30 Day Shred for October



  • ricanstace
    Day 10, level 2 is done!!! Bring on level 3! I still am a little nervous about level 3, but hey I already finished the first 2!! Good luck to the rest of the shredders!!!
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    You guys rock!
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    So today I finished Level 2!!! Finally, damn I felt like that took for-EVER; I was getting so tired of that freakin level, ugh. On to Level 3 tomorrow, eek I'm nervous but anxious to move on. I still can't believe I'm really doing this, I've never excercised this many days in a row straight in my LIFE. Proud of myself and also all of you doing it too, it's incredible how much we can push ourselves when we try!
  • Iwillshyne
    Morning! Checking in again; Today is day 5 of level 2 and It's been a tough week but I'm hanging in there.
    Getting a workout in this weekend is going to be challenge; i'm gonna be super busy . But Imma give it my best shot!! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    I have to confess. I have slipped up on doing the 30DS. It's been a week, I think, since I've done it. I haven't even gotten to level 2 yet. :/
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Okay team!! Lets do this!! We are on the home stretch. I personally have never done level 3. I will try to do it tonight since I've been sick I'm not sure that I'll be able to. But I will see how I do. If I'm not able to then I will stick with level 2 for a few more days to make up for my sick days. Keep up the good work everyone!!!! Don't get discouraged. :smooched:
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Day 6 Level2 done! I was actually able to get through the military press with the leg raises without toppling over :happy:! My stamina on the cardio part has really improved. Those V raises are still killers whew! I'l be traveling on business most of next week, so I may may try to double up on one day this weekend. I'll have my lap top so I'll bring the video. I have some exercise bands, I'll bring those and use them instead of the weights. We'll see how trhat works:tongue:.

    An observation . . .is Jillian really short? Either that or Natalie is an Amazon.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Day 6 Level2 done! I was actually able to get through the military press with the leg raises without toppling over :happy:! My stamina on the cardio part has really improved. Those V raises are still killers whew! I'l be traveling on business most of next week, so I may may try to double up on one day this weekend. I'll have my lap top so I'll bring the video. I have some exercise bands, I'll bring those and use them instead of the weights. We'll see how trhat works:tongue:.

    An observation . . .is Jillian really short? Either that or Natalie is an Amazon.

    Jillian is short. She's 5'2.
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    Just finished my first day of Level 3!! I agree with what most people have said on the forums here- it wasn't as hard as level 2 and it went by soooo fast!!! I was stoked!! Didn't sweat as much but still worked hard. Took pics and my measurements and lost 2.5" after Level 2...not as much as I'd hoped but so far I have lost 7" inches total on the Shred thus far. Can't wait to finish this sh*z!!! LOL
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I have to confess. I have slipped up on doing the 30DS. It's been a week, I think, since I've done it. I haven't even gotten to level 2 yet. :/

    Stay with us girlfriend. I've quoted your signature to others because it's so beautiful and true and inspires me. "no butterfly without change, no change without struggle, no beauty without both". So whatcha gonna do? I promise you that if you pick it back up I'll work with you till you get to 30. Even if it takes 40 :):happy: We're going to get thru this together:drinker:
  • carolinagirl919
    carolinagirl919 Posts: 54 Member
    I will admit that I have not made it to level 3 yet because I've taken 3 days off (not in a row). I didn't do it yesterday. I have two more days on Level 2 so I'm going to attempt to have do the last two workouts today and tomorrow. I'm starting to dread this workout, but I know that I have you guys here to hold me accountable. Here are my stats:

    Weight: 167.0 (-1.5)
    Waist: 34" (no change)
    Hips: 42.5" (-0.5)
    R Thigh: 24.5" (-1)
    L Thigh: 25" (-0.5)
    R Arm: 13" (-0.25)
    L Arm: 13.5" (+0.25)

    Since start lost 1.5 pounds and 2 inches. At least it's progress...
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Day 7 on level 2 done. I even threw in one circuit of level 1. To my surprise I can now do 10 regular push ups before I have to modify. Now that improvement! I did not take my measurements at the beginning but I ma holding steady at a 4 lb weight loss since we started and I can zip up a pair of pants that I couldn't on Oct 1 :happy:
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    I will not quit! I may not finish with you all but I will finish. :) Nothing like having someone use your own words against ya. ;) lol.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I will not quit! I may not finish with you all but I will finish. :) Nothing like having someone use your own words against ya. ;) lol.

    Whoo hoo!:laugh:
  • Chelsea_Marinos
    Chelsea_Marinos Posts: 62 Member
    I have missed three days also because of moving and sickness so I am a tiny bit behind but tomorrow is day 10 level 2 and I still get really sweaty but I'm not "gargling my heart" after the cardio and I LOVE the oblique twist its my favorite part. Excited to start level three for something different but I actually like level two except for the dreaded last strength cercuit man I HATE the chair squat with the v raise. makes me yell at my tv
  • healthyzebra
    Hey guys! I know I haven't checked in for a very long while...things have been kind of crazy here on my part!

    I've taken 3 or 4 rest days from the shred, and I just finish Day 10 of Level 2 tonight. Tomorrow will be Day 1 of Level 3, and I can't wait!

    My weight has been jumping around like crazy and I've been bloating, so my waist measurement is never accurate. I'm using a homemade DIY tape measure, so I'm not even sure if THAT'S accurate. I've noticed that since starting the shred that my legs are so much more muscular - or, at the very least, 'toned' - and I'm getting some definition in my arms. Woohoo! I'm also now able to do some pretty amazing push ups with great form. Not really more than 10, but still, that's better than the crappy modified push ups I was doing almost a month ago. (:
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Hey there all... I did L3D2 yesterday and I'm not sure I'm going to continue. I think the workouts are starting to cause my joint issues to flare. So, we'll see. I did think that level 3 was easier in many ways than level 2. I really want to see this through though and since there isn't that much time left, I might try to stick it out, if my knees, shoulder and hip don't kill me!! I really want to take measurements on the 5th and see where I've gotten. I measured last Thursday and had some tiny changes. I guess that's because I'm in my last 13lbs. to lose... Hmm...

    Happy shredding everyone!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Doing L3D2 tonight!! It is intense isn't it? I dont' do the butt kicks with weights or the jumping jacks. I just do the arm motion for the jumping jacks with the weights. The stomach stuff WHEW!! Good Luck everyone!!! Any new measurements and/or weights???
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Hey there all... I did L3D2 yesterday and I'm not sure I'm going to continue. I think the workouts are starting to cause my joint issues to flare. So, we'll see. I did think that level 3 was easier in many ways than level 2. I really want to see this through though and since there isn't that much time left, I might try to stick it out, if my knees, shoulder and hip don't kill me!! I really want to take measurements on the 5th and see where I've gotten. I measured last Thursday and had some tiny changes. I guess that's because I'm in my last 13lbs. to lose... Hmm...

    Happy shredding everyone!

    Hey, Amber! That is why I only got thru half way level 2 on my first try. My knees and back really got aggravated. I tried to go straight through with no rest. This time I am taking rest days and i seem to be ok.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    So with that being said, I completed level 2 day 8 this morning and feel great!.