

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Wow - am I glad it's Thursday! It's been one of those weeks again. DH not well - bless him, but he does make a racket in the night when he's ill. I wanted to sleep in a spare bedroom, but he hates that, so I basically stayed in our bed and didn't sleep. The good news (apart from DH feeling better) is that we are off for a weekend in a spa hotel starting tomorrow morning. I think it's just what we both need.

    Anyway, my lovely friends - have a good weekend.

    Amanda x
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    I've started using splenda instead of sugar in cooking Or sometimes half splenda half sugar. Made apple butter with splenda turned out great.

    Kathy - I wouldn't be concerned about your sugar from the apple. It's the refined sugars that I would be concerned about. Not the sugars from fruits.


    Thank you!

    Now another questions. My family loves apple crisp do I have to us refined sugar for this??????
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Been to busy to sit and post.Just getting A breather before I start working outside again.
    I'm happy to say my second week under 170. Didn't lose this week stayed the same 169. But thats ok. My 2 sons took me out to dinner for chinese. Not a good thing ate way to much. Worked some of it off stacking wood today. Have to still get the rest of the apples off the tree before the elk and deer get them all.

    Hello newcomers.
    And to everyone that is still sticking with it

  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Rita, I make a butternut squash gnocchi that I just LOVE when it is cool out. Make the gnocchis with the squash, potato (hence gnocchi), and flour. You have to boil them first, then bake them with a drizzle of olive oil and some fresh sage. Sooooo good. I’ll be having that Saturday night in fact and can’t wait. And HELLOOOO Rita’s skin – get tight already!!

    Plantlady, I don’t even look at sugars anymore and have chosen other nutrients to follow. When I saw I was going over even on the days when I had all whole foods I figured enough is enough. I’m not diabetic or pre-diabetic and I’m making healthy choices.

    Sally, I’m close to menopause and have had a dry spell up to 4 months. Sometimes I’ll also have symptoms but no actual TOM. But still get the back aches, the restless legs, and the water retention. Quite annoying.

    Lisa, starting a running program is just plain old hard. Keep it up, you won’t regret it. Sorry about the poopy day yesterday and have fun at the restaurant. For “once in a while” things like that I truly don’t worry about seeing red as long as I get back to it the next day.

    Sissy have a FANTASTIC trip.

    Kackie, post a pic of you in the dress and then we can all decide.

    Robin, there’s not much worse than hating your job. Maybe you can transfer back to the engineers?

    Amanda, your weekend sounds like it will be lovely. Spa day!

    Joyce, yay for staying below 170 for 2 weeks, especially after Chinese.

    Our 3rd Friday part is tomorrow so this afternoon will be a cleaning day. It’s nice to have a couple of days to prep and it’s nice to have something that makes me clean at least once a month, lol. Having a nice week and the weather is finally getting a little cooler. So tired of sweating when I move. Had a good workout on the elliptical trainer but told hubby no walk this afternoon, my legs are tired.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I hope all is going well today.
    I had a nice workout at the gym this morning. I love going at a time when it is not crowded. I went it tired, wondering how I was going to get through it and I left feeling energized. (That's new for me!).
    My husband has been sick for a couple of days....not sure if its the flu or a morphing sinus infection. He is going to the doctor tomorrow so that will be good. For him to agree to going to the doctor's, he must really feel awful!

    Have a good night
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hello !
    Sally,hope you and hubby feel better soon.He must be sick,if he`s going to the dr.
    Amanda enjoy your spa week-end
    Joyce-good job on your wt.
    Have a good night.
    Off to parent teacher conferences.
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member

    MY SCALE MOVED!!! I'm down 1lb. I'm hoping it's the start of something little...me! :drinker:

    I've asked Patrick to get me an early bd present. I want to try kettel bell workouts. From what I've read, it's a good workout...better than using dumbells. Has anyone given them a try?

    Kackie...Patrick is 19. I agree, boys are wonderful...I have 2...Patrick and Tim (27). I always wanted boys..I remember what I was like as a teenager and wanted to avoid all that trauma! Plus I have 3 brothers...I was just as comfy playing with matchbox as I was dolls. I hope you get to visit John soon. Can you talk to him on skype till you get there? I've never used it but some people really enjoy being able to chat long distance with it.

    Geri...I love spaghetti squash...but I've never used anything but tomato sauce. The cauliflower alfredo sounds awesome. I have to try that one.

    Robin...Starting a new job is tough...so many things to get used to including new co-workers. I had a job that I was totally unhappy with. My mood would slip every Sunday nite knowing I had to go back to work in the am. And I take Protonix for the bad stomach I developed. Hopefully things will look up for you soon and you get to where you can feel good about work again.

    Cynthia....I will definitely be trying squash gnocchi. I think I'll work them in this weekend too. Maybe the kettlebell will help get rid of some of the wrinkly, saggy skin too!

    Patrick is in a baking mood tonite....french toast cupcakes. I'm always his assistant so I'm being called to the kitchen. He's planning on taking most of them to his girlfriends. YYEEAAA....GET THAT TEMPTING STUFF OUTTA MY HOUSE!!

    Everyone have a good Friday!

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    We are having a miserable, rainy night here tonight.

    Lisa - Hope you are feeling more upbeat :smile:

    Rita - My carpel tunnel recovery time was about a month but I only took 2 weeks off work and wore the bandage on my right hand for the month. The scar is about an inch long and is right in one of the lines on the palm of my hand, you would not even know it was there. I have had great success with my surgery :happy:

    Barbie - Thanks for the comments about not thinking about the sugar in the foods, that makes sense :bigsmile:

    Michele - I am like you, I enter my food at one time. I usually enter my food when I get home from work, but I have to enter it in each category :ohwell:

    Kackie - So glad that your new dress fit you :drinker:

    Robin - Sorry that after all you went through, your new job is not working out, that is miserable. I hope you can work something out to your satisfaction :smile:

    Mary - I hope you enjoy your time with your grandson. I love time with the grandkids :love:

    Amanda - Enjoy your spa day :flowerforyou:

    I have read some of the posts about you having some difficulties with having your sons talking to you. It gets hard and then even harder when they marry; my oldest and youngest are both married, my middle son is not married but is sort of distant due to some things that have happened to him (story for another night). I get along very well with my sons as I was a single mother for quite a few years when my first marriage to their father ended when they were very little boys ( 5, 4 and 6 mths). We developed close relationships and we remain close but I found once they married, things changed; they still call me all the time and so on, but I realized that I was no longer needed, if that is the right word, as they now had their wife. I was okay with that. It took a minute, but I am okay with that. I am just at a different role in their lives now. It sounds like that is where some of you are getting to as well.

    By the way, that reminds me, I have a favour to ask of you all, my youngest, Michael, is away on a deployment again until Christmas and I would like to ask those of you who do, if you would say a pray for his, and all other service men/women safe return home.

    Let me go for now. Good night my Friends,

    Love, Cathy xx
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, ALL!

    I had a very light eating day today and a long, fast walk/run, to make up for my wine/dinner last night. Feel great! We had cooler air today and it is so much easier and fun to do anything outside when it is like this. :bigsmile:

    Cynthia: If I can get myself to put on the dress, makeup, AND take a photo, I might do that. But I think you are all too nice to tell me if it DOESN:T look good!

    Rita: I do Skype with our granddaughter sometimes. And I could do that with our John, but I feel like I need to put my hands on him too! We had a chat today so I feel a bit better...I just worry when I don't talk to him when I know he is a bit down. Thank goodness for his sweet fiance! CONGRATS on your 1 pound down:flowerforyou:

    Cathy: My thoughts and prayers are with your youngest, Michael, and you...during his deployment. I agree with you that once they are married, things change a bit. I was thrilled to turn my oldest over to his wife, but I did find it an adjustment too. I, also, am ok with that now and glad that he has her to turn to.

    Robin: Thinking of you. I hope you can work something out to get into a more comfortable work environment.

    Amanda: How fun for you and DH...ENJOY:drinker:

    Sally: Isn't that the best when exercise energizes you? I find that to be the case most of the time, but it is difficult some days to realize that.

    Mary: What a fun day with your grandson! What a fun Grandma you are!

    Everyone have a nice evening and I am so grateful that you are all here:love: Kackie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :noway: omg, I did not make it to flow-yoga today. My day was blown out of the water and I am still low energy after being sick and passed up on the opportunity. Mistake of course, but that is water under the bridge.

    :bigsmile: Finally had my blood work done and waiting for thyroid results, which will show just fine and I can just renew my prescription. At least that is my prediction :bigsmile:

    Fell off the nutrition wagon today. Had a big breakfast at A&W, and things went downhill from there. :ohwell: :ohwell:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: tomorrow is a new day:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: rebel
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    As a mum to 2 boys (18 and 20) who are growing up too fast I am loving the ongoing comments .... I too have loved having only boys but now as they are starting to fly the coop I can see the difference if I had a girl..... I was also happy to have only 2 kids until Lachlan (oldest) went overseas nearly 2 years ago and I really wished I'd have had another one.... not quite ready to be an empty nester yet!! He's back now and has brought a girlfriend with him.... which has its own set of issues (won't go into that now except briefly she is lovely but has lots of personal/eating issues.... she is icelandic too which is very exotic for us aussies). We too used skype when he was away.... no not the same as a hug but next best thing when on the other side of the world.

    Cathy - thanks for kind words.... yes feeling much brighter today.... these moods always pass and the weather is very summery today so very hard not to feel good when the sky is blue, the birds are singing and the sun is shining (sorry for all those going into winter now). Cathy you must have had a very hard time when your children were so young and you were on your own. My thoughts are with you while your baby is away .... god speed for his safe homecoming for christmas.:flowerforyou:

    Rita - congratualtions on your loss!!!

    Amanda - have a wonderful weekend away... what a treat!

    Sally - your husband must very crook indeed to go to the doctor... mine just likes to mope around the house with huge sighs for sympathy .... he always seems much sicker than me (haha) .... but its a rare day to venture near a doctors office ..."I'll be fine" is his most oft reply.

    Have a good night everyone.... tomorrow is another day!:bigsmile:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :frown: Been missing a few days, just haven't had time to drop in and chat. My colleague Jane was taken poorly at work on Monday and had the next few days off, so I've been super busy and on Wednesday I fell asleep soon after tea :embarassed: :embarassed: and only woke up to go to bed!

    :smile: I've been wearing my ped and although I wanted to do 20,000 steps per day, I've been averaging around 15,000. I need to enter the last 3 days steps on my ticker.

    :ohwell: Still finding it hard to lose my holiday weight. The weather here is getting colder too, which makes me want to "hibernate" so I have to really push myself to get up and move!!! I feel like the doormouse in Alice in Wonderland :bigsmile: :bigsmile: always wanting to sleep.

    :flowerforyou: Rebel feel better soon

    :flowerforyou: Jackie I have a day of complaining today, I have to sort out a cooker I ordered on line but for some reason has been discontinued (so why advertise it on the internet then) I am having to go to Comet today to see if I can do a straight swap or whether to get a refund and try somewhere else. :grumble: :grumble: I did it online because the store is quite far away from where I live and not easy to get to on a bus.

    :flowerforyou: Sissy enjoy the cruise

    :flowerforyou: Jane well done to you too - hope you continue to walk pain free. Keeping my fingers crossed that all is well with the biopsy. I know how worrying it is waiting for results. :heart: :heart:

    Wanted to say a lot more but it is 8:30 a.m. and I need to get a move on.

    Take care everyone ::flowerforyou:

    Viv xx
  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning all, may today be filled with good things for all of us,i am pretty inpress with myself i have log in for two days now i usally start my days logging in great but never get back at the end of day which i would lay in bed and think about finishing but never did. watching racheal ray this morning chinese cooking day how and what does everyone eat with chinese food ok i have promise to only spend 15 mins at a time on the comp off for a few hours and back on :laugh: yes i,m laughing at myself but i,m going to do this too for myself no more sitting for hours . have a good morning debi [momof10]
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Good morning all,

    C25K W2D3 out if the way.... even ran an extra 100 metres or so at the end:noway:

    Have just weighed in.... the most miniscule of losses ....actually I fibbed a bit.... during the week I weighed in at 82 once but now today its back up to 83 - so I compromised and put in 82.7.... don't tell anyone but I couldn't face not having any loss at all... my mind is a very complex thing and playing these mind games with myself seems to help:blushing: If I was just doing this myself around about now is when I would get completely despondent and throw it in .... but having all of you wonderful people to check in with makes me happy to keep going.... so a big thankyou to everyone:flowerforyou:

    Viv - 20,000 steps sounds absolutely huge... is that even achievable?? I went through a stage a few years ago of wearing a pedometer but as I recall the goal was always 10,000 steps a day.... and I had trouble doing that every day even with a regular walk. Good luck you are making a great effort.

    Debi - good on you for logging on so consistently:laugh: and I know what you mean about finding yourself still sitting on the computer an hour later when you just meant to log on quickly.... its very addictive.

    I've got a busy saturday today.... we've been having some landscaping stuff done around the place and I have to paint a pergola plus a couple of walls inside, I have to put wine labels on 40 dz bottles of wine... why you may ask - they are for a client of ours to hand out as christmas gifts. I did the labels and we got some cleanskin wine but now I have to set myself up and have a very boring afternoon.... I'll try and rope in my son to help, although he is busy studying for exams.

    Its another stunning day weather-wise here.... I might even jump in the pool.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Sissy - have a super wonderful trip! Wish I was going with you

    Kackie - let me know if you hear anything from mimi

    Kathy - yes, you most likely do need to use refined sugar for the apple crisp. You can try it without the sugar and see how your family likes it. If the apple is sweet enough, they just might not notice the missing sugar.

    Joyce - many people like Splenda. To me, give me a little bit of the real stuff or give me nothing at all. But that's just me. I'm not crazy about putting something in my body that was made in a laboratory. But yet, I realize that there are people (like diabetics) who need to use sugar substitutes. For a while there I was using a lot of Splenda. Then one day I ran out so I decided to use some real sugar. I was amazed at how much sugar I needed! It was then that it really hit me that Splenda is something like 6,000 times sweeter than sugar.

    Lisa - I think we all need a day when we don't count calories. Honestly, if I have one of those days, it helps me appreciate healthy foods more. I also find it intersting how I'm actually "craving" vegetables

    Cynthia - I'm with you, Kackie should post a pic of her in that dress and we can all decide for her.

    My hubby is one of those guys who runs to the doctor for just about everything. Me, on the other hand, if I'm going to the doctor's, you KNOW that I'm sick. Actually, the last time I was at the doctors for anything other than regular physical, bone density scan, etc was about 6 years ago. The doctor looked at me and said "what are you doing here?". I remember I had a sinus infection that wasn't going to get better so I needed an antibiotic.

    Rita - WooHoo on the scale moving!

    Robin - my heart bleeds for you. I want a job where I'm happy, and fortunately, I don't HAVE to work, so I'm keeping my eyes and ears open, not that much is going to happen in this economy.....

    Cathy - no need to ask for prayers, they're coming. I suggested on the MFP technical board about making it so that you can just enter the food and then a dropdown menu would appear so you can put your food into the proper category, but nothing came of it. Perhaps if others asked, too.

    Talking about how your relationship with your sons change when they get married, is it the same with daughters?

    I had spaghetti squash for dinner, put some tomato sauce on it and then spices. What a great dinner! Of course, Vince didn't think so. I want to finish up the bok choy that I have, did finish up the butternut squash with cinnamon that I had so I need to make more.

    Sally - when my husband is sick, you would think the world was coming to an end! The moans! He whispers so that he doesn't use his voice too much, etc. etc. Me on the other hand, if I'm in my pajamas or bed all day, you KNOW that I'm really sick.

    Viv - what a great goal. When I was wearing my pedometer, I don't think I ever got that high. Do you wear yours when you exercise?

    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today (30 sec. sprint, 1 min recovery), stopped at one food store, then went and played mahjongg. It was at this diner, I wasn't crazy about it, plus, you felt somewhat obligated to buy something, and I'm not crazy about that. I just ordered a glass of water, but I should have had a hot tea. Then went to get my bangs trimmed, then some food shopping, then stopped at one lady's house to get some chairs for our social. Honestly, some of the chairs that they had I would have been embarassed to loan to someone, I had to take ammonia and wash them down. Hopefully, we have enough chairs and tables. Came home, put the things away, washed the chairs, then helped Vince with some of the decorations.

    Tonight I went bowling, one game I bowled a 174! Talk about an anomily! Came home to heat up Vince's lasagna and my spaghetti squash.


    I like that ad for TSO on the main page. I love that group, we're going to see them twice this year (like last year and the year before, wish I could talk Vince into going to three shows)

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night to you all.I guess I forgot to post the biopsy was normal.So glad.
    Still having more issues with the back.
    Maybe more tests.Not a happy camper today.The walks are on hold.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Reb- you should get back to your fruit and veggie day. You really enjoyed it.

    Yes Robin. I think I will get back to it "fruit and veggie days". My best approach is to plan it ahead of time.
    I am struggling with my new job. The more I do the more I realize this isn't where I belong. I am not enjoying it at all. the people are of a different mind set and work style than I am used to and I don't thrive well here. I miss my engineers. I hope I can transisiton to something else in the company soon. It is getting harder to get the motivation to work and it is starting to affect my digestive system. That is not a good sign.

    Robin, I understand you. I just transitioned back to a director's job, which I enjoy so much more now, simply because the circumstances (read "boss") changed. I had not wanted to go back, but it helped that I had been there and proved myself. So, who knows the company can transition you into something more to your liking. I am sending my best wishes to you.

    :heart: Rebel
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: I am sitting here eating a bowl of applesauce from last year’s batch. That’s the thing I do most with applesauce. Sometimes I make oatmeal and put applesauce in it or put some applesauce in a vanilla Isagenix shake. I don’t eat desserts and sugary foods, so unsweetened applesauce tastes really sweet to me.

    :cry: :cry: Robin, I’m sorry to hear about how your job is going. Take it one day at a time and be prepared for something better when it comes along.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Viv, if you are averaging 15,000 steps a day, then you are doing some excellent exercise. It looks like you have been doing a good job of getting yourself up and active.

    :bigsmile: Debiann, I agree with you about keeping computer time to a minimum. I get more exercise and more chores done when I spend less time at the computer.

    :flowerforyou: Lisa, I wear my pedometer from the time I walk the dogs first thing in the morning until I go to bed. There is research that showed that people who wore pedometers walk more than people who don’t.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jane, glad the biopsy was normal

    :flowerforyou: I was sitting here trying to make the most of my few minutes on the computer when the dogs came out of the bedroom and started poking me with their noses wanting to go out. Since DH was in his pj’s and waiting for a phone call, I got up and took them out. I get exercise even when I’m not looking for it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    :drinker: tea time good morning all today i am heading outside yard clean up and a campfire i.m thinking about taking a ride to lake george we haven't been there in years and i remember the colors this time of year on the lake was gerourges.what is your favorite apple for making applausehave a nice morning debi [momof10]
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi All:

    Thanks so much for the warm thoughts for my deployed son. I will worry about him until he is safely home. I spoke to my DIL last night and she has been able to speak with him and he is safe and oif course he misses home.

    I lost .8 this week, but in fact I had gained 1 lb last week so I really lost 1.8 this week, so I am really happy about that :happy:

    There are 3 women at work, 1 lawyer and 2 clerks and we are all trying to do this together but we only started on Wednesday, so we will see how long we can maintain this. I am going to really rry and stick to it as I really need to get into my winter clothes :bigsmile:

    We are having real fall weather here today. Cool, but sunny. I don't mind it.

    Well, not too much else is new. I hope you all are well.

    Talk again soon,

    Love, Cathy xx