<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    miles vs calories: I definately run for the miles! Since I am in the middle of p90x my mileage is much lower, but I am planning on ramping that up in about 6 weekS!!

    Cheese: I love all cheese, but munster is probably fave!!

    Today our city "celebrated" Halloween because of a freaky early snowstorm that left like 200,000 people in the county without power (thankfully not us) so even though we have had the candy in the house for a couple weeks, today my daughter went out and we also passed out candy......I did so well, not even abite!....until tonight :embarassed:
    5 pieces of candy later and now I have a tummy ache :grumble:
    but on a good note I came in at under 2200 calories for the day!!!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I really had to think about the miles vs. calories...I definitely don't do it to burn calories, though that's obviously a perk! I think I'm more motivated by speed than miles. 10k doesn't seem like a big deal anymore since I do it almost every weekend. But if I sign up for a turkey day race, can I do it FASTER than the first time? That is what's motivating me right now, because it's keeping me on a focused training schedule. I'm the type who needs to have a clear goal in order to stay focused on anything. As long as I know what it's working up to, I can hang in there & push through.

    My fave cheese is pepper jack, but I did try one called taleggio on a meat & cheese platter at a restaurant once & I can't find it in the store to save my life! It's yummy.

    Ceviche is made & marinating in the fridge as we speak...I snuck a taste a little while ago & it is AMAZING! Headed to the gym to get my tempo run done then coming back home to enjoy my fabulous ceviche. Now THAT'S motivation. :bigsmile:
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    love ceviche. today I'm at about 2100 calories. I'm not that hungry. I ate a snack just to up my calories but I could have done with 300-400 fewer and been just as satisfied. so weird.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I am at 2,220 calories today. I have 300 left. I don't have room for any more and I am probably going to bed soon. I could have had less if I didn't have some halloween candy lol
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Favorite cheese = cave aged gruere (sp?) Yums.

    2600 today. 2200 base plus 400 exercise calories. 159 grams of protein.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I could live on cheese! I made my husband's favorite mac and cheese tonight with Emmentaler and diced ham - that, Jarlsberg, and Gruyere are my favorite swiss cheeses. I also love the soft cheeses: Brie, Camembert, and Humboldt Fog. Yesterday I picked up a slice of Le Roule, a soft white cheese rolled in herbs, and sliced some rosemary diamante bread. Works for every single meal!
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    I'm shy about 40 cal from 2000, but I'm sure I undercalculated my Kashi cereal. :wink:

    Cheese: I'll eat just about any kind, but my favorites are linked with the foods they came with: melted Havarti cheese on french bread from Boudin's Bakery, Swiss cheese in a roast beef sandwich, and goat cheese with marinara sauce from a tapas restaurant called Cafe Iberico in Chicago.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Rocked it out on the treadmill & the ceviche was a total WIN. I had only made half a batch in case I wasn't crazy about it, then my 10 year old got a taste. Long story short I will need to make the other half within the next day or two cuz this batch ain't gonna make it to see Saturday, lol. I loved it, & now I really want to try it with shrimp! I had a couple of small tortillas filled with it, & a little left over from the 1c-sized portion I dished up, so I finished that off with a few tortillas chips. YUM.
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Psych101- you are far too modest!! That is a HUGE NSV!! I'm extremely happy for you!

    Cheese is a food I enjoy if given to me but I never crave it. However, that Boursin soft herb cheese is almost impossible to resist!

    I stayed under 1800 cals today and was not hungry. No mystery since I loaded up yesterday. Hoping for decent running weather tomorrow so I don't have to use a treadmill! (yawn!!)
  • dawnmichelea
    dawnmichelea Posts: 112 Member
    Posting to keep up with this thread.....which is hard to do! Fast moving, but I love it.
  • ltki
    ltki Posts: 77
    Oh, and small NSV for me...

    ...today my BMI is officially 24.9 - I'm finally NORMAL...well, as normal as I'll ever be lol

    I know BMI is a stupid chart blah blah, but it was one of my first goals.

    So my BMI has gone from 43.2 to 24.9

    Morbidly obese to NORMAL....woop woop!

    Such and awesome job! Congrats.
    Im still working on fixing the damage that I did over the long weekend, getting there little by little :-)

    I had my final bootcamp session this morning, sadly I missed the fitness test from the first week so I cant compare the resutls. Our fitness test is a 1km run and then total number of burpees in 2 min. I got 4:45 for the run and 33 (and a half) burpees, I'm pretty happy with that.

    Looking forward to changing my training up a bit now bootcamp is over, first triathlon of the season is 2 weeks and I have a 10km fun run this Sunday so plenty to keep me busy.

    Hope everyone has wonderful weekends!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Psych101: Congrats on the BMI! That's amazing!

    Favorite Cheese? I love Mozzarella and Parmesan, but I'm not a huge cheese eater. It's a rare treat for me. My favorite way to eat cheese is either a Tomato/Mozzarella Salad or Parmesan with Prosciutto and Melon. Yum!

    Today was an interesting morning. I weighed myself for the first time in months and was a bit dismayed. I'm up 8 pounds from my previous weight. Went from 128-136, but I don't think it's all bad. I think I actually maybe put on some muscle over the past few months. I'm wearing a smaller size than before and I'm convinced my body looks better, so I think all that heaving lifting and eating a lot might have had some results. I'm cautiously optimistic, but I refuse to let myself get upset by my scale.
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    What are split squats?
    I like one legged squats - they're good body weight exercises, and work your ankles and your balance too.
    I thought of a question when I was running today, are you guys more motivated by calorie burn, miles completed, or minutes to log when you are doing your cardio?
    Miles covered, I think - but like SatelliteCrush80 I'm usually training for something. Like stubbysticks, I want to go faster!! I think I'm slightly unusual on this thread in that I am concerned about what I eat so that I can fuel my training properly, rather than training so that I can eat! Does that make sense? (This is absolutely not intended as a criticism, just an observation of a difference in emphasis...)
    Oh, and small NSV for me...

    ...today my BMI is officially 24.9 - I'm finally NORMAL...well, as normal as I'll ever be lol
    Nice one, very well done!
    What are your favorite cheeses?
    I love brie, and soft cheeses like that. Also smoked cheese is very nice. I like all sorts of cheese, though. What is "munster" cheese?

    We had loads of potatoes and cabbage at home, so I googled "cabbage and potato soup" and made the first one I found that sounded nice - unfortunately is has a tin of evaporated milk in it, so it isn't that low calorie!! It does taste very good all the same. I've got some of the left-overs with me for lunch.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I am motivated by both simultaneously...when I run I know that 6 miles will give me 1800 cals to work with...that's all fine and well...that's my minimum. Once I start running it's about my goal in that moment...today it was adding in 1 min sprints at every 10min interval for the duration of my run. By the 6th one I'd had enough but I pushed myself. Does that make sense?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I thought of a question when I was running today, are you guys more motivated by calorie burn, miles completed, or minutes to log when you are doing your cardio?

    All of the above? :laugh: Miles completed, pace, overall health, calorie burn so I can eat more, and because I know I'll feel so much better after. Currently, I just want to get faster.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    @fimm, Bulgarian split squats are one-legged dumbbell squats where you extend one leg out behind you & rest your foot on a bench. You hold dumbbells at your sides & squat down until the knee of the back leg almost touches the floor. They are HARD - for me, anyway, since I'm new to them. But WOW you can't beat them for a targeted glute workout!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Came in just under 2200 yesterday, a good day overall with burn and calories.
    Already went out for my 60 minute walk with my gf, but I think that may be it for the day. My body tells me it's enough so I will call it an active rest day.

    Cheese, I can tell I don't get out enough. Mostly cheddar and mozzarella for me, which I love, but never tried most of what you guys are choosing. Maybe I shouldn't so I won't be tempted by those too!

    Going out to dinner with a few girlfriends tonight. I will try to keep my calories a little low to compensate for it.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    @fimm, Bulgarian split squats are one-legged dumbbell squats where you extend one leg out behind you & rest your foot on a bench. You hold dumbbells at your sides & squat down until the knee of the back leg almost touches the floor. They are HARD - for me, anyway, since I'm new to them. But WOW you can't beat them for a targeted glute workout!

    I still get a thrill of fear when these come up in my workout DVDs ! But, yeah, they get the job done!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I could live on cheese! I made my husband's favorite mac and cheese tonight with Emmentaler and diced ham - that, Jarlsberg, and Gruyere are my favorite swiss cheeses. I also love the soft cheeses: Brie, Camembert, and Humboldt Fog. Yesterday I picked up a slice of Le Roule, a soft white cheese rolled in herbs, and sliced some rosemary diamante bread. Works for every single meal!

    Humbolt Fog needs to MARRY ME and HAVE MY BABIES.

    I love that stuff. So good. I love all GOOD cheese (heh) but I prefer very flavorful cheeses and soft cheeses so a good proper blue cheese (not the nasty ones.. the softer kinds), brie (oh god), blended cheese (they make some that are a mixture of goat, sheep and cow milk), goat cheese (on spinach salad, yum).

    ITs funny that we were talking abotu squats yesterday because I went to training and she was like "ok 50 half squats, do em fast" and I was like "...huh? 50? FIFTY? or 15? 50? All at once?" -- got 30 done and had to take a short break and then another short break before the last 5.

    I challenge you all to do them, your thighs will burn like they have never burned before. BURN.

    Adn then we did bulgarian squats. REALLY? no weight though, thank god, as I woke up this morning an hour early and thought "oh god why do my thighs hurt so bad whhyyyy...... oh that's right. squats."

    I thought I was the queen of squats but you are not the queen until you are pumping out 50 in a row. And then following up with bulgarians. And ow. OW.

    The scale is being reasonably kind to me today. Its giving me pretty numbers like 172. I've seen those pretty numbers before on my low fluctuations but tonight I'll do an official weigh in and see what comes up. This morning doesnt' count because I am starving and in a 'thin' phase right now. Need to stuff some bacon in there, that will fix that pesky weight loss. >_>

    Starting to have moments where I feel really unhappy with the slow slow slow SLOW loss, but then again every day that I get to eat pretty much whatever Iw ant makes me REALLY happy so it balances out.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    you could start doing trail running caveats. Running on a treadmill is the most boring painful thing in the entire world but I like running at the park or on the Santiago Creek trail.

    Yeah, I've been passed by trail runners before (and it boggles me when I'm on a STEEP trail and there's STILL runners passing me, lol). Still, not a fan of running, although thanks for the suggestion. :) I just prefer to take it slow and easy. I have the soul of a mastiff, not a greyhound, lol.

    So we went to Whole Foods last night after our yoga class, and while we were picking out some fruit, my bf said he needs to work on eating healthier and he was ready to do so. MUAHAHAHA!!! YOU WILL BE CONVERTED!! While I was sad he was going to have to suffer some *coughcough* self-discipline, I was thrilled because that means less pizza and prepackaged frozen food to stock in the house for him (and, by extension, for me ... because a girl can only resist for so long.) We split a navel orange as a late-night snack last night. I was so proud of him. *sniff*

    Cheese -- not a big fan, although I do eat it. My favorite would have to be muenster for grilled cheese sandwiches, and pepper jack/colby jack for snacking, topping, or pairing with crackers. Every once in a while, I even get into the mood for something as "daring" as brie. But blue cheese is out, and feta is usually out. I can't really handle the pungent cheeses very well.

    Squats -- definitely a super-awesome workout, and I like that it works multiple muscle groups at once. No way I can drop 50 and not cry like a little baby, but the last time I did them, I was at least able to use the bar (45 lbs.) instead of just doing a body weight, so I'm happy about that little bit of progress. Besides, anything that will get me out of the gym faster, I am a fan of. :bigsmile: