Scar Talk



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    1 scar above my left eyebrow from swinging around the parallel bars in the elementary school playgound and smashing into one.

    1 scar on my tongue from falling off a slide when I was 4 or 5.

    1 disgusting thing on my right knee that is actually some dirt from when I was in 8th grade and skinned my knee really bad running for the bus and apparently never even rinsed it off and skin grew over it but you can totally see the dirt. Grrrooosss!

    1 scar on my left knee from ACL surgery.
  • Kassielin13
    Actually a long list because I am, well, accident prone and clumsy!!! :smile:
    Right cheek and under chin: Car accident 14 years ago, Left forearm (2 cuts & 1 gash): Trampoline and double compound fracture with surgery, Right wrist: IV in for 8 weeks(broken left arm) Left elbow: Car accident 4 years ago, Both knees: Falling down a flight of stairs at age 6, Left calve: Fell off a porch, & Right thigh: Mean little brother throwing things
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    Im a Klutz who had an interesting childhood so i have about 50 million scars.

    So just to name a few one on my lip from putting my teeth through after getting hit in the back of a head with a pommel lift on my first week as a liftie up the mountain - nicknamed rambo for that one.

    One under my chin from busting it open on the metal jungle gym trying to show off my amazing acrobatic skills

    One on the inside of my right wrist when it went through a window at high school - nothing like accidentally cutting an artery to start wild rumours flying around the school

    Large scar on the outside of my left leg - i cut it on a hose tap ??? seriously who does that.

    Plus many surgical and mole removal scars.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Small one on my cheek- I was little and thought it would be a good idea to lay my head on a sleeping Beagle.

    Knee- fell in a parking lot.

    Horseshoe shaped one on my finger- was trying to cut a piece of cheese and the knife slipped.

    A big fresh one on each shoulder plus a huge one and some little ones on my scalp- my last accident at work. I fell off a horse and sliced my head open on a T post and cut up my arms too. I had to get 20 stitches in my head for a 4 inch gash that went down to my skull.

    Yeah I think that's it!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Zipper knee from wiping out in my roller queen days. 40MPH downhill, doing tricks, showing off. .. then WHAM!
    Hey, what can I say-- it WAS the 70s!
  • rebecca_lc28
    rebecca_lc28 Posts: 93 Member
    i was born with a heart condition's so i have a scar right down my chest they call it a zipper :D i also have a scar from under my arm to the top of my shoulder blade
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have a Z shaped scar on my right ring finger from my first surgery when I was 3. I had a bone tumor on it removed that was bending my finger.

    On my left ankle, three walnut sized tumors were removed when I was 12, they were causing pain and causing my ankle to bend.

    On my right knee, a grapefruit sized bone tumor was removed when I was 12 for obvious reasons (deformity, pain,etc.). The biopsy came back as beginning cancer cells.

    On my left knee, a orange size bone tumor was removed for the same reasons as the one from my right knee, I was 15.

    I have a 8 inch scar on the right side of my chest under my breast. I was 23 and had 8 inches of my 44th distal rib removed due to a tumor the size of a golf ball. My right lung also decided to collapse with that surgery because breathing was so difficult. I also have an X on my right side where the chest tube was. This biopsy also came back as beginning malignaancy.

    On my right side, right where thigh meets groin, I have a 3" scar where a small bone tumor was removed from the head of my femur where it fits into the acetabulum. I was 28.

    Seeing a theme here? Scars, I've got them. I could never be a stripper.