Any "Last Stubborn 20 pounders" out there?



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    CrazyBigChick - I just noticed your stats in your signature....

    That's awesome! :smile:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Mickie, it makes perfect sense to me. I like being active but not being GYM active. However, it's the only way that's working for me at the moment.

    Yep...I'd rather go play tennis or go swim or go hiking or whatever, than do something specifically called exercise. I'm a teacher so I don't haev a very active job...I guess hitting the machines and doign the dvds, etc. makes up for that. Ahhhh, such is life......

    Then there's that hunky man I married who does NOTHING & eats all the junk food he wants and always looks great! I actually had to have a talk with him yesterday about his eating habits. He scares me! The man will make a HUGE bowl of popcorn to eat, with a 1/2 a cube of melted butter drizzled over it. I sincerely wish I was kidding about that.:embarassed: I told him I was concerened, and that if he wants to continue to do that, it's his choice, but I'd appreciate him doubling his life insurance policy then!!!!:laugh:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Mickie, my hubby is the same way. He is actually on MFP and has lost 14 during the same amount of time that I have lost my 6. He is just watching portion size. He is active - always doing things at work and around the house and in the yard. But he doesn't really exercise...well, like I do anyways. He plays basketball when he gets the chance.

    He hasn't really changed his eating habits. Well, actually...the other day he told me he added a banana to his frosted flakes! LOL! I told him just this evening that he needs to start eating less processed foods. He said, "...but I checked the calories on the box and the serving size before I bought this." At least he knows how to read serving size now! :tongue:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Mickie, my hubby is the same way. He is actually on MFP and has lost 14 during the same amount of time that I have lost my 6. He is just watching portion size. He is active - always doing things at work and around the house and in the yard. But he doesn't really exercise...well, like I do anyways. He plays basketball when he gets the chance.

    He hasn't really changed his eating habits. Well, actually...the other day he told me he added a banana to his frosted flakes! LOL! I told him just this evening that he needs to start eating less processed foods. He said, "...but I checked the calories on the box and the serving size before I bought this." At least he knows how to read serving size now! :tongue:
    12by311---that is so funny!!! :laugh: I did get a little miffed tonight, because I'm doing the meal plan for Making the Cut, and I can't drink any of course I'm "craving" a glass of wine or a little beer...and he had the nerve to pop the top on a can of Budweiser at the dinner table tonight. I just gave him "the look"...he was like, "What?" So I just smirked and said, "Well, one week from now my 6-pack abs, will look much different from your vesion of 6-pack abs!" I thought my boys would never stop laughing....and I think he got the point. (But truth be told...his abs will still look fine...without one sit-up or crunch or anything)! UGH!!!! What a brat!!! But I love him! :smile:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, all! Just found this thread. I'm in the same boat- unable to lost the last 20lbs. I'm aquinted with Mickie -Hi!:smile: - from the Making the Cut thread. Just started it yesterday. I have tried, but :grumble: :laugh: not too hard, to lose this weight for the last 6.5 years, since my second child was born. Through better choices and more activity, I lost 15lbs from before my second but have maintained this weight ever since. I've decided to finally commit to reaching my goal. Being here on MFP for the last month has given me really good inspiration and information.:smile: I thought I knew everything I needed for weight loss but just wasn't consistent enough. But I'd never heard of the concept of eating back your exercise calories from a BMR base. I've done this, happily:happy: , for the last month and have been able to budge the scale. Being able to eat more with exercise is wonderful motivation to exercise every day!!:drinker: I'm still nervous about this continuing journey. I've been here before but unable to get lower or keep it off. I am very short like others here- I'm 5'1"- so small losses seem to make a big difference! I look forward to following others' journeys and struggles. Good Luck to all!:smile:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Hi, all! Just found this thread. I'm in the same boat- unable to lost the last 20lbs. I'm aquinted with Mickie -Hi!:smile: - from the Making the Cut thread. Just started it yesterday. I have tried, but :grumble: :laugh: not too hard, to lose this weight for the last 6.5 years, since my second child was born. Through better choices and more activity, I lost 15lbs from before my second but have maintained this weight ever since. I've decided to finally commit to reaching my goal. Being here on MFP for the last month has given me really good inspiration and information.:smile: I thought I knew everything I needed for weight loss but just wasn't consistent enough. But I'd never heard of the concept of eating back your exercise calories from a BMR base. I've done this, happily:happy: , for the last month and have been able to budge the scale. Being able to eat more with exercise is wonderful motivation to exercise every day!!:drinker: I'm still nervous about this continuing journey. I've been here before but unable to get lower or keep it off. I am very short like others here- I'm 5'1"- so small losses seem to make a big difference! I look forward to following others' journeys and struggles. Good Luck to all!:smile:

    Hey there Aprilvet!!!! :happy: YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!! ~Listen, try not be nervous anymore about this journey, just continue tp be proud that you are doing something positive for yourself!:happy: I KNOW what you've been doing and you are totally commited to this. I just got on-line to confess that I "blew it" tonight and ate not just one, not just two, but THREE Toll House Cookie Bars...I'm not really even supposed to have you know from the program we're both doing. But you know what? After reading your post here, you inspired me NOT to beat myself up. Because life happens...and we are going to have our good days and our bad days. But the most important thing is that we stay true to ourselves, and remember our goals. When we feel like slipping, that's when we need to cling to each other for support! You know I'm here for you!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member

    You know I'm here for you!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Right back at ya!!!:smile::smile:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    another pound gone wooohoooo! 18 more to go- I won't weighin again until Sunday
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Way to go!!
  • pinkyjane48
    I notice sprints work really good for that last bit in the past
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Weighed between 164 and 165 this morning. SELF-SABOTAGE. I always do this...I lose those couple of pounds to get the ball going...then I gain them back. However, my exercise is so sporatic right now. I need it to really start losing consistently. So, today, I am going to play basketball and run, hopefully 2 miles. Then, do my pushups. I am still doing the 100 pushups workout and did 80 the other evening! Wooo! I can do 25 in a row now (after having completed the other 4 sets). I used to only be able to do 10 in a I KNOW I am getting stronger. I love it. I'm always flexing my biceps around the house and constantly asking hubby, "Do you see this?" Bahahaha.

    When basketball season is over (if we go to state, we will have no more than 2.5 more weeks left), I will definitely be exercising on a regular basis. For now, I'll just have to keep making sure I eat healthy.

    Okay...question....I know "Clean Eating" has been the topic of conversation here on the boards, what exactly is it? What are the guidelines? I googled it and found this:

    Clean Eating Principles
    Eating a mini-meal every two to three hours (5 to 6 small meals per day total) to keep blood sugar level and prevent hunger
    Combining lean proteins and complex carbs at every meal
    Avoiding all over-processed and refined foods (especially sugar, white rice, and white flour)
    Avoiding saturated and trans fat, instead consuming healthy fats
    Avoiding soda and other sugary juices and drinks
    Avoiding high-calorie, zero nutrient foods (i.e., junk food)
    Eating proper portion sizes
    Drinking at least 8 cups of water every day

    I eat about 5-6 times a day.
    I always get more than enough protein.
    The over-processed foods is pretty limited - I still have a protein bar or whatever.
    I don't consume very many saturated/trans fat.
    I never drink soda or anything other than water really...besides coffee with a tablespoon of skim milk, sometimes black.
    I am TRYING to cut down on even the occasional junk food...even in small amounts.
    I have been eating good portion sizes for a long time now.
    I drink at least 128 ounces of water every day.

    I saw another thing said to cook your own meals and when eating out choose wisely. I do that also. I eat out *maybe* once a week, if that. And I always try to pick something less-harmful to my body from the menu (eating 2300 calories in one meal is just scary now!).

    Is that it?
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    GO FOR IT 12by311!!!!!!!!!!! Let us know how you do!!!!:happy:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Down another 1.6lbs as of today woot woot-
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Down another 1.6lbs as of today woot woot-

    Way to go!!!! That's great!:flowerforyou:
  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    I don't think I've even posted here before. I can't really remember. Anyways, I've been at it for the past three weeks or so and am trying to not weigh myself because I tend to get frustrated when I WORK WORK WORK and see no results. For the first time ever, I'm actually counting calories, which I swore I'd never do, but I think MFP makes it much easier to do without feeling bad about it, since most things are already in the database.

    I weighed around 140 when I graduated from high school, and that was probably 7ish years ago. I enjoyed the food and drink a little toooo much in college. :) Now I'm around 166. I could stand to lose 20 pounds, but would be happen with even 10 or 15. It's tough, though. I always lose motivation when I don't see the lbs dropping, and since I'm starting at a level that is already harder to lose at, I just get discouraged. I'm hoping to avoid that this go round.

    Anyways. Yay for all of you kicking *kitten*!! I hope I can keep myself accountable.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hey, maz165- Philly girl! I'm in the area! You can do it!!! You have the huge advantage of your age working for you. Stay focused and consistent, and it will work for you. I think at your age (at least for ME at your age LOL) alcohol was a big reason I gained or didn't lose weight. You will have to essentially cut it out for a while if you're serious about your goal.:grumble: But just think, once you factor in alcohol again, your tolerance will be way down and you'll be a much cheaper date!!:laugh: :drinker:
    If I misunderstood your reference and you don't drink, please don't take offense.:flowerforyou:

  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey, maz165- Philly girl! I'm in the area! You can do it!!! You have the huge advantage of your age working for you. Stay focused and consistent, and it will work for you. I think at your age (at least for ME at your age LOL) alcohol was a big reason I gained or didn't lose weight. You will have to essentially cut it out for a while if you're serious about your goal.:grumble: But just think, once you factor in alcohol again, your tolerance will be way down and you'll be a much cheaper date!!:laugh: :drinker:
    If I misunderstood your reference and you don't drink, please don't take offense.:flowerforyou:


    Hahaha, no you're totally right!! I like to play boozehound from time to time. I've cut WAY down on my drinking and limit it to weekends at this point, and generally only one night of the weekend. I know I probably need to just commit to quitting it altogether for awhile... but I'm not ready to do that. I'm afraid that will make me hate this whole getting-myself-healthy thing, and I don't want to resent any of my decisions. Moderation, though, is something I definitely have to learn with the alcohol when I do go out.

    I know you're right. I'm just not ready to give in to it, yet. :tongue: :drinker:

    P.S. Where in the area are you? That's awesome!!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Ahhhh Maz....those were the days...I faintly remember them still. Mostly I remember mini skirts with cowboy boots, dancing on table...and BIG hair!!! :laugh:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Ahhhh Maz....those were the days...I faintly remember them still. Mostly I remember mini skirts with cowboy boots, dancing on table...and BIG hair!!! :laugh:
    Tables? Really?:laugh:

    Maz, I'm in the 'burbs northwest of the city. Good for the moderation. If you're a beer drinker, try liquor or red wine- fewer carbs!! Also, beware of the mixers in your drinks- major cals in tonic!!!:noway:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Ahhhh Maz....those were the days...I faintly remember them still. Mostly I remember mini skirts with cowboy boots, dancing on table...and BIG hair!!! :laugh:
    Tables? Really?:laugh:

    Maz, I'm in the 'burbs northwest of the city. Good for the moderation. If you're a beer drinker, try liquor or red wine- fewer carbs!! Also, beware of the mixers in your drinks- major cals in tonic!!!:noway:

    Yes tables...they were VERY sturdy and we'd all get on them and dance...awww to be young again!:wink:

    April reminded me of the drinks I drink when I'm trying not to 1) drink too much and 2) watch my calories:

    Diet Coke with a Bacardi Floater. I tastes like you are drinking a rum & coke, but not nearly the amount of alcohol! I like the coconut rum or Captain Morgan's too. But as always, remember, don't drink and drive! :wink:
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