20 children



  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    My Grandad was absolutely furious. The church told her they should just stop having sex instead
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Jenna~ Catholicism by its nature is heirarchical. Faithful Catholics conform to the teachings of the church, which is unified and has an overarching sense of direction. You can have those who identify themselves as "liberal" Catholics or "conservative" Catholics, but not different denominations. It is hard to believe that there would be a formal excommunication done by any Catholic church on someone who followed doctor's orders and was sterilized. This is why I'm curious about this claim. We will probably be scolded and told to "take this to our group".......

    I would be curious to know also. I've never seen a catholic church do this either, but I have seen extremely conservative protestants do it (and much worse).
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    My Grandad was absolutely furious. The church told her they should just stop having sex instead

    Oh, no~ it's not that I think you're making it up! I was just curious about where, when, why, etc. Someone else mentioned that it still happens, and that's the one I'm really questioning.

    Regarding the comment "stop having sex": that is common to hear from people who believe that sex should be for procreation only. It doesn't surprise me that a church would suggest this 50 years ago.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    well you rarely even see catholic families with huge families anymore, so i presume that people dont follow it to the letter as much in the developed world anymore. Its their hold over the poorer nations that is more of a worry
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I truly believe that they're 'open' to pregnancies due to their faith (vs. attention getting, etc.). Though a good deal of the kids don't get the one-on-one time with Mom - there are a lot of things they can be commended for:

    Their kids seem to be very well mannered, adjusted, and loved.
    They are debt-free and do not rely on government assistance.
    Many of their purchases are made at thrift stores - so in that sense they're a 'green' family.
    They're hardworking and responsible members of society - and their adult children (at least one of them) seem to be following that same path.

    It's not a choice for everyone, that's for sure. But I do believe they're building good people.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I truly believe that they're 'open' to pregnancies due to their faith (vs. attention getting, etc.). Though a good deal of the kids don't get the one-on-one time with Mom - there are a lot of things they can be commended for:

    Their kids seem to be very well mannered, adjusted, and loved.
    They are debt-free and do not rely on government assistance.
    Many of their purchases are made at thrift stores - so in that sense they're a 'green' family.
    They're hardworking and responsible members of society - and their adult children (at least one of them) seem to be following that same path.

    It's not a choice for everyone, that's for sure. But I do believe they're building good people.

    I'm not debating whether or not they are good people. I don't even watch the show (which I would suggest is not 'reality'). I am questioning any mother who knowingly puts her life in danger when she is responsible for other children.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I'm not debating whether or not they are good people. I don't even watch the show (which I would suggest is not 'reality'). I am questioning any mother who knowingly puts her life in danger when she is responsible for other children.

    From what I've seen on the show, she probably doesn't have that outlook - that she's putting her life in danger. It seems their outlook is one of faith and belief.

    It's kind of hard to talk about that without pushing the discussing into the religious realm...
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'm not debating whether or not they are good people. I don't even watch the show (which I would suggest is not 'reality'). I am questioning any mother who knowingly puts her life in danger when she is responsible for other children.

    From what I've seen on the show, she probably doesn't have that outlook - that she's putting her life in danger. It seems their outlook is one of faith and belief.

    It's kind of hard to talk about that without pushing the discussing into the religious realm...

    Exactly, and we've already crossed the line as it is.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Michelle Duggar Miscarries:


    My opinion is enough is enough, her body is trying to tell her something.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Michelle Duggar Miscarries:


    My opinion is enough is enough, her body is trying to tell her something.

    She miscarried? How awful for her :( but I think you may be right...her body sure seems like it's trying to tell her something
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm not going to read through all of your comments because there are 4 pages of it and you all are ignorant and rude.

    Michelle and Jim Bob are loving parents, they give each child one on one time.
    The older kids are not called "mom" by the younger ones, they are called "Jana, John David, Jessa, Jinger" and so on.
    They choose to make LOVE. They do not TRY for them. In their eyes each pregnancy is the will of god.
    They are very religious and do not use birth control. They did when they were first married and Michelle had three miscarriages because of it.
    They have no debts, even before they had the show. They do not use any assistance from the government, they own their own businesses. They buy used and save the difference, something hundreds of thousands of mothers and fathers do everyday to keep their children comfortable!
    They are happy, healthy, and caring. If more of the earth was like that we'd have less war. Not saying we all should have 20 children, I personally only want one, but we should learn to be nice to one another, even those we do not know.

    And for anyone who said "The world is over populated!" Know that you and the rest of the whole world could move into the state of Texas and have room to spare. The world is not over populated. 7 babies are born every minute.

    THERE, now I suggest we get back to eating right and exercising and STOP worrying about other people's families, uterus, or children who don't need anyone to worry about them. They are fine without your criticism.
    Miscarriage is not caused by using birthcontrol
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    She just miscarried. Let's let her and her family grieve.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I feel the comments like 'enough is enough' or 'her body is trying to tell her something' are extremely insensitive toward any woman that has ever experienced a miscarriage. Many women experience several losses before carrying their first pregnancy to term. Was their body trying to tell them they should never get pregnant at all? It's one thing to say you personally think 20 children is too large of a family, but comments that her body is telling her to stop are not productive and likely hurtful to many other women out there.

    She's miscarried 2 out of 21 pregnancies. That's a rate of 9.5% Consider this:

    ""Studies show that about 10% to 20% of women who know they are pregnant have a miscarriage some time before 20 weeks of pregnancy; 80% of these occur in the first 12 weeks. But the actual rate of miscarriage is even higher since many women have very early miscarriages without ever realizing that they are pregnant. One study that followed women's hormone levels every day to detect very early pregnancy found a total miscarriage rate of 31%."""
    source: http://miscarriage.about.com/od/pregnancyafterloss/qt/miscarriage-rates.htm

    Statistically, she has miscarried less than the average rate or very close to the average expected rate if you're looking at the lower number. Unless she miscarried early enough that she never knew she was pregnant. So 'enough is enough' even though the odds for her children are better than average or at worst, average?
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I feel the comments like 'enough is enough' or 'her body is trying to tell her something' are extremely insensitive toward any woman that has ever experienced a miscarriage. Many women experience several losses before carrying their first pregnancy to term. Was their body trying to tell them they should never get pregnant at all? It's one thing to say you personally think 20 children is too large of a family, but comments that her body is telling her to stop are not productive and likely hurtful to many other women out there.

    She's miscarried 2 out of 21 pregnancies. That's a rate of 9.5% Consider this:

    ""Studies show that about 10% to 20% of women who know they are pregnant have a miscarriage some time before 20 weeks of pregnancy; 80% of these occur in the first 12 weeks. But the actual rate of miscarriage is even higher since many women have very early miscarriages without ever realizing that they are pregnant. One study that followed women's hormone levels every day to detect very early pregnancy found a total miscarriage rate of 31%."""
    source: http://miscarriage.about.com/od/pregnancyafterloss/qt/miscarriage-rates.htm

    Statistically, she has miscarried less than the average rate or very close to the average expected rate if you're looking at the lower number. Unless she miscarried early enough that she never knew she was pregnant. So 'enough is enough' even though the odds for her children are better than average or at worst, average?

    Me stating an opinion on people who are on a tv show having as many kids as they can......FOR a tv show, was in no way directed at other woman who have had a miscarriage. Please don't relate the two.
    I sincerely do feel bad when a woman has a miscarriage, a tramatic experience I'm sure.
    The baby before this one, number 19, barely survived. Number 20 didn't survive. What's next?
    At some point you would have to think her body is trying to tell her something after having 19 kids.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Michelle Duggar Miscarries:


    My opinion is enough is enough, her body is trying to tell her something.

    That is very heartbreaking. Miscarriage is a scary and awful thing for anyone regardless of their beliefs, age, or number of previous pregnancies. I wish her and her family peace and comfort at this time.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    If they truly cared about their children, why would they try to bring another into the world knowing it poses a huge risk to mother and baby?

    My guess is, they simply don't believe in any sort of birth control! :indifferent:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    If they truly cared about their children, why would they try to bring another into the world knowing it poses a huge risk to mother and baby?

    My guess is, they simply don't believe in any sort of birth control! :indifferent:

    Their religion/faith tells them that if god wants them to get pregnant, they will, and if he doesn't they won't. They believe all children are a gift from god and it's not their place to try and prevent pregnancy. That's my understanding anyway.
  • obaker
    obaker Posts: 76 Member
    I believe in God. I use condoms and birth control.

    Me too.
  • jazzedorange
    jazzedorange Posts: 184 Member
    She is 45... It is time to just love the ones you have and call it quits. I'm surprise her body let her have this many. Plus, I couldn't imagine have more then the 3 we have and some days THAT'S too much! LOL.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    point is....she doesn't manage raising 20 kids. Her children raise her children.
    the younger ones call the older siblings "mom" ...
    that's sad in itself.
    I watch that show alot and I've never seen the kids call one of their siblings MOM unless they were joking.

    Just leave them alone. They aren't hurting anyone, they aren't living off any public assistance, their children are well behaved and well adjusted. Who are you to judge? Maybe the rest of us are wrong...who knows! Just let them live their life. They aren't hurting you so why judge them?