<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Morning all!

    I am a night time workout gal during the week - occasionally I will drag myself out of bed before work and go for a run but not very often! I also need to eat before I workout so I tend to have a snack around 3pm and then work out when I get home at 4.30pm. Works for me!

    Weekends are a different matter though, I tend to workout in the morning straight after brekkie so I'm energised for the day! PLus I always think I look totally bada$$ running early on a saturday morning!

    Oh, I think that we need a new mattress - I've noticed that since losing a lot of weight, I tend to get sore points around my hips when I lie a certain way? Is that normal? Perhaps we need a more supportive mattress!

    Still no NROLFW!! Aaargh! Apparently they were shipping from the UK...But I want it NOW lol I'm so impatient!

    Jade - darl, try not to put deadlines on these things. I know that these last 10-20lbs are going to be the hardest to get off for me personally. I've never met someone who actually did HCG - well apart from those people who I like to wind up on here lol just keep plugging away at it....
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    @TluvK ~ I am 5'10", too!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Wow, I missed a lot the last couple days. I have been just doing what I can to get through feeling crappy with PMS and along with it some water gain which never puts anyone in a good mood. Still logging and getting in some lame workouts, but at least it has been something.
    Today, I have felt a little better and got in a really good workout, so hopefully with worst is behind me for the month.

    Goals for November:
    1) Show a loss for the month, hopefully 4 pounds, but any amount is good. My loss for October was going to be 3.8 until I gained 4 pounds of water with PMS, so I ended up with no loss in October, I know November has to be better than that!!!!!
    2) Continue working on body weight exercises that I hate (pushups, situps, modified pullups, lunges, etc.) at least 2 times per week.
    3) Water!
    4) Make sure I take my vitamins at least 5 days per week. I hate taking them and put it off and then end up forgetting them most days, duh!
    5) Continue checking in here daily for inspiration and motivation :)

    I am a morning exerciser. Love the feeling of having it done and prefer to workout on an empty stomach so it works for me. Afternoon/before dinner works too, but I have the tendency to find excuses to not do it by then.
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    So I decided to honor my promise to myself - we'll see if it works out for the best. I noticed after eating 2 weeks at maintenance that more calories equals higher body temp, higher (but still low) heart rate, and faster metabolism. So when I went back on a deficit (only 250) I promised myself I would have a 'cheat day' if I noticed my body temp getting too low, as it was a sure-fire sign of another plateau. So over the last couple days I've noticed a drop in my body temp (96.7 - eek), heart rate (from my normal 55 to 43), and just lower energy levels.

    So I decided mid-day I needed to feed myself. So I did - I had a nice bowl of linguini with vodka sauce and meatballs, french bread with goat's milk butter, and am about to have some mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert. So happy I decided to do this - I've never had cheat meals mid-week - a nice change of pace, and very much needed today. Back to the grind tomorrow...

    But, just took my temp - 98.1 :)
  • jomatho...working out whether intensely or easily is always good. sorry you're feeling cruddy. great goals!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    How are we all doing on those goals we set for the month?
    I am getting up early to work out tomorrow ~ husband thinks I will be a brat, but I gotta get it in since I have a Dr's appt in the afternoon and won't be able to do my walk/stadiums. I am wondering if I will feel up to a bike ride in the after my appointment, though....hmmm....

    Had a great dinner -- ribeye steak, blue cheese, baked potato and delicious salad! I am glad I treated myself since I have been under on my cals the last few days :) Sipping on some wine right now, and not feeling too hungry for dessert, so it just may be a piece or two of Dove dark chocolate.
    I am excited for breakfast tomorrow -- leftover baked potato sauteed with onion and tomato, scrambled eggs and sprinkled with feta....going to be great!

    I need some hobbies if my meals are this much of a thrill ;)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Goals for November... Maintain my weight, get faster.

    I'm redoing the couch to 5k, but instead of doing walk / run intervals, I'm doing run / run faster intervals. Jogging at 6mph, running between 8.2 and 9mph. If I can get through this and do a full 5k at 9mph, I'm going to be one happy camper! My 5k PR now is 24:59, aiming for under 21 minutes eventually. Maybe a bit ambitious, but I do best when I have a project.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Goals for November...

    -Lower body fat by 1%
    -Stay in my happy 144-148 range
    -Kick *kitten* next week at my last half marathon of the year
    -Continue to log my food
    -As always, strive to maintain balance in my nutrition and workouts.
    -Enjoy my occasional sweet treat/indulgence, but be sure that it stays ON OCCASION.

    I'm not quite to 1600 cals today, but I'm pretty full. Since today ended up being a rest day (from running and lifting), I'm good with that. Think I'm gonna let myself have a nice cup of dark chocolate hot cocoa and call it a night.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Still early in November and I think I've started my goals on the right foot. I started filling up my stainless steel 18oz. water bottle and refill it 3x/day so I'm getting my water intake. I've had an apple a day (with peanut butter, *ahem*) so that's my fruit each day, and I'm looking into various workout routines to supplement my at-home strength program. Not bad.

    I've kinda been Jillian Michaels-crazy because I just picked up her book Making the Cut as well as her DVD Blast Fat Boost Metabolism. I'm really serious about working on this belly fat and I figured she's smart and knows what she's doing.

    I've been under the weather yesterday and today but I pushed through and got some workouts in regardless. I thought I'd be over in calories today but I'm actually under at the moment. I had spaghetti squash at dinner and it was SO filling! I am ga-ga over spaghetti squash right now, I roasted one today and am going to freeze half of it to see if it will hold for a month or two. I wish I could eat it year-round. :love:
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Good morning from sunny Scotland! Did my mega club run fllowed by swim combo last night - took it a bit easily after giving blood on Tuesday but it was still good. I've got my running kit with me to go running at lunchtime - I wish I could go running now, as it is lovely and sunny :smile: however having caught up with the thread I better do some work... :grumble:
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Good morning from NY! As you are out running, I will be crawling into bed after a 12hr. overnight shift. But i'll get my workout in when I wake up!
    Have a good day & happy eating!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Didn't eat enough yesterday with such a high burn. I was stuffed at dinner though so I think when I work out hard and long like that, I need to be snacking as I go. Lesson learned. I have some extra calories today if I need them but if not oh well, not gonna stress about it.
    Have some DOMS today which is good, love it. I think I will do steady state cardio (easy jog) just to get the muscles warm and moving, no strength work today.
    @Lucyhoneychurch, I have frozen spaghetti squash and ate it about 3 months after, it was fine. Slightly watery so it would be good to drain/squeeze it after defrosting. I just froze mine already cooked in a freezer bag. I like spaghetti squash on occasion, but I really prefer zucchini noodles in place of or in addition to pasta. Not as sweet as SS. You ca-n make "noodles" with a carrot peeler or with a spiral slicing contraption which is what I use. I actually prefer it to pasta sometimes. I also just saw a lasagna being made on food network using thinly sliced zucchini-yum!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I also just saw a lasagna being made on food network using thinly sliced zucchini-yum!

    that's awesome, I want some....

    I already messed up my November goals. Well, just the one about drinking my water. I drink a lot of 0 cal natural flavored sparkling water stuff, and of course a lot of coffee...but no plain straight water...
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I'm a 2000+ kCal a day girl... and still losing weight! I just exercise lots! Joining this thread for inspiration!
  • I'm getting so mad at my weight...the scale has been up for the past 3 days and it's pissing me off. I didn't do anything to deserve this. Sunday I had a good weigh in...Monday good...Tues-Thurs has been up 2 to 3.5 pounds. If it's not "gone" by tomorrow then I have to take action. It's consistent high weigh ins that raise red flags for me. I can do 3-4 days....by the 5th day I'm getting a bit worried.

    Anyway, how are all of you today? Planning any yummy eats? I had pumpkin pancakes and hazelnut coffee for breakfast! :)
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    love4fitness, I'm sorry things aren't going well for you.

    I've done my run, which was nice if quite hard work. I guess still a hang over from giving blood.

    The other thing I'm happy about today - a few weeks ago I went shopping with my sister and got a new pair of trousers which I'm wearing for the first time today. They're (UK) size 8 and they actually fit!! All my other trousers are 10s or 12s and most of them have safety pins in the waist to keep them from sliding down too much... I can't afford to just go out and replace them all, but I'm hoping to get some more in the January sales. (I'm also not totally convinced that I'm going to stay this shape, but that is another story...)
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I'm getting so mad at my weight...the scale has been up for the past 3 days and it's pissing me off. I didn't do anything to deserve this. Sunday I had a good weigh in...Monday good...Tues-Thurs has been up 2 to 3.5 pounds. If it's not "gone" by tomorrow then I have to take action. It's consistent high weigh ins that raise red flags for me. I can do 3-4 days....by the 5th day I'm getting a bit worried.

    This is why I only officially log my weight every 4 weeks (the middle of the week after I'm done with TOM) - I get huge amounts of bloating and this week the scale said I was up FIVE POUNDS from maintenance. Bleh.
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    Didn't eat enough yesterday with such a high burn. I was stuffed at dinner though so I think when I work out hard and long like that, I need to be snacking as I go. Lesson learned. I have some extra calories today if I need them but if not oh well, not gonna stress about it.
    Have some DOMS today which is good, love it. I think I will do steady state cardio (easy jog) just to get the muscles warm and moving, no strength work today.
    @Lucyhoneychurch, I have frozen spaghetti squash and ate it about 3 months after, it was fine. Slightly watery so it would be good to drain/squeeze it after defrosting. I just froze mine already cooked in a freezer bag. I like spaghetti squash on occasion, but I really prefer zucchini noodles in place of or in addition to pasta. Not as sweet as SS. You ca-n make "noodles" with a carrot peeler or with a spiral slicing contraption which is what I use. I actually prefer it to pasta sometimes. I also just saw a lasagna being made on food network using thinly sliced zucchini-yum!

    Wow. That sounds great! I'm so gonna try that!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I'm getting so mad at my weight...the scale has been up for the past 3 days and it's pissing me off. I didn't do anything to deserve this. Sunday I had a good weigh in...Monday good...Tues-Thurs has been up 2 to 3.5 pounds. If it's not "gone" by tomorrow then I have to take action. It's consistent high weigh ins that raise red flags for me. I can do 3-4 days....by the 5th day I'm getting a bit worried.

    This is why I only officially log my weight every 4 weeks (the middle of the week after I'm done with TOM) - I get huge amounts of bloating and this week the scale said I was up FIVE POUNDS from maintenance. Bleh.

    Love - Could it be hormonal? I know you're young, but I had about 2 weeks of that this last month. I have an IUD, so I don't really get my period but I do get symptoms of it. This last month my boobs hurt SOOO bad - bad enough, I actually took 2 pregnancy tests. Anyway - I was up 4 pounds (for NO reason) during that whole time and just felt really full and yucky. Well, I actually did manage to get my period last week and now this week, my body is totally back to normal - I'm not only back to where I should be, but I'm down 1.5 lbs - my clothes feel better, etc. I think my hormones were screwing with me. I'd suggest you just be a little more patient about it.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Didn't eat enough yesterday with such a high burn. I was stuffed at dinner though so I think when I work out hard and long like that, I need to be snacking as I go. Lesson learned. I have some extra calories today if I need them but if not oh well, not gonna stress about it.
    Have some DOMS today which is good, love it. I think I will do steady state cardio (easy jog) just to get the muscles warm and moving, no strength work today.
    @Lucyhoneychurch, I have frozen spaghetti squash and ate it about 3 months after, it was fine. Slightly watery so it would be good to drain/squeeze it after defrosting. I just froze mine already cooked in a freezer bag. I like spaghetti squash on occasion, but I really prefer zucchini noodles in place of or in addition to pasta. Not as sweet as SS. You ca-n make "noodles" with a carrot peeler or with a spiral slicing contraption which is what I use. I actually prefer it to pasta sometimes. I also just saw a lasagna being made on food network using thinly sliced zucchini-yum!

    Wow. That sounds great! I'm so gonna try that!

    Me too - do you remember the chef that made it?