C25K Training Group: October 16 to December 4, 2011



  • wyangel
    Had a very hard time gettting my tail out of bed this morning, but I did it! W3D2 done! I just reminded myself that I won't have time to do it later, no matter how comfy the bed was. Have a great day everyone!
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    So, something weird happened today.
    I started Slim in 6 today, and right after I did week 2 day 2. And as usual, when the cooldown started, I decided eh, I'm going to see how many far I can run today. My last one was about 2 minutes (the smoking has been catching up to me), the ones before that were right around 5 minutes.
    This one was...8 minutes 10 seconds?

    I have no idea if it was a fluke or what is going on with that, but it was, uh, AWESOME. I was pretty damn proud of myself.

    DID I REALLY NOT POST THIS 2 DAYS AGO?! Lol. Oops. This was from...Monday. I just noticed that I have had this window open since then and never hit "post reply"
    GO ME!
  • dianerml
    dianerml Posts: 74 Member
    Had a very hard time gettting my tail out of bed this morning, but I did it! W3D2 done! I just reminded myself that I won't have time to do it later, no matter how comfy the bed was. Have a great day everyone!

    I kept telling myself I would be happy that I wouldn't have going to the gym after work hanging over my head all day and I really am.
  • Silentspring
    I got myself out of bed this morning and did W3D2 too! I got on the scales and that motivated me to move! I am finding w3 really easy, it feels shorter than 1 and 2 and I'm covering slightly less distance. Totally looking forward to week 4.

    My body feels good, but still looks the same!
  • cowgrl84
    cowgrl84 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm still a week behind, but I did W2D1 yesterday, and I'm planning to do W2D2 tomorrow. I thought it would take longer, but I'm actually really starting to like running!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    W4D3 done!!

    I did it on the treadmill at the gym so I kept going and did 5k in 47 minutes.... 22 minutes of running.... still can't imagine running for longer than 5 minutes....
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    W3D1 done this morning and it was tough! Found this so hard but I was talking to myself all the way through encouraging myself on. I felt good afterwards!
  • ktjones3
    Week 5 Day 1 finished last night. Starting Day 2 tonight (this starts the 8 min runs) I'm looking forward to completing it!
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    Completed W2D2 last night on the treadmill. It was a good run.
  • FLGatorGrl
    Starting W4D1 tonight. I was out of town for 3 days so reran W3D3 last night. Good Luck to everyone !!!!
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I hope no one minds if I jump in on this thread :flowerforyou:

    I completed W3D3 yesterday and tomorrow I will do W4D1. I am nervous about the 5 min runs! Yesterday when doing the last run I decided to just run and not look down at my time (I am on the treadmill and have a terrible habit of checking the time every 15 seconds or so) for as long as I could and see how long I could go. Well.... when I finally looked down I had only gone 3 MINUTES!! I would have sworn that it was at least twice that long! I cannot imagine how I will get through the 5 min runs on week 4.

    On a positive note, I just signed up to run a 5K on Dec 11th!! I am so excited and just registering (and paying the registration fee) has got me feeling so motivated and determined to do it!!!
  • cowgrl84
    cowgrl84 Posts: 75 Member
    Finished W2D2 today. I'm ready to finish week 2 and move on to week 3!
  • ktjones3
    I finished Week 5 Day 2 last night.. I was almost dead after 8 min runs.. How in the world do they expect me to be able to run 20 mins straight today? Oh well, I'm going to try for it nonetheless!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Forgot to post last night that had managed to complete W6D2- and other than a bit of a sore knee it went reasonably well. I think that the one of the major causes of the sore knee was that I ran primarily on a path rather than around the oval- so think the impact caused some issues. The other possible factor was that I ran a bit faster and subsequently further. All in all it hasnt been too bad- and seems to have settled today.
    Good luck to everyone with their up and coming runs

  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I got through W4D1 today! It wasnt as bad as I was expecting it to be. I am doing it on the treadmill so I hadn't bothered to download the app but this morning I decided to download it and I really enjoyed it much more using the app b/c I was able to stop focusing on watching the timer. What helped me get through it when I was getting tired was thinking how great my legs and butt are going to look after the 9 weeks are up!! Lol
  • Silentspring
    I just finished week 3! I'm so proud of myself for doing this regularly and making the time and forcing myself even when I haven't wanted to go out in the rain or the dark. I didn't even let a dead mouse in my running shoe put me off (thanks cat for chasing it in there and scaring it to death). The thought of running in my old trainers while the mouse ones were in the wash almost put me off. I really noticed that my old trainers were so much harder to run in. My Nike Pegasus 25s have a lot more spring in them and a wider toe box, good for running and for mouse hiding Will be leaving trainers inside in future.
    Really looking forward to week 4. Keep up the hard work everyone! xxx
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone on this thread for making it as far as you have so far! You are all doing great. :) I just finishd Week 5 Day 2 last night & I'm nervous about the 20 minute run for day 3, but to be honest with you, I'm not too nervous. When I did week 5 day 1 I was huffing and puffing like usual to get through, but last night when I did day 2 I didn't really lose my breath for either 8 minute run. XCROSSINGX my fingers & hoping for a great run for day 3. If I make it through the 20 minutes no stopping, then I'll know ANYTHING is possible. Also, a little celebration for my newest NSV: I can wear size 16 pants now! Wooooo!
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Did W5D1 today and it was pretty easy. I even through in a 90 second sprint when I was done. Looking forward to W5D2.

    I am so ready to get to the long runs now. I need to start thinking about my race day playlist!

    Keep working hard everyone, YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    W6D3 done yesterday with even some time added. Somehow I manage to mess up the settings on my iphone program so didn't realise there was a problem until I remembered that I hadn't heard the prompt to tell me it was half way and that I was becoming exhausted. When I checked, I realised that I had run more than 30 consecutive minutes. Wow- so aiming to do 25 minutes and managed to do a full 30minutes+ I am beginning to feel at last that provided my knees hold out, I will actually finish this program in full.

  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    W6D3 done yesterday with even some time added. Somehow I manage to mess up the settings on my iphone program so didn't realise there was a problem until I remembered that I hadn't heard the prompt to tell me it was half way and that I was becoming exhausted. When I checked, I realised that I had run more than 30 consecutive minutes. Wow- so aiming to do 25 minutes and managed to do a full 30minutes+ I am beginning to feel at last that provided my knees hold out, I will actually finish this program in full.


    I am sooo impressed Debbie.... I have just done W5D1 and was amazed that I managed to run for 5 minutes at a time.... but I'm not so sure I'm going to be able to do the 8 minute runs, let alone the 20 minutes on this week.... how did you go in week 5 when the runs suddenly get longer?? I'm a bit worried and sure I'm going to get stuck on this week for a while..... but I am enjoying it!