Leslie Sansone-Walk at Home- October Challenge

September challege was awesome! I am sure all had a blast and are anxious to start the October challenge. I can not take credit for starting this challenge. I just enjoyed it so much last month and I wanted to continue into this month.

So, the challenge is to use Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Dvds to exercise. However, if you enjoy walking the old fashion way you can still join the challenge. There is no group track or anything complicated to do. Just log your exercise daily. Some have also used the daily challenges provided on Leslie's website in completing this challenge. It is completely up to you.

I will start!

My goal for this month is to walk 60 miles.


  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    I didnt do so well last month but will fully commit this month, my goal is to walk no less than 30 miles with the DVD.
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    I have one of her dvd's and I'd like to joing this challenege. I'd like to try and walk a mile a day. So 30 miles for the month of October! Please feel free to add me. I'll need the encouragement and reminders to walk my mile!! =)
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    I will add you melloxyellow!
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Let's do this neenja!
  • This challenge is perfect for me since I have used Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVDs in the past and loved them. Please count me in. My goal is to walk a minimum of 60 miles for the month of October.

    funkediva, I would like to make one of the exercise tickers and noted that yours is from TickerFactory.com. Can you tell me how I get it to my signature on MyFitnessPal after I have made it? Thanks :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I'm in too! I try to walk with Leslie every night! I challenge myself to at minimum of 60 miles in October.

    Good luck to everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Testing a ticker....thanks for your patience :flowerforyou:
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Hi, I wasn't in the September walk challenge but would love to join you all. I have Leslie put away but will dust her off and join you all if you will have me! I will do 60 miles for the month. Have a great weekend.
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    I'm going to try 50 miles with her videos.
  • Tralee1111
    Tralee1111 Posts: 2,039 Member
    I'm in! I will be out of town for part of the month, but plan on bringing my dvds with me to get workouts in.

    May up my mileage this month since I won't be doing as many Zumba sessions due to bring out of town.

    Bring.It.On! :drinker:
  • Loripatrucco
    Loripatrucco Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in for 50, love her videos but also walk outdoors and use a treadmill. Good luck to all.
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
  • I'm in for 30 miles!!
    I love Leslie's DVDs!
  • Loripatrucco
    Loripatrucco Posts: 4 Member
    3 miles today, 47 to go!
  • Tralee1111
    Tralee1111 Posts: 2,039 Member
    Did the 4 mile express this morning. Would've like to have done 5, but knew I didn't have time before I needed to head out of the house for my WW meeting.

    Plan to get out in the cooler weather and get some more activity in. It's finally cooling down here in Florida!

    Let's get walking! :wink:
  • ladytn
    ladytn Posts: 20
    I'm in!! I have a few Leslie sansone walking dvd's. However, I also walk at the park, on the treadmill, and get in miles on the elliptical. My goal is to at least do 70 miles this month. I have already done 3.5 miles today.
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    I'm in again too! My September goal was 50 miles....and I did 100!

    For the record, I started my diet w/exercise on September 1. The only exercise I do is WATP. In 1 month, sticking to 1200 calories a day and doing the 100 WATP miles I accomplished in September....I lost 14 pounds in Sept. Woo Hoo! My plan for October is to stick to the 1200 calories a day and to do 100 WATP miles. Here's hoping for another good month!

    Good luck, everyone. :happy:
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    I have done 2 miles so far.
    1 mile from the 5 Fat Burning Mile
    1 mile from outside walk
    I will make an effort to complete the remaining 4 miles today.

  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    i'm up for this too, i'll attempt 4 mile lesie 3 days a week and add my normal walking ontop which going off last month should get me in the region of atleast 150!
  • hi im new but i would love to join this challege 60 miles in the month of october would b my goal :)