Scar Talk



  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I have a scar on my forehead. When I was about 5 I ran into a tree headfirst on a sled. 17 stitches.

    It served me well a few years ago when I was working at the bookstore, though - I had my hair pulled back one night, I was working in the kids section, and a little boy's eyes got really wide. "Wow! You've got a scar like Harry Potter!" :laugh: :laugh:
  • KeeleySue
    KeeleySue Posts: 158
    When I was 3 I was attacked by a German Shepherd. Bottom teeth of dog went in at my hairline on the right side of my forehead and top teeth took a chunk of skin out of the top of my head, gravel driveway tore my upper lip clean through all the way up to my nostrils. I had 45 stitches total but had a great plastic surgeon and you can barely see my lip scar.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I have way too many scars to list them.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Pulled a Vaporizer over on myself when I was 3 (1957). Spent 6 months in a burn ward. Almost lost my left eye. They wanted to amputate my left arm because of possible Gangrene, but my Dad wouldn't let them. Got some scarring down my left side. Pretty severe on my left arm, but everything works.

    Got stabbed in 1973. Got a 16 inch scar abross my right shoulder from that.

    I keloid, so I have many smaller scars from Football, Boxing, karate, Rugby, Soccer and life.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Nothing very interesting, but I have accumulated a few marks over the years.

    A tiny triangle on my left temple from chicken pox when I was 3.

    A thin white line where hair won't grow right down the back of my head. It's only a little over an inch long. You can see it if I put my hair into pigtails as it's right in the middle. Got it when I was about 6 from sitting in the wrong spot when several neighborhood boys were throwing rocks at each other. There was some construction going on and they had built rock "forts" and were hurling fist-sized rocks back and forth. Lots and lots of blood. Probably should have had stitches, but didn't even go to the doctor.

    Two holes in my left arm where I used to donate plasma twice a week while in college. They use a rather large "needle".

    Small discoloration where you can see the skin is thin on my left forearm from a burn. It's only about half an inch across. Got it back in May of 2007 when some olive oil splashed up on me while stir frying some zucchini.

    Had a laproscopic surgery, but no scars from it. The doctor just taped up the three incisions, so no stitches or staples. One of them was inside my belly button anyway.

    And, of course, tons of stretch marks from growing and being obese. My skin is quite thin and damages easily.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Nyone have scars from a boob job? Carl?

    u r a boob:smokin:
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I have a seperated acromioclavicular joint. It sticks out about a half inch but if I wanna show it off I can pop it out around 2 inches.:sick:

    I have a scar on my lip that's pretty sick. It looks like a beer bottle butt hit me there. Got it when I was 8 by jumping a ramp with a bike and landing on my face but, if a female ask I got it in a bar fight defending a friend who was getting beat :laugh: .
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    2 with a story.

    What appears to be a regular dimple is actually a scar. When I was 2 I rolled out (on roller skates) of a 2-story playhouse that was still under construction & landed on a pile of lumber. Ever since then my folks say I had an impression on my cheek that's visible when I smile.

    I have a lightning shaped scar on my forehead up into my hairline, kinda like the Harry Potter thing. I got it from diving for a fumble when I didn't have a helmet on.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I've got a scar the shape of a cross on my lower left side of my back where they cut open my kidney to take a huge kidney stone out. Fun times!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    i used to play soccor, and some girl kicked my knee out of place.....and eventually it kept slipping out of place often. so i had to get surgery.....and now im fat, all because my soccor carreer ended so abruptly lol
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I also got the tip of my pinky chopped up pretty bad when I was three and I only have half my nail there now.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Let's see..going by age:
    2 yrs: traicheotomy scar on my lower neck
    5 yrs: running, fell on new black asphalt, right knee road rash to this day
    5 yrs: curling iron scar on my left hand from baby sitter
    12 yrs: trying to shave for first time, shaved off the skin for a four inch strip on my left shin bone
    14 yrs: the one and only time I felt peer pressured and carved a ****ing star into my left hand by my thumb. There was a snake but thank God its faded out. Why that was the "in" thing I have no idea. God. What a fool I was.
    18-22 yrs: worked in a circuit board factory with paper thin pieces of copper and fiber glass. Many many cut scars all over my hands.
    20 yrs: apendectomy - 3 scars
    22: breast reduction, didn't heal well, alot of scarring

    I'm 34 now, so I've definitely missed some and know I'm forgetting a big one. Any time I get a deep pimple it takes weeks to heal and scrapes I don't even know how I got can take weeks to go away if not months or never. I just don't heal well.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I have a scar on my forearm that goes from my elbow to my wrist. I broke my arm when I was a kid after ending up on the bottom of a huge dog pile. Bone poked out and and everthing.

    I have a big scar that goes from one side to the other around my knuckle on my index finger. It was from a 4 foot by 6 foot sheet of glass that fell and shatter when I worked at a hardware store. It cut down to the bone.

    There's a small scar just to the left of my nose from getting hit in the face with a baseball bat.

    Another one on the top of my head from when a ladder fell on me.

    I have a small scar on my right shoulder from getting shot with a nail gun while working on a roofing job.

    Two surgical scars from a bilateral hernia repair and another on my chest from heart surgery.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    i used to play soccor, and some girl kicked my knee out of place.....and eventually it kept slipping out of place often. so i had to get surgery.....and now im fat, all because my soccor carreer ended so abruptly lol

    That's what happens to both my knees, which also ended my soccer playing, but I've elected to not have surgery. Hoping I never have to. I run with a patella stabilizer.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I have a few scars from general klutziness but the most impressive are around my ankle - from my short lived hobby of skydiving.
    My family and friends all claimed I was too uncoordinated to be a skydiver - turns out they were right. I managed to break my ankle into a million (almost) tiny pieces and had to have several operations to put it back together.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I spent 10 years cutting myself when I was depressed, so I have scars all over my arms and legs and tummy and even on my breasts. It has been several years since I stopped doing that and, although it pains me to see the damage I did to myself, it serves as a reminder for me of the damage depression can cause if not dealt with proactively.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Most of my scars are from when I was a cutter (self-harm). I have them on my legs, hands, and upper arms/shoulders.

    Other scars are: From appendectomy surgery (abdomen), a dog bite (lower leg), a car accident when I was little (on my knee), from working on computers (thumb), and matching ones on my hips from a majorly bad decision on a water slide when I was a bony/skinny teen (apparently, there's a reason you're supposed to lay on a mat of some sort for those rides).

    The appendectomy scar is named Dolores. Was a joke, solidarity with a friend who had a scar from shoulder surgery. When our wounds were healing (and hurting), we'd say "Damn Dolores is killing me today", etc. :laugh:
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    5 surgeries in 6 years, so lots of scars from them.

    The most interesting is a round scar on my left foot where a little old lady lost control of her car in a car park, and ran into 4 cars, including mine. Luckily I stepped out of the way just in time, but I was knocked over from the force hitting my car (which was a right-off), and walked away with a nasty graze that took a long time to heal (and scarred quite badly) on my left ankle. I consider myself very lucky because my shoe ended up under the wheel of my car.

  • jadebvb92
    I used to be a cutter when I was 15-18 I used to cut my left wrist and arm. I still have the scars but I refuse to get a tattoo just because its a reminder I guess. When I drive and people see my left arm I tell them I use to cut myself but I no longer do it. I was ashamed of it but I didnt know God back then I was lost depressed and angry.

    i did the same thing on both arms..lots of scars..bad memories but im glad i dont do it anymore
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I was a tomboy who grew up in the country, so I've got lots.

    But my best scar is on the outside of my right thigh.

    I was 24, and my baby sister was 12, and they'd just paved the road behind my apartment.

    She and I carried our roller blades to the top of the hill, put them on, and away we went! It was so FAST! And it was AWESOME! Until a car came. Then I was like, um, that's my baby sister, and what if something happens to her?

    But we made it down the hill, then up the next hill, then, I crashed. Road burn DELUXE!

    I was supposed to be the adult, so I suppose it is fitting that I'm the one who got the lesson.

    Good times.