Black Team Challenge week 6



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh my goodness, I went shopping today for me and that is the first time in a L_O_N_G time! I got a new pair of tennis shoes (desperately needed these), got my HRM (it is a Reebox brand, on sale for $39.99 from $119.99) and a new work-out outfit. It is with a 70% coupon off coupon, but it was shopping and it felt wonderful!!!!!!! :smile:

    Off to ride my bike to see how my HRM works. Hope that the number of calories burnt is not way lower than I have been entering in. We will see.

    WOW that is a great day !!! Thanks for helping the economy!

    By the look of your ticker, you have been doing SOMETHING right!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I only spent $100 today, unfornuately I don't help the ecomony much usually unless it is paying bills. :laugh:

    I have decided I HATE my HRM. I just did the same exercise I have been doing and I have writing down 400 calories for riding my bike for 30 minutes. In reality, 21 minutes only burnt 200 calories. I have been logging to many calories. UGH!!!! I guess it is a good thing I haven't been eating all of them. :laugh:
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895

    Amanda-yay on the new HRM & clothes!!! Its nice to buy something for yourself a change isn't it? We went shopping too and i found two workout tops onsale for 5 bucks:noway: then i found some more of my favorite workout pants(bootleg style) for 11bucks...i got two new workout outfits:happy: . If felt great! Now im on the search for some cheap dumbells...looking for 12's,those suckers are hard to find:ohwell:

    hey to everybody!

    Today is my cardio and abb day! doing a step aerobics workout.

    May I ask...what is everybodies BMI? Mine is 32....thats kinda close to the 'over' status,perhaps thats why im having such a hard time losing?

    ok,later gators:smokin:
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    May I ask...what is everybodies BMI? Mine is 32....thats kinda close to the 'over' status,perhaps thats why im having such a hard time losing?

    ok,later gators:smokin:

    31.6. 11lbs to go before I'm overweight and not obese. :smile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I haven't read the post. I'm just happy I found the week 6 challenge! Lori told me what it was last week, but I just wanted to post & say HEEEEEELOOOOOO!

    I'm doing the jumping jacks no problem. The HR thing is hard for me b/c I don't have a HRM. I've been doing at least 30 min. of aerobics every day, though so I'm thinking I'm "close". Good enough, Sam? PLEASE?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh! And my BMI is 23.7 as of weigh-in last Wednesday! YAY! I'm inching closer & closer to that goal! WOO!

    I hope everyone is doing great this week! Only 2 days until weigh-in!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'm trying to catch up a little bit & saw something...

    AMELIA! I am SOOOO happy for you & your dh!!! 3rd shift can take a toll on a person but YAY for a job!!!! Congrats! How is it going so far?! *hugs*
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    YAY!!! Sara's back :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    we missed you Sara, welcome back. Is your computer fixed, or are you just grinning and bearing it in the cellar? Either way - great to hear from you..

    Amanda - sounds like you found some great sales - great job..

    my BMI is 28.6, but on the way down I hope.. that is in "over" category

    Just checking in - on a telecom and should really (probably) be paying attention.. but was so excited I had to post../

    later all.. janie
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    My BMI is 22.6.

    Hi Sara! Good to hear from you. We miss you! :flowerforyou:

    Dave's b-day is tomorrow. We're gonna go to Dave & Buster's either tomorrow or on the weekend. And I made cake. But usually Dave's mom makes one too. I used one box of cake mix and split it into 2 square pans. So we'll take 1 to celebrate at Dave's parents' and then have just a little for us so Dave can enjoy some cake but we won't go overboard.

    My car battery was dead when I tried to go to the bank on Saturday so my mom is gonna pick me up today and hopefully the extended warranty we got on my car will cover it. (We'll see.) Yesterday Dave's car failed inspection so we had to buy 4 new tires. :grumble: Not a good car weekend!

    I'm gonna try to get a workout in this morning. So far, yesterday is the only day I didn't work out. (Though I'm not doing too well with the jumping jacks.)

    Later black team!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Warning! Warning! Whinefest ahead!

    I haven't done this challenge. I haven't logged. Or exercised. Or drank water. I've been a whiney, fat frumpy stressed out grumpity crankmeister. Boo me. I even had a rootbeer float last night. I know, you are supposed to be able to indulge a little but I can't, food is an addiction and sweets are the worst. I can't eat not even alittle bit of sweets. It's been a hard weekend. We had a benefit for my favorite cousin who has cancer and the food was everywhere, mocking me. Homemade chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, shredded chicken sammiches, and two entire tables of baked goods, just to name a few things..... Then yesterday was hubby's birthday dinner, who can resist eating to celebrate your beloved skinny man's birthday who loves to eat and can put the food away and not gain an ounce. On top of that I have been sick and stressed about work and my willpower and resistance is just blah. I've got to get out of this funk!!!!!!

    Okay. I feel a little better now.
    Can I have a hug?

    who is going to go log breakfast right now.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    *Hugs* Don't beat yourself up. Just get back on track. We all "cheat" and indulge sometimes. It happens. Now go do your jumping jacks! :laugh:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Warning! Warning! Whinefest ahead!

    I haven't done this challenge. I haven't logged. Or exercised. Or drank water. I've been a whiney, fat frumpy stressed out grumpity crankmeister. Boo me. I even had a rootbeer float last night. I know, you are supposed to be able to indulge a little but I can't, food is an addiction and sweets are the worst. I can't eat not even alittle bit of sweets. It's been a hard weekend. We had a benefit for my favorite cousin who has cancer and the food was everywhere, mocking me. Homemade chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, shredded chicken sammiches, and two entire tables of baked goods, just to name a few things..... Then yesterday was hubby's birthday dinner, who can resist eating to celebrate your beloved skinny man's birthday who loves to eat and can put the food away and not gain an ounce. On top of that I have been sick and stressed about work and my willpower and resistance is just blah. I've got to get out of this funk!!!!!!

    Okay. I feel a little better now.
    Can I have a hug?

    who is going to go log breakfast right now.

    Hang in there lady! Last I checked your ticker shows 27lbs lost. You have come a long way and have ALOT to be proud of. Now wouldnt if be silly of you to be dissapointed in yourself when we are all so proud of you! :bigsmile:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Welcome back Sara!

    My BMI is 28 and going down.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Ok black team..How is the week going. How's everyone doing with Sam's challenge. So far so good here. Doing my jumping jacks and spending loads of time in my target heartrate zone. Having a bit of a sodium fest today but aside from that it is going well. Have a great day all and dont forget to drink your water!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • nwfamilygal
    Well my week is going ok. Been doing my walking. Did 6.2 miles today in 1hour and 34 min. Been drinking all my water:bigsmile: Been getting my heart rate up. But can't do the jumping jacks :grumble: I have a bad leg but doesn't hurt to bad to walk. Been doing excercise for it and iceing it like the doc told me to do so I hope it will get better then I can do jumping jacks next time. :bigsmile: Well everyone have a great day.:flowerforyou: Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    (((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))) to Lynnie.. you are a fantastic person.. I know you are (or soon will be) back on track now.

    I'm not doing well with the jumping jacks but I have gotten my heart rate up for 3 days and will finish out the last 2..

    I tried 30-day shred yesterday. They don't kid - that is a tough one. I mostly just cried and moaned through the first circuit, but I managed to make my way through the other 2. This of course is level 1 - folks.. My thighs are screaming, but other than that feel not too bad..

    My knee held up pretty well - so excited. I actually may be OK to bounce around on it now - will just go slowly.

    Drinking lots of water to make up for the Indian food for lunch - that will cost me another shred and a homemade circuit routine tonight. YIKES!!

    Hang tough team.. Janie :drinker: :drinker:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    ok I'm back I gained weight only .8 of a pound but it's a gain and that sucks!! I have to workour tonight and tomorrow to pass my own challenge.:laugh: Lynnie I know how you feel about the sweets I am the same way.
    Hope everyone is having a great day!!

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Okay, I went for a walk / run today with my new HRM and I didn't reread Sam's challenge before I went. I had it in my head that we had to keep our heartrate over 70% and I did it and then I come back and read it has to be above 50%. :laugh:

    I will re-check my BMI, I forgot, but I know I have 2.5 pounds to go before I am in the overweight range and out of obese.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey-- rough couple days-- not much time now. Touch back later with some thoughts. Later!
  • Vanessa414
    WARNING: Long post

    Alright all. I pretty much haven't done anything this week so I'm expecting a bad number tomorrow, but I'm going to make today a great day anyway!!!

    I'm currently in the process of maping out my new work out schedule. I'll only be able to go to the gym either 3 or 4 days a week since BF works alternating 3 or 4 night a week but that's way better than 0 days a week. :noway:

    I feel good today. I did some reflective thinking last night trying to figure out why I've had such a hard time lately sticking to my guns. I know I want this. I want this MORE than anything! but I have such a hard time with instant gratification and I always have. Right now though it's flared really badly and I think that's because of all of the changes that are happening right now. I mean come on, I'm 22, a mom of an almost-two year old, i work full time, go to school part time, am financially independent from my parents, and I still have a little bit (albeit slighter) of the party itch. Mostly, I'm just a little jealous of my friends. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give my son up for anything in the world, but sometimes in the back of my head, I'm jealous. I think I've been wearing myself thin for a while now and haven't really realized it. I mean, i get 6 hours of sleep a night MAXIMUM, usually more like 5. And i'm the type of person where... in order for me to wake up and feel well rested and awake all day, I need more like 9 or 10 hours, I've always been like that. So i'm getting about half the sleep I really need, I'm never NOT doing something, I'm either working, cooking, cleaning or doing homework, all things that are not optional, so when it comes to working out, that need for instant gratification kicks in and i'm undone because all I want to do in the whole wide world is sit down on the couch and watch TV. So I do. And then I feel guilty and I eat like crap and it's like this vicious cycle. I have some severe problems with will power and I've actually considered seeing a therapist about it because i just can't figure out how in the hell I can fix it on my own. I mean, it's like trying to battle will power is ... impossible on your own becuase... will power is what keeps the battle alive, and if you don't have it.. you get what i'm saying.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying for the "woe is me" thing. I know that there are ALOT of people with ALOT on their plates, especially now, I mean, look at Marla! 9 kids! :noway: I would lose it, I can tell you that much right now. I just don't think I've been taking care of myself well enough for all the things that are on my plate to function correctly. By taking care of myself, I mostly mean sleeping. I'm nothing without enough sleep.

    I've got 6 more weeks of school and then I'm done for 12 weeks so maybe that'll be the break I need to restart myself. We'll see. I'm not waiting until then though. I need to battle this lack of sleep and go to the gym tonight, regardless. And I need to be in bed by 11 at the LATEST.

    Whew. Sorry that got so long guys but it really feels good to put some of those things into words. I really really hope everyone has a great day.
