Gaining Muscle is NOT that easy.



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,682 Member
    Actually I'm 6' tall in my picture I have 10% body fat at 180 pounds.

    Mass and stragth go hand in hand. And to build strangth all you need is to steadily put more stress on your muscles. Again not hard just time consuming and heavy lifting is not vital to success.
    So you're telling me you were 40lbs heavier at 1% less body fat than you are now? And unless you were enhanced and lost all that muscle recently, this was all as a high school teenager? Dude I am calling BS. Again unless you were taking something.
    You DON'T lose that much muscle if you didn't use weight resistance training. Maybe if you did lift hard and heavy and had like a 4 year layoff and ate in calorie deficit, but not if you didn't train like you say you didn't.
    Oh wait, you could if you were on meth. I call BS.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    So you're saying I gained no fat outside but entirely on the inside? Come on, you're trying too hard now.
    Dude, unless you measured EVERY SINGLE SPOT on your body with calipers (not just basic points), like calves, back, neck, face, etc. the probability of gaining that much muscle in highly unlikely. You can believe what you want, but being in bodybuilding almost my whole life and training athletes and others who wanted to put on mass, I'm more than sure that I have a qualified background along with science on my side to say that it's improbable you've put on that much muscle. Water plays a big part in weight gain. You may have a lot of glycogen stored which would raise your weight without affecting fat.
    If it makes you feel good to say that you gained that much muscle, that's your NSV, but you aren't going to convince people who have full experience in doing it that what you say is legit.
    lol I don't know why you are insisting that it must be mostly fat and not muscle. Do you know my training routine? Do you know how much I eat? 1lb of muscle a week for a relative beginner isn't farfetched.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    wouldn't a before/after bodyfat % measurement along with a total weight before/after confirm a general muscle/fat gain/loss?
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Not speaking for every woman's body, was speaking in terms of how "fast" you claimed it is to get muscular arms. So what do you call fast? A month, 6 months, 12 months?

    Why don't you tell me how long it takes for a person to get muscular arms.

    I don't know if you have ever seen the movie What's Love Got to Do with It starring Angela Bassett as Tina Turner. She had 30 days to get Tina Turner's body. In 30 days, she has gotten muscular arms, etc.

    This goes to show you that everyone body is different and it doesn't take a year to get muscular arms. There's a difference between Angela Bassett as Tina Turner arms vs Chyna's arms.

    You are a bodybuilder, I know you have heard of muscle confusion. I'm sure you have seen the infomercials for P90x. I know you have heard of getting ripped.

    So, in my opinion, it's easy for a person to get muscular arms. And I see muscular arms and bodybuilder arms as two different things.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    wouldn't a before/after bodyfat % measurement along with a total weight before/after confirm a general muscle/fat gain/loss?

    Yes. Well it will show a before/after fat/lean body mass gain/loss.
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    Actually I'm 6' tall in my picture I have 10% body fat at 180 pounds.

    Mass and stragth go hand in hand. And to build strangth all you need is to steadily put more stress on your muscles. Again not hard just time consuming and heavy lifting is not vital to success.
    So you're telling me you were 40lbs heavier at 1% less body fat than you are now? And unless you were enhanced and lost all that muscle recently, this was all as a high school teenager? Dude I am calling BS. Again unless you were taking something.
    You DON'T lose that much muscle if you didn't use weight resistance training. Maybe if you did lift hard and heavy and had like a 4 year layoff and ate in calorie deficit, but not if you didn't train like you say you didn't.
    Oh wait, you could if you were on meth. I call BS.

    Consistent training for 12 years got me those results. Then I took two years off eating half as.much now its all gone.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    You have a pic of when you were 220 and 9%?
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Actually I'm 6' tall in my picture I have 10% body fat at 180 pounds.

    Mass and stragth go hand in hand. And to build strangth all you need is to steadily put more stress on your muscles. Again not hard just time consuming and heavy lifting is not vital to success.
    So you're telling me you were 40lbs heavier at 1% less body fat than you are now? And unless you were enhanced and lost all that muscle recently, this was all as a high school teenager? Dude I am calling BS. Again unless you were taking something.
    You DON'T lose that much muscle if you didn't use weight resistance training. Maybe if you did lift hard and heavy and had like a 4 year layoff and ate in calorie deficit, but not if you didn't train like you say you didn't.
    Oh wait, you could if you were on meth. I call BS.

    Consistent training for 12 years got me those results. Then I took two years off eating half as.much now its all gone.



    21 years old


    Training for 12 years.

    Hitting the weights hard since you were 7 years old huh soysos? 7 + 12 years + 2 years off = 21 years old.

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Not speaking for every woman's body, was speaking in terms of how "fast" you claimed it is to get muscular arms. So what do you call fast? A month, 6 months, 12 months?

    Why don't you tell me how long it takes for a person to get muscular arms.

    I don't know if you have ever seen the movie What's Love Got to Do with It starring Angela Bassett as Tina Turner. She had 30 days to get Tina Turner's body. In 30 days, she has gotten muscular arms, etc.

    This goes to show you that everyone body is different and it doesn't take a year to get muscular arms. There's a difference between Angela Bassett as Tina Turner arms vs Chyna's arms.

    You are a bodybuilder, I know you have heard of muscle confusion. I'm sure you have seen the infomercials for P90x. I know you have heard of getting ripped.

    So, in my opinion, it's easy for a person to get muscular arms. And I see muscular arms and bodybuilder arms as two different things.

    a movie???

    P90x is not a great workout plan to gain muscle. (I have done it) You gain muscular endurance.

    and re rate of gains
  • katrina1025
    katrina1025 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm not talking about body building here. If your only goal is size this is not for you, if however your goal OS strength, speed, power, and indurance this works results come quickly and continually. One third intensive cardio one third resistance training one third insurance cardio. As for swimming in sweats this is purly about strength training, same concept as jogging in a weighted vest. Or you could tow a bucket for the same effect.

    Do your research. The research says (over and over) the only way to see "significant strength gains" is to overload. More specifically by lifting at 60-80% of your one-rep max. Period. So please feel free to pull up some randomized controlled trials on sweats and swimming and link them here.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    a movie???

    P90x is not a great workout plan to gain muscle. (I have done it) You gain muscular endurance.

    and re rate of gains

    Yes a movie. Angela Bassett had to train for the movie. Why is it so hard for you people to believe that it doesn't take a year or years to get muscular arms.

    I have yet to have someone tell me how long it takes a person to get muscular arms.

    I haven't done P90x. I have used it as an example. The workout doesn't interest me.

    Fact: Everyone's body is different. A person can only speak for their own body. They can't speak for someone else's body. No one can speak for my body, but me.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    That is because the word muscular is subjective, therefore you cannot put a time on it.

    Gaining lean body mass is not subjective. Please read the above link I posted if you would like some information regarding rate of gains of lean body mass from professionals.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,682 Member
    lol I don't know why you are insisting that it must be mostly fat and not muscle. Do you know my training routine? Do you know how much I eat? 1lb of muscle a week for a relative beginner isn't farfetched.
    Lol, you're a 20 something year old male, so you've got it all figured out.:laugh: I guess that whole water retention and glycogen loading crap is really all muscle and it really weighs more than fat.:wink:
    There's no need for me to go into more detail with you since you're convinced that us experts and the sports and science communities are wrong. I'm more than sure with science and experience on my side that what I've said is very legitimate. Thanks for playing though.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,682 Member
    wouldn't a before/after bodyfat % measurement along with a total weight before/after confirm a general muscle/fat gain/loss?
    Not always. Water and glycogen in cells increase weight without adding fat.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    That is because the word muscular is subjective, therefore you cannot put a time on it.

    Gaining lean body mass is not subjective. Please read the above link I posted if you would like some information regarding rate of gains of lean body mass from professionals.

    Please don't get offended, but I'm not going to read the link. I want an answer from people on here.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Not always. Water and glycogen in cells increase weight without adding fat.

    Please explain this, by using a formula.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have yet to have someone tell me how long it takes a person to get muscular arms.

    This took 16 weeks, didn't incorporate any heavy lifting just resistance bands, but I used to lift heavy in college, 10 years ago. I did NOT gain muscle. I lost fat to reveal old muscles.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,682 Member
    Why don't you tell me how long it takes for a person to get muscular arms.

    I don't know if you have ever seen the movie What's Love Got to Do with It starring Angela Bassett as Tina Turner. She had 30 days to get Tina Turner's body. In 30 days, she has gotten muscular arms, etc.

    This goes to show you that everyone body is different and it doesn't take a year to get muscular arms. There's a difference between Angela Bassett as Tina Turner arms vs Chyna's arms.

    You are a bodybuilder, I know you have heard of muscle confusion. I'm sure you have seen the infomercials for P90x. I know you have heard of getting ripped.

    So, in my opinion, it's easy for a person to get muscular arms. And I see muscular arms and bodybuilder arms as two different things.
    Now we're talking. Angela Bassett, if you've looked at any of her movies before "What's Love Got to do with It?" was already in phenomenal shape. Like any other Figure competitor she just lower her calories to lose body fat. Her arms were already muscular, they were just more DEFINED.
    So I think when you speak of muscularity you're speaking of definition and NOT building muscular size.
    The same thing happened with Jessica Biel in her role in Blade III. She got cut up for the movie and looked bigger than before, but weighed less than when she started.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,682 Member
    Consistent training for 12 years got me those results. Then I took two years off eating half as.much now its all gone.
    Don't buy it. If you took off and ate half as much, with no swimming you wouldn't have lost 40lbs of PURE MUSCLE (remember you said you were 9% and are 10% now at a lower weight, so no fat was lost) because your caloric demands were no longer there. You didn't weight train so unlike a body builder or Olympic lifter, your muscle losses would be minimal since you worked more on endurance and speed with some strength. Again, unless you were enhanced, what you're saying doesn't sound legit.
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    yes! I work with some women who are scared of getting "big" and won't weight lift. I have been doing it since June and don't really see a big change (still have lots to lose also) but I notice more right now from the cardio that I am getting less fat lol.