February "No more late night snacks challenge"



  • kerimcdonald
    Destiny- Welcome, and we're happy to have you. Remember that late night snacking is worst when already have fulfilled your caloric intake for the day. That's what gets me into trouble. But if you're under your calories one day, don't worry. If it becomes consistent, all of these wonderful ladies on here have great food choices and encouragement to help out. By the way, I hope your stomach is feeling better.

    zaza- I too am finally back to day 3!!:happy: I really think that after you slip, the first 2 days are the hardest to overcome, so great job!! Everyone keep up the great work!

    Am10484-Don't worry, like I said, I think the first couple of days are the hardest. Anything I can do to help? I'm usually up pretty late, so if you need some support, just send me a message!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Ok, obviously, I am not going to set any records in February :wink: However, those of you who have been at this for a while, I could really use some help! :frown: I work four ten hour days, usually from 12 to 10 or 11 to 9. I do drug and alcohol counseling in an outpatient clinic, so from like 5 to 9, I am with clients. So, its hard to get a snack, let alone a meal in during that time. When I get home, I am usually kind of wound up because the groups can be pretty intense. So, at times, I don't get to bed until 1 or 2 am! And, since I spend most of the day working pretty hard at being "present" with my clients, I'm kind of ready to quit the mindfulness stuff and just VEG OUT. Worst time for it. :angry: I know that one thing I must do is carve out a little time to eat something at work so I am not quite so hungry when I get home. But, I would welcome any and all suggestions!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Feb is almost over im looking forward to starting over. My record was 14 days i was doing good but it takes only one day to fall off the wagon. Heres to a better month!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    stillkristi, what if you had a lite supper as soon as you got home? Maybe you could have your cut-off time be half an hour after you get home from work. This challenge needs to be realistic for you. The idea is not to go without dinner, but to avoid snacking all night long until you get into bed.:laugh: So, do what works best for your schedule - this isn't a rigid challenge.
  • kerimcdonald
    Stillkristi- I understand. I work crazy hours and sometimes I get home at 4 and sometimes I get home at 11pm!! It's about what works for you. I have about a 45 minute commute so I eat a protein bar on the way home, that way when I get home, I am less likely to chow all night. Also, have you tried yoga or something to help you key down after work. You have a very important and tough job, and the yoga is more about relaxing after a small dinner. Taking a couple snacks or fruit to work would probably be easier for you. A bag of grapes on your desk, or in a drawer would be much easier to munch in between helping folks, or peanut butter sandwich crackers, 100 calorie snacks, even celery or fresh green beans (raw so they don;t get mushy) , anyhting that you like that is capable of snack sizes. let me know if any of this helps you. Good luck!!!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    My issue with late night stuff is i always go overboard at night. i do good all day long but once i let my self have anything at night I just keep eating and make bad choices. Also I usally am not hungry in the evening i just eat because i am bored or we go out as something to do or my boyfriends hungry so i go with him and then eat cuz its there. i am usally good at ordering decent food but then he gets fries and I snack. Its so hard not to grab them.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thanks, you have given me some good ideas. The issue seems to be that I need a plan. As an addiction therapist, you would think I would get that! :blushing: Sheesh!
  • kerimcdonald
    Last day of the month and 3 days down. I am excited about March though cause I know where I screwed up and I am determined not to do it again. Look out ladies! I am going for a new record of at least 25!! :glasses:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    I am happy to report that I have made it through Day 4 and, hopefully, tonight will be my Day 5.

    Tomorrow, we crown a winner or winners for Feb. I'd like to suggest co-winners: one for whoever finishes up Feb. with the longest unbroken stretch through tonight and a co-winner for whoever had the longest stretch anytime within the month of Feb.
    Having co-winners might be more motivating and inclusive - this way everyone has incentive to go as long as possible yet it's never too late to join in or get back on the wagon if you fall off. (Basically, these are just head games to keep us all motivated and accounatble - unfortunately, I'm not offering any prizes other than our praise and admiration and :flowerforyou: )

    Needless to say, I don't expect to win in either category for Feb., but I'm on a roll now so watch out in March!
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    I'll be watching for your March thread. I would love to get in on this challenge! Actually have done well since Tuesday! Good practice for starting tomorrow, March 1st.
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Well, I made it up to 9 days then my hubby and I went on a road trip from MN to Fabulous Las Vegas!!! We drove...... 6 adults in a van..... very interesting. So, I made it 7 days prior to us leaving, I have had no sense of time since we left, or calories.....

    But I am having a vacation away from the kids and from the diet. Tuesday I will be back and going stong so watch out I will be on a recovery mission.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Okay - I'm ready for March to be the REAL NO LATE NIGHT SNACKS month for me. I blew it last night so I'm really going to focus on March. Looking forward to a new challenge. Thanks zaza for keeping us going.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I am at 3 nights so far, my friend and I almost went to buy Icecream last night at like 11pm but then decided we really did not need it.
    I don't keep junk food in the house very much and when I do buy junk food I throw away what I don't eat on that day, waistful I know but I just buy smaller things to begin with and then don't keep it in my house or I make my boyfriend eat it all so it wont be there tempting me the next night.
    When I have to run to the store for each craving I am way less likly to eat the thing. Sometimes it dose not work though, I have had many late night runs in the last 6 months.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning!
    Please post your best numbers for Feb. as well as the most recent number of days without interruption as of this morning so we know who to congratulate as co-winners for the month of Feb.

    I reached 5 days through last night and that was my best for the month of Feb. I doubt I won in either category.:laugh:

    Don't worry if Feb. was a disappointment, I'm starting a brand new challenge for March. Please look for that thread. Tonight will be our Day 1 for March. Looking forward to hearing from you all.:happy:
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    ok so mine ended up being 4 days. I am ready to start march's. Are you starting a new post or do we just continue here?
  • kerimcdonald
    we will be starting a new post. My best was 11 days and then I crashed. I am currently at 3 as of feb 28. I am sooooooooooooooooo ready for March though.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    ok so mine ended up being 4 days. I am ready to start march's. Are you starting a new post or do we just continue here?
    There is another thread started. If you haven't found it look for the March thread in the Motivation and Support Board
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I quickly scanned some of the earlier posts and it looks like kirstina_23 won February for a record of 14 days with no late-night snacking.:flowerforyou: Congratulations!! There are several others who came close to that - I think jacqueline, kerimcdonald, Wanda and alf1163. Great work!!!

    I'm not sure who won for the most consecutive nights as of Mar. 1. I was at Day 5, but I'm sure there are some of you out there who had more. Let me know so you can join kirstina as co-winner for Feb.

    Now that Feb. is over, please look for the new March thread. See you there.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Wow im impressed i made it the most days !! Heres to the new month!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    We're all impressed! Congratulations again. Glad to see you on the March thread and hope your health issues improve soon.