Starting 30 Day Shred 11/14/11



  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    Completed L3D5 yesterday, will be doing day 6 later today. I've still been doing levels 3-2-1 in that order, I'm working my butt off this week b/c I'm planning a day of rest along w/ a date night w/ no calorie restrictions tomorrow (yum!). So today is L3D6, tomorrow is rest, then I will probably knock out the last 4 days back-to-back so I should be doing L3D10 on wednesday 12/21 - Might take a day to rest on 12/22 and then do my final measurements and weigh-in on 12/23 after the rest.

    You're amazing! Good for you for giving yourself a little break, and doing it in a way that is planned out. I need to learn how to do that.

    I did my run today and I'll be back to the shred tomorrow. I'm planning on skipping my running days next week and focusing on the shred every day next week so that I can be finished before Christmas. I'll probably take my measurements on Christmas eve so that I can let loose a little with my eating for the holiday.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Did L3D2 today. Got interrupted twice, which made it easier. Now that I have gotten used to the idea that I have to do the easier moves alot more than the other levels, I am enjoying it. I did use both weights in one hand on the one handed squat and press. Too easy, otherwise. This level seems less cardio, and more strength intensive. Maybe my strength needs to catch up to my cardio!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    As to the abs - if I poke through the layer of fat that is still there, it is very hard and firm underneath! We're going to look great once we lose the rest of the fat!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Did L3D3 today.
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Sorry i have been a bit MIA. This last week was nuts at work with work parties and projects. I managed to work out 3 days, two 30DS and one day of yoga. My measurements have stayed the same since last week and i have only lost about 4 oz but i am getting close to 130lb so I am happy. My goal this week is to get back to my usual which is 5-6 days of working out and hopefully reach 130lbs by Christmas. I am really liking level 3 and will do day 4 tomorrow. My food has stayed good with a fe days of low cals. Trying to always stay around 1300.

    Sounds like you are all hanging in there and well on your way to tackling level 3. I did buy Ripped in 30 by Jillian and plan to start that after Christmas. I am hoping that will get me to my goal weight of low 120's. Anyone interested in trying it with me?

    I will start a new tread we can all meet at. :)

    I will post measurements and photos at the end of 30DS. Hope you are all enjoying the holidays and working out!

    Shred on!!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I ended up resting the last 2 days just b/c life got hectic, did L3D6 today. So assuming I do it every day until I'm done, my last day will be Thursday 12/22. I already know I'm getting Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown for Christmas, maybe a couple others of hers, too. I think I'll start mixing things up a little after Christmas, and adding back in some running to my routine. :-)
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    I did L3D6 today, and I'm still really struggling with this level. I have trouble doing most of the jumping moves so I have to rest a lot, or do them modified. I can only do a few of the walking push ups and the other plank exercises before dropping to my knees and completing them that way. It's frustrating, but I guess I just need to keep working on them to build up my strength.

    I should be finished with the shred on Friday, but since I've had so much trouble with this level, I think I need to stick with it longer. I had considered starting Ripped in 30 after the first of the year, but I've decided to go thru the shred again. This time I'll do it just 3 days a week and do my running 2 days a week. I'll probably do each level once per week so that it mixes things up a bit. Then when I feel like I've improved enough to move on I'll do Ripped in 30, since I understand it's harder than the shred.

    I'm still seeing good results from the shred and I can't wait to measure again on Saturday to see the final results!
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    Did L3D7 today. I really pushed myself to try to do more of the hard moves, and I can definitely feel it.

    Only 3 more days left!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Did L3D4 today.
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    L3D8 complete. I actually feel like I'm getting a little better finally!
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    L3D6 tonight! I am able to do a lot of the harder moves but still have improvement to do. I snuck a peak on the scale and am not happy with a 1 pound gain. I so badly want to hit the 130 mark this week. Grr! No sweets until Christmas and I plan to drink more water. Hopefully that will help.

    I am looking forward to starting a new workout next week. I bought Ripped in 30 but i think i want to do 1 day of cardio a week also.

    Shred on!
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    L3D6 tonight! I am able to do a lot of the harder moves but still have improvement to do. I snuck a peak on the scale and am not happy with a 1 pound gain. I so badly want to hit the 130 mark this week. Grr! No sweets until Christmas and I plan to drink more water. Hopefully that will help.

    Bummer! But don't forget about all those inches you're losing. I have a Christmas goal that I'm not going to reach (I'm 3 pounds away) but I know that I'm fitting into smaller sizes and that's more important anyway :smile:
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Did L3D5 today. Definitely feeling stronger. Can anyone do the plie jumps in circuit 1? Ouch!! It hurts my thighs so much after doing the mountain climbers. This time I gave up and did jumprope to keep my heartrate up.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Did L3D5 today. Definitely feeling stronger. Can anyone do the plie jumps in circuit 1? Ouch!! It hurts my thighs so much after doing the mountain climbers. This time I gave up and did jumprope to keep my heartrate up.

    I can do them but I normally have a small break for a couple of seconds somewhere toward the end of the set. They are brutal!
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    I can do them but i jump rope in level 3 for rockstar jumps. :)
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    Well tomorrow I am going to start the 30 day shred. I'll start posting on here my results, I will take measurements in the am before I start. I am not going to stop unless my ankle gets worse. Thanks to everyone who has been posting there results and helping to keep the rest of us motivated. :)
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    L3D9 complete! Only 1 more day!!!!
  • Music35Fly
    Music35Fly Posts: 98 Member
    Way to go!!!
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    Well I started the 30 DS today. It was hard, I had to stop a couple of times cause I was out of breath. The pushups were challenging and yeah I did the girl version. The ab exercises were okay and I did okay on the cardio but I had a hard time with the weight exercises. I am going to stick with it though. I took my measurements. I will retake them again in 2 weeks. I also weighed myself so well see.
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    Well I started the 30 DS today. It was hard, I had to stop a couple of times cause I was out of breath. The pushups were challenging and yeah I did the girl version. The ab exercises were okay and I did okay on the cardio but I had a hard time with the weight exercises. I am going to stick with it though. I took my measurements. I will retake them again in 2 weeks. I also weighed myself so well see.

    Good job! If you're like many of us, you'll be pretty sore for the next couple of days, but stick with it and you'll be fine :smile: