C25K 10-10-11/12-11-11



  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    A hot shower, dayquil and homemade soup brought me back to the land of the living. W6W3 Done!! It wasn't even painful and I'm actually looking forward to the next run. That must have been some awesome soup!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    A hot shower, dayquil and homemade soup brought me back to the land of the living. W6W3 Done!! It wasn't even painful and I'm actually looking forward to the next run. That must have been some awesome soup!
    Way to go!!! and sick even!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    W6D2.... well i struggled a bit today.... you might think after doing the 20 minute run last week that these next 2 days would be a piece of cake.... but I couldn't do the second 10 minute run.... had to drop back to a walk at 5 minutes..... still did extra 2 and 3 minute runs afterwards and completed 5k in 48 minutes..... but I just can't see me getting on to the long runs for good next week.... think I might hang out at W6 for a bit till I feel I can do it properly.... I know it is very much a mental challenge for me... when I start focussing on my heavy legs I just find it so hard to keep going.... and I also think running in the morning is better for me.... still enjoying it and do want to keep moving forward so I'll see how I go on sunday when I redo W6D2.

  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Lisa-I totally struggled with the first two workouts of W6 after that big 20 minute run but the 3rd one was a completely different story. There must be some logic behind this but I can't figure it out. Try doing the third one next and see how you feel. I almost felt like a ***gasp** runner yesterday. I'll let you know if that feeling stays for tomorrow when I go for the 2.5 miles.

    Sherrib-How have you been? Still running?
  • kyromaniac18
    Im new on here, hi! Im starting the couch25k today! I started it once before and totally bailed on it. Im excited to start agian, and make it actually work this time!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Kyro-I've bailed on it before too. You can do it!
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    26:17 yesterday. Base of 7mph with sprints of 8, 8.5.

    Everyone is doing great and staying motivated. Way to go!!
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Just wanted to give one last update before I probley wont check in for awhile....

    We found out today that Londyn is going to need surgery on her right hand and arm...they originally thought it was only 2nd degree burns but once the popped the blisters today found it to be 3rd she is probley going to need skin grafts! We are going to the Burn unit and to meet with the Plastic surgeon tomorrow!!

    I'm going to try and do my best at logging calories but probley wont be much exercise for me for at least this week. I hope yall keep rocking it and can't wait to check back in with yall when things relax here a little bit!!


    hopefully see you soon!

    Oh my gosh Jenny!! My heart just dropped to read about your baby. Hoping and praying for a speedy recovery!
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Wow, look at you all running for so long! I'm away for a week and you all sprint off without me!

    I went out three times this week, none on vacation of course. It was pouring rain the morning I was planning to go out and I'm too much of a wimp to run in the rain. We got in some nice hiking though.

    Sunday and Thursday's runs were both fantastic! Sunday on my first run, I ran a mile straight in 9:10. I haven't run that far or that long since I was a kid. Thursday's was even better- 1.25 miles in 12:12. The second run Thursday I did almost a mile in around 9 minutes. No stitches in my side either day.

    Today's wasn't so great though I almost hit a mile on the first run. I wasn't into it mentally for some reason so my side started cramping up fairly quickly. Oh, well. I'll try again in a couple days.
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Im new on here, hi! Im starting the couch25k today! I started it once before and totally bailed on it. Im excited to start agian, and make it actually work this time!

    Welcome Ky and good luck! I started once before as well and this time around I'm sticking with it. It'll be nice to have you join us.
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Lisa-I totally struggled with the first two workouts of W6 after that big 20 minute run but the 3rd one was a completely different story. There must be some logic behind this but I can't figure it out. Try doing the third one next and see how you feel. I almost felt like a ***gasp** runner yesterday. I'll let you know if that feeling stays for tomorrow when I go for the 2.5 miles.

    Sherrib-How have you been? Still running?

    I havent been running. I was gone for a week hunting, then the next week I was busy with a conference at our church and had no opportunity. I'm now 3 weeks and no running, so I'm probably going to have to start over.

    I'm considering joining one of those 24-hour fitness places so I can go run when I have time and not have to worry about running outside, as we are now half way through Nov and weather is going to start getting cold and snowy. Not sure if I wanna try running outside or not.
    Either way, I want to restart on Monday.
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 399 Member
    I just wanted to say a quick HI and WELL DONE...to everyone!! Yall are doing so great!! I can't wait to get back to it!! but I'm just not ready to leave the baby yet..I left her to go grocery shopping with my husband today and it was not fun LOL

    Quick update...we are currently going to the burn unit twice a week and she will have surgery the week after thanksgiving...they will schedule it next saturday one week from today! That will be such a hard day for me "us" but I know then it will be over and we will be on the LONG road to recovery...did I mention her first Birthday is the 10th of December so hopefully we can get it over with so shes doing good by then!!

    Anyway yall are doing so great so proud of you !!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I just wanted to say a quick HI and WELL DONE...to everyone!! Yall are doing so great!! I can't wait to get back to it!! but I'm just not ready to leave the baby yet..I left her to go grocery shopping with my husband today and it was not fun LOL

    Quick update...we are currently going to the burn unit twice a week and she will have surgery the week after thanksgiving...they will schedule it next saturday one week from today! That will be such a hard day for me "us" but I know then it will be over and we will be on the LONG road to recovery...did I mention her first Birthday is the 10th of December so hopefully we can get it over with so shes doing good by then!!

    Anyway yall are doing so great so proud of you !!

    Big hugs!! My oldest had surgery for backwards intestines at this exact same time of year and right before his 4th birthday (dec 1st baby). Just giving you a heads up....kids are really growly and aggitated when they wake up from from the anesthesia. I WAS prepared for that...sort of...until I found myself in this HUGE recovery area with about 40 kids all coming out at the same time. Not something I will forget. Three days later he was home and trying to jump off my bed. Kids bounce back a lot faster than we do. Hopefully she will bounce back fast too. Lots of prayers being said for her.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    W6D2 done! As was mentioned before, I thought these last two days would be cake since I did the 20 minutes without a hitch, but wowzers, it was not that easy. But I ran today in the morning and I usually run in the afternoon, maybe I can't run any further on an empty stomach anymore.
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    W6D2 done! As was mentioned before, I thought these last two days would be cake since I did the 20 minutes without a hitch, but wowzers, it was not that easy. But I ran today in the morning and I usually run in the afternoon, maybe I can't run any further on an empty stomach anymore.

    Calibri I am exactly the same as you.... I was sooo surprised how hard those 2 days were.... I should be doing W6D3 today but I have had a huge weekend gardening and am very sore and also TOM (even though I thought I was almost post menopausal... bummer).... so I am going to put it off.... I think I will be staying on W6 for a while!

    So I am going to take it slow for a little bit now.... but I am NOT GIVING UP!!! Hopefully back on track in a couple of days.

    Jenny - I hope you baby is coping ok and not in pain.... good luck with the surgery.... you are in my thoughts.

  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    W7D1 Done!!! Honestly, it felt a 100 times easier than the first time I tried to run 20 minutes straight. I'd say whoever came up with this program knew their stuff. I'm just going to keep plugging along even when it looks like it will kill me. I might just surprise myself! (again!) :bigsmile:
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Back from gym..... W6D1 done again..... and not so hard this time..... I really do think that the recovery is very important in this program.

    I didn't do any extra running this time but I did keep walking to get to 5K in total.... took 47 minutes.... but I feel good..... I ran fine as well.... so I'll just walk tomorrow and then do D2 on friday.... I still think I might just stay a while on week 6 though.

    Have a good day everyone, Lisa
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Great job Shake and Lisa!!
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I had a bit of trepidation again starting the 25 minute run today (W6D3), but I totally nailed it! I even took two phone calls and was able to have a conversation without messing up my breathing or panting. Double excited because I'm not straining myself as much: I've been doing this thing where I sing to the song that's playing to see how "out of breath" I am. Being able to do a phone call without getting out of breath is a huuuuge accomplishment for me! I'm going to keep going strong and start Week 7 on Thursday, in spite of (perhaps because of!) Thanksgiving.

    Lisa: It's kind of funny, when I repeated one week that seemed so hard the first time the second time was such a breeze. Hope the rest of the week is as easy!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    W7D2-Done!! My legs felt fine, I didn't feel out of breath but I could NOT get rid of a side stitch. I'm not sure what the problem was but I hope it goes away before next time!

    Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!