

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi ladies, It is almost the end of October but I would love to join you. I am 50 and embarked on this journey awhile ago. Lost 20 pounds more or less and now need to continue on with this. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.


    Welcome, Mary! (from another Mary) Come back often and let us get to know you!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I fought being a slug for most of the day. I finally dragged myself to the gym and once there, I rode the bike for an hour (15 miles). I had so much more energy after that. I know in my head that moving is so important.....and I need to do more movement throughout my day...but when I go "on automatic", I am so still. I know that when I log onto this board at night and I read about what everyone is doing to stay on track...I want to feel good about what I did today. So again...thank you all for sharing your posts.

    Barbie…Thanks for the Food Rules…..great thoughts!
    Kathy…. I can relate to your words about moving more. I am trying to get off the computer…I can spend a lot of time just sitting and I know that moving makes the difference!
    Pam…Vegas sounded great. I went with work last year (that was a great job..too bad it is over). I loved the little time off we had…we got to the Strip and I got to see The Beatles Love Show at Cirque (unbelievable). We took the red eye back home and it did wipe me out too….for a few days!
    Cathy….I hope your son makes it home for Christmas. What a stressful experience for you as a mom.
    Renny…I hope you are feeling better….go slow!
    Mary (froglegjack)….Welcome..this is a great board.

    Have a good night,
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning and Happy New Week!

    Sally: Your post is such an inspiration too...15 MILES and one hour! Way to go! It is a struggle that I think most of us have periods of energy and periods of sluggishness. We just have to fight it the way you did yesterday. That is great motivation for the next time you feel that way, isn't it?

    Mary: Welcome! Look forward to getting to know you!

    Rebel: How are you feeling? I hope better:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I love the new "Food Rules"...and they are SO true! The more we learn about all of the "trace" beneficial minerals and nutrients in real foods, the more they make even MORE sense. I am reading "Strong Women stay Slim" and enjoying some of the tidbits about the benefits of exercise and real foods...all of which we already know, but need to be reminded about!

    Kathy: Glad to hear you have your motivation and inspiration "on". Take advantage of that feeling!

    Quilter: I enjoyed reading your thoughts and goals! We are in this for the long-haul, so you are on the right track!

    Pam: So glad that you had fun on your trip!

    Rita: Your husband's dinner sounds delicious! How nice to have such a thoughtful DH!

    Geri: Thanks for the interesting link!


    We had a lovely trip by boat to my parents for Sunday lunch yesterday. It was a stunningly gorgeous fall day and coming home the ocean was like a lake! I LOVE :love: Fall!

    Off for a shower and a bridge lesson. Take care, Dear Ladies:heart: Kackie
  • 1grammie
    1grammie Posts: 163
    Mary-Welcome! I've only been on here for a short time but enjoy hearing from all the great people.

    Got home last night from a weekend at my daughter's. Went to help my granddaughter celebrate her birthday. Had a great time but not so good food wise. Birthday cake, ice cream, pizza (twice) and lots of fried food. My daughter is a runner and burns off all those calories but not so for me. Sunday morning while her mother was running, my granddaughter and I went for a 2 mile walk at 7am. Too bad we don't live closer as she would be a great motivator to get out and move.

    Promised my other granddaughter we would make pumpkin cookies this week so will have to be extra cautious about staying in my calorie goal.

    Hope everyone has a great week.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    -Hi - I've missed a week of coming in so I'm trying to catch up - just finished reading page 13 and wanted to reply to Topaz right away.

    I had carpal tunnel and when I saw the dr he said 'put up with it until it gets so bad you can't stand it any more and then I'll refer you for surgery'. I didn't like that answer so went to a physiotherapist. The first thing she said was take off your watch, don't wear tight cuffs - you need to stimulate the blood flow to the wrist, wearing a brace can restrict it.

    If you look on the internet for "carpal tunnel exercises" you can find lots of ideas - there is a 5-minute you-tube that reflect some of the exercises that I had.

    It takes a long time. I'll repeat that IT TAKES A LONG TIME but after a couple of weeks you might get relief for a couple of minutes just after the exercises and that gradually gets longer. It took about 6 months for mine to go, but I didn't have surgery. Sometimes I feel a slight tingling in my first two fingers, so immediately start the exercises again for a week or two.

    Now back to page 14 of the messages.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Monday to all! Just popped in to share an email that I opened at work this morning:

    Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you but what
    happens inside of you.
    Have a great week!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you but what
    happens inside of you.
    Have a great week!

    thanks mary, what a lovely quote:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It is a beautiful autumn day here in NW Washington. I've just come back from a very long walk with the frisky poodles. Autumn seems to bring birds and great smells and they love being out. While walking I got a phone call from a great friend so I could enjoy the company of my friends and my dogs and burn calories all at once.

    Best wishes to all for a great day.:bigsmile: I'll be making more applesauce.:bigsmile:
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I am going to get up and go outside now that you have all inspired me to do something :) have a great Monday!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I had a lovely weekend away in the spa hotel with my gorgeous DH. Spending time together, alone always makes us fall in love all over again - which isn't bad after 23 years I guess!

    It was a lovely and much needed break away although we were extremely active the whole time. I even persuaded DH to come to the gym with me. It was also the first time he had ever seen me swim - although I will never be a swimmer, the few strokes that I can manage now are an improvement on swimming like a brick!

    Today I was back to looking after my darling grandtwins. I can't believe that they are going to be a year old in less than a month! They had their grammy running round like crazy today - great fun!

    We should find out this week if my DD#2 will be going off to work in Malaysia for a few months. I'm hoping not and that she will just take the secondment to Germany instead - at least her husband would be able to go and visit her in Germany.

    It's so lovely to read everyone's posts - I just don't get the time to reply to them individually any more. You are all in my thoughts and prayers however. Hello to all the new ladies - you have joined a great group.

    Got to go and start to prepare my DH's meal now.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am lurking and logging, but not really planning my meals or dieting or exercising. I think the high stress at home will ease up after this weekend and I can focus again.

    Amanda - Remember to post a one year birthday picture of your gand-babies, if you have the time. Like you, I can't believe it is a year.

    Baby pictures warm the soul, so calling all Grand Mothers to post holiday updates.

  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evening Ladies!

    Ya did it to me again. I came home from work feeling like I'd rather curl up n sleep...but after dinner (hubby made sausage tortellini soup), I read your posts and now I'm motivated to get some exercising in!

    Genealace...thanks for the carpal tunnel info. I'll check out some of those exercises. I really don't want surgery. I don't want to spend vacation time from work recovering!


    I'm going to tie on my walking shoes, put on my Ipod and plug in the treadmill.

    Everyone have a great Tuesday!

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I had some sort of good news today; my oldest son, called to advise he and his wife are expecting child #3. The timing is not the best for them as my son is not with a steady job so I do hope they know what they are doing (but what do I know, right???), That will be my 4th grandbaby and my hubby has 4 grandbabies as well.

    Barbie - I loved your Food Rules, that was great. Also, could you see about shipping some of that applesauce north :laugh:

    Mary - Welcome :wink:

    Sally - loved your post, that was great :smile:

    Geri - that was an interesting link, thanks :flowerforyou:

    Mary (msh0530) - loved your post too :happy:

    Amanda - so glad that you had a good weekend, you deserved it :drinker:

    Jeannie - good idea about getting pics of our grandkids posted. I will try to get some loaded when I can figure out how to do it :noway:

    Rebel - sure hope you are feeling better:flowerforyou:

    Rita - my son has been in the service for about 6 years but before that he was in the reserves from the time he was about 16 (he is now 29). He is making the military his career as he loves it; he has an A type personality and thrives on adventure, much as we hate it :grumble:

    Not too much else is new. I am still on track so far.

    Hope you are all well.

    Talk to you again soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    genealace - Thanks so much for the heads up on carpal tendon exercises videos. I found a great one and will be doing them regularly. I have just naturally found some movements/stretches that make my tendons feel better but have never done a search. Doh! Silly me. I am all about preventative measures. I have repetitive motion issues from years of typing all day as a researcher. My hobbies are also very finger/wrist involved and I broke both my elbows, one in two places, a couple years ago damaging tendons in the process. I had a lot of PT to get my arms to straighten out completely again. So again - THANKS! :happy:

    Not much else from me for now. DH is watching football and I will either watch a video in my office and work on an afghan I am knitting for a Christmas present, or go take a long soak in the jacuzzi tub and work out some sore spots from raking the yard the last couple of days. I could be industrious and defrost the freezer in the garage......... then again maybe not. I'm a night owl but I think starting that at 9:30 pm might be a bit much.

    P.S. Cathy - I will keep your son and all service men in my prayers as well. Our son was a submariner for 15 years. It's hard when your loved ones are so far away and can't communicate with you often.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Well back on the dreadmill today. I haven't gained in the past week but I haven't lost either. Job stress:sad:

    Welcome newbies.

    Barbie it was beautiful today. sorry I had to spend it sitting at a desk.
    Reb- Hope you are doing better
    Kackie - jealous of where you spend your time. beautiful places.
    Cathy - congrats on the future grandbaby news. things will work out. they always do.
    Amanda - I can't beleive its almost been a year. Time really flies. I am glad you and DH had a good time.

    Well ladies, I am tired and I think it is time for a protein shake and maybe a hot bath. have a great evening.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night all.
    Welcome Mary!
    Cathy,congrat`s on the new grand baby to be.
    Barbie-loved the food rules
    Baby steps with the back. Dr is trying different things to make the back strong without bringing on more pain.
    take care
  • kathiemcn
    Hi from Australia (and hi to the lady from London, I think we are definitely in the minority). I would love to join your group please! I am 54, post menopausal (which makes it so much harder to lose weight), and a single mum with two teenage children, who lives in Sydney.
    I have been on two diet regimes prior to this, which started off well, but stalled after the first couple on months and 5-6 kilos lost. So I am trying something new again...I've lost 14 kilos in the last year and a bit, but have 7 more I am trying very hard to shift (with little success so far)...so I have high hopes for this new diet. I only joined last Thursday night, so haven;t had a first weigh in yet.

    My goals for October...well, it's almost over, but according to myfitnesspal I should be losing 300gms per week, so i guess i would like to see a little more in my first week....say 400-500gms. My other goal is to do pushups and situps every second night 'til the end of the month to tighten up that big tummy.
  • kathiemcn
    And one more goal I forgot...drink the required amount of water or more.
    So far I've been doing all three..hope I can keep it up!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Does anyone have a Kindle or the free Kindle program on your computer? I haven't read it, but here is a link to a free book on losing weight.