I completed day 5 today thank goodness.... Yeah, my hubs is great like that too (sitting from the sidelines) however mine likes to motivate me by talking smack sometimes... lol... on the first day to do it, he stared at me while I did my push-ups (I did 10 normal ones on my toes and then switched to my knees) and then he says to me, "you call that a push-up..." I said... "so, you just gonna sit there on your @$$ and talk smack or are you gonna "show" me how it's done... lol...
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    checked my weight for the week & have lost 1.6lbs woohooo! -not amazing per se BUT it does mean i've hit my first mini-goal (finally :embarassed: ) & that I have officially lost 5% of my starting weight -great incentive:happy:

    only prob is i can't find where I left ( or where the kittens have hidden) the tape measure to check my inches... off to the shops methinks.

    keep at it girls you're a great support! x
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    Day 10 done early - woohoo end of level 1! Might not be so happy come Tuesday night when I'm attempting level 2 ;)
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    I was feeling very discouraged last night, but I cracked on anyway and did the shred but without my usual 30 minute cardio warm up and my knees didn't hurt after so they must have toughened up a bit.

    I've finally lost the pound I gained since starting the shred, I hope anyway, it's my proper weigh in tomorrow so we'll see what tomorrows weight says.

    Slightly scared of level two on tuesday, but I'll be glad when I don't have 5 sets of jumping jacks any more :bigsmile:
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    I'm really happy the weight is coming off and so are the inches too, sometimes I stuggle with the accruacy of the tape measure. Missed Shred yesterday and Friday everyone in the house is ill, even me. Not a very happy house at the moment.
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    I have to confess!! Skipped yesterday shred due to feeling so hungover! And binged yesterday to keep my hangover happy! Didn't even record in my diary...dred to think how many calories I consumed!! My 2 day binge has made me put 3lbs on!!!!!!!! Grrrrr! Will be doing day 7 shortly and will be resetting my goals to loose again instead of maintain so I can shift these 3 horrid lbs once more! Still was worth it for a date with my hubby though :-)

    Keep up all the hard work everyone you are all doing so well
  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 487 Member
    Day 9 done... 1lb lost but about 5inches lost in total so not to bad.

    I am really hungry today.... thank goodness I have no treats in the house!

    Hope everyone else is doing ok...
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    finished L2D4...its getting a little easier.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I disappeared from the spreadsheet :(
  • wendiekins
    D6?L1 done.... but I REALLY didnt want to do it today cos I ached , but got an amazing motivational kick after I weighed myself and discovered I'd hit my first goal!... after losing 2.5 lbs this week, I am now official only 'overweight' and no longer 'obese' on my BMI :D
  • modernsoul
    modernsoul Posts: 148 Member
    Day 9 is done. I moved on to level 2 because I was just so bored of level 1. It was hard, but I was able to finish it with only stopping to catch my breath once. Hang in there everybody.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Started level two today. Oh my dog, it kicked my butt. I can't believe how sweaty I got, I felt sick, everything lol. That planky jumpy thing is not my friend. I'm glad though because I was getting pretty bored with level one. I had to take multiple breathers but mostly made it up. Also as much as I hate them I'm glad there's more planks stuff to work my abs as that's definitely my trouble zone.

    Noticed the other day I have that cap on my shoulders, and there's that nice curve where my delts meet my triceps.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Ladies, I am so sorry for being gone from here. I really, really, really feel bad. I did work out tonight but still have 2 workouts to make up. I am so proud, and impressed of all of you.