Females: How many calories are you eating daily?



  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    30 years old, 5'5", 130, maintaining and 'lightly active'. My net cals are 1770 so with exercise cals I average about 2100 a day. I would be a sad panda if I didn't eat back all my exercise calories. I was originally set to half a pound a week at sedentary, which gave me 1430 net and I ate all my exercise calories back then too. I lost 12 pounds in 4 months.
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    I average 1,250-1,300. Don't eat back my exercise cals and work out on average 30 or so minutes a day. I figure if it is part of the way I live, why eat back the calories. -I zig zag a ton! My weight has been a stable 118 pounds - 5'7in and I'm happy with that. If I wanted to loose I'd probably eat 1,000-1,200...maybe I have a slow metabolism? But I feel good and am satisfied with how much I eat :) I've been counting calories for a very long long time and know that 1,300-1,400 calories I maintain, 1,600 up I gain, 1,000 ish I get smaller. :)

    Considering you're at the LOWEST weight to be considered healthy for your height it's not surprising that you're maintaining on a weight loss amount. 1250-1300 calories is "dieting" for MOST people and should be for you as well but I suspect that this is an unnaturally low weight for your body and it simply isn't losing because you're already at a dangerously low weight/body fat for your height.

    Her weight is no where near "unnaturally" and "dangerously low." Where are you getting your information, and where do you get off thinking it's acceptable to jump to all of these judgmental conclusions? <.<

    Really looking at exactly everything I eat I may be closer to 1,500 calories. I am not very accurate so I aim low knowing I'll eat a few extra more. I try to track everything but I'm a grazer and a nibbler. Also very ADD :) So yeah. Def. eating enough.
  • gettingskinnysoon
    For me it's usually between 800 - 1400 a day, depending on my mood etc etc. I don't get my TOM very often so that doesn't usually effect me much. And when I do, I lose my appetite. I hate eating my exercise calories because to me it feels as though I've spent all that time exercising and burning calories only to eat them back. If anything it makes me feel worse, and when I eat over 1200 calories I freak the **** out.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    For me it's usually between 800 - 1400 a day, depending on my mood etc etc. I don't get my TOM very often so that doesn't usually effect me much. And when I do, I lose my appetite. I hate eating my exercise calories because to me it feels as though I've spent all that time exercising and burning calories only to eat them back. If anything it makes me feel worse, and when I eat over 1200 calories I freak the **** out.
    Hon - do you realize that you are very literally starving yourself? If I've done the math correctly (and I think I have) at 161kg and 6 feet tall, your daily calorie expenditure before any exercise is nearly 3200 calories a day - you are barely netting 25% of that. MFP gives you a goal of 1970 and that should be a little more than a 2 pound per week loss, so even if you weren't eating back your exercise calories you could more than DOUBLE what you're eating now.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    For me it's usually between 800 - 1400 a day, depending on my mood etc etc. I don't get my TOM very often so that doesn't usually effect me much. And when I do, I lose my appetite. I hate eating my exercise calories because to me it feels as though I've spent all that time exercising and burning calories only to eat them back. If anything it makes me feel worse, and when I eat over 1200 calories I freak the **** out.
    Hon - do you realize that you are very literally starving yourself? If I've done the math correctly (and I think I have) at 161kg and 6 feet tall, your daily calorie expenditure before any exercise is nearly 3200 calories a day - you are barely netting 25% of that. MFP gives you a goal of 1970 and that should be a little more than a 2 pound per week loss, so even if you weren't eating back your exercise calories you could more than DOUBLE what you're eating now.


    I'm 5'6", usually net between 1,600 and 1,700, and have consistently lost between 1 and 3 pounds a week since May. There is no need to freak out about going over 1,200.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    between 1500-1800 a day, never less unless i'm sick or something.

    Yes i eat my exercise calories.
  • sunnyzephyr
    I am 19, 5' 8", and 168. My calorie "goal" is 1200, but I try to stay under that. And eating back the calories you burn, unfortunately defeats the purpose of burning them. Technically, you're supposed to burn more calories per day than you eat. But that is not limited to your workout, it includes normal everyday activity.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I am 44 weigh 120 am 5'5. Trying to lose 10 lbs. My calorie budget daily is 1061. I burn 500 calories in circuit training 5 days a week. You do NOT add those calories back into your budget! I am using Herbalife to help with my weight loss. 2 shakes and 1 meal daily.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm 27, 159lbs, net 1540 daily and eat back most of my exercise calories.
  • sunnyzephyr
    wow you have lost alot!!! Awesome. I eat back half of my exercise points and am not losing. Only lost 2 lbs in a month :( horrible. Guess everyones body is different.

    Its really important that you are burning more calories than you are eating. The way that MFP is set up doesn't really help us with that, but your net calories should be low.
  • gettingskinnysoon
    For me it's usually between 800 - 1400 a day, depending on my mood etc etc. I don't get my TOM very often so that doesn't usually effect me much. And when I do, I lose my appetite. I hate eating my exercise calories because to me it feels as though I've spent all that time exercising and burning calories only to eat them back. If anything it makes me feel worse, and when I eat over 1200 calories I freak the **** out.
    Hon - do you realize that you are very literally starving yourself? If I've done the math correctly (and I think I have) at 161kg and 6 feet tall, your daily calorie expenditure before any exercise is nearly 3200 calories a day - you are barely netting 25% of that. MFP gives you a goal of 1970 and that should be a little more than a 2 pound per week loss, so even if you weren't eating back your exercise calories you could more than DOUBLE what you're eating now.


    I'm 5'6", usually net between 1,600 and 1,700, and have consistently lost between 1 and 3 pounds a week since May. There is no need to freak out about going over 1,200.

    It has been, is and will be a struggle for me to accept that. It's a considerable amount compared to what I used to consume, so for now I am happy with it.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I am 19, 5' 8", and 168. My calorie "goal" is 1200, but I try to stay under that. And eating back the calories you burn, unfortunately defeats the purpose of burning them. Technically, you're supposed to burn more calories per day than you eat. But that is not limited to your workout, it includes normal everyday activity.

    wrong. so very wrong.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I am 44 weigh 120 am 5'5. Trying to lose 10 lbs. My calorie budget daily is 1061. I burn 500 calories in circuit training 5 days a week. You do NOT add those calories back into your budget! I am using Herbalife to help with my weight loss. 2 shakes and 1 meal daily.

    I'm curious how quickly you'll lose the last 9 with that plan.. Not to be rude but that's not very many calories to fuel your body.
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    i am 21 and weigh(as of this morning 188.4lbs) im 5'3'' and eat 1200 cals a day and i do not eat back my exercise calories. People are really picking saying either "You MUST eat them back to lose weight" or "dont eat the back cuz you wont lose weight."....right now im doing what works for me and i dont eat them back and ive lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks....so until it stops working for me im stickin to it :)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    eating the same thing everyday would make me cranky too!. I had my stats taken professionally. My shakes are 100% healthy and provide me with the protein I need to keep me full. I also take a cell absorption tab to ensure my body uses everything I put into it. I am never hungry between meals/shakes.
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    I'll bet that you never imagined what a can of worms you would open with that question!! I am 54 yrs old, 5'6 and 140 pounds. To lose my goal wt of 1 pound a week, I was allowed 1200 calories a day w/o exercise. I eat my exercise calories back almost all of the time! I am now on maintenance and can have 1570 calories a day w/o exercise..
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I just started my weight loss program on friday the 11th of this month. Have lost my first lb in 5 days. I am focused, motivated and on track!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    good luck everyone!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I am 19, 5' 8", and 168. My calorie "goal" is 1200, but I try to stay under that. And eating back the calories you burn, unfortunately defeats the purpose of burning them. Technically, you're supposed to burn more calories per day than you eat. But that is not limited to your workout, it includes normal everyday activity.

    If you calculated your burn correctly and your net calories are still less than your maintainence calories after you've eaten your exercise calories, then you are still at a deficit and will continue to lose.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I am 19, 5' 8", and 168. My calorie "goal" is 1200, but I try to stay under that. And eating back the calories you burn, unfortunately defeats the purpose of burning them. Technically, you're supposed to burn more calories per day than you eat. But that is not limited to your workout, it includes normal everyday activity.

    wrong. so very wrong.

    You took the words right out of my mouth....