<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I did Charlean Extreme for 9 months. I love her! She really made me love to lift weights. I really credit her workouts to really strengthening my upper body.

    Today was HIIT on the elliptical. 20 minutes of HIIT then just 40 minutes at a good pace.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member

    Morning or night workout?

    I do mornings because I just cannot stay awake late enough to do it at night and fit dinner in.

    Either... both... and/or lunchtime... (don't think I've ever done all three...). For me, I think straight after work and before dinner suits quite well - but a morning workout is good, too :o)

    I've tried to work out in the mornings occasionally (~6:30-7ish, which is still way late for some people!), with minimal success. I can occasionally muster a 9am yoga class. But I'm generally working out or in yoga sometime between 5:30-9pm on the weekdays, and maybe in the mid-afternoon (2-4pm) on weekends.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Wow this tread moves fast. Sorry if I don't have time to read it all.

    I generally workout in the morning. Although I've found I probably have more energy in the evenings it just isn't practical for me.

    Also, so far the scales hasn't gone up during my "bulk". Interesting....
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Does anyone know, would Chalean Extreme's Burn It Off be considered HIIT? It's 27 mins and it's high intensity most of the way through? I forgot that I do that workout once a week too. I hate it, to be honest, because some of the moves just completely wind me and I'm just dying to get through the workout. LOL

    I used to eat a lot more consistently and then got all thrown off as this is our busy season (the fall) with running around and commitments. Birthdays, anniversaries, etc thrown in always make it a challenge to stick to eating clean so I struggle during Sept-Dec. I mostly hit my calorie levels fine (occasionally I'll go over) but I definitely eat more carbs and sugar during these months due to indulging for the special days. Speaking of that...my son's birthday is Friday...so between Halloween and his birthday, I don't get much of a respite from sugar. ;o) I don't deprive myself because then I'll binge...that is one thing I learned from doing all the fad diets...I am a binge eater and if I don't enjoy life a little, I'll blow all of my efforts in one night. Soooo....yeah. I suspect what is going on is I'm eating too much right now. Although I've only had the BMF for a week (got it Wednesday evening last week), and I'm sure the data isn't entirely accurate as it's adjusting to my body and what not, I can see when I run a report that I hit my average TDEE of 2200 a day but my average calories in has been closer to 1950 - so my deficit hasn't been 500 each day. I would be happy to lose .5 lb this week....but as it is TOM, I don't see that happening. I know...I need to have patience...but I see my goal date looming in on me and see that I spent all of October in the same weight and I get upset and want to do something NOW to change it. I WANT OUT OF THE 170s SOOO DESPERATELY!! LOL I'm at 170.0....how much closer could I be?!?! LOL

    Thanks for listening to me whine a little...this is why I don't like to set goals because when I don't meet them (and they are VERY realistic goals), I get down on myself. :o/ For instance, I gave myself three months to lose 11 pounds. A pound a week....and I still can't hit it.

    Now....I am beginning to wonder....if the STOOPID diet I did last year screwed me in yet another way. Don't pounce on me (read my profile to hear my stance on it!), but did HCG this time last year. I lose 23 lbs and got down to 169.8 - that was my lowest during the period I did it. Then I "stabilized" at 171-172 and maintained for a couple of months until I started gaining again. I'm just wondering if maybe this weight is like a set point or something weird and that's why I can't seem to break through it. DAMN HCG. I was such a fool for doing it and now I speak out openly against it on this forum so people can see what I went through while/after doing it (again, read profile for that laundry list). This is why I'm here now....eating healthily and exercising and wanting to do this the right way but there is nothing more depressing than stalling when supposedly doing all the right things.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    jade: Once you get down to the last 20 or so pounds you can't really expect a pound a week. Don't be so hard on yourself! Goal dates are hard. Your body doesn't know you have a deadline so it's not always going to cooperate. I really wanted to be back to pre-PG weight by the time my kid was a year. Didn't happen. Still hasn't happened (not going to happen until I switch back to weight loss obviously). Slow loss is better than no loss. Slow loss is healthy, easier to maintain, etc.

    A HIIT is a minute or so at your highest intensity possible. I know for me my heard rate gets up to 160-170. Then a minute of complete rest (or just walking around). Turbo Fire (w/ Chalean as well) includes several HIIT workouts.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I don't know if I would consider Burn it off HIIT. It is pretty high intensity though.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Working out morning or evening?

    At the start of my weight loss, I worked out at night after the kids were in bed, between 8:45-10:30 +/- twenty minutes. That was ME time, and I am more productive at night. It never made me too wired to sleep. As the weather got better (summer) I'd take the kiddos outdoors, and by September it was easier to work out in the mornings after the kids were in school.

    Nowadays I prefer mornings so I can unwind at night. On weekends I'll work out right after the kids have breakfast. I don't even desire to work out at night anymore.

    Today I have a cold and was close to hibernating, but I sucked it up and took cold medicine so I could work out. I've been so cranky lately from feeling foggy, but need to work out so I can EAT! I love that feeling after a workout when I know I can have 2000+ calories and fuel without terrible restrictions.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    If I don't work out before noon, there's a good chance it won't happen! I love to get it done first thing in the am!!

    I feel like a bottomless pit today! I had almost 700 cals for breakfast and I wasn't even full!

    I admire all of you who run on treadmills! I was forced to do it yesterday since we had a major rainstorm. That was the longest hour ever!! Even while watching a movie! But I guess I'd better get used to it!

    On a side note, if anyone can recommend a good mattress, I'm all ears! We bought an $1800 "tempurpedic-like" mattress just over a year ago and I hate it!! I wake up FROM back pain every day. It seemed so comfy when we got it. But through the night, I just sink gradually. I'm a side sleeper,too, which doesn't help. I won't buy anything with memory foam again!

    I think it's time for a snack! :)
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    I'm kinda doing both, if you want to look at it that way. I'm changing my body composition is the real answer -- lose fat, gain muscle. I'm focused more on the "gain muscle" stage right now because I want something to show off. I figure the "lose fat" is happening alongside anyway as I build more muscle mass, just at a slower pace than if I focused on the "lose fat via caloric deficit" method. If I can get to the point where I can do an unassisted pull-up, I would die a happy woman. :bigsmile:

    This is what I am trying to do. And totally agree I can't wait to do an unassisted pull-up.

    Do negative pull ups (If you're not already)! I'm now at 4 sets of 5 unassisted pull ups and I credit all my pull up success to working hard for about a week or so doing negatives. It really really helps!

    YES!!! I actually found this machine the last time I was at the gym earlier this week. My bf was using it, and I asked him how it worked. He set it to 110 lbs., I got on ... and I DID A PULL-UP! MUAHAHA! Okay, so it was a total cheat, but I finally see the light! It's totally going into my regular routine now. :bigsmile:
    Caveats, I was mostly messing about with my "how many calories for giving blood?" question :o) I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that someone found an answer!

    Heh, I'm a business analyst. I find answers to ambiguous questions. But I was that annoying little kid that always asked her parents "WHY?", so I guess it was really a knee-jerk reaction on my part. :laugh:

    Workouts -- Oh, most definitely at night. I am NOT a morning person. In fact, the biggest reason why my gym membership is with 24Hour Fitness is because the best of time for me to get in a workout is between 11 p.m. - midnight. I love that I'm not fighting 20 meatheads for the same equipment at that hour. :laugh: Well, the "meathead" part isn't that prevalent here in UT, but it was definitely bad when I still lived in SoCal.
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    @spoiledwife-I've heard really good things about the sleep number beds. I don't have one but for my next bed I may check in to it.

    @Jade-try not to be too hard on yourself and like Rachel said....you may have to change your expectations to .5lb lose per week instead of 1lb. I had to do the same thing.

    workout time- I only like to run in the mornings. Seems I do best then. I will work out anytime pretty much at the gym and prefer to do yoga in the evenings.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Working out morning or evening?

    Evening... the person, animal, or machine that wakes me up before my alarm clock (which is set to the last possible moment I need to get up) will feel my wrath. :devil: :grumble: :devil:
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    On a side note, if anyone can recommend a good mattress, I'm all ears! We bought an $1800 "tempurpedic-like" mattress just over a year ago and I hate it!! I wake up FROM back pain every day. It seemed so comfy when we got it. But through the night, I just sink gradually. I'm a side sleeper,too, which doesn't help. I won't buy anything with memory foam again!

    I can only speak for actual Tempurpedic mattresses, but we love ours. The trick is to find the right amount of memory foam for you. Thicker memory foam = more squishy (and also generally more expensive). We tried a couple and found that one level up from the base model was perfect for us. I sleep on my stomach and when mattresses are too soft it's like doing a backbend all night long. Our mattress is perfect.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member

    On a side note, if anyone can recommend a good mattress, I'm all ears! We bought an $1800 "tempurpedic-like" mattress just over a year ago and I hate it!! I wake up FROM back pain every day. It seemed so comfy when we got it. But through the night, I just sink gradually. I'm a side sleeper,too, which doesn't help. I won't buy anything with memory foam again!

    I love my sleep number, had it for 5 years now and will get another one when this one is old!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm kinda doing both, if you want to look at it that way. I'm changing my body composition is the real answer -- lose fat, gain muscle. I'm focused more on the "gain muscle" stage right now because I want something to show off. I figure the "lose fat" is happening alongside anyway as I build more muscle mass, just at a slower pace than if I focused on the "lose fat via caloric deficit" method. If I can get to the point where I can do an unassisted pull-up, I would die a happy woman. :bigsmile:

    This is what I am trying to do. And totally agree I can't wait to do an unassisted pull-up.

    Do negative pull ups (If you're not already)! I'm now at 4 sets of 5 unassisted pull ups and I credit all my pull up success to working hard for about a week or so doing negatives. It really really helps!

    YES!!! I actually found this machine the last time I was at the gym earlier this week. My bf was using it, and I asked him how it worked. He set it to 110 lbs., I got on ... and I DID A PULL-UP! MUAHAHA! Okay, so it was a total cheat, but I finally see the light! It's totally going into my regular routine now. :bigsmile:
    Caveats, I was mostly messing about with my "how many calories for giving blood?" question :o) I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that someone found an answer!

    Heh, I'm a business analyst. I find answers to ambiguous questions. But I was that annoying little kid that always asked her parents "WHY?", so I guess it was really a knee-jerk reaction on my part. :laugh:

    Workouts -- Oh, most definitely at night. I am NOT a morning person. In fact, the biggest reason why my gym membership is with 24Hour Fitness is because the best of time for me to get in a workout is between 11 p.m. - midnight. I love that I'm not fighting 20 meatheads for the same equipment at that hour. :laugh: Well, the "meathead" part isn't that prevalent here in UT, but it was definitely bad when I still lived in SoCal.

    how do you quote multiple people within a single post?
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    On a side note, if anyone can recommend a good mattress, I'm all ears!

    I don't know if this will help you now...as we bought our king mattress set about 11 years ago...but it is still the most wonderful bed everrrrrr! We bought a Simmons Beautyrest set - pillowtop. I ordered it firm on my side and a bit softer on my husband's side as that is what we prefer. The pillowtop just makes it amazing though. I don't even think this bed is sagging very much after 11 years...and two children later....and me weighing in at 220 lbs for however long. We spent almost $2k when we bought them - and got them from Hudson's when that department store still existed. ;o) My husband still comments several times a week how "he hates our bed because it is tooo comfortable and he never wants to get out of it". No back aches or problems here yet. And our in-laws and other friends have slept in our bed when housesitting or babysitting over nights and everyone comments how amazing it is.

    Sooo...all that to say....there are different levels within each mattress brand and I know we purchased on the higher end of the Beautyrest line (the $2k price was also a sale price, I should mention). If I had to purchase mattresses now, I'd definitely go to the nicer department stores and try out their higher end mattress sets. I'd stay away from furniture stores like Art Van because they usually carry the lower to mid end of the company's lines. Take your favorite pillow and really test drive the mattresses before committing.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hi! I am definitely NOT eating 2000+ per day. But I am on a gradual journey to get there. My aim is to increase my calorie intake by 100 calories per week (in recovery from eating disorder). If any of you can deal with it I would love some friends who eat properly and healthily because it's very inspiring and motivational for me to see how successful you guys all are, while still eating a normal amount. Hopefully before too long I can join your club properly.

    Sweetie, we have been friends for a while and I can see you trying to make wonderful positive changes in your life. If following us on here helps you, then by all means, PLEASE do.
    These ladies are wonderful examples of beautiful, tiny, FIT, HEALTHY women who do NOT restrict, and if we can be of any help in your recovery then it is my pleasure to assist.

    Well. Some of us are tiny. Some of us are 5'6" + but friend us anyway, we are happy to have you.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    how do you quote multiple people within a single post?

    I open this thread in a new window and copy-paste the blocks I want to quote, then add the quote tags around them (basically "quote" and "/quote" between these brackets [ ]).
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member

    I don't know if this will help you now...as we bought our king mattress set about 11 years ago...but it is still the most wonderful bed everrrrrr! We bought a Simmons Beautyrest set - pillowtop. I ordered it firm on my side and a bit softer on my husband's side as that is what we prefer. The pillowtop just makes it amazing though. I don't even think this bed is sagging very much after 11 years...and two children later....and me weighing in at 220 lbs for however long. We spent almost $2k when we bought them - and got them from Hudson's when that department store still existed. ;o) My husband still comments several times a week how "he hates our bed because it is tooo comfortable and he never wants to get out of it". No back aches or problems here yet. And our in-laws and other friends have slept in our bed when housesitting or babysitting over nights and everyone comments how amazing it is.

    That's what I miss! Not wanting to get out of bed in the morning!!
    I have heard good things about both the Simmons Beauty rest and the Sleep Number beds! Our previous bed was a pillow top and it was great. The only problem was when one of us got up, the other one got jiggled!! The ONLY good thing about our mattress now is that either of us can get in/out of bed without disturbing the other.

    I'll have to convince my hubby to look into it. So what if we've already spent $16,000 this year and have Christmas coming up?:wink::wink:
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Hi! I am definitely NOT eating 2000+ per day. But I am on a gradual journey to get there. My aim is to increase my calorie intake by 100 calories per week (in recovery from eating disorder). If any of you can deal with it I would love some friends who eat properly and healthily because it's very inspiring and motivational for me to see how successful you guys all are, while still eating a normal amount. Hopefully before too long I can join your club properly.

    Sweetie, we have been friends for a while and I can see you trying to make wonderful positive changes in your life. If following us on here helps you, then by all means, PLEASE do.
    These ladies are wonderful examples of beautiful, tiny, FIT, HEALTHY women who do NOT restrict, and if we can be of any help in your recovery then it is my pleasure to assist.

    Well. Some of us are tiny. Some of us are 5'6" + but friend us anyway, we are happy to have you.

    5'10" here! Not even close to tiny - my arm span is 6'1"!
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    @spoiledwife-I've heard really good things about the sleep number beds. I don't have one but for my next bed I may check in to it.

    @spoiledwife- I don't have a sleep number bed, either - but my parents do and LOVE it - said they'll never own anything else.

    We bought a "Sleep to Live" mattress/box spring with "My Side" technology about 1.5 years ago and paid a TON of $ for it. I wish I would've tried the Sleep Number...I'm NOT happy with the Sleep to Live, but feel like we have to keep it for many more years before replacing it since we spent so much $ on it. UGH...