<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • wow! Holy work-week, Batman!
    I have missed about 4 pages of this thread. :grumble:

    Welcome to any new people I may have missed, and thanks to all of you who have added me (and any others are welcome too)!

    I had 2 more days of gogogogogo with zero time to eat, so was below maintenance for 2 days running. Today, I had a shorter day at work, took my BodyMedia off, took a 3 hour nap, and ate at the buffet...
    I think I got sufficient rest and calories to make up for the last 2 days. :wink:

    what did you have at the buffet? you can't leave us hanging like that. lol
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    TluvK, I love NROLFW so far. I'm in love with deadlifts, definitely my new favorite exercise. The workouts seem to go so quickly though, almost wish they were longer... Haha how sick is that?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    TluvK, I love NROLFW so far. I'm in love with deadlifts, definitely my new favorite exercise. The workouts seem to go so quickly though, almost wish they were longer... Haha how sick is that?

    Are you in stage 1 too? I love it so much I don't want to move to stage 2. So basic, simple, easy, AND effective. I'm continually able to go up weight. It's awesome. Why change? But I haven't even glanced at stage 2 yet.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    TluvK, I love NROLFW so far. I'm in love with deadlifts, definitely my new favorite exercise. The workouts seem to go so quickly though, almost wish they were longer... Haha how sick is that?

    I know the feeling! They do get longer - are you still in Stage 1? I also did AMRAP after every workout in Stage 1 - made it longer and sweatier :wink: I can't get done under in hour in Stage 3 right now.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Welcome poisongirl...how old are you? Married? Do you have anyone on board with your weight loss goals?

    Morning everyone :) happy Saturday. I am going to bake some more today! Yay

    I am 26, and married for ... shoot, it's been 3 going on 4 years. Been with Hubby for over 7 years total. I'm trying to get him on board and join me in getting healthy, but he's not too interested... :grumble:

    I do have friends/colleagues that do join me in working out on breaks at work, so that's been nice. I have a long road ahead of me, but I'm about 20 lbs down so far and hoping for more! Eventually I do want to try running and more intense cardio!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I got my workout in. I did an hour on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I was getting stressed at home and needed a long workout. My husband went to the gym before me and was there for 2 hours meanwhile the kids were killing each other and had a terrible headache from this awful bathroom cleaner (no harsh fumes my butt!!). I feel so much better now that I got it in.

    I am suppose eat 2700 calories. I still have 1300 left. I am going to have a protein shake here in a minute and get some dinner and I will definitely have a night snack tonight.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Yup, I'm in stage 1, just finished the first 3 workouts and I'm really loving it. What a great program! I'm so happy I found it.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    You should do a search on the board for steel cut oats - I've seen a few recipes floating around for crock pot recipes where you make a bunch and eat it all week. I haven't tried them yet, but really want to. Is there more texture? I'm not a fan of the texture/goopiness of oatmeal. Question - I've heard they're better than regular slow cooked oats, but I compared labels once and couldn't find one single difference nutritionally.

    Steel-cut oats are SO awesome -- I definitely recommend trying them out. They do NOT turn out goopy at all (well, unless you just boiled and boiled and boiled them, I guess). They're not different nutritionally from traditional, rolled oats. It's just that with rolled oats, the grains have been flattened into the flat shapes everyone's used to seeing. Steel-cut oats look a lot more like cut-up grains (which is what they are). They have a real toothsome texture to them, with lots of chewiness and nuttiness and goodness. I just wish I had time to make them more often -- they take anywhere from 15-30 minutes to make on the stovetop, depending on how you like your texture. (I like mine chewier, so I tend to cook 'em ~20-25 minutes.)
    Caveats - how's the storm? Utah, right? It's a whiteout here right now!

    Yep, I'm in the heart of ski country -- Salt Lake City. Storm's been a baby so far -- it's passing through without much of a fuss. I'm a wimpy driver in the snow (didn't get much snow in So Cal, haha), but even I made it to a friend's house and back today without anxiety. Just one more week until the first ski resorts here open! :bigsmile:

    Weekend/weekday workouts are about equal to me, too. I don't hit the gym during the day on weekends just because I'm not working. Definitely a creature of habit here, if I have to go, I prefer going at night. :wink: Besides, weekend workouts usually happen as part of my weekend life -- tomorrow, we're going up the canyons to pick up our ski passes. We'll probably get in a hike in the snow while we're up there. Sunday workout, done!

    Eating machine -- I feel ya, girls. I ate at the crappy Chinese buffet last night with the bf (I don't know why, but I was just CRAVING crappy chow mein.) Of course, the scale is reflecting the high sodium/calorie intake so far this week. Time to stop slacking on cooking and get back to eating at home more. :embarassed:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I am 26, and married for ... shoot, it's been 3 going on 4 years. Been with Hubby for over 7 years total. I'm trying to get him on board and join me in getting healthy, but he's not too interested... :grumble:

    My boyfriend was not at ALL interested in losing weight but he lost like 15 lbs just because I was eating less (sigh). He's started running with me 3 days a weekl but I don't think he will lose much because he refuses to journal his food. BUT my losing weight has really motivated him -- I think he suddenly realized that he doesn't want to be the fat one.

    Yours might feel a same - when you lose enough weight that it becomes really visible its kind of like "woah.....should I be doing that?"
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    welcome to all the new folks!!

    I have been busy last couple days so posts have been brief. Due for my TOm next week and feeling bloated and fat:cry:
    I have been eating at what MFP caculates as maintenance for almost 2 weeks (tomorrow is 2 weeks) and tomorrow is my weigh in day and I feel like I am up. I fluctuate 3-5 pounds each week so its hard to tell, but I am sticking with maintenance (which is still not really my maintenance if I go by BMF) to help with metabolism. Then I may actually try to increase protein more and try to build more muscle and get the fat loss down...

    Did a 6 mile run this morning and tomorrow I will be doing p90x and might also add a run in.

    I def. have an easier time working out on weekends if my husband is home to watch my daughter. Then i dont have to get up at 5 am to workout!!

    Re: gastic bypass: I feel the same way as many, seems like I bust my but and others that have surgery have it so much easier. I was also very heavy (lost 120 pounds before joing here, and that took me about 5 years!!).

    For those of you with the NROLFW wondering if you all go to the gym to do the workouts?? I dont have the book, but I heard that its hard to follow if you dont have a gym access or lots of equiptment?? I have dumbells and pull up bar, but thats it. I also heard it was similar to the bob Phillips Fit for Life program. Anyone now if this is true?? I have his book! That being said, one book I recently bought was Tom Venuto Burn the fat feed the muscle, which I really love!!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    For those of you with the NROLFW wondering if you all go to the gym to do the workouts?? I dont have the book, but I heard that its hard to follow if you dont have a gym access or lots of equiptment?? I have dumbells and pull up bar, but thats it. I also heard it was similar to the bob Phillips Fit for Life program. Anyone now if this is true?? I have his book! That being said, one book I recently bought was Tom Venuto Burn the fat feed the muscle, which I really love!!

    For NROLFW you really do need a barbell and weight plates. You could fudge some of the exercises with dumbbells, but to get the really heavy lifting... you need the barbell.

    That said, we got a weight bench with barbell, dumbbells and close to 200 lbs of weight plates for $75 on craigslist and I still see them occasionally in the classifieds too; folks buy, realize they don't use, want the space back.

    edit to add - we do all of our workouts at home or outdoors.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've known three people who've had some kind of weight loss surgery. It's certainly not a quick fix.

    One is having great results. She literally tried to lose weight every possible way without results. She's has PCOS and had problems with diabetes. She's lost about 70 pounds, is near goal now, exercises regularly, eats fairly normally at this point, and is a stickler for nutrition, and looks and feels phenomenal, with perfect blood pressure and glucose readings. She literally glows with health.

    Another... I feel cruel saying this, but she looks like a deflated sack. She has her doctor tighten her valve or whatever they do so she won't eat as much, doesn't exercise, and while I'm sure she's healthier than she was when she was extremely obese, she's not where she could or should be, and has a pinched, sallow look.

    I'm friends with the husband of the third woman. She died from complications two years after surgery. She was only 42, and was a few weeks shy of celebrating her 5th wedding anniversary. :cry: That's heartbreaking in itself, but the really painful part is that she wasn't overweight enough to qualify for surgery in the states, so she went to Brazil for it. And her husband thought she was absolutely gorgeous no matter what she weighed, didn't think she needed surgery, but wanted her to be happy so he supported her decisions.
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Hi and welcome newcomers!

    I've been sitting on my booty all day at work because I am in triage so I don't get any extra yummies tonight :( Yesterday my BMF told me I burned over 3300 cals...but there is no way! I was wearing it on my leg and I think it overestimated a lot. All I did was jump my horse, run 3 miles (intervals), and then walked around at a horse show and shopping with friends. Anyway, I did not eat near that amount even though we went for Sushi and I could've easily eaten double of what I had :) So, back to my arm the gadget goes....which is really uncomfortable, ugh!

    Weekend vs weekday workouts make no difference to me other than my long run days are either on Sat or Sun (depends on work schedule).

    Gastric bypass/lap banding....don't get me started! I work in a hospital that does thousands of these and I see ALL the horrid complications and would not recommend anyone EVER do that surgery unless they are so large that they can't even move. Ok...off soap box!

    Long run in morning and then going to the Cardinals game with my BIL (Margaritaville first) and then meeting a friend for the Ravens game after at a bar....gotta keep my alcohol calories in check! And no game food!......good thing I don't really like that kind of stuff :)

    Love steel cut oats, Yum! But they are kind of a pain to make so I don't do it very often.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    Yikes. Just ate at Chipotle and devoured a Burrito Bowl with Chicken and Steak--double meat. Had the guac and sour cream. Logged it the best I could and was 'only' over by 800cals. Ha! Oh well. Going to get up at 4am tomorrow and hit the bike and 30DS before I spend the 4hrs driving back and forth to the ice rink and then 10 hrs in the rink 'watching' hockey games. This would have made me quit taking care of myself in the past but now, I feel I can roll with this and keep at it tomorrow. When I know I have a whole day at the rink, I usually feel it's an excuse to indulge. Going to make an effort to pack healthy stuff tomorrow and not feel I have to eat out or a lot of junk. It's mostly emotional and bored eating when I'm watching my kids' games.
    Hope you're all having a great weekend!
  • ltki
    ltki Posts: 77
    Happy weekend to everyone!

    Just home from my 10km fun run, lots of hills and the weather was really warm so it was not the best run in history but its done. Celebrated afterwards with breakfast out with my boyfriend at our favourite local cafe. Best thing to do after a good workout. Got to try out my new Garmin watch on the run, loved it, dont know how I ran without it!

    Anyway, off to the movies to enjoy the rest of the day.!

  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    For those of you with the NROLFW wondering if you all go to the gym to do the workouts?? I dont have the book, but I heard that its hard to follow if you dont have a gym access or lots of equiptment?? I have dumbells and pull up bar, but thats it. I also heard it was similar to the bob Phillips Fit for Life program. Anyone now if this is true?? I have his book! That being said, one book I recently bought was Tom Venuto Burn the fat feed the muscle, which I really love!!

    For NROLFW you really do need a barbell and weight plates. You could fudge some of the exercises with dumbbells, but to get the really heavy lifting... you need the barbell.

    That said, we got a weight bench with barbell, dumbbells and close to 200 lbs of weight plates for $75 on craigslist and I still see them occasionally in the classifieds too; folks buy, realize they don't use, want the space back.

    edit to add - we do all of our workouts at home or outdoors.

    I really want to start NROLFW, but I don't have a gym membership and won't be getting one either. I will keep an eye out for a barbell, although I think my husband wants to be the one to get one. :grumble: He bought a set of weights with dumbbells and a few 2.5, 5 and 10 pound plates, but I know that the deadlifts will be more accurate with a barbell. And I don't have any pets so no huge bags of dog food lying around. In the interim, I'll do other strength/HIIT programs and lift weights gradually.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Yikes. Just ate at Chipotle and devoured a Burrito Bowl with Chicken and Steak--double meat. Had the guac and sour cream. Logged it the best I could and was 'only' over by 800cals. Ha! Oh well.

    I had chipotle for dinner too! But I got mine with less rice and no sour cream or guac - I came home and added light sour cream.

    ....which I just realized I forgot to log. DAMMIT! I'm soooo hungry right now. I need to drag my boyfriend out for a run so I can eat more. Pretty sure I can eat more anyway, today was a final packing and cleaning day at our old apartment so that's a tad more active than I'd normally be.
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member

    Caveats - how's the storm? Utah, right? It's a whiteout here right now!

    Yep, I'm in the heart of ski country -- Salt Lake City. Storm's been a baby so far -- it's passing through without much of a fuss. I'm a wimpy driver in the snow (didn't get much snow in So Cal, haha), but even I made it to a friend's house and back today without anxiety. Just one more week until the first ski resorts here open! :bigsmile:

    Weekend/weekday workouts are about equal to me, too. I don't hit the gym during the day on weekends just because I'm not working. Definitely a creature of habit here, if I have to go, I prefer going at night. :wink: Besides, weekend workouts usually happen as part of my weekend life -- tomorrow, we're going up the canyons to pick up our ski passes. We'll probably get in a hike in the snow while we're up there. Sunday workout, done!


    (looking for the " jealousy" icon)

    I'm just north of SLC , in Farmington, but haven't seen the slopes in 13 years! Someday when our kids don't take all our money, my hubby and I can get back into skiing. Alta was my favorite but I skiied them all when I was single.

    I'm glad I got my run in yesterday before the storm hit. I thought it would last longer than it did, though not fun driving into Salt Lake this morning.

    One more shift tomorrow so I won't get a workout until Monday.

    Oops, still figuring out the quotes button!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    For those of you with the NROLFW wondering if you all go to the gym to do the workouts?? I dont have the book, but I heard that its hard to follow if you dont have a gym access or lots of equiptment?? I have dumbells and pull up bar, but thats it. I also heard it was similar to the bob Phillips Fit for Life program. Anyone now if this is true?? I have his book! That being said, one book I recently bought was Tom Venuto Burn the fat feed the muscle, which I really love!!

    I just started, but at this point I'm doing it all at home, although I am debating joining a local gym sometime in the future. That's more dependent on whether or not I move in the next 6 months. No point joining a gym if I move away from it real soon.

    I've got 2 barbells, 120kg of weight plates, adjustable bench, full set of dumbbells, medicine balls, exercise balls, pull-up bar and it's been fine for me so far. I already lift pretty heavy, but when I start upping the weights even more I might consider going to a gym for access to more equipment.
  • Yikes. Just ate at Chipotle and devoured a Burrito Bowl with Chicken and Steak--double meat. Had the guac and sour cream. Logged it the best I could and was 'only' over by 800cals. Ha! Oh well.

    I had chipotle for dinner too! But I got mine with less rice and no sour cream or guac - I came home and added light sour cream.

    ....which I just realized I forgot to log. DAMMIT! I'm soooo hungry right now. I need to drag my boyfriend out for a run so I can eat more. Pretty sure I can eat more anyway, today was a final packing and cleaning day at our old apartment so that's a tad more active than I'd normally be.

    I would have logged the packing. Did you wind ip running or just eat anyway?