<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm going to do 15 miles running today and abs. I plan to break it up into sessions. I've got lots of reading to do and it helps break up the monotony.

    So do you remember that statement about not going over my target? Well I went over yesterday by about 200...tried to fight it but figured I could simply exercise a ton today to counteract last night. I'm going to leave "200 remaining" today...drink loads of water. Exercise. Then hope that the scale is nice tomorrow.

    Is it possible to have pms symptoms without menstruating? I just stopped taking the pill. My boobs were killing me, weight was up, then yesterday I was ravenous. I haven't had a "period" but these are my typical symptoms. Any thoughts?

    Also...does anyone have the iPhone with sprint? Wanting to know your opinion of the service. I might go buy it today.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    wow! Holy work-week, Batman!
    I have missed about 4 pages of this thread. :grumble:

    Welcome to any new people I may have missed, and thanks to all of you who have added me (and any others are welcome too)!

    I had 2 more days of gogogogogo with zero time to eat, so was below maintenance for 2 days running. Today, I had a shorter day at work, took my BodyMedia off, took a 3 hour nap, and ate at the buffet...
    I think I got sufficient rest and calories to make up for the last 2 days. :wink:

    what did you have at the buffet? you can't leave us hanging like that. lol

    Meatloaf, cornbread, steamed broccoli, and popcorn shrimp on the first plate...
    Orange Chicken, stir fry veggies, and a spring roll on the second plate.
    And 3 cookies, some gooey chocolatey goodness, and some bread pudding on the dessert plate.
    And a big glass of milk.

    I logged it as an 1800 calorie meal.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    About steel cut oats:
    I love them! The texture is way better than rolled oats IMO. I do them in the crock pot for a few hours.

    I hear people talking about "Chipotle" all the time and I am now GLAD I don't have one around here because I would probably eat there all the time!:laugh:
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I am going to get iphone from sprint since we have sprint. I can't get the phone yet until I can get my upgrade. I always liked sprint and never had a problem.

    Today is weight lifting today. I will go do that after breakfast.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    Is it possible to have pms symptoms without menstruating? I just stopped taking the pill. My boobs were killing me, weight was up, then yesterday I was ravenous. I haven't had a "period" but these are my typical symptoms. Any thoughts?

    I have all the signs and symptoms every month but no period due to the Mirena IUD. But I can always tell when I should be having it because I am bloated and irritable and still get my monthly migraine that I hoped would go away along with the period.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Is it possible to have pms symptoms without menstruating? I just stopped taking the pill. My boobs were killing me, weight was up, then yesterday I was ravenous. I haven't had a "period" but these are my typical symptoms. Any thoughts?

    I think so. I stopped taking the pill in July and I still haven't had a period, but occasionally I've had PMS symptoms, but no period yet. I think coming off the pill will really mess with your hormones for a bit, no idea how long though.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Is it possible to have pms symptoms without menstruating? I just stopped taking the pill. My boobs were killing me, weight was up, then yesterday I was ravenous. I haven't had a "period" but these are my typical symptoms. Any thoughts?

    I think so. I stopped taking the pill in July and I still haven't had a period, but occasionally I've had PMS symptoms, but no period yet. I think coming off the pill will really mess with your hormones for a bit, no idea how long though.

    I came off in August...I've had a period each month since but they have been only three days long. It's actually been rather nice having such short rounds. This month, however, it came four or five days earlier than usual (I'm a 28 day cycle girl)...so it surprised me...and also ticked me off because that means I'll have a SECOND one at the end of this month...when we go to Florida for our "once-in-a-lifetime" Disney trip. :o/ Grrrrr.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member

    Is it possible to have pms symptoms without menstruating? I just stopped taking the pill. My boobs were killing me, weight was up, then yesterday I was ravenous. I haven't had a "period" but these are my typical symptoms. Any thoughts?

    It could be you getting ready to ovulate. Since you have been on the pill your body hasn't been ovulating, ovulation can trigger some of the same signs as PMS, achy boobs and hunger and even cramps.

    I learned quite a bit about my cycle when trying to get pregnant with my daughter.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I can't keep up with this thread, LOL! So I'll check in occasionally.
    I finally broke into the 160s this week...it wasn't a big loss to get me there though...only .2 lb. Having the BMF is helping me each day with the calories...I'm fairly sedentary during the week and with a simple workout each day, I tend to average 2150-2200 cals TDEE. On busier days (like the weekends), it's closer to 2600-2800. So knowing this, I need to watch my intake during the week since I'm a long ways away from goal weight (got another 30 or so to lose before I reassess)...which means I don't qualify for the 2000+ club during the week. :o(. But the weekends...hah, sign me up. Yesterday I ate 2436 cals...and it wasn't even very much food! It was my son's birthday so we went to the movies and out to Red Robin for dinner and dessert. Yumm. My TDEE for the day said 2729 cals...so I guess I'm happy that I maintained a deficit...even though it didn't hit my goal of 500 deficit for the day.

    Today I'll be spending the day sitting on my butt at my daughter's swim meet. :o/ I imagine my in-laws will want to take us out to eat after to celebrate son's birthday since they are making the trip out to the meet. So I'm gonna go get a workout on now so I can eat more than just rabbit food (even though technically it IS my rest day...sigh).

    Any tips on how to get my metabolism going a little faster so when I do have my slow days during the week I burn a bit more? I'm doing 3 days a week strength training with Chalean Extreme...and I do cardio the other six days for 40-45 mins. I know gaining more muscle is the big ticket to revving the metabolism, but I can't seem to gain too fast with a calorie deficit most days. I try to eat every few hours...something...just to keep things moving along. What else should I try?

    For anyone with a BMF - for instance, my calories burned per minute while sleeping is 1.0 when I'm in a dead sleep...but mostly varies from 1.1-1.3 p/min. For those of you with higher metabolisms, what does yours show while you are sleeping...I'm curious as to what numbers I should "strive" to hit (meaning, I'll know my metabolism is improving when I see those higher numbers while I'm sleeping). ?? Yes, no?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Thanks ladies for all of the responses. guess what??!?!?!? Despite my orgie of a meal last night...well let's just say too many snacks...haha...my weight is back where it should be. I have this theory that when I eat more it pushes the waste out of my system and I'm carrying less bulk. TMI ALERT: so today I pooped 2x before weighing in, which is rare. My weight is at the lower end of my range, 1 pound up from my all time low (which I think was a fluke anyway because it happened only once), and I've seen this weight repeatedly so I am thinking that more calories definitely agrees with me .

    Did 7.5 miles this morning. Took a break to eat/shower. Going to do abs. Then head to the gym for steady state --6 miles. Then this afternoon when I'm feeling lethargic...I'll run 1.25 miles (15 mins at a 5mph pace). So, a total of 14.75 miles today. 15 minutes abs. 15 minute walk. Eating 2200 to counteract yesterday's 150 calorie overage (I logged it and was slightly off) ...so I had a small deficit yesterday :) yay!
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Happy Daylight Savings to those who change their clocks! We don't here in AZ.

    Jade-I broke 160 today too!! YAY for us! My BMF says I burn 1.2 while asleep. There was a bit of time when it said 0.9 so I must've really been dead to the world then. But I am such a terrible sleeper and the BMF just confirms it :( I don't know how to fix it...but at least I know I really do have a reason why I'm so tired all the time. I "sleep" for 9 hours a night approx but BMF says I'm really only sleeping 6! Waa! Can't answer the question about metabolism though sorry.

    Gotta get out for my run this am but it is COLD here in PHX. I have to do some homework and then get out there....

    Love-maybe your body fat is so low now that you won't have a period? Score! I'm going to get rid of them for good with an ablation. Can't wait! Gotta wait till I'm done with my two 1/2 marathons in Jan because no running for 2 weeks after... boo!

    Schoolwork time! Have a good one!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Is it possible to have pms symptoms without menstruating? I just stopped taking the pill. My boobs were killing me, weight was up, then yesterday I was ravenous. I haven't had a "period" but these are my typical symptoms. Any thoughts?
    I still have a "cycle" even though I don't get my period anymore (hysto about 5 yrs ago) so my guess is that it is possible.
    For anyone with a BMF - for instance, my calories burned per minute while sleeping is 1.0 when I'm in a dead sleep...but mostly varies from 1.1-1.3 p/min. For those of you with higher metabolisms, what does yours show while you are sleeping...I'm curious as to what numbers I should "strive" to hit (meaning, I'll know my metabolism is improving when I see those higher numbers while I'm sleeping). ?? Yes, no?
    Mine is usually right around 1.5, but I'm quite a bit heavier than most of the others here I think. Keep working on building that muscle, that will improve your metabolism, & maybe throw in an extra HIIT session or 2 a week?

    Did 6.66 mi yesterday afternoon, then kicked off my Spike Day with a bang...dinner at a wonderful steakhouse with friends including 2 DELICIOUS pomegranate margaritas, an entire order of calamari since no once else wanted any, a nice chicken pasta dish, tons of bread, then a couple more drinks at the bar. What a great time! We're all off to Perkins in about an hour to go have brunch with my side of the family. I'm in the mood for potato pancakes. :)

    Taking a rest day today, my body's kind of sore from the beating I've been giving it the past 3-4 days.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Stubby...did you estimate your cals last night? So happy you had a great time. Mind sharing your ceviche recipe? What types of seafood have you tried it with? Which work best? During your pms symptoms do you bloat/gain as well?

    Xc/jade...congrata on a loss. That's great news!

    Well, finishing this 6 miles soon. Then breakfast 2 and reading. Woo hoo. Not! It has to get done though.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Jade and XC - congrats on your milestone losses. I'm finally getting low enough in the 170s that I can see 169 happening by December.

    Love -- yeah hormones are WEIRD. Bodies are weird as you already know. And I *totally* agree with you on the overeating - if I overeat a lot I don't think my body digests all of it, I think a lot of it just gets *ahem* flushed out. The timing of waste elimination post eating is so different when you really overeat.

    15 miles is so awesome - I am really looking forward to being able to run just one mile at a time.

    And yes I did end up going for a run. And I thought I was going to have 150 calories left at the end of the night but my boyfriend started talking about being hungry and how he wanted a peanut butter sandwich and I was like "oooooh I can eat a slice of Milton's Original" so I did. 2100 calories yesterday, YAY for double workout days. A piece of bread or some rice REALLY satisfies me - the protein powder and milk made my stomach full but the bread made me HAPPY.

    Jade - since my metabolism seems to be doing very well these days compared to before, I will say it seems to be MOSTLY due to eating more in general. Not sure what I burn while sleeping but during the day I am relatively fidgety. I fidget waiting for cross walk signals, I fidget waiting for the elevator. It tends to be shuffling from foot to foot or doing very small and surreptitious one legged squats (not really squatting but sort of balancing with one leg held out a bit). I assume other people think I am nuts though so you'll have to decide if you care. Otherwise as far as I can tell from my reading, having more muscle is the only way to do it. Muscle + being active = more calories burned. Drop your deficit to 250 a day, you are going to have a nearly impossible time building muscle at a 500 calorie deficit (I know people say you can't build muscle in a deficit at all but I think overweight people can as long as its a very small deficit and we have extra fat to burn).
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    tameko...yeah, not sure if my weight is a fluke or what. this always seems to happen after overeating though so i shouldn't be shocked. it really wasn't OVEReating at all though so i shouldn't label it that way...I had a minor deficit ~125-150 calories. Today I am "paying back" those calories by leaving "150 remaining." Still going to eat 2200 :) woot woot!
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    love4fitness: Do you run everyday? I'm signed up for my first marathon in May & plan to start running almost everyday, just wondering how you do it!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    B3...yep, every day I run. I vary the speed depending on how tired/weak my legs are. I will run as slow as 5 mph for 90 mins (7.5 miles) and up to 8mph (for 20-30 minutes and the rest at 6mph) or so.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I got in a nice long weight workout in. I did chest, shoulders, calves and inner thigh. Oh and my abs.

    Some exercises started to feel easy so I get to go up in weights for some of them next week. I felt like I was stuck with a few exercises, it is nice to see finally some increase in strength.

    Going to eat 2250 calories today.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Well...I did 16 min for my last session...1.57 miles. So slightly over 15 total today. Yay. Legs are tired since that's 2 long sessions back to back. I wish I had a tub (only a shower) to soak in.

    Hippie...strength gains are awesome. What's "long" for strength training? For me it's anything over 10 min...LOL
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Well...I did 16 min for my last session...1.57 miles. So slightly over 15 total today. Yay. Legs are tired since that's 2 long sessions back to back. I wish I had a tub (only a shower) to soak in.

    Hippie...strength gains are awesome. What's "long" for strength training? For me it's anything over 10 min...LOL

    Wow!! That is impressive. That is awesome!!! Great job!!!
    I did my regular back/biceps/arx today followed by short 2 mile run. My new goal is to try to get more running in on top of the p90x!! Tomorrow is supposed to be yoga but I am going to run instead because we are expecting some nice weather here, and probably will be the last time we see 60 degrees til next spring!!
    I was supposed to weigh in today but feeling too bloated/fat and TOM is coming so I am just not going to depress myself by getting on the scale. I will wait til next week and hopefully the numbers will be kinder!!