Couples who dont fight.



  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    My boyfriend and I don't really fight, but we may have some disaggrements, but we always talk through them as well. So I don't think its unhealthy to NOT FIGHT! As long as youre upset and sit down and sort it out. Things are well. Oh and I agree with that one guy. :) MAKE UP SEX IS ALWAYS AMAZING! But not till we discuss the matter at hand! lol
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    I fight with anyone just because I love a good argument :happy: but my brother and his girlfriend a have been together for almost 2 years and haven't had a single argument!! It's absolutely insane how well they get along. They'll have little "debates" but no legitimate arguments! its unnatural!!!!:laugh: even their debates aren't about anything serious's about who should have won some game show or which youtube video is better
  • Sweetchaos66
    Sweetchaos66 Posts: 59 Member
    I new my husband was the one after our first fight. We both wanted to resolve it and come back together. We have had 17 years of fights and we still want to make up after each one.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    me and my husband fight not tons but we go threw times we both fight more (when we are stressed out it seems to be) but we dont have major fights there usually something stupid or something small and we get over it fast but we talk it out and then we are done. We have been together for 6 1/2 years and married for 6 so we are doing great i think its healthy to argue sometimes.
  • olivetree_
    olivetree_ Posts: 75 Member
    My parents never fight. Well, they do. But it's rare and they always sort it out in the end and do the whole "we'll get through it together" thing. It's sweet.
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    If the person is being abused by one's standard, but they do not think they themselves are being abused, there is no abuse.

    I don't have an opinion either way on the relationship in question because I don't think I can judge a relationship based on a few online posts.

    I don't believe this at all though. For example, a child who provides sexual favours to an adult because to them it is a game and they like the attention. The child doesn't thnk it is abuse, but does that mean it isn't? Ok, so we are talking about 2 consenting adults but if one person craves the other's attention and will do or put up with the unspeakable to get it, does that not mean they are being abused? Even if they are not aware of it?
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year. We get along so well, and are just two really laid back, similar minded people.

    We've never had a fight.'s just so much better to communicate how you're feeling, and if something is bugging you. In a calm way. That's what I do. And there have been a couple times when things have bothered me, or bothered him, and instead of blowing up at each other, we calmly talk through it, and it's over. It's the most amazing thing, and I am so grateful to have found someone who realizes like me, that there is absolutely no point in fighting and hurting the person you love. Yelling and screaming and calling each other names does what? Let's you vent because you're angry? But at what cost? I argued and fought a LOT with my ex, screaming and all that stuff. It never helped. And with my boyfriend now...I couldn't ever see myself doing the same thing, because I care about him too much, and never want to hurt him.

    Does that make sense? And yeah, people have always been shocked/surprised and told me it's unhealthy that we never argue/fight at all. But, I disagree. I'm in the best relationship of my life, and I'm ecstatic and happy. Who cares what other people think you should or shouldn't be doing? Especially something so detrimental to a relationship!

    Just because we don't fight doesn't mean we don't disagree or communicate. We are able to disagree and communicate fantastically because we *don't* fight. :D

    Yay! <3
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    My husband and I fight a lot, but we really have only had two "big" fights. I have a friend who swears she never fights with her husband, but she is on the verge of leaving him...I do think some people can be together and not fight, but I can't. I remember one time me and my husband hadn't fought for a while and he sat me down and was like "are you going to leave me, because you aren't fighting with me."
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have been married 12 years to my highschool sweethear and we do not fight. Discuss and banter yes but no arguments. There was a timeframe of about 3 years when we did. I was moderatley depressed and loved to pick fights. I was in a bad place. But the past 6 years? All good!
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    My ex and I fought constantly. About everything.

    The relationship I'm in now....we hardly ever fight. He is naturally pestimestic, I am naturally optimistic, we balance each other out pretty well. And there's not much to fight about. We have similiar goals/work ethics/opinions. We talk about everything and disagree often, but we've agreed to disagree. He humors me when I'm to tired/lazy to put the laundry away, I know better than to let it sit there too long (if it were just me I would never put laundry away-I don't mind doing laundry, but the folding and hanging just seems like such a waste to me). I humor him when he goes on a political rant, he knows what I'll accept as a rant and what I'll take as offensive. It's about communication and respect.