Females: How many calories are you eating daily?



  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Well...we know who will be using MFP for years and years to come...all those people who are slowing their metabolisms down by eating less than 1200 calories a day! They might lose some weight but they'll be back...because no doubt, they'll be putting it back on since their metabolism is dragging on the ground. Maybe one day they'll get enlightened and become MFP gurus and they'll be teaching that it's important to net, at the very least, 1200 calories. *sigh* They'll talk of how they used to eat 800 calories a day and lost 20 lbs in three weeks and then their body crapped out on them. They'll say how they didn't know what to do next so they lowered their calories more and worked out harder but their body still wouldn't respond. And then...how in a miraculous turn of events...they started eating again...and their body said "oh, you DO love me...thank you for saving me" and well, we know how this story ends.

    Personally, I like food. And I want a healthy relationship with it. I'm not going to deprive myself and I'm certainly not going to set myself up to have an even slower metabolism. It will be MUCH more advantageous to lose the weight slowly yet consistently (a pound a week) and be able to enjoy eating (and eating out) than acting all self-righteous and telling everyone how awesome I am eating 1000 calories or less a day.
  • gettingskinnysoon
    You honesty think those people don't want a healthy relationship with food? Most of them do, myself included. Right now for meit's pretty crap, hell, its been bad for a while, but I know it will get better eventually. And believe me, I won't be using MFP for years and years.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I am 44 weigh 120 am 5'5. Trying to lose 10 lbs. My calorie budget daily is 1061. I burn 500 calories in circuit training 5 days a week. You do NOT add those calories back into your budget! I am using Herbalife to help with my weight loss. 2 shakes and 1 meal daily.
    You must have put that in manually, because MFP won't give you a goal below 1200. I'm the same height as you and 10 pounds more. If you *really* feel the need to lose 10 more pounds (which I suspect, unless you have a VERY small frame) then you should be at a 250 calorie per day deficit, or about 1243 net - not 561.
  • KelLifts
    KelLifts Posts: 99 Member
    i eat back my burn, and i (in theory) have a goal of 1250 calories, but usually actually eat (with burn and everything) about 1700

  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Personally, I like food. And I want a healthy relationship with it. I'm not going to deprive myself and I'm certainly not going to set myself up to have an even slower metabolism. It will be MUCH more advantageous to lose the weight slowly yet consistently (a pound a week) and be able to enjoy eating (and eating out) than acting all self-righteous and telling everyone how awesome I am eating 1000 calories or less a day.

    This is kind of how I feel. I just like food too much to care about fast results. I prefer consistent and long-term.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am 26, female,170 lbs and eating 1,260 calories a day. Just curious where you are at? Also. do you eat back your burn calories?

    I am 32, 146 pounds, and eating 1550 or so calories a day. I do NOT eat back exercise calories, because I do NOT follow MFP's guidelines. My BMR is around 1350. My TDEE is around 2000. I simply eat between the 2 numbers to lose body fat and weight. The 1550 mark is simply my current "sweet spot."

    MFP wants me to eat a mere 1200. I'd freakin' starve. That's UNDER my BMR. I pre-log most of my food anyway, so it's easier to plan for a definite number then try to estimate how many calories I will burn that particular day.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    You honesty think those people don't want a healthy relationship with food? Most of them do, myself included. Right now for meit's pretty crap, hell, its been bad for a while, but I know it will get better eventually. And believe me, I won't be using MFP for years and years.

    Well, a healthy relationship is certainly not starving oneself. Is it? Nope, hardly healthy...that's straight up eating disorder thinking.

    Ladies...go to this site and put in your info...read what it has to say. There is a lot of info available on this site that is very good...check it out. http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/
    I think a LOT of people will be surprised at the results. Also, give this site a go: http://www.cordianet.com/calculator.htm
    I like numbers...and I like to know HOW and WHY I lose weight. So for people who are interested in finding their sweet spot, this might help you! :o)
  • gettingskinnysoon
    You honesty think those people don't want a healthy relationship with food? Most of them do, myself included. Right now for meit's pretty crap, hell, its been bad for a while, but I know it will get better eventually. And believe me, I won't be using MFP for years and years.

    Well, a healthy relationship is certainly not starving oneself. Is it? Nope, hardly healthy...that's straight up eating disorder thinking.

    Ladies...go to this site and put in your info...read what it has to say. There is a lot of info available on this site that is very good...check it out. http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/
    I think a LOT of people will be surprised at the results. Also, give this site a go: http://www.cordianet.com/calculator.htm
    I like numbers...and I like to know HOW and WHY I lose weight. So for people who are interested in finding their sweet spot, this might help you! :o)

    I never said that it was, but simply telling somebody this and that isn't going to change their mindset. Like somebody telling me that I need to eat nearly 2000 calories/day isn't going to make me eat that much. I understand what you're saying, I used to LOVE my food and used to have a good relationship with it. But now, not so much, for various reasons.
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    my daily goal is 1370.. However i alternate... One day i have 1220 & the next 1420 & so on. I dont eat back my exercise calories

    I have tried to eat more in the past and/or eatback my exercise calories, after reading peoples posts saying that i should, but my body,doesnt like it. i have tried this on 2 occasions for 6 weekstrials (both separate occasions) and gained weight BOTH times..
  • sog9
    sog9 Posts: 1
    I am 19, female, 152lbs, on a 700 cal diet. and I dont eat back what i burn.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I eat right around 1200 a day, & lately I haven't been eating back my exercise cals. I have about 35lbs to go till goal, so I think I can afford the larger deficit that not eating back cals gives me.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 228 lbs. I usually eat between 1900 and 2300 calories, depending on how much I exercise that day. My MFP net was 1750, but I changed it to match how much I burn while resting in a day (2450), minus 500 calories, to equal 1950.

    I eat back all of my exercise calories. But I use a HRM and don't count all the calories I've burned. If I burn 115 calories per hour at rest, that means I don't count 115 calories per hour of exercising.

    I eat more than most people on here. I've found myself unable to maintain a 1200 calorie diet. I have no problem with how others choose to diet. Some people do better with more extreme dieting. Others don't. I love food too much to be parted with it unless absolutely necessary, and I don't have dieting will power. Instead, I try to focus on strength-training and losing slowly.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I am 19, 5' 8", and 168. My calorie "goal" is 1200, but I try to stay under that. And eating back the calories you burn, unfortunately defeats the purpose of burning them. Technically, you're supposed to burn more calories per day than you eat. But that is not limited to your workout, it includes normal everyday activity.

    I did this for more about a year and now by BF% is higher even though I weigh 30 lbs less. When you have a huge deficit your body burns muscle as well as fat. The less muscle you have the better ability you have to store fat. Your metabolism is slower due to less muscle mass. I'm sorry but this is horrible advice. I'm living proof that even though I lost weight on a large deficit my metabolism is actually lower and my body fat is higher than when I started.

    I'm now eating back the majority of my exercise calories and have my base set to 1300. I'm 5'0 and 133 lbs. I have a lot of fat-30% and per my personal trainer focusing on strength training and moderate cardio. I have yet to see any results but I haven't gained weight. I've only been at this new eating plan for about 2 weeks so I'm willing to give it time. I think I may have lost a couple of inches because some of my clothes feel a little looser. It is extremely important for me to build muscle mass to raise my metabolism.
  • alikat5544
    alikat5544 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 178 lbs and 5'11". I net between 1800-2000 calories a day and I eat anywhere between 2,000-2,600 calories a day. I eat back all of my exercise calories.
    I was getting scared reading all of the 1200 calorie posts, phew!
  • projectviolin
    projectviolin Posts: 9 Member

    I can eat 1380 cals a day but I normally dont get close unless I have pasta for dinner. I choose not to eat my calories back so I can train myself as the numbers drop. Also, I usually feel very satisfied, so I have never felt the need to.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I'm 178 lbs and 5'11". I net between 1800-2000 calories a day and I eat anywhere between 2,000-2,600 calories a day. I eat back all of my exercise calories.
    I was getting scared reading all of the 1200 calorie posts, phew!

    Me too! I'm 5'7" and 305 lbs. I net between 1700-2100 a day. I've lost 71 lbs eating that way. One month I was only eating about 1500 and I lost the least amount that month. Raised it back up and the lbs started melting off again.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    my goal is 1100..,but am eating around 800-900
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I've had single meals as big as some of the calorie goals here.
  • Keran24
    Keran24 Posts: 90 Member
    I weigh 154 lbs and try to keep my cals at about 1200 but if I am hungry or very active, I go up to 1400.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I don't see how people can't eat 1200 calories when in fact, to become overweight in most cases you would have to be consuming much higher than 1200 calories to gain and maintain the added weight.