October Shredders!!!!!!!!



  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    Well done Meghan on your inches lost, that does sound about right! I lost 4.5 inches overall and I missed a few days! So 7 inches is entirely possible! Plus you've not been well!

    I managed day 8 today....with 14 push ups!!!! And 40secs on my planks which I did 3 times :-D feeling very chuffed but my back is hurting me now! Hope it eases by tomorrow!

    Keep up all the hard work everyone!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    I forgot to tell ya'll my updated stats.
    Lost 2.4 lbs.
    Starting Now Down
    Waist: 43 41 -2 inches
    Hips: 51 47.5 -3.5 inches (not sure I measured right)
    Bust: 47 45.5 -1.5 inches (does this seem like too much?)
    Thighs: 26.5 26.5 0
    Arms: 13.5 13.5 0

    Should I have lost 7 inches in the first week?

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! amazing work... I slacked on the measurements :( I will do them tomorrow with level 2 and just keep up till the the end :)
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    Gonna finish up day 10 tonight. Might preview Level 2 so I have an idea of what I'm getting into for tomorrow.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Okay, what happened to the other 20 some odd pages???????????
  • apertuis
    apertuis Posts: 117 Member
    Okay, what happened to the other 20 some odd pages???????????

    If you look under your topics it's still there, but you can't post on it. I guess we had too many posts ;-)

    I did Day 7&8 yesterday and need to do Day 9&10 tonight. If I don't get both in I'm not going to worry about it. I skipped Friday & Saturday, but I got in alot of lifting & walking on Saturday. I was horribly with my food this whole weekend though. I'm trying to get back at it today.
  • KerriMx5
    KerriMx5 Posts: 569 Member
    Good job on your loss.

    I have skipped a few days here and there. Although I have worked out those days so at least I wasn't sitting on my tail. Although my walks are not nearly as good at burning cals as the 30 ds. I am working on it.
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    I just did two rounds of level 1 trying to catch up and I still one day behind :( Sunday Fundays really get me.. so I did day 8 and day 9 today. I will try to do day 10 tonight so I can start level 2 with everyone tomorrow :):)

    ps I'm glad to see I'm not the only missing out a day here and there.. it truly is challenge to do this shred 30 days in a row... so congrats to those who have done it so far.. you ROCK!

    Completely agree !!! ROCKSTARS !! I am just part of their Entourage..... :tongue:

    NSV! you made me laugh and I felt it in my 'ABS' more like my huge jelly belly :)
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    D5L2 done...I actually did some of Natalies moves today. :)
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Just wanted to say good luck to all you brave people who are starting level 2 tomorrow!!

    I may be joining you depending on how my neck feels; if it feels OK in the morning, I'll have a go at doing the level 1 I missed today and if I survive that, I'll join you on level 2! It does feel alot better than earlier, but it's not great, I can't move my head to well though I'm hoping a good nights sleep will sort it out. Any problems in the morning though and I'll be giving it a miss again :( I just don't get how I've been exercising loads and haven't got any injuries, then I stretch in bed and pull a muscle in my neck and I'm in agony for the rest of the day!! :huh:

    Oh well! good luck with level 2 guys!!
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    caught up & did D9 &10 today & progressed from cans to weights -would never have believed doing it twice in one day was survivable 10days ago.

    well done ladies you're all doing so great!

    Kind of excited about tomorrow but also oh so scared!!:laugh:
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    Just wanted to say good luck to all you brave people who are starting level 2 tomorrow!!

    I may be joining you depending on how my neck feels; if it feels OK in the morning, I'll have a go at doing the level 1 I missed today and if I survive that, I'll join you on level 2! It does feel alot better than earlier, but it's not great, I can't move my head to well though I'm hoping a good nights sleep will sort it out. Any problems in the morning though and I'll be giving it a miss again :( I just don't get how I've been exercising loads and haven't got any injuries, then I stretch in bed and pull a muscle in my neck and I'm in agony for the rest of the day!! :huh:

    Oh well! good luck with level 2 guys!!

    poor you! i managed to pull my shoulder carrying my handbag at the end of last week & was soo annoyed & felt soo silly having survived the evil push-ups!

    hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    ohhhhhhhh here is the group haha :)

    Day 8 for me today!!!!!!!! I always say I might double up to catch up. But I don't think that is realistic. Maybe tomorrow ;)

    great job everyone! Alot of you have lost lots of inches already!!!!!!!!!!
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member

    How's you all doing today?

    I'm doing pretty peachy. I did Level 1 Day 10 today and I went and did it again because well I felt rather salty. Taco Bell definitely not the best choice but I had a craving for a chalupa. Only had half so that's not to bad but I figured it'd make feel better to get in more than once today. Kind of glad I did actually! I'm a nut yeah..:huh:

    Now onto Level 2 tomorrow.:noway:

    You all are awesomely beautfiul womens and are doing great! :flowerforyou:

    Check in later with ya all!


  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    Best of luck everyone starting L2 tomorrow! I'll see you there in a couple of days time! Managed L1D8 today and my back feels a bit sore, but hopefully it's just achy rather than injured! I really put everything into today, I just hope it wasn't too much!

    I look forward to hearing all about L2, kind of but not really! I'm very scared about L2!!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Dunwanna. Somebody kick me in the calves, where it hurts!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    October Shredders you ladies rock!! This weight loss thing is a b**tch!! Last week was my 30th the big 3-0...it fell in the middle of the week so not only did i take that day "off" i of course had to celebrate on the weekend!!! i had the best bday ever and then came monday lol...scared of the scale...uggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh..but that was this morning...after my pity party all day i vowed to finish the month out strong! i am or was 2 days behind on the shred, but i vow to get back on track....all i can say is "owwwwwwwwww"!! my plan was/is to do day 8 level 1 and day 1 level 2, then day 9 level 1, then day 10 level 1 and day 2 level 2.....sounds complicated lol...well i just did the 1st part of catching up and wow is all i can say... i started off with day 1 level 2 since that is where we should be in the a.m....its such a change!!! the 1st set is doable, but then the planks!! they are killer!! and the last strength set is torture!! level 2 is definitely a challenge!! then i followed up with day 8 of level 1...all i can say is i am jello...but i am determined to get back on track! as i want to follow through with my goal!! thanks for the push ladies and its awesome to know that im not the only human that misses a day or 2! we got this!! here is tommorow, and to the start of level 2 for most of us....prepare for a challenge :smooched:
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Hi! I'm still here! WAY far behind, however. I was not home all weekend (fri-sun) and today was clean-up because apparently I had left the house a mess when I left :/

    Tomorrow, I'm aiming to do two rounds of level 1 putting me at day 6/level1. I would do one tonight but Ive learned in the past that if I workout past 7pm, I'm up until 2am! Which means I'm exhausted all day and nothing gets done. Keeping myself on the safe side and waiting until tomorrow :)
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    I think my post disappeared from yesterday; I checked the first 20 pages, but oh well....
    Did Level 1 day 8 today ( I decided to count the two I did in one day although I wasn't originally going to).

    Has anyone figured out what they are going to be for Halloween?
    I am thinking of being Katy Perry... the one where she came onto SNL and had the too tight Elmo shirt on and the catholic girl skirt.... I may not be able to pull it off... but I 'might' :wink:

    I have some 'la boobies' so why not? lol
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Oh, yeah ... what I was gonna say was that I am getting so annoyed by Jillian talking during the workout... and when it zooms in on her, you can tell she needs to shave her underarms... kinda weird considering she must've known she was filming a workout dvd... but ANYWAYS... just really could care less for her... lol...
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Hello lovely OS ladies !
    It is taking me a little while to type this out, as my arms are back to being Jell-o.... Tonight I redid my push up challenge, since I figured out how to use the stop watch on my phone, did the plank challenge, TRIED the squat challenge but didnt get too far - only 24 before I died. This is just my soul typing. The only challenge I have been able to ace so far has been the WATER !!! YEAY !!

    Ok, well - just wanted y'all to know to look out for tomorrow's mini-challenge, since it is MY DAY !!! MWAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA evil laugh time....

    I will post is on a sep post. Hopefully eveyone is friends with me, and you can see it soon. I will be posting it today as I know last week I sent it out last minute.

    xoxoxo to all !
    D =)