NOVEMBER century plus CYCLING challenge



  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    10/5 - 5 chilly miles
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    November 2nd 12 Miles after jogging 3.1 miles.
    November 4th 36.6 Miles
    November 5th 39.5 Miles

    88 Miles for the month
  • kbwdad
    kbwdad Posts: 50 Member

    Biked 24.4 miles.

    75.6 to go
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    11-01-2011 - 130 Minutes - 24 Miles - 2728 Calories - Warm and windy.
    11-01-2011 - 56 Minutes - 10 Miles - 881 Calories - Cool down ride.
    11-02-2011 - 150 Minutes - 36 Miles - 3934 Calories - Hamel to Carlinville
    11-04-2011 - 65 Minutes - 13 Miles - 1352 Calories - Warm and Windy - Tire blew out.
    11-04-2011 - 116 Minutes - 21 Miles - 2413 Calories - Cold and calm
    11-05-2011 - 148 Minutes - 26 Miles - 2862 Calories - Cold, and really windy.

    November - 665 Minutes - 130 Miles - 14170 Calories
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    nov 1.....42.0
    nov 2.....-0-
    nov 3......44.0
    nov 4......24.4
    nov 5......31.1


    YTD: 1736.0(spinning miles)
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Nov: 1: 6.5 indoor miles on the trainer. I was over my calories for the day, so I did some riding.
    Nov: 4. 10.25 miles of mountain riding.
    Nov 5. 20.96 road miles at 16.94 avg mph. Funny, longer distance but less calories than the MTB, but then again, this ride has very little in the way of elevation.
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    Guess i will add km once per week and Saturday seems as good as any day.
    Only had two rides this week cuz of work hour changes with parent teacher interviews and such.
    Thursday 29 km (i am going to use my cyclemeter app next week to get the official distance)
    Saturday 10 km and I had a flat tire, grrr, picked up a construction staple that punctured my tire and I had to walk a couple of miles to the nearest bike shop.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Well, my training plan at the start of the year said 150 miles for november (well actually 240km, but who's counting) but what the hell - Lets see if we can get to 200+ miles again this month... I've a new toy to cover the bad weather - Tacx Bushido & PC Link software (which i'm currently fighting with as it's a bit bug-ridden and horrible, but I'll get there!)

    01/11/2011 - 13.17km - 13.17km total (8.18 miles) - 1094kcal - Turbo trainer session (bushido kept crashing!)
    02/11/2011 - 24.29km - 37.46km total (23.28 miles) -1509kcal - 2603kcal total - normal road loop
    03/11/2011 - 19.58km - 57.04km total (35.45 miles) - 1192kcal - 3795kcal total - abreviated local loop due to rainstorm
    04/11/2011 - 26.34km - 83.38km total (51.82 miles) - 1905kcal - 5700kcal total - Bushido Trainer Session
    06/11/2011 - 24.23km - 107.61km total (66.88 miles) - 1458kcal - 7158kcal total - Normal Road Loop


  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    nov 1.....42.0
    nov 2.....-0-
    nov 3......44.0
    nov 4......24.4
    nov 5......31.1
    nov 6......41.1


    YTD: 1736.0(spinning miles)
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    I'm in..the goal is 3 centuries by DEC 1
    (i live in California and average 40 to 50 miles on sundays)

    200 on the road bike (if it rains on my road ride day --sunday-- I will do my miles on the spin bike)


    100 on the spin bike

    Nov 1 9 miles spin 40 min
    Nov 3 9 miles spin 40 min
    Nov 6 12 mile spin 65 min
    TOTAL this week 36 (ran a 10 k on saturday...took today as a recovery day instead of doing the longer 40-50 mile sunday ride)

    have a nice ride fellow Nov Challengers
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    11-01-2011 - 130 Minutes - 24 Miles - 2728 Calories - Warm and windy.
    11-01-2011 - 56 Minutes - 10 Miles - 881 Calories - Cool down ride.
    11-02-2011 - 150 Minutes - 36 Miles - 3934 Calories - Hamel to Carlinville
    11-04-2011 - 65 Minutes - 13 Miles - 1352 Calories - Warm and Windy - Tire blew out.
    11-04-2011 - 116 Minutes - 21 Miles - 2413 Calories - Cold and calm
    11-05-2011 - 148 Minutes - 26 Miles - 2862 Calories - Cold, and really windy.
    11-06-2011 - 68 MInutes - 11 Miles - 1183 Calories - Cold and windy again.

    November - 733 Minutes - 141 Miles - 15353 Calories
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Up to 10 miles

    Goal 100 miles.

    10/6 - 5 miles
    10/5 - 5 chilly miles
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member

    Just wanted to ask about if people are incorporating estimated milage, from spinning classes into this. Is it ok for me to add any spinning miles I estimate, to my road miles? I need all the help I can get because I am totally failing so far in the past week!

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member

    Just wanted to ask about if people are incorporating estimated milage, from spinning classes into this. Is it ok for me to add any spinning miles I estimate, to my road miles? I need all the help I can get because I am totally failing so far in the past week!


    I think some of the people in here are booking exclusively spinning miles - my mileage is a combination of road / MTB miles and occasional sessions on the Turbo-trainer - probably getting heavier on the turbo sessions as the weather and daylight hours close in. I reckon if you've pedalled it, book it in!
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Thanks. Looks like I will be adding in any spinning sessions I do this month. I am new to them but will estimate around 14 miles per 45 min session (inc. the warm up).
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    5 more miles. I think I am getting used to the cold. Now at 15 miles

    Goal 100 miles.

    11/7 - 5 miles
    11/6 - 5 miles
    11/5 - 5 chilly miles
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    01/11/2011 - 13.17km - 13.17km total (8.18 miles) - 1094kcal - Turbo trainer session (bushido kept crashing!)
    02/11/2011 - 24.29km - 37.46km total (23.28 miles) -1509kcal - 2603kcal total - normal road loop
    03/11/2011 - 19.58km - 57.04km total (35.45 miles) - 1192kcal - 3795kcal total - abreviated local loop due to rainstorm
    04/11/2011 - 26.34km - 83.38km total (51.82 miles) - 1905kcal - 5700kcal total - Bushido Trainer Session
    06/11/2011 - 24.23km - 107.61km total (66.88 miles) - 1458kcal - 7158kcal total - Normal Road Loop
    07/11/2011 - 24.79km - 132.40km total (82.28 miles) - 1820kcal - 8978kcal total - Bushido Trainer/Milan San Remo RLV


  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Goal: 600 miles

    01/11/2011 - Nothing (very sore legs from first spinning class)
    02/11/2011 - Nothing (very sore legs from first spinning class)
    03/11/2011 - 21.95 miles (road)
    04/11/2011 - 23.55 miles (road) & 14 miles (spinning)
    05/11/2011 - 2.8 miles (road)
    06/11/2011 - Nothing (very sore legs from second spinning class)
    07/11/2011 - 21.07 miles (road)

    Running total for Nov - 83.37
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    nov 1.....42.0
    nov 2.....-0-
    nov 3......44.0
    nov 4......24.4
    nov 5......31.1
    nov 6......41.1
    nov 7......13.3


    YTD: 1736.0(spinning miles)
  • Little_Ms_
    (Aiming for 200km in November)
    2 Nov - 20km
    4 Nov - 35km
    7 Nov - 20km (75km so far)