Any "Last Stubborn 20 pounders" out there?



  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I appear to have lost another pound this week, but I'll know on Saturday. I haven't FELT like eating so I have only been eating normal, healthy stuff (e.g. no cravings - except for today, when I wanted something sweet but not chocolate or coffee!).

    I consider not craving loads of anything a milestone, actually. We shall see at the weekly weigh-in, though. I'm doing the interval training that Songbyrdsweet recommended and I feel so far it's working. Thanks SBS!

    Good point about the lack of cravings! My aide has been eating a bunch of chocolate this week....usually she is so good and abstains from all the students' cupcakes, and treats....and I CAN'T....BUT, I have barely had any snacks this fact, I just sort of made myself eat an orange. Maybe I am in starvation mode with out really starving.

    My question to all of you do you know you're in starvation mode, if you aren't starving????
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Mickie, I have experienced "starvation mode", on purpose and not on purpose.
    I went through a stage in my life that I restricted way too many calories on purpose during the day trying to drop weight fast (uh, didn't work. haha). Hunger, or that "starving" feeling, really does go away and your body just becomes used to that amount of calories.

    Also, before beginning MFP, I was unintentionally eating too few calories during the day. I wasn't hungry and didn't often feel unsatisfied. I just didn't realize I wasn't eating enough, to lose weight anyway. But then there were days where I couldn't get full or satisfied at all.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Mickie, I have experienced "starvation mode", on purpose and not on purpose.
    I went through a stage in my life that I restricted way too many calories on purpose during the day trying to drop weight fast (uh, didn't work. haha). Hunger, or that "starving" feeling, really does go away and your body just becomes used to that amount of calories.

    Also, before beginning MFP, I was unintentionally eating too few calories during the day. I wasn't hungry and didn't often feel unsatisfied. I just didn't realize I wasn't eating enough, to lose weight anyway. But then there were days where I couldn't get full or satisfied at all.

    I just wish i could figure that peice out...because I don't like the concept of eatin gwhen you aren't hungry. Does that make sense?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Dropped to 130.4 last night, that's the least I've weighed since I've been on MFP. Yesterday wasn't anything out of the ordinary except that my workout was shorter and I overate by about 50 calories. The other day when I dropped a bit I hadn't worked out at all and ate what I would've eaten had I worked out. So I guess I have to eat a bit more. :huh:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    awesome songbyrd!

    I am thinking about maybe bumping my calories up a bit if I don't lose this week.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Dropped to 130.4 last night, that's the least I've weighed since I've been on MFP. Yesterday wasn't anything out of the ordinary except that my workout was shorter and I overate by about 50 calories. The other day when I dropped a bit I hadn't worked out at all and ate what I would've eaten had I worked out. So I guess I have to eat a bit more. :huh:

    Keep it up sonbyrd!!! That's awesome...I think I'll brave the scale myself....YIKES, we had a party last night, and I just logged's AMAZING how a little bit of this and a little bit of that really add up!!!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Thanks! It always happens when I least expect it LOL.
    I dropped my goal to 1/2 lb a week. Since I have an on-my-feet job (work retail and am walking all day) and I am constantly walking on campus, my baseline cals are now 1600/day. I figure the worst that can happen is that I just stay where I am, and that really won't be worse that what's been happening anyway!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Dang it!!!

    After your post songbyrd, I hopped on the scale a minute because I was curious. Well, I was down 2 pounds, but wasn't getting my hopes up (at least, not THAT much, or so I thought). But when I got back on the scale this morning for my "official weigh-in", I was back to my original weight that I have been for about 3 weeks now. :grumble:

    Last week, I ate a little bit more than 1400 cals just about every day. This week, I'm going to try to stay at 1300-1400 and see what happens.

    Next week, I should be able to workout more also. This past week, I was able to work out a couple of days but I really busted my butt those days with some long distance runs and some HIIT workout.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I took measurements yesterday, and my abdomen--the 'poojy' part between your belly button and your pubis--is down 1.2 inches from last week. There was no TOM influence and I can definitely see a difference. My belt is useless and my pants fit even worse than they did a month ago! :laugh: Why do people feel the need to make the waist and the butt the same circumference? :grumble: I didn't make it past 1600 cals last night..I just wasn't hungry. I'm trying to get to 2000 a day to give myself a break, but it's proving difficult with how busy I am and how uninterested I am in eating a ton of food. It definitely is harder with the healthier stuff.

    12by311, around check-in time, which happens once or twice a month, I will actually weigh fairly frequently. I'll weigh in the morning and at night and watch for trends on an empty and full stomach. Then I use the lowest value I attain...for instance, if I weigh all week, and at night Monday I weigh 134 and Saturday night I weigh 133, I know I've made a difference even though my morning weight might be 131 or 130. Then if I get a range of morning weights from 130-132, I use 130, because I assume that I am not going to gain 2 lbs of fat in a week and the higher weight was caused by an extenuating circumstance. So if I had your measurements, I'd actually check in with the lower one.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I was actually surprised when I saw the 2 pound loss. I usually weigh in the mornings, and this was mid-day, I was eating normally (which means I had consumed about 1/2 of my calories) and still showed a loss. So I was all giddy, but trying not to be.

    So, do you think I should count that loss?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I was actually surprised when I saw the 2 pound loss. I usually weigh in the mornings, and this was mid-day, I was eating normally (which means I had consumed about 1/2 of my calories) and still showed a loss. So I was all giddy, but trying not to be.

    So, do you think I should count that loss?

    I would, especially during the day when there's food mass in my body as well. Since body weight fluctuates so much, I take those dips to mean I'm moving in a downward direction overall.
  • Kristine18
    Hey, I am new to this website but so far have found it very helpful especially with the food diary. Anyways I have been struggling back and forth with weight loss for like the last 2 years or so. I keep losing but then gaining it back. As of now I am on the last 20 pounds that i want to lose. I am following the Herbal Magic Diet eating plan and so far it is working great for me. I am losing about 1-2 pounds a week and couldnt be happier. I am no longer going to the clinic or taking the supplements just following the meal plan and seems to be working!! If you want to know what the meal plan consists of just let me know and I will be more than happy to share it with you!
    Have a good day and keep at it, even though it takes time we will all get there!!

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Hey, I am new to this website but so far have found it very helpful especially with the food diary. Anyways I have been struggling back and forth with weight loss for like the last 2 years or so. I keep losing but then gaining it back. As of now I am on the last 20 pounds that i want to lose. I am following the Herbal Magic Diet eating plan and so far it is working great for me. I am losing about 1-2 pounds a week and couldnt be happier. I am no longer going to the clinic or taking the supplements just following the meal plan and seems to be working!! If you want to know what the meal plan consists of just let me know and I will be more than happy to share it with you!
    Have a good day and keep at it, even though it takes time we will all get there!!

    Welcome Kristine18 to the site. It's really great, and addicting.:laugh: I'm glad to her that you found something that works for you. WIll you have to stay on that stuff for life? Or are you able to not do the diet once you make your goal, and still maintain your wieght?

    I'm doing Jillian Michael's Making the Cut. w/ her Shred DVD for this month. It's really intense, and really a good program.

    Songbyrd & 12by311---are you following a particular program?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey, I am new to this website but so far have found it very helpful especially with the food diary. Anyways I have been struggling back and forth with weight loss for like the last 2 years or so. I keep losing but then gaining it back. As of now I am on the last 20 pounds that i want to lose. I am following the Herbal Magic Diet eating plan and so far it is working great for me. I am losing about 1-2 pounds a week and couldnt be happier. I am no longer going to the clinic or taking the supplements just following the meal plan and seems to be working!! If you want to know what the meal plan consists of just let me know and I will be more than happy to share it with you!
    Have a good day and keep at it, even though it takes time we will all get there!!

    Welcome Kristine18 to the site. It's really great, and addicting.:laugh: I'm glad to her that you found something that works for you. WIll you have to stay on that stuff for life? Or are you able to not do the diet once you make your goal, and still maintain your wieght?

    I'm doing Jillian Michael's Making the Cut. w/ her Shred DVD for this month. It's really intense, and really a good program.

    Songbyrd & 12by311---are you following a particular program?

    Nope, I have actually never done a program before. The p90x sounds neat, but I don't really have room in my little apartment, and I really like being in a gym with a wide range of equipment...I like having the big steps for plyometrics, and lat pulldowns because it's hard to produce that movement in a house without equipment, and the squat rack of course. I have always made my own diet and exercise routine because I figure, hey, if I've got a degree in it, I might as well use it for something! :laugh: I also plan on trying Crossfit...a gym just opened up in the area and I might do a little splurge and pay the $10 to go around my birthday.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Hey, I am new to this website but so far have found it very helpful especially with the food diary. Anyways I have been struggling back and forth with weight loss for like the last 2 years or so. I keep losing but then gaining it back. As of now I am on the last 20 pounds that i want to lose. I am following the Herbal Magic Diet eating plan and so far it is working great for me. I am losing about 1-2 pounds a week and couldnt be happier. I am no longer going to the clinic or taking the supplements just following the meal plan and seems to be working!! If you want to know what the meal plan consists of just let me know and I will be more than happy to share it with you!
    Have a good day and keep at it, even though it takes time we will all get there!!

    Welcome Kristine18 to the site. It's really great, and addicting.:laugh: I'm glad to her that you found something that works for you. WIll you have to stay on that stuff for life? Or are you able to not do the diet once you make your goal, and still maintain your wieght?

    I'm doing Jillian Michael's Making the Cut. w/ her Shred DVD for this month. It's really intense, and really a good program.

    Songbyrd & 12by311---are you following a particular program?

    Nope, I have actually never done a program before. The p90x sounds neat, but I don't really have room in my little apartment, and I really like being in a gym with a wide range of equipment...I like having the big steps for plyometrics, and lat pulldowns because it's hard to produce that movement in a house without equipment, and the squat rack of course. I have always made my own diet and exercise routine because I figure, hey, if I've got a degree in it, I might as well use it for something! :laugh: I also plan on trying Crossfit...a gym just opened up in the area and I might do a little splurge and pay the $10 to go around my birthday.

    Sometimes, I really miss going to the gym...just for the variety. Sadly, the way the economy is going, that was one of the things I had to cut back on. BUT, I love walkings my dog(s) (I foster rescue labs), doing my spin bike and I love-hate The Shred! :laugh:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Sometimes I do pilates and yoga here at home. I mainly do outdoor running and I plan on starting to do more weight lifting after basketball season is over. I coach jv volleyball and assistant varsity all year round I am playing those sports against the varsity team (I'm a practice dummy). I run sprints with the team and so on, also.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Well. Still 140.
    I have increased cals. Nuttin
    I have decreased cals Nuttin
    I stopped exercising. Nuttin
    I increased exercise. Nuttin

    So I am changing my name to Nuttin!

    I really dont care, just being funny! I just joined a gym, so my workouts will change up. They have some awesome classes that will take me outside of my comfort zone. I am committed to 5 days cardio, 2 days strength, 1400 cals + exercise cals.

    Lets see what happens, my friends!!:drinker:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Well, I got back on the scale this morning and it read the same exact thing as yesterday, so I decided to put my ticker back at the weight I was at prior to this week. Yesterday I dropped it down to show that I had lost 2 more pounds, because I did show that earlier in the week....I can't stand it though! I guess I'm OCD about it. haha

    Good luck arewethereyet!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I just can't shake the feeling that I need to eat MORE calories. The first week I was on MFP and dropped 2 pounds, I ate on average 1571 calories per day. I've steadily decreased my calories on average. For example, the two weeks I've not lost anything I ate on average per day 1307 calories (week 1 of no change) and 1468 calories (week 2 of no change).

    Yesterday I ate 1516 calories. I think I am going to eat 1500 this week and see what happens. What do you guys think?
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I just can't shake the feeling that I need to eat MORE calories. The first week I was on MFP and dropped 2 pounds, I ate on average 1571 calories per day. I've steadily decreased my calories on average. For example, the two weeks I've not lost anything I ate on average per day 1307 calories (week 1 of no change) and 1468 calories (week 2 of no change).

    Yesterday I ate 1516 calories. I think I am going to eat 1500 this week and see what happens. What do you guys think?

    I think you are right...the days I tend to eat more, but also exercise a lot, I do better. ??? But I haven't been able to find a pattern quite yet. I started -Making the Cut- last Sunday, but I got sick and have ZERO energy to exercise. I tried to get on my bike this morning and barely lasted 15 minutes before going back to bed and calling in sick to work again. UGH!!!

    Back to my poiint...sorry...Making the Cut: As for the eating's great, and I have maintained my weight the past three days with zero exercise, sooooo, I'm thinking once I'm back to really exercising with it, I'm going to start seeing results. Jillian says to eat every 4 hours no matter what....for me, I'm a "balanced metabolizer" so my ratios of carb to proteins are pretty even.
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