Merry Christmas to You! new group *not closed*



  • nhjhawk
    nhjhawk Posts: 16 Member
    Drank so much today that my teeth should be floating, around 150 oz.
  • Hey all, sorry to post so often. Just wanted to point out something. With all this water drinking thing, it's great. We all need to drink more water. But I just wanted to let ya'll know, there is such a thing as water intoxication, where you drink too much water. Look at this site to check it out: Now, there is really not much chance of any of us drinking this much water, cause it takes a lot. But I just wanted to let ya'll know. People have died from this. And it's okay to drink 8-12 8oz. glasses in a day, and that is safe. So that's almost 100 oz. That's a lot of water and it's still safe. But I just wanted to make sure ya'll know about this. I'm taking a nutrition class right now and this was mentioned and it kinda was interesting. I had no idea you could get TOO MUCH water. I thought you could drink all the water you want. Anyhoo. Just so ya'll know. Please be safe and don't get "water logged."

    I'm really glad you posted this, and I wanted to add that too much water can also be harmful to your kidneys. It's been shown to cause loss of kidney function. As someone that has kidney problems, I can tell you it's definitely not something you want in your life. A good goal is 6-8 glasses of water. If you're sweating a lot, then maybe more, just use your best judgement.
  • nhjhawk
    nhjhawk Posts: 16 Member
    We do updates every week, right?

    Last Week: 337.4

    This Week 333.4

    Down 3 pounds. Woo-hoo!

    Good Job!!
  • mom2lyla
    mom2lyla Posts: 123 Member
    Drank so much today that my teeth should be floating, around 150 oz.

  • rodneysmom98
    rodneysmom98 Posts: 167 Member
    I didn't sleep well last nite and have been tired most of the day.

    I tend to each much worse when I haven't slept well the previous night. Here's to a good rest tonight and a better tomorrow for you!:smile:
  • MIssFinny
    MIssFinny Posts: 194 Member
    I'm so happy this Monday is almost over! It's just been one of those days...If I had a day like this a month ago, I would have shoved a chocolate bar down my gullet and then finished it off with a few cigarettes. Instead, I said "screw water!" and I had a diet coke with my dinner. Ha!
  • Is it too late join? I'm back on MFP after a long break and have my Christmas time goal set!
    Today: 157lb
    Goal for Dec. 24: 145
  • newton2
    newton2 Posts: 21 Member
    I am in !
    SW 334
    NOW 305
    Goal by Christmas 280

    I need to stay motivated!!!
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    I hope it is still okay to join.
    I need as much motivation as I can get.
    Current weight 137.5
    Goal weight 130
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Did my workout (yay me!)) and got all my water in for the day.
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    I'm at 102 oz but I did a double workout. Hope everyone had a good day!
  • CarissaNew
    CarissaNew Posts: 223 Member
    I want to join! I was looking for a Christmas challenge group that wasn't closed! YAY!!!

    SW: 222
    CW: 180
    CBC: 168

    I am so excited!!!! I haven't been in the 160's since HS and I will be so close to my GW!!!!! I love challenges :wink:
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    Ate fairly well yesterday but only got in 40oz water. Still struggling with that. Hitting the gym at lunch today!
  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    Got 96 ounces in yesterday! Happy hydrating everyone. Stay focused for tomorrow's weigh in! :D
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    wishing you all a very good Tuesday and one full of healthy choices!! Let's have a successful day!!

    Yes, all you newbies are welcome...glad to have you with us! As I mentioned in the very first post, this will never close....people can join today, next week, next month...etc! And when we get to December 25th, we may just start a new thread under a new name!! hey, here's lookin' to 2012!!

    off to pick up some Z-brick for the steps at the front of our house!

    keep up with the're all doing great! flush out them toxins and hydrate your entire body!! 2 more full days of this challenge and then we're gonna focus on our arms with some push-ups!!

    oh, and just a can weigh in **any day**....just report it on Wednesday's. for instance, my official weigh in day is Friday's, so I will report that weight Wednesday.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I want to join!

    CW: 143.6
    GW by Xmas: 126

    How will we update, etc.?
  • LF4184
    LF4184 Posts: 7 Member
    Can I still join? I'm 138lbs and would love to be 128lbs by Christmas!
  • cmon288
    cmon288 Posts: 173 Member
    Today is my weigh in day so I'm going to go ahead and post my weight.
    Starting weight was 173.2
    Current Weight is 169.4
    3.8 pounds down :)

    Whoo hoo! Great lost!
  • cmon288
    cmon288 Posts: 173 Member
    Hey all, sorry to post so often. Just wanted to point out something. With all this water drinking thing, it's great. We all need to drink more water. But I just wanted to let ya'll know, there is such a thing as water intoxication, where you drink too much water. Look at this site to check it out: Now, there is really not much chance of any of us drinking this much water, cause it takes a lot. But I just wanted to let ya'll know. People have died from this. And it's okay to drink 8-12 8oz. glasses in a day, and that is safe. So that's almost 100 oz. That's a lot of water and it's still safe. But I just wanted to make sure ya'll know about this. I'm taking a nutrition class right now and this was mentioned and it kinda was interesting. I had no idea you could get TOO MUCH water. I thought you could drink all the water you want. Anyhoo. Just so ya'll know. Please be safe and don't get "water logged."

    I'm really glad you posted this, and I wanted to add that too much water can also be harmful to your kidneys. It's been shown to cause loss of kidney function. As someone that has kidney problems, I can tell you it's definitely not something you want in your life. A good goal is 6-8 glasses of water. If you're sweating a lot, then maybe more, just use your best judgement.

    I read this and started googling cup sizes. Then I walked in the breakroom to view the label on the bag of cups I use. I have been taking in almost double of what I thought I was. Thank you so much for bring this to my attention. I just wasn't even thinking. I knew the cup held more than 8oz I just didn't realize how much more.
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 243 Member
    Alright so i bought a new scale the other day and to my amazement i was at my original goal weight so i am setting a new one for myself.
    My current weight is 118lbs and my goal is going to be 113lbs!