Burger King ... you are kidding me..



  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I never want this thread to end. Seriously. It could only be better if we could work in HCG/VLCD and poop into it.

    I can't eat BK cuz I'm on HCG ):
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Many ingredients in fast food are poisonous in larger quantities. Small doses of poison are still poison. I'm not a nutritionist, and I'm not touting myself as an expert. And I'm not some holier-than-thou jerk who lives off of organic spinach and tofu. I eat fast food, just like pretty much everyone else in the developed world. I'm just sayin' it's junk. :)

    I see where you are trying to go with this but I think your logic is flawed.

    Following your logic - When ingredients in larger quantities are poisonous, a smaller dose of the same ingredient is still poisonous.

    Sure many things larger quantities are poisonous (For example, Vitamins D in large quantities is very poisonous - leads to calcium deposits in your muscles, including your heart)

    However, a smaller dosage of an ingredient (that is poisonous in large quantities) is not automatically poisonous. (Going back to my example with Vitamin D, in smaller quantities it is quite good for you.)

    Maybe it is the large quantities that are poisonous?
  • wildcata77
    Fast "food" is poison, and it's nasty to eat it. That's not a judgment or an opinion, it's a fact. It's not real food in any way, shape, or form. You'd have a very hard time finding some of the abhorrent ingredients in a fast food meal in the grocery store, even in the processed food sections.

    I eat a BK whopper probably once a year. I get that craving, and nothing else will satisfy it, so I go for it. I don't think people should be judged for eating it on occasion. But it's still poison. Anyone who says otherwise is completely in denial.

    Damn I'm in denial!
    So the government is letting them get away with selling poison?

    The government lets plenty of corporations get away with selling poison. Look at all the FDA approved drugs that have been recalled for killing people. If you think the government cares what McDonald's is feeding you, then apparently you are in denial.

    Let me say, yet again, that I'm not JUDGING anyone for eating fast food. I eat it myself. I'm just saying there's no point in denying what it really is.

    And here I didn't think the combo meals came with kool aid.

    This is the best comment EVER.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    No one is forces anyone to eat BK, but they do give you several options to make it more or less healthier if you want to.

    Parents sometimes force kids to eat BK by making it the only available option.
  • Gingerw10
    Gingerw10 Posts: 3 Member
    First thing that comes to my mind is: "Can you imagine the CALORIES in that meal?!' That alone is a real turn off for fast food!
  • wildcata77
    No one is forces anyone to eat BK, but they do give you several options to make it more or less healthier if you want to.

    Parents sometimes force kids to eat BK by making it the only available option.

    I would really like for you to expound on this a bit.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    FYI. The FDA is one of the strictest organizations on the planet regarding food/drug approvals.

    Then why did they use to do 50,000 inspections/year of meat packing plants in the 1970s and less than 10,000 inspections/year now?

    Most of the head ppl in the FDA use to WORK for MAJOR food corporations...its totally corrupt
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Many ingredients in fast food are poisonous in larger quantities. Small doses of poison are still poison. I'm not a nutritionist, and I'm not touting myself as an expert. And I'm not some holier-than-thou jerk who lives off of organic spinach and tofu. I eat fast food, just like pretty much everyone else in the developed world. I'm just sayin' it's junk. :)

    I see where you are trying to go with this but I think your logic is flawed.

    Following your logic - When ingredients in larger quantities are poisonous, a smaller dose of the same ingredient is still poisonous.

    Sure many things larger quantities are poisonous (For example, Vitamins D in large quantities is very poisonous - leads to calcium deposits in your muscles, including your heart)

    However, a smaller dosage of an ingredient (that is poisonous in large quantities) is not automatically poisonous. (Going back to my example with Vitamin D, in smaller quantities it is quite good for you.)

    Maybe it is the large quantities that are poisonous?

    I explained where I was coming from with this in a later post. I don't think fast food is evil, or that eating it will kill you. I think it's full of garbage that we shouldn't be putting in our bodies on a regular basis. That's all I was trying to say.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I like your post alot...haven't heard that commercial and would roll my eyes in disgust if I did

    and I'm going to offend some people...but IMO fast food should NEVER be viewed as a treat
    I think if you're going to eat that you might as well drink diluted bleach...the chemicals that are added to that "food" is revolting

    I like your horse...it's very tall and also shiny.

    ::waving from below where the commoners stand::

    Why was ^this necessary I feel the same way the first poster did, I don't think it makes you "on a high horse" snobby or whatever. Sorry not everyone wants to put nasty things in their bodies. If you want to thats fine, but its not for everyone. I don't think a catty comment was needed here, I like reading that other people think fast food is as gross as I think it is.

    This is a really catty and snobby post. You are basically insulting everyone who eats burgers.

    I love burgers...I love meat...as long as it came from grass fed cows or came from a deer
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    It's a long- and commonly-held misconception that fast food is cheaper, and to blame for obesity, in the US. Once one does the math, it's easy to see that one can certainly eat healthier for the same price, or even less, than fast food.

    The fast food joints aren't to blame for obesity -- it's individuals lifestyle choices that lead to obesity. Income is not a factor, as the facts prove that it's cheaper to eat healthy food at home.

    There was a great discussion about this a while back (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/358863-is-junk-food-really-cheaper), which highlighted a great article on the subject: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/25/opinion/sunday/is-junk-food-really-cheaper.html?pagewanted=2&_r=3&ref=opinion

    Nothing wrong with eating out, and indulging once in a while.


    I think it's "cheaper" the same way paying $5,000 for a TV on the installment plan at Renta-Center is cheaper. When you're poor, you can't afford to stock up your pantry and purchase cookwear and utensils. Plus, if you work long hours, you just don't have the time to cook properly. You might live too far from a grocery store and not have a car to carry home enough food, while there is a fast food joint on the corner. Plus, you might be functionally illiterate, making it tough to follow a recipe and maybe your meath head mother didn't teach you to cook anything besides meth.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Fast "food" is poison, and it's nasty to eat it. That's not a judgment or an opinion, it's a fact. It's not real food in any way, shape, or form. You'd have a very hard time finding some of the abhorrent ingredients in a fast food meal in the grocery store, even in the processed food sections.

    I eat a BK whopper probably once a year. I get that craving, and nothing else will satisfy it, so I go for it. I don't think people should be judged for eating it on occasion. But it's still poison. Anyone who says otherwise is completely in denial.

    Damn I'm in denial!
    So the government is letting them get away with selling poison?

    The government lets plenty of corporations get away with selling poison. Look at all the FDA approved drugs that have been recalled for killing people. If you think the government cares what McDonald's is feeding you, then apparently you are in denial.

    Let me say, yet again, that I'm not JUDGING anyone for eating fast food. I eat it myself. I'm just saying there's no point in denying what it really is.

    ^^This....example of the FDA being so "great"
    There was a 10year study on I believe 17 popular FDA APPROVED drugs VS medical maijuana (yes different context, just making a point) and in those 10yrs there were over roughly 10K deaths DIRECTLY CAUSED by these FDA APPROVED drugs and ZERO from maijuana....
    Just sayin
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    That doesn't sound appealing to me at all. I'm vegetarian so its super easy to avoid bad food & I have never really liked fast food anyway. Its so low quality looking & cheap ingredients, Just looking at the fatty meat is enough to turn me away from it... If I ever have a kid they will NEVER eat fast food, I don't agree with parents using mcdonalds or somewhere as a treat/reward it sets you up for bad eating habits. I want my kids to be all organic, and hopefully vegetarian, if you have the money why not do the best you can for your kids, I would.

    Love this btw!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Many ingredients in fast food are poisonous in larger quantities. Small doses of poison are still poison. I'm not a nutritionist, and I'm not touting myself as an expert. And I'm not some holier-than-thou jerk who lives off of organic spinach and tofu. I eat fast food, just like pretty much everyone else in the developed world. I'm just sayin' it's junk. :)

    I see where you are trying to go with this but I think your logic is flawed.

    Following your logic - When ingredients in larger quantities are poisonous, a smaller dose of the same ingredient is still poisonous.

    Sure many things larger quantities are poisonous (For example, Vitamins D in large quantities is very poisonous - leads to calcium deposits in your muscles, including your heart)

    However, a smaller dosage of an ingredient (that is poisonous in large quantities) is not automatically poisonous. (Going back to my example with Vitamin D, in smaller quantities it is quite good for you.)

    Maybe it is the large quantities that are poisonous?

    Thank you for your common sense response lol :)
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Many ingredients in fast food are poisonous in larger quantities. Small doses of poison are still poison. I'm not a nutritionist, and I'm not touting myself as an expert. And I'm not some holier-than-thou jerk who lives off of organic spinach and tofu. I eat fast food, just like pretty much everyone else in the developed world. I'm just sayin' it's junk. :)

    I see where you are trying to go with this but I think your logic is flawed.

    Following your logic - When ingredients in larger quantities are poisonous, a smaller dose of the same ingredient is still poisonous.

    Sure many things larger quantities are poisonous (For example, Vitamins D in large quantities is very poisonous - leads to calcium deposits in your muscles, including your heart)

    However, a smaller dosage of an ingredient (that is poisonous in large quantities) is not automatically poisonous. (Going back to my example with Vitamin D, in smaller quantities it is quite good for you.)

    Maybe it is the large quantities that are poisonous?

    I explained where I was coming from with this in a later post. I don't think fast food is evil, or that eating it will kill you. I think it's full of garbage that we shouldn't be putting in our bodies on a regular basis. That's all I was trying to say.

    I didn't say you thought fast food was evil or that eating it would kill you. Sorry if you took it that way... I was just trying to point out maybe the quantities consumed is more of an issue than the substance. The whole "everything in moderation" idea.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    Thank you. I teach in an inner city district. This deal would be a godsend for the single mother who is depending on her 13 year old to pick up dinner and feed her younger kids, because she is on her way to a second job. In some areas in this country this is not the exception, but closer to the rule.

    I'm poor.
    It is all well and good to say grocery store eating is cheap. But you have to take into account that BEFORE it is cheap, you have to stock your cupboards with the basics. Which is expensive. Spices. Cooking supplies. It is cheaper in the long run, but you have to start somewhere. By spending money.
    It takes a long time to build up a kitchen.
    $10 for a frying pan, or $10 for a family meal? There have been times when the last $10 in my pocket was NOT going to a frying pan.

    I understand the mindset.

    When in doubt. Buy cigarettes. I read somewhere recently that they are low in calories.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    FYI. The FDA is one of the strictest organizations on the planet regarding food/drug approvals.

    Then why did they use to do 50,000 inspections/year of meat packing plants in the 1970s and less than 10,000 inspections/year now?

    Most of the head ppl in the FDA use to WORK for MAJOR food corporations...its totally corrupt

    Why ask why? I said they were the strictest organizations on the planet. Now I didn't see you contradicting with with an FDA from another country that is more strict. You only evidenced that they aren't perfect. No organization is.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Fast "food" is poison, and it's nasty to eat it. That's not a judgment or an opinion, it's a fact. It's not real food in any way, shape, or form. You'd have a very hard time finding some of the abhorrent ingredients in a fast food meal in the grocery store, even in the processed food sections.

    I eat a BK whopper probably once a year. I get that craving, and nothing else will satisfy it, so I go for it. I don't think people should be judged for eating it on occasion. But it's still poison. Anyone who says otherwise is completely in denial.

    Damn I'm in denial!
    So the government is letting them get away with selling poison?

    The government lets plenty of corporations get away with selling poison. Look at all the FDA approved drugs that have been recalled for killing people. If you think the government cares what McDonald's is feeding you, then apparently you are in denial.

    Let me say, yet again, that I'm not JUDGING anyone for eating fast food. I eat it myself. I'm just saying there's no point in denying what it really is.

    ^^This....example of the FDA being so "great"
    There was a 10year study on I believe 17 popular FDA APPROVED drugs VS medical maijuana (yes different context, just making a point) and in those 10yrs there were over roughly 10K deaths DIRECTLY CAUSED by these FDA APPROVED drugs and ZERO from maijuana....
    Just sayin

    Why don't you give us an example of an organization that IS perfect. Perhaps this is a better jumping point.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thank you. I teach in an inner city district. This deal would be a godsend for the single mother who is depending on her 13 year old to pick up dinner and feed her younger kids, because she is on her way to a second job. In some areas in this country this is not the exception, but closer to the rule.

    This sounds like poor education and planning perpetuating poor health among the poor. There is no reason a 13 yo couldn't prepare a simple inexpensive but nutritious dinner at home and in the long run save the family money not only through reduced food costs, but by keeping the children healthier. And healthy children miss less school, and education is the best way to pull yourself out of poverty.