Your man cook and do dishes?



  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    You BET he Does!!! I'm VERY Lucky as my Husband is: 1) a much better cook than I am. 2) Enjoys cooking more than I do. And 3) When we decided to get married, I made it plain I Did Not Do Dishes, and he was completely cool with that! I will admit that becuase now that I am no longer working outside the Home and He is working a lot more hours these days---I try hard to help out with Both the cooking and the dishes to make life easier for him. My Husband is definitely A Renaissance Man and A Keeper!! Lucky Me!:happy:

    Awww thanks honey. But once I installed the dishwasher you did them a lot more. You are a very good cook too! Love you babe!
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    My hubby doesnt cook, becides a BBQ and rarely helps clean up, he does help on weekends but during his working week i give him the exception that hes tired
  • kirstyjosephine
    I do a majority of the cooking (I enjoy it - skill building). However, my husband does ALL the kitchen related cleaning. I do all the laundry. It's pretty even.
  • wamaverick
    wamaverick Posts: 68 Member
    My man cooks, does dishes, does laundry, vacuums, massages my feet and supports my dieting efforts.

    He helps me with my son including shuttling him to school, making lunches, doing homework, doing chores, and answering questions.

    He's a keeper....I love him dearly and I consider him a blessing in my life as I didn't know he was domesticated when I fell for him at the bank. He is now a full time student and I work 10 hour days with a two hour commute so we haven't really found a great balance to things yet but he's my equal and my partner. I ask him to do things...

    And just an FYI I love to do dishes with my boyfriend or my gives me time to talk with them about there days. The other thing is too be thankful we have dirty dishes because it means we had food to put on them!
  • southofmadness
    southofmadness Posts: 316 Member
    I cook and clean, all the time. Everyone kids with me about it and calls me jimmerella. I kid with my wife all the time that she is spoiled..she says its my fault for making her that way:)
  • branflake5
    ha ha, no he is a terrible cook and has been banned from any cooking attempts. he loads the dish washer does that count?

    in his defense he takes out all trash, mows the lawn, does my laundry, and works 56 hours a week:)
  • artsiefartsiek
    On the weekends, he cooks and I clean up :)
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    all i can say is ASK HIM NOW what you would like him to help you around the house with.....i didnt, and let me tell ya, men (and probably women too) are hard to train after you have cooked, cleaned, taken out garbage, etc for them!!!
    mine is just now (after 3 1/2 years) starting to take the garbage can to the road!

    some call it lazy...(and sometimes i agree)..but i take some of that blame for him being that way.... most people make the same mistake when they first everything for that special person because we love them and want to reel them in.... :) you cant expect miracles once the vows are said, and after you've been their maid and mother prior to it :)

    set up the "chores chart" now! Good luck :)

    This. Husband and I just had a talk about delegation of household duties on Saturday, encouraged by THIS topic. We've lived together 4 years!