Any "Last Stubborn 20 pounders" out there?



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Okay, so my experiment with 1500 calories per day is paying off I think. No exercise yesterday...well, besides my 51 pushups and yoga...

    But I lost 1 pound. I've been weighing every morning to sort of monitor this "experiment". I would so extremely happy for a loss this week...and a 2 pound loss would blow my mind!

    But then, I would also feel kind of tinked off at myself for eating too little for soooo long.

    We'll see on Monday!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Okay, so my experiment with 1500 calories per day is paying off I think. No exercise yesterday...well, besides my 51 pushups and yoga...

    But I lost 1 pound. I've been weighing every morning to sort of monitor this "experiment". I would so extremely happy for a loss this week...and a 2 pound loss would blow my mind!

    But then, I would also feel kind of tinked off at myself for eating too little for soooo long.

    We'll see on Monday!

    Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've inspired me!!! I was thinking about experimenting too...with my exercise. I was think that it seems like I loose everytime I change things...then I I think I'm going to try switching it up everytime I stop losing and see what happens. Of course, I need to get over the nasty cold I have first! :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am doing the same thing, but finding it hard to eat 1400 plus exercise cals. I am slowing increasing food and exercise.......

    i ate too much of the wrong thing today and am paying the price with a sick stomach.

    tomorrow is another day * I almost fear a loss!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well. Still 140.
    I have increased cals. Nuttin
    I have decreased cals Nuttin
    I stopped exercising. Nuttin
    I increased exercise. Nuttin

    So I am changing my name to Nuttin!

    I really dont care, just being funny! I just joined a gym, so my workouts will change up. They have some awesome classes that will take me outside of my comfort zone. I am committed to 5 days cardio, 2 days strength, 1400 cals + exercise cals.

    Lets see what happens, my friends!!:drinker:

    Sister!!!!!! We're soooooooo in the same boat these days-- !!!

    But, we're still doing right by our bodies, so onward-- but hopefully no more Upward!!!!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Are you kidding me! Stubborn?! That's an understatement!
    I have gained some back. And now can't get those and the other 15 pounds GONE
    I'M SO FRUSTRATED. My scale has slowly been going up. I was at one point, 152 a couple of months ago, now 156-159. :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    I thought I had it figured out, but I wouldn't even call this a plateau anymore.
    And I just can't figure it out.
    I can't afford a personal trainer to kick my a**.
    I can't afford a dietician.
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    pretty much how I feel right now.:sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I am doing the same thing, but finding it hard to eat 1400 plus exercise cals. I am slowing increasing food and exercise......

    tomorrow is another day * I almost fear a loss!

    Oh my GOSH!!!!!!!!! I have only eaten 980 calories today. And I am VERY full...I am sitting here thinking about what I could go eat, but I'm simply NOT hungry. UGH!!!! I'm eating 3 meals and two snacks...and they're VERY healthy, just not a lot of calories. I know I need to eat LOT more than this, but, I just can't force it down....I even tried to tempt myself with chocolate...(my kryptonite)...with no luck!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Mickie, I eat almonds almost every day now....around 11:30 a.m. I also eat peanut butter almost every morning. These two things alone are not very "heavy" but are dense with calories and help me feel full without being a whole lot of food. Maybe you could try incorporating some nuts or something into your diet during the day so that you could get your calories up.

    I still weigh 1 pound less this morning! Woohoo! It wasn't just a fake out by the scale. :tongue:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Mickie, I eat almonds almost every day now....around 11:30 a.m. I also eat peanut butter almost every morning. These two things alone are not very "heavy" but are dense with calories and help me feel full without being a whole lot of food. Maybe you could try incorporating some nuts or something into your diet during the day so that you could get your calories up.

    I still weigh 1 pound less this morning! Woohoo! It wasn't just a fake out by the scale. :tongue:

    AWESOME FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! Good job. :smile:

    My kids like me to drizzle chocolate over pretzels, and then they like to dip those in peanut butter...I think I'll try that...I love peanut butter....almonds, not so much, but I will eat them. Thanks of rthe suggestions. :happy:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    UGH!!! I did it again...I think I've hit a mini I'm ready to do battle today. Any suggestions on a different workout to shake things up??? (It has to be indoors today, because the weather is so bad, even the dogs won't get walked's really, really icky out there...and I do NOT own a WiiFit). N. Cal.

    Here's my "normal" routine.:

    Spin Cycle 30-40 min (This is a have to for my knee rehab)
    Strength exercises-20 min
    Walk the dog 10-15 min

    Lunch time-walk 15 min

    Afternoon-The Shred Level 2
    Walk the dog-15-60+ minutes

    Evening-15-30 min of Spin Cycle
    Walk the dog-10 min.

    Thanks everyone!!! I'm looking forward to your ideas.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I found this last night regarding the last stubborn pounds hope this helps!!!!

    If you exercise long enough, it'll happen to you. You get close to your goal, just a few pounds away, and you hit the wall. The scale doesn't budge so much as a half a pound. There is a way to get rid of those last stubborn pounds without starving yourself or training like a maniac. By making small changes in your routine you can easily kick your body into gear.

    Change Your Eating Habits

    Tweaking your diet can help get rid of those last stubborn pounds. Rather than cutting foods out, think of substituting one thing for another. Some examples are:

    Switch from 1% milk to Skim milk.
    Use light or fat free mayo instead of the full fat version.
    Check the labels on the foods you eat each day and find lighter versions to cut calories.
    Add more fiber to your diet to help you feel full and eat less calories.
    Eat reasonable portion sizes.

    Kick Up Your Cardio

    Changing your cardio routine is a great way to burn more calories. Try these ideas:

    Add a new activity. Try a new machine at the gym or a new exercise video at home.
    Change your intensity. If you usually walk at 3.5 mph, kick it up to 4.0 and raise your incline to burn more calories.

    Change the duration. Add 10 minutes of jump roping or kickboxing to one or two workouts each week.
    Try interval training or circuit training. When outside, sprinkle short sprints throughout your workout. Or, do 8-10 different exercises (mixing both cardio and strength training) one right after the other with no rest in between.

    Pump Some Iron

    If you're not lifting weights, beginning a program now can help you jumpstart your weight loss and burn more calories. If you're already lifting and you've reached a plateau, it's time to change your routine. Every six weeks, do one or more of the following:

    Change the exercises. If you're doing a barbell bicep curl switch to dumbbells or the cable machines. If you're doing pushups, try doing them on a decline to make it more difficult.

    Change your training method. For example, if you're doing straight sets (i.e., 3 sets of 6 reps) switch to pyramids or super sets.

    Change the weight/reps. If you've been doing 12 reps of each exercise, increase your weight so that you can only complete 8 reps. Add a rep each week until you can do 16 reps then increase the weight again.
    Try adding yoga or pilates to increase your flexibility, stability and endurance.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Good suggestions...thanks! i guess it's time for me to get off my butt and go implement SOMETHING!!! I have been soooooooooooooooooo lazy this morning!!! It must be the weather. HA!!! :wink:
  • abillings9
    Yeah same problem here as everyone else. Some days I am so very tired of counting calories. The working out is no problem, I feel good after but counting cals... bleh.

    Today is my rest day and I'm having a very hard time today staying in my cals. I'm so hungry today!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Counting calories can be drag....but MFP does make it so much easier. And boy is it an eye opener!!!!

    I like seeing how many calories I consume of healthy makes me think twice about eating junk. I'm short, 5' 2.5", so I eat more or less an average of 1200 calories a day of healthy food. If I go over by much, it's because I binged on something really bad for me. I try not to eat unless I'm hungry, and to stop when I'm full (that's really hard), because I'm overcoming mindless eating & overeating. (I'm one of those who tends to eat when I;m happy, eat when I'm sad, eat just this is a challenge for me, but I'm really workign hard at it)! So far, so good. It's beginning to show results. Because of this, I do not not make it a point to eat my exercise calories...if I go into that budget, no worries, I just don't eat if I'm not hungry, and I eat about every 4 or so hours...good, well-balanced meals...and I AM hungry right about every 4 hours, give or take.

    From what I've heard, journaling is the best way to get the weight off, and to keep it off forever! So hang in there abillings9!:flowerforyou:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Back up 2 lbs today. Blah. :mad:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I recieved such a great compliment today!!

    I saw my best friend in the gym after a great full body workout. He said, "Dude, you look like you're in the best shape of your life right now! You look so fit." And I told him he looked great too! He always does though LOL. Then we shared that we are both eating more than ever. I am eating about 2,000 cals a day and he's eating 3,000. We've never eaten this much before. So if all else fails, do something REALLY different!:wink:
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    I only want to lose 15-20 lbs. Since Nov I've lost a pesky 4 lbs. That's it!! It's killing me. I've tried switching up my routine workout, adding another day of workout and cutting calories. Grr.

    I do step aerobics 2 times a week, high intensity yoga twice, dance class once and run 6-10 miles a week!!

    I see a difference in definition but no lbs are coming off. People keep telling me that it's because I have a lot of muscle. I'm starting to doubt that.

    I think I'm just going to eat salads forever and ever!! I want to get to 125!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I really think we should get away from the pounds and goal weights.
    If you can fit into your goal pants, why does it matter if you're 5 lbs off of your goal weight? What if that last 5 lbs is mostly muscle? Is it really worth it to lose muscle mass to reach a number? I look very different at 130 lbs now than I did at 130 lbs in November. My back is more developed, my biceps are bigger, and my stomach is flatter. It's not about weight, it's about body composition. I could weigh 120 lbs and look flabbier than I do at 130 if I lose a good deal of muscle mass.

    Shoppingqueen, are you doing any resistance training? Chronic aerobic activity releases cortisol, which breaks down muscle mass. A good way to combat that is to use all the muscle fiber types, and that requires intense resistance training. If you aren't giving your body a reason to maintain that muscle mass, it won't, because it's metabolically expensive.
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    I really think we should get away from the pounds and goal weights.
    If you can fit into your goal pants, why does it matter if you're 5 lbs off of your goal weight? What if that last 5 lbs is mostly muscle? Is it really worth it to lose muscle mass to reach a number? I look very different at 130 lbs now than I did at 130 lbs in November. My back is more developed, my biceps are bigger, and my stomach is flatter. It's not about weight, it's about body composition. I could weigh 120 lbs and look flabbier than I do at 130 if I lose a good deal of muscle mass.

    Shoppingqueen, are you doing any resistance training? Chronic aerobic activity releases cortisol, which breaks down muscle mass. A good way to combat that is to use all the muscle fiber types, and that requires intense resistance training. If you aren't giving your body a reason to maintain that muscle mass, it won't, because it's metabolically expensive.

    My aerobics class is 40 minutes aerobics (floor and step) and 15 minutes weights and abs and 5 mins stretch. I do that 2-3 times a week.

    I also agree with the number idea. I just want to get down around that. I might hate what I look like if I ever get down that low. I'm a very big boned person so it might come off too skinny. :) My ideal look is to have a skinny waist and hip area.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I really think we should get away from the pounds and goal weights.

    Once I get back into my regular workout routine I will definiltey be more concerned with how I look/feel rather than the scale. I'm right with ya...
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member

    I also agree with the number idea. I just want to get down around that. I might hate what I look like if I ever get down that low. I'm a very big boned person so it might come off too skinny. :) My ideal look is to have a skinny waist and hip area.

    You bring up a good poiint, and one that I've been thinking about...but haven't admitted.Now that I am getting closer to my goal, I am concerned about looking too skinny. However, I'm still willing to "go there," because I have a knee issue, and the biggest reason for losing the weight is my surgeon wants my weight down so I have less pressure on my knee. I guess once I get there, I can make a well-educucated decision, based on both how I look, but more importantly, how I feel. Plus, it's a goal...and for me, it's important to cross that finish line. It would be a first and might be fun, to have a goal to gain weight for a change!!!! HA!!! :laugh:
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