<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    For the runners in the group, do you all use the gym/tredmill, or run outside? I'm getting a gym membership for Christmas, but until then im braving the cold in upstate, NY!

    In the summer I run outside, but once fall hits it's too dark to run on the roads in my neighborhoods (no lights or sidewalks). Today I ran outside for the first time since September and I pushed myself a little harder than I should have because it was so nice to be on the road and in control of my speed. I find the treadmill deadly boring, but it's a necessary evil when I want to prep for a 5k. I have to play games with myself, doing intervals and the like, or I won't last for long. On the road it's different because if I want to go home I have to keep going! I play the mailbox game, pushing myself to race to the next one, or else try different strides. I've been trying to adjust my stride when I run so I land mid-foot instead of on my heels (it's supposed to reduce injuries), and staying focused on that can keep my attention for a while.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    For the runners in the group, do you all use the gym/tredmill, or run outside? I'm getting a gym membership for Christmas, but until then im braving the cold in upstate, NY!

    I'm in New Zealand so it doesn't ever get too hot or too cold to run outside here! I have a treadmill which I used a lot in the beginning, but now I only use it if I have to - I don't really have the coordination to be trusted on a treadmill lol

    I'm in southern california so ditto - at least as long as I wait til evening or wear a light jacket. I hate the treadmill. Hate it. Hate the elliptical, hate the arc thingie, HATE the stationary bikes. I don't know why.

    When I was walking a lot I'd get on the treadmill once in a while and 10 minuets later I'd be like "GOD this is boring am I done yet?" but I could walk outside for an hour, and I wasn't walking anywhere interesting or new, I did the same park and neighborhood the whole time.

    I also hate that you can't easily vary your speed on the treadmill. I just find the whole thing really annoying.

    I went and played some Dance Central (2!) because I didn't want to go run but I didn't like seeing that big red number.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Well this weekend was 1/2 good 1/2 bad. Yesterday ate well, stayed around 1600 calories because I wasn't going to be working out.

    Today...yeah....went a little bingey today. I'm not even gonna bother trying to log what I stuffed down the piehole. :( Tomorrow back on it, with a good workout to follow.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi everyone! Found my way here from a link Lorinalyn posted... THANK GOODNESS!!! :) Tagging the thread so I can follow along, now going back to read from the start. I'm so relieved to have found people on here who EAT!!! :bigsmile:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Well this weekend was 1/2 good 1/2 bad. Yesterday ate well, stayed around 1600 calories because I wasn't going to be working out.

    Today...yeah....went a little bingey today. I'm not even gonna bother trying to log what I stuffed down the piehole. :( Tomorrow back on it, with a good workout to follow.

    This is just my opinion but - LOG it. Log every bite. Log every bite even if your diary says -612 AFTER you exercise like mine did on Friday. You'll want the data later (maybe) - if you see a weird gain or loss this week, or month, you will find it really interesting to know how big of a spike today was.

    Its not like you have anything to hide and no one will punish you for having a day over (although one of my friends is perpetually concerned about the state of my lousy diet, haha).

    And welcome smiles. Yes, we eat. But some people eat in a controlled way (love) and some people have diaries covered in red numbers and are currently up 3-4 pounds from their Friday weight (me).
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    For the runners in the group, do you all use the gym/tredmill, or run outside? I'm getting a gym membership for Christmas, but until then im braving the cold in upstate, NY!

    I'm hoping to run outside for as long as I can stand the cold! Running outside for an hour is invigorating and goes by fast! An hour on the treadmill is torture! Even while watching a movie. But I do if it I have to.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    For the runners in the group, do you all use the gym/tredmill, or run outside? I'm getting a gym membership for Christmas, but until then im braving the cold in upstate, NY!

    In the summer I run outside, but once fall hits it's too dark to run on the roads in my neighborhoods (no lights or sidewalks). Today I ran outside for the first time since September and I pushed myself a little harder than I should have because it was so nice to be on the road and in control of my speed. I find the treadmill deadly boring, but it's a necessary evil when I want to prep for a 5k. I have to play games with myself, doing intervals and the like, or I won't last for long. On the road it's different because if I want to go home I have to keep going! I play the mailbox game, pushing myself to race to the next one, or else try different strides. I've been trying to adjust my stride when I run so I land mid-foot instead of on my heels (it's supposed to reduce injuries), and staying focused on that can keep my attention for a while.

    I'm kind of a fledgling runner. I had a used treadmill that broke, so I ran at a high cadence in my basement. My daughter goes to a preschool at our local park district that has a pool and fitness center, so for the two days/1.5 hrs she goes to preschool, I go run on the track for 30 minutes. It's $5 each time I go, and that's only for the track. I've also started using the mid-foot style of running, which is actually quite helpful for my plantar fasciitis in my left heel. (ouch). It's a great calf workout, IMO.

    As for being selfish for wanting to enjoy your body a bit longer before having kids, by all means, enjoy your body! You may be able to go back to your prepregnancy weight eventually, which is what I think many moms strive for, but know that your body goes through a beating when you're growing a baby in there. I had three kids in three years :noway: and that didn't give me much time to bounce back in-between kiddos. It's five years later and I'm busting my *kitten* to get back to the way I was. And for me, the midsection is the hardest place to get back. Oy.

    On another note, this evening I was chatting with my husband about eating habits. He asked me how I feel now that I've drastically changed how I eat, and I stopped to remember how I ate before. It's only been five months since I gave up Coke cold turkey, and I really can't fathom how I used to drink 3-4 cans a day, even one for breakfast right next to a bagel w/cream cheese. I've really upped the fruits and veggies in my diet, but I think I am scared to go back to eating pasta and some dairy. I think being on the 1200>calories thing made me not want to eat those things because of the heavy calories, but I know that there are "good" versions (wheat, some cheeses) of pasta and bread that I should eat because it's healthier in the long run. I'm still learning how to eat and make better choices. With this ability to eat 2000+ calories, I don't want to fill up the space with stuff that will set back my goal to lose the belly fat. So, I'm looking into more protein in my diet instead. Man, I never used to look at the macros! And now I think I will drive myself crazy by trying to find balance between them all.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    For my structured runs I prefer the treadmill, for example speedwork. I'm using C25K to try to improve my pace, so I'll do the walk portions at a jog then sprint during the run portions. Easy to manipulate the speed on the treadmill & make sure I'm keeping up the intensity during the sprints. For distance runs though, I HAVE to do them outside. Anything more than 3-4 miles on the treadmill is basically hell. Feels like an eternity & I want to die of boredom. I'm in MN & we got lucky with another warm weekend so I did 6.66 miles outdoors yesterday, but it's cooling off this week so next weekend I won't be so lucky. Going to pick up some coldgear this week & knit myself a headband & some mittens because next week I've got my longest run to date planned: 7.3 miles. I won't survive it on a treadmill.

    I'm all about logging food too. I may be an oddball in that high numbers don't bother me (hence my membership in this wonderful group lol). On the contrary, in a twisted way I'm kind of proud that I can log days upwards of 4,000 calories once a week & still be losing weight. It's mindboggling to me that there are so many people out there who believe you have to suffer eating 1200 calories or less indefinitely to get the weight off. SMH
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    There's a baby (toddler?) in our apartment building that screams every night right about this time. It's screaming right now. Every time I hear it, my "maybe I might be okay having a kid someday" timeline moves back a day or two... :ohwell:

    LOL I know what you mean. Parenting is no mean job!
    Well this weekend was 1/2 good 1/2 bad. Yesterday ate well, stayed around 1600 calories because I wasn't going to be working out.

    Today...yeah....went a little bingey today. I'm not even gonna bother trying to log what I stuffed down the piehole. :( Tomorrow back on it, with a good workout to follow.

    This is just my opinion but - LOG it. Log every bite. Log every bite even if your diary says -612 AFTER you exercise like mine did on Friday. You'll want the data later (maybe) - if you see a weird gain or loss this week, or month, you will find it really interesting to know how big of a spike today was.

    Ditto tameko's advice. I try to log my binge days, too. (Let's just say there're some really scary days this past week.) It really helps to see if I'm trending toward the devil or the angel on my shoulder.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm not much of a runner yet, but as I wear Vivo Barefoot as both my running shoes and work shoes, I've had to learn to run with the weight in the middle of my foot as a priority. To begin with I had to reinsert the insoles and make them less barefoot :laugh: Now the insoles are back out again :happy: I found YouTube videos that really helped.

    Is anyone else into barefoot shoes?
  • ltki
    ltki Posts: 77
    When I first started running it was all outside, on the beach and I ran weekly with a running club. I was living in West Africa at the time so there was no such things as a gym or treadmill :-) When I moved back to Australia the first thing I did was join a gym because the summers get really hot and I wanted to have access to weights etc.. I ran on treadmills for ages and have only just re-found the joy of outdoor runs. As we move closer to summer (Dec-Feb here in Oz!) I love the feeling of going out in the evening and sweating it out. My gym has a running club twice a week so its great motivation to get out with a group of people, have a chat and push ourselves harder and further than we would on our own. Today we only did about 7.5km with some good hills as we were all recovering from our fun run of yesterday.

    As for the barefoot running, I dont do it, I have to wear orthodics due to fallen arches and inturned feet from childhood so I like the support of good runners. . My boyfriend has done heaps of research on it and finds the concept really interesting. He's a marathon runner (well he did his first in Oct and has big plans for more and more!) and would love to try it , dont think he's game just yet though.

    Oishii how long did it take before you were able to run your usual distances in them? I've heard from others it takes time to get used to them.
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Doing double workouts all week if anyone wants to join me! I've been feeling like a slacker, gotta get the energy to workout right when I get home in the morning from work, and when I wake up the evening. Running at least once, then a p90x workout. Anyone with me??
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm a treadmill runner and find that when reading a good magazine or listening to a podcast I can just go into autopilot (unless I'm doing intervals). I can run outdoors physically but my neighborhood isn't the safest of places.

    So...today is a slow run day. Giving my legs somewhat of a rest...tomorrow as well. Weds and thurs will be intense and Friday easy to prep for 2 long runs this weekend. Woo hoo :)

    Starting week 2 of ripped in 30. I really liked week 1. It's just the right amount of strength training that I don't dread it and i'm pretty consistent with getting it done.

    I'm stating at my grandma's for thanksgiving and I'd like to make a pie that is a bit healthier...pumpkin with soy milk or almond milk instead of evaporated milk and half the sugar. I'm afraid of looking too health conscious though because I did have an eating disorder many years ago...I feel like I am being judged/watched when it cones to food. What should I do? Just eat whatever to appease them or do my own thing and let them judge?
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm stating at my grandma's for thanksgiving and I'd like to make a pie that is a bit healthier...pumpkin with soy milk or almond milk instead of evaporated milk and half the sugar. I'm afraid of looking too health conscious though because I did have an eating disorder many years ago...I feel like I am being judged/watched when it cones to food. What should I do? Just eat whatever to appease them or do my own thing and let them judge?

    I'd say do your own thing and let them judge. I spent years trying to "make up"for my eating disorder by eating unhealthy/junk/bad foods in front of other people so they would just know I was better. It's definitely not worth it to play that game. It's your life and you should eat/do what you want without fear of others judging you or making you feel bad..

    Make the pie you want and if someone comments on it, just say you're trying to be healthy. Nothing wrong with that. Or just make the healthier pumpkin pie and not tell them it's healthy, just say you're trying out a new recipe. I've done this with my family quite a lot. They're intrinsically opposed to so-called healthy foods, so I just leave out that detail and tell them it's a new recipe I'm testing. Goes over much better that way.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Regarding running, I'm an outdoor runner all the way. I've actually never even set foot on a treadmill before. I live in Germany in the mountains and late autumn/winter is actually my favorite time to run. The woods are cold, beautiful and empty, so basically perfect for running. It's my time to get away and enjoy running and being outside. I tend to run faster in the winter though, especially when it's snowing or super cold.

    I've thought about getting some barefoot shoes actually, mainly for weight lifting purposes. I think they wouldn't work for my running style. I'm a trail runner and usually run in the mountains and forest, so I think that might be painful without serious shoes. Not sure though.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Doing double workouts all week if anyone wants to join me! I've been feeling like a slacker, gotta get the energy to workout right when I get home in the morning from work, and when I wake up the evening. Running at least once, then a p90x workout. Anyone with me??

    I would love to join, but I dont kow if I have it in me lol!! I dont know how you all that work out 2-3x/day do it!! My plan is for a run this morning after some errands, maybe I will do something later on as well!! I like the idea of a challenge!!!!!

    Re: love for fitness: I would do the healthy type pie recipe!! Being in the medical field, obesity/diabetes/heart disease is a major epidemic!!!! (keeps me in business though:wink: so making a healthy recipe is a great way to educate your family about being healthy...of course you could always just make it and dont tell anyone its healthy!!!

    re: treadmill vs outdoor running: I ALWAYS opt for the outdoor running, but living in Mass. that is not always an option. I really dont like to run if its under 10 degrees, and I dont run in sleet/ice/hail. I also wont go out if its super windy in the winter either...I also like the treadmil for when my husband is working overnight and I cant leave my little girl alone in the house!!! I really cant do more than 5-6 miles on the treadmill due to boredom though, but I do find it helpful with speedwork!! I run much faster and push much harder on the treadmill because either you run or fall ( which I did a couple weeks ago and burned off the skin on both knees )..ya that hurt!!!
    I am a bit of a klutz!!! Last year I fell running outside and broke 2 fingers :grumble:

    anyway enough rambling...off to do some errands and then a 5-6 mile run!!! and maybe something else this afternoon!! Happy Monday!!

    Welcome smiles!!!
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    For the runners in the group, do you all use the gym/tredmill, or run outside? I'm getting a gym membership for Christmas, but until then im braving the cold in upstate, NY!

    I'm in the UK, so mostly the weather is clement enough to run outside. The problems come if it is very snowy and especially icy, when the pavements can get quite dangerous. This never lasts for very long, though. I use the treadmill ocassionally. It is definitely much more fun to vary the speed, do some sort of little sessions like 2 minutes steady, 2 minutes faster, 1 minute fastest, repeat.

    Edited to add: my boyfriend is quite into "barefoot"/minimalist running shoes. He would add that they are not suitable for everybody; but he's done all his running recently in either race flats or trail shoes - and he's just about to log 2000km run this year. I've just got myself a pair of running shoes that are somewhere between conventional trainers and race flats, so I will see how I get on with them. I do think they promote more of a forefoot strike in me, though.
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    I never manage to get onto the thread over the weekend!

    Saturday I was out on my bike with the triathlon club - ended up having to draft like mad to keep up while they tried (and failed) to catch up with the rest of the group (we'd stopped for a puncture). Sunday I did a cross-country race: only 4 miles or so, but it was nasty and boggy in places, and there was a little killer hill each lap. All good fun.

    I never manage to log what I eat at the weekends. We had a chicken cooked in the crock pot yesterday - it was so yummy! I made a load of stock from the bones so hopefully my b/f is going to make some soup with that. I roasted a load of veg to go with it and have just finished off the rest for lunch. Those veg included the "pumpkin" that I was wailing about last week - I think it was really a big squash - anyway it was very yummy roasted!

    Oh, and a friend has got me into the "100 push-ups challenge" http://hundredpushups.com/ (I call them press-ups, but I'm in the minority round here... :wink: ) if anyone fancies some nice, simple body-weight training. My arms ache today...
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    thanks for the replies everyone. I think I'll just do the healthy thing and let them judge. i can't compensate for having had an eating disorder by eating crap food. that's not going to do anything. I think there's a history of eating disorders in my family. my aunt does triathlons and wouldn't wear this dress to my cousin's wedding because she has a "pooch" ...and wants to be 8 pounds lighter. She literally looks like she's 5'6 and 120ish. Yeah, distorted thinking.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    I'm stating at my grandma's for thanksgiving and I'd like to make a pie that is a bit healthier...pumpkin with soy milk or almond milk instead of evaporated milk and half the sugar. I'm afraid of looking too health conscious though because I did have an eating disorder many years ago...I feel like I am being judged/watched when it cones to food. What should I do? Just eat whatever to appease them or do my own thing and let them judge?

    Ditto on others' sentiments of doing your own thing. In fact, if you can manage it, mix up the ingredients of the pie filling without them knowing and see if they can tell the difference, or challenge them to tell you differently once they know and taste it. ;)

    I didn't have milk the other day when I was making my frittata, so I subbed in some unsweetened soy milk. Totally could NOT tell that the frittata was any different.