How Do You Feel About The Flu Shot?



  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    How much do you pay for it over in the States? I should be eligible to get mine free on the NHS here, but I went to a private chemist this time (Sainsburys pharmacy, actually!) and it was about £7. Is it more over there?

    I get mine free. I think the norm in the pharmacy is about 25$. also almost all types of insurance will cover the price too.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    How much do you pay for it over in the States? I should be eligible to get mine free on the NHS here, but I went to a private chemist this time (Sainsburys pharmacy, actually!) and it was about £7. Is it more over there?

    I get mine free also through my employer.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member

    Real statistics: Death rate from influenza = 0.1%. Death rate from influenza vaccine = 0.000024%.

    Real numbers from corrupt research maybe. Besides there is more to worry about than death with these vaccines. Hecks, if you only died then they wouldn't be half bad.

    I'm sorry to intervene, but : LOL.

    You've taken every potential logical and factual point and turned it into a "the world is out to get us, don't trust anyone" piece of information. You can't prove a point by saying it hasn't been disproven, you can't use religious belief as defense (there are too many, and its too skeptical a field to be discussed rationally in any form of debate) If you don't trust the flu shot, don't get it. But stop pretending we live in a world where everyone with an education or in higher power is out to get you. Not that there aren't people like that, but it isnt everyone.

    With that being said, I don't feel I have anything more to add about the flu shot that hasn't been said at least once in these past 14 or so pages. If you trust it, get it. If you don't trust it, don't get it. Any other points are basically moot as it won't change anything, or likely any one else's opinion.
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    I'm sorry to intervene, but : LOL.

    You've taken every potential logical and factual point and turned it into a "the world is out to get us, don't trust anyone" piece of information. You can't prove a point by saying it hasn't been disproven, you can't use religious belief as defense (there are too many, and its too skeptical a field to be discussed rationally in any form of debate) If you don't trust the flu shot, don't get it. But stop pretending we live in a world where everyone with an education or in higher power is out to get you. Not that there aren't people like that, but it isnt everyone.

    With that being said, I don't feel I have anything more to add about the flu shot that hasn't been said at least once in these past 14 or so pages. If you trust it, get it. If you don't trust it, don't get it. Any other points are basically moot as it won't change anything, or likely any one else's opinion.

    I've taken points that many people stand by and presented them, thats all. If you don't like it then fine by me. And I'm not pretending to live in a world where people are out to get me. I'm saying we live in a world where people have educations, and are really stupid idiots that lack any real wisdom. There are people all over the world that agree, even on this forum.:sick:
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    This is how corrupt the multi-billion dollar vaccine industry is. Since nobody seems to believe me, you can see and hear it for yourself at the link below. The quotations are from words out of Bill Gates mouth, who has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to vaccine research.

    "The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

    You can watch this yourself at:

    Learn more:
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I think you ought to read more science and less opinion.
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    I think you ought to read more science and less opinion.

    I think you should open up your eyes. People are occupying wall street, not sesame street. These are real events happening in the world right now,
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    per GettingFit4Me2011

    I was mainly forced into taking the flu shot,. Work is charging more money for medical insurance if you do not take a flu shot and did not have your blood work done to check for fats in your blood. They also charge more if you are a smoker.

    After all this.....just go ahead a take the flu shot. The next issues I believe will be weight issues where they charge more on medical insurance.

    I couldn't agree with you more...unfortunately, I can see their point. If I were an employer, I would more than consider the above...thank goodness I'm of no importance :huh:
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    So, I've attempted to keep myself away from this thread, as I tend to like to play the devil's advocate, which can be annoying. However, can I just say....that despite all the bickering back and forth, you guys have all provided some really good info as far as pros and cons. So. Thank you. Thank you for the scientific perspective, thank you for the opinionated perspective, pros and cons. I've been putting a lot of thought into this subject, as the time is coming for me to have to justify walking around work with a mask for the next 4 months.

    For me, it just boils down to two things.
    1. Crap that I MIGHT not need being injected into my body.
    2. Being so pressured by my employer to be vaccinated.

    I don't appreciate having healthcare decisions made for me.
    And I will be wearing a mask, not going around breathing and spitting and slobbering and snotting on people.
    Maybe I will feel differently next year....but probably not.

    I agree! I have enjoyed hearing the different sides of this issue. Argueing is never good but I do appreciate all the info here. Thanks everyone!
  • Jexebel
    Okay didn't read all the pages but....

    They work on next years flu because flu is (in general) seasonal and is most prevalent during the fall/winter (flu season). So the flu strains they have going around in the southern hemishpere during their winter will be the strains (more or less) that will be around in the northern hemisphere's flu season.

    There are not billions of strains of influenza but yes there are many and influenza does have the capacity to mutate and become vaccine resistant.

    Which brings me to what most people don't understand about vaccination. Yes vaccination prevents you from getting sick (if the vaccine if effective). But for something like influenza, most of the population (with the exception of elderly or immunocompromised individuals) can be infected with the flu, get sick and clear the infection with no real problems. What the vaccination does, if everybody is vaccinated is stops the infection from spreading to people who are unable to clear the infection efficiently. Also, because influenza is so prone to mutating, the less people it is able to infect and replicate the LESS it will mutate and the LESS chance there will be of some pandemic form popping up somewhere. So not getting vaccinated may be ok for the individual, but from the perspective of the virus, it has made a few more million copies and had a few more million chances to mutate to something more serious than just the flu.

    As for being forced to take the flu shot, I don't see a problem with it. It's not to protect your own health but the whole workplace's health.

    Okay I read the first three pages of comments on this....

    First and foremost I would like to say I am in favor of vaccines, but I'm also a statistics girl.....and nobody has brought this point up in the first three pages of comments I read so hopefully I am not repeating what someone else has said.

    The single reason I do not get a flu shot is that they start working on NEXT YEARS flu shot, RIGHT NOW! Okay now I'm sorry but I have a degree in Medical Laboratory Technology. I'm not stupid, I work with Doctors, nurses, the elderly and the sick. But you can not tell me that the folks in the laboratory at the CDC can predict the flu that will strike next year, when the weather man can't accurately predict the weather all the time.

    Here's the deal they take the most likely 20 strains of flu that they think will hit next year based off of numbers and calculations from statisiticians and mathematical wizzes and say "Use these 20, to make your shot"

    Sorry there are billions of strains of the flu and they mutate and genetically code themselves overs so they are more resistant. So no thank you I will not take a flu shot when there is NO real statistical chance that the "20 strains" they picked are going to be the one of the billions strains of the flu that could be going around next year.

    Sorry I'm not gonna do that and no I'm not a granola person. I just think that if you want to not catch the flu, eat properly, stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, stay away from sick people, wash your hands and don't touch your face. If you are sick with the sniffles, a cough or cold or anything else for GOODNESS sakes for everyone else STAY HOME!
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157

    This is an article that shows possible corruptions between the CDC, FDA, the 1% elite. Seems as though anything that has to do with the 1% is not to be trusted unless proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that goes for any kind of vaccines. It's an excellent web site for all kinds of vaccine information.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I had never had one before but I am in nursing school now and they make us get one. I probably would have continued to not get them if left to my own devices, but not worth getting worked up over, IMO.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I get one every year; I haven't had any issues and remain mysteriously well the whole flu season. I don't know or care if it is the shot or just my hygiene habits (I wash my hands about 30 times a day); I don't want to change a variable and then be sick, so it works for me.
  • LeBlackstone

    This is an article that shows possible corruptions between the CDC, FDA, the 1% elite. Seems as though anything that has to do with the 1% is not to be trusted unless proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that goes for any kind of vaccines. It's an excellent web site for all kinds of vaccine information.

  • Jexebel
    I'm no expert but just the way this website is written tells me its written by people who don't know a whole lot about vaccination and immunology.
    "and being part of a loving family all contribute to freedom from disease of any kind" -lol what?
    "Any immunity provided by a vaccine wanes over time" - wrong.
    Also they are defending Wakefield? Any respectable scientist knows this guy is a fraud.
    But hey, can't convince 'em all.

    This is an article that shows possible corruptions between the CDC, FDA, the 1% elite. Seems as though anything that has to do with the 1% is not to be trusted unless proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that goes for any kind of vaccines. It's an excellent web site for all kinds of vaccine information.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    In my opinion, if you don't really ever deal with young children, elderly or those who are immunocompromised then don't bother with it.

    As a nurse, I am not forced to get it... but I do get it so that I am not spreading it to someone who could be killed by it.
  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    I am lucky in my job that I get all my immunizations for free if I choose, but I would be really put out if I was forced to take them.

    I don't really care for the flue shot. Every time I get one I am sick as a dog for at least 3 days afterwords. This was the first year I have gotten one in a long while because of how ill I feel afterwords, just to test the theory. Again, I was well before and sick within hours after. Probably won't do it again next year.

    This is just my experiences with them. I know a lot of people that suffer no ill effects from them.