countdown to christmas challenge continued...



  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Morning all,

    Monday morning only 5 weeks left! we can do this!!!

  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I am going to go ahead and make up my own mini challenge for today (want to get it done before I head out) 100 step ups 50 lunges 50 squats 50 jumping jacks.

    I can't believe we have 33 day's left until Xmas I have been doing well with the exercise portion and I thought I was doing pretty well with the food part (normally) but I am going to have to try harder if I want to reach my goal by Xmas. I want to fit into my target if I lose inches & not pounds I am ok with that but I will keep trying to get rid of these last 5lbs ! I realized I had to make a I want to lose or tone? Honestly, I 'd really like both lol but I choose to tone/lose inches and any loss in pounds will be great !

    I hope that you all have a fantastic Monday...make it count :happy:

  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    wow scary mary 33 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    here is the link to the spread sheet... there is a lot of weigh ins missing
  • Charlene_91
    Great Challenge this week!
    33days to Christmas :-O

    Put on 1lb last week :(, but giving it my all this week, told my partner that he has to make me do Zumba every night after work regardless of what i say :-p

    Hope everyone has a good week! Let make this last month (practically) count...........
    x x
  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    Hi everyone! I won't really be logging in for the next week - in NY for vacation :) We walk for about 6 hrs minus eating, so I'm being kind of easy on that. I figure that its ok since I probably won't come here for a long time, and there's so much to experience! I won't be able to log much besides breakfast until Saturday, and my calf's better so I can run again. You're all doing fantastic!

    See you next week :flowerforyou:
  • Charlene_91
    Hi everyone! I won't really be logging in for the next week - in NY for vacation :) We walk for about 6 hrs minus eating, so I'm being kind of easy on that. I figure that its ok since I probably won't come here for a long time, and there's so much to experience! I won't be able to log much besides breakfast until Saturday, and my calf's better so I can run again. You're all doing fantastic!

    See you next week :flowerforyou:

    Have a lovely time, enjoy x
  • Charlene_91
    In a challenge I was part one of the motivations was to wrap up an article of clothing 1-2 sizes small and put it under the tree! Gonna wrap up some skinnies and a cute sweater; if I lost weight I would buy them anyway, but now I'll push myself to get into them so I have a fab outfit for xmas day. You can even do it to old clothes, but I just thought it would be a nice boost! :) x

    Love this idea! I brought myself a new jumpsuit for my holiday, it's slightly tight + my muffin top makes an appearance :p
    so hopefully it will fit perfect, 32 days to go :-D

    x x
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Hi - Just wanted everyone to know that I plan to weigh in on Thursday morning this week, instead of Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving here. Hope that's OK. Also, I haven't updated the spreadsheet because for some reason I can't access it from my work computer, and I keep forgetting when I am at home. I'll try to remember tonight.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Just checking has been a little bit since I have done so. I hope that everyone is doing well, I haven't been doing a great job with the mini challenge just getting my daily exercise done but I will do better next week with it. I plan to add 100Jjacks 100 crunches to my exercise daily starting Dec 1st (got idea from a MFP friend). Christmas is quickly approaching and I still have these last 4 pounds to lose...hopefully I can do it so tired off seeing the scale go down them up...would love to lose the last 4lbs and then maintain that is my Xmas wish :laugh:

  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Just checking has been a little bit since I have done so. I hope that everyone is doing well, I haven't been doing a great job with the mini challenge just getting my daily exercise done but I will do better next week with it. I plan to add 100Jjacks 100 crunches to my exercise daily starting Dec 1st (got idea from a MFP friend). Christmas is quickly approaching and I still have these last 4 pounds to lose...hopefully I can do it so tired off seeing the scale go down them up...would love to lose the last 4lbs and then maintain that is my Xmas wish :laugh:


    Lisa - there is still time left. You can DO it! We all just need a little push and we will get there. :bigsmile:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all the americans here :D

    It is my final no carb and no bread (obviously lol) today gunna work hard tonight with exercise and hopefully see a loss tomorrow!

    Good luck all with your weigh ins whenever you are weighing in

  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Just checking has been a little bit since I have done so. I hope that everyone is doing well, I haven't been doing a great job with the mini challenge just getting my daily exercise done but I will do better next week with it. I plan to add 100Jjacks 100 crunches to my exercise daily starting Dec 1st (got idea from a MFP friend). Christmas is quickly approaching and I still have these last 4 pounds to lose...hopefully I can do it so tired off seeing the scale go down them up...would love to lose the last 4lbs and then maintain that is my Xmas wish :laugh:


    Lisa - there is still time left. You can DO it! We all just need a little push and we will get there. :bigsmile:
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I am not ready to give up...I just feel frustrated some day's. I know I can count of my MFP friends to give me the push/motivation that I need.

    Thank you :heart:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am not ready to give up...I just feel frustrated some day's. I know I can count of my MFP friends to give me the push/motivation that I need.

    Thank you :heart:

    It does get frustrating on times, we've all been there but we can all do this together :)

  • Charlene_91
    I am not ready to give up...I just feel frustrated some day's. I know I can count of my MFP friends to give me the push/motivation that I need.

    Thank you :heart:

    It does get frustrating on times, we've all been there but we can all do this together :)


    It certainly does get frustrating sometimes, but i agree we defo can do this together x
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    You know what stinks? I am having a big Thanksgiving dinner later today. I know that it will be relatively healthy - me and my two sisters will do our best to make lighter versions of the family favorites. I will will TRY to make good choices - only sampling the things I love and don't have very often. But even so, with a couple of drinks, the dinner, and pie for dessert, I'll probably be up two pounds tomorrow. :sad:

    I am the biggest advocate of "you gotta live", so I am going to go and enjoy every minute of it, and I am not going to lose control and binge, but IS frustrating. :grumble: Know what I mean????
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    You know what stinks? I am having a big Thanksgiving dinner later today. I know that it will be relatively healthy - me and my two sisters will do our best to make lighter versions of the family favorites. I will will TRY to make good choices - only sampling the things I love and don't have very often. But even so, with a couple of drinks, the dinner, and pie for dessert, I'll probably be up two pounds tomorrow. :sad:

    I am the biggest advocate of "you gotta live", so I am going to go and enjoy every minute of it, and I am not going to lose control and binge, but IS frustrating. :grumble: Know what I mean????

    dont worry hun tomorrow is a new day xxxx
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    You know what stinks? I am having a big Thanksgiving dinner later today. I know that it will be relatively healthy - me and my two sisters will do our best to make lighter versions of the family favorites. I will will TRY to make good choices - only sampling the things I love and don't have very often. But even so, with a couple of drinks, the dinner, and pie for dessert, I'll probably be up two pounds tomorrow. :sad:

    I am the biggest advocate of "you gotta live", so I am going to go and enjoy every minute of it, and I am not going to lose control and binge, but IS frustrating. :grumble: Know what I mean????

    You are the one who normally helps me get over the guilt I feel after making not so good food choices :heart: I say ENJOY it is not like you eat like this everyday. If you go over you go over...tomorrow is a new day :happy:
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words - I ate a lot but not as much as in past years....I will be fine within a couple of days. :blushing:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    good luck today everyone xxx