NOVEMBER century plus CYCLING challenge



  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    I'm in..the goal is 3 centuries by DEC 1
    (i live in California and average 40 to 50 miles on sundays)

    200 on the road bike (if it rains on my road ride day --sunday-- I will do my miles on the spin bike)


    100 on the spin bike

    Nov 1 9 miles spin 40 min
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    November 2nd 12 Miles after jogging 3.1 miles.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    11-01-2011 - 130 Minutes - 24 Miles - 2728 Calories - Warm and windy.
    11-01-2011 - 56 Minutes - 10 Miles - 881 Calories - Cool down ride.
    11-02-2011 - 150 Minutes - 36 Miles - 3934 Calories - Hamel to Carlinville

    November - 336 Minutes - 70 Miles - 7543 Calories
  • budkid
    budkid Posts: 50 Member
    I hope to get in at least 200 miles.

    Lets go you guys!! Burn those calories before the feast at the end of the month.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Well, my training plan at the start of the year said 150 miles for november (well actually 240km, but who's counting) but what the hell - Lets see if we can get to 200+ miles again this month... I've a new toy to cover the bad weather - Tacx Bushido & PC Link software (which i'm currently fighting with as it's a bit bug-ridden and horrible, but I'll get there!)

    01/11/2011 - 13.17km - 13.17km total (8.18 miles) - 1094kcal - Turbo trainer session (bushido kept crashing!)
    02/11/2011 - 24.29km - 37.46km total (23.28 miles) -1509kcal - 2603kcal total - normal road loop
    03/11/2011 - 19.58km - 57.04km total (35.45 miles) - 1192kcal - 3795kcal total - abreviated local loop due to rainstorm


  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    nov 1.....42.0
    nov 2.....-0-
    nov 3......44.0


    YTD: 1736.0(spinning miles)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    nov 1.....42.0
    nov 2.....-0-
    nov 3......44.0
    nov 4......24.4


    YTD: 1736.0(spinning miles)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Well, my training plan at the start of the year said 150 miles for november (well actually 240km, but who's counting) but what the hell - Lets see if we can get to 200+ miles again this month... I've a new toy to cover the bad weather - Tacx Bushido & PC Link software (which i'm currently fighting with as it's a bit bug-ridden and horrible, but I'll get there!)

    01/11/2011 - 13.17km - 13.17km total (8.18 miles) - 1094kcal - Turbo trainer session (bushido kept crashing!)
    02/11/2011 - 24.29km - 37.46km total (23.28 miles) -1509kcal - 2603kcal total - normal road loop
    03/11/2011 - 19.58km - 57.04km total (35.45 miles) - 1192kcal - 3795kcal total - abreviated local loop due to rainstorm
    04/11/2011 - 26.34km - 83.38km total (51.82 miles) - 1905kcal - 5700kcal total - Bushido Trainer Session


  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Nov: 1: 6.5 indoor miles on the trainer. I was over my calories for the day, so I did some riding.
    Nov: 4. 10.25 miles of mountain riding.

    Wow, today was interesting. Weather called for rain, and sure enough, it rained in the morning. I was driving back home from my physical and rain had stopped (9am). I got home, got my MTB and headed to Claremont. When I got there, the clouds were back, some wind, and I could feel the chill. 55deg. Lucky I had my new cycling jacket, the camelbak I had has a rain cover. I geared up and headed out. Rain began at about mile 3 (all 3 miles are uphill). Light at first, moderate at miles 4 -5. Top of my ride is mile 6. Coming down was COLD. Even with the jacket, gloves, and the camelbak, I was freezing. Ofcourse I was very wet when I got down, not quite soaked though. Still, fun times.
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    I will join the November challenge and this month I hope to get 300+ km, last month I had slightly over 250.
    A new challenge for me will be riding part way up the mountain I live on three times per week.
    Yesterday I forgot my bike keys at work so I could not lock my bike up at the bottom of mountain like I usually do so I attempted to ride part way up. I did better than I thought I would (granny gear and all) but was pretty exhausted. My small mountain. 4km up a pretty steep grade is at the end of my ride, after I have already ridden over 20km so I am already kinda tired. Tomorrow is a gym day, so I will ride my bike down and over to the gym, (about 8km) then try the ride up. It will be my first time going down the mountain and it actually freaks me out more than trying to ride up. Any suggestions for keeping my speed under control going down a long steep grade?
  • Little_Ms_
    Committing to 200km this month. Sunny day here this morning so off I go!
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member

    is it too late to join - only just seen this thread? I am off to a dodgy start for the month anyway. Started going to spinning classes just this week and class #1 caused me to have 2 days off the bike due to 'killed quads' :sick:

    My target for Nov is 600 miles.
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    November 2nd 12 Miles after jogging 3.1 miles.
    November 4th 36.6 Miles

    48.6 Miles for the month
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member

    is it too late to join - only just seen this thread? I am off to a dodgy start for the month anyway. Started going to spinning classes just this week and class #1 caused me to have 2 days off the bike due to 'killed quads' :sick:

    My target for Nov is 600 miles.

    No jump in
  • kbwdad
    kbwdad Posts: 50 Member
    Sunds like fun, I'm in. I'll keep you posted.:drinker:
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    I'm in..the goal is 3 centuries by DEC 1
    (i live in California and average 40 to 50 miles on sundays)

    200 on the road bike (if it rains on my road ride day --sunday-- I will do my miles on the spin bike)


    100 on the spin bike

    Nov 1 9 miles spin 40 min
    Nov 3 9 miles spin 40 min
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    11-01-2011 - 130 Minutes - 24 Miles - 2728 Calories - Warm and windy.
    11-01-2011 - 56 Minutes - 10 Miles - 881 Calories - Cool down ride.
    11-02-2011 - 150 Minutes - 36 Miles - 3934 Calories - Hamel to Carlinville
    11-04-2011 - 65 Minutes - 13 Miles - 1352 Calories - Warm and Windy - Tire blew out.
    11-04-2011 - 116 Minutes - 21 Miles - 2413 Calories - Cold and calm

    November - 517 Minutes - 103 Miles - 11308 Calories
  • Little_Ms_
    (Aiming for 200km in November)
    2 Nov - 20km
    4 Nov - 35km (I hope I don't have to convert this to miles!)
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Ok I will try for 100 miles. I fell short last month. Hopefully it won't snow this month!
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    11/3/2011: 20 minutes:smile: