Clothing styles you hate..........



  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I dislike clothing on women

    LOL. I still think it depends on the women... or men, for that matter... some things, once seen, cannot be unseen...
  • bluecollarfrench
    bluecollarfrench Posts: 344 Member
    Ugs, crocs, and seeing as how I was the guy talking about skinny jeans, skinny jeans as well.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    From the Renaissance Faire "awful clothing" files:

    People who wear a pair of pantyhose and think they're tights.
    People who wear a hat that looks like an animal is devouring their head... I know that's a legitimate barbarian thing, I just find it really disturbing to look at.
    Fishnet stockings. I don't mean to disillusion anyone, but the 'sexy pirate' Halloween costume is really not that historically accurate. Put some pants on. Please.
    Mini-kilts. While I applaud gentlemen with the courage to embrace their Celtic traditions, the hem of the kilt should be closer to your knees than to your jewels. At least it should be long enough to cover your butt. Especially if you're wearing the traditional undergarments (nothing) underneath it.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    You're right country Australian towns are way daggier than elsewhere.
    In Roxby everyone where tracksuit pants all the time in winter/autum. And not nice ones but horrible faded, stained ones.
    Must admit though when i moved here i had a terrible urge to wear tracksuit pants so bought myself a pair! Mine are nicer though :)
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    I hate the whole transparent-blouse-over-tank-top thing. It's a conspiracy to make us buy two shirts, and then fuss with them all day.

    I have done socks with Birkenstocks in Colorado in the spring. It works, but only under those conditions. Well, it might also work in Alaska or Seattle.

    Droopy drawers. I'll cross the street to avoid guys with droopy drawers.

    Words on the butt. Just, no. Words on a kid's butt, just NO.
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    Guys wearing high black socks, we used to laugh at the old men for that style
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Pj's in public.

    The grease look guys today TRY to pull off.

    Suspenders....really? REALLY? you are telling me those are back in the "in" crowd?
  • I'll be honest, I'm a complete fashion snob. So I apologise if I sound pretentious, I don't mean to be! I'm a fashion student.

    I HATE jeans. Saying that, I own two pairs, but they are coloured jeans, one camel one rust. If jeans are coloured or patterned or have something unusual about them then I think that's fine. But regular blue or black jeans I think are sinfully awful. They are so boring. They can make any outfit instantly dull, and can make even the most interesting people look bland and boring.

    And as a continuation of that I just hate bland boring clothes. Bad cuts with no silhouette, plain tshirts etc. (unless you're going to the gym or down the shops or whatever, I'm not saying make an effort for that!!) I think clothes and fashion are such a wonderful way of expressing who you are and by choosing bland non descript clothes that blend into the background it just makes me think you don't care or don't have a personality. May sound harsh but to be honest everyone makes instant judgements of people based on how they look, that's the assumptions that I make, even if they turn out to be incorrect.

    Oh and one thing I've never understood is hoodies, jumpers or tshirts that have fake university (or similar) logos on them. I just think they look so tacky and pointless.

    And I completely agree about the leggings as trousers thing, and crocs and uggs. Awful.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Scarves, only because I do not know how to properly wear them,


    and sandals with socks.
    I hate seeing athletic guys walk around with adidas sandals and white socks. Just take your socks off and wear the sandals, or put your damn shoes back on.

  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    Leggings as pants. If your shirt is long enough to cover your rear-end, fine, but I do NOT need to see every muscle in your butt move as you walk!

    epsecially when you see girls with er camel toe and it's jut did NOT need to see that.

    I cannot say how much i love you two right now!
    It seriously pisses me off when girls do this! especially when its bigger girls and u can see the cameltoe and all the cottage cheese now im not hatting on bigger girls with cottage cheese since well i myself have some but that being said i also cannot stand when bigger girls wear small clothes or when girls are like oh im a size 5 and im like O_o no way in hell your more like a 9 or 11
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member


    GASP!!!!! I will pray you recover...this is the perfect picture of hotness!
  • As if wearing leggings as pants wasn't bad enough, try hefty pubescent teenage girls who think that black panty hose is a suitable substitute for leggings with short-ish tunic tops. When your butt hangs below your tunic, and you're wearing pantyhose (i.e. we can now see every dimpled piece of flesh you own from the waist down, plus the colour/print of your underwear), it is NOT ATTRACTIVE. Ugh. I was nearly blinded by the horror.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    As if wearing leggings as pants wasn't bad enough, try hefty pubescent teenage girls who think that black panty hose is a suitable substitute for leggings with short-ish tunic tops. When your butt hangs below your tunic, and you're wearing pantyhose (i.e. we can now see every dimpled piece of flesh you own from the waist down, plus the colour/print of your underwear), it is NOT ATTRACTIVE. Ugh. I was nearly blinded by the horror.

    For you...

  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    light coloured tights with too short shirts. I call them "cellulite pants".
    belted pants/jeans under the butt showing the boxers. seriously how can you run from the cops without your pants falling down?
    huge wide belts. don't look good, looks like a back brace.
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    Hockey jerseys...yuck I think they are so gaudy and boxy, on men or women. Basketball jerseys too, just not a good luck on most men, sorry!
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    I don't like flip-flops on men!

    waaa??? Really? I think they're damn sexy

    Me too!!
    But what ISN'T, is men with white socks that go half way up their calves with running shoes and shorts - TERRIBLE!
    PLEASE, would you just wear ankle socks with your running shoes?!
  • bluecollarfrench
    bluecollarfrench Posts: 344 Member
    I don't like flip-flops on men!

    waaa??? Really? I think they're damn sexy

    Me too!!
    But what ISN'T, is men with white socks that go half way up their calves with running shoes and shorts - TERRIBLE!
    PLEASE, would you just wear ankle socks with your running shoes?!
    I am running, don't care what I look like. Although I normally wear ankle socks
  • hate skinny jeans on guys, guys that wear their shirts to small, girls that don't wear the right size jeans (looks painful too) thewhole nerdy bow ties big black rimmed glasses look, sagging jeans it was bad before but now its ridiculous these pants are below their entire butt
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    Not crazy about the skinny jeans on men either. What I dislike even more is when men wear long socks with shorts. Ankle socks people! :)
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    You're right country Australian towns are way daggier than elsewhere.
    In Roxby everyone where tracksuit pants all the time in winter/autum. And not nice ones but horrible faded, stained ones.
    Must admit though when i moved here i had a terrible urge to wear tracksuit pants so bought myself a pair! Mine are nicer though :)
    Oh I had plenty of pairs of tracksuit pants even before I moved to away from the Gold Coast and the ones I use for getting dirty in the garden certainly aren't 'nice' but if it's just ducking round the corner to Bi-Lo for whatever I forgot in the groceries I'm not fussed - just not PJ's.