Senior Golden Sneakers............November



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :bigsmile: Miserable day outside with drizzle and heavy winds. :grumble:

    I am going for a spa day with my DIL so I will check in with you after lunch. She has coupons or something that she wants to use and invited me to tag along. :tongue:

    Have a great day!!
  • cajunlady56
    cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi, I am new wand will be 55 this month. What is the senior golden sneakers about? Can I join?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :bigsmile: Becky, you go girl with that Zumba and Hip Hop. Way to go. !!

    :bigsmile: Jeri, I hope all goes well with your treatments and you are done with that. :heart:

    :bigsmile: Barbie, your luncheon sounds terrific and yummy.

    :bigsmile: Sandy, Have fun on the spa day, can I come?:laugh:

    Tomorrow appt. at a vascular clinic for a test on my left leg, inner thigh because of cramping.
    It all started when I started taking cholesterol meds. Go figure.

    Saturday off to Cambridge, On about a two hour drive for my hubby's Christmas party. We are
    staying overnight and the company will foot the bill. :bigsmile: I have to behave an watch
    calories so I can make my goal.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Shirley, what is your cramping like? Sort of like a charley horse cramp? You have a great time at the Christmas party. Will you be posting while you are gone?

    :flowerforyou: cajunlady56, there are no rules about joining. Just jump right in and post. We would love to have you here. Let us know a bit about yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, you luck girl!!! Let us know how the spa went. Sorry about your icky weather.

    We are having another nice weather day here in Ohio. I think it may rain later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Our power just came back on, it has been out since 8:30 this morning came back on around 4:30. Our house was really cold so I sat in the dark in the basement where we have a hanging fireplace. Will come back later it is time to make dinner.

    Spa day was wonderful although expensive.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from cloudy but warm Saskatchewan. I am not sure what the temperature but comfortable with a cozy bunny- hug (I believe you folks to the South call them Hoodies) I am sitting on my butt watching tennis and looking through travel books. I really am hopeful that this is the month that we do get away! I am reading the book The Help. I have been waiting for it for several months at the library. Popular book. I didn't want to see the movie before I read the book as I thought it would spoil a good read. I wasn't able to get it in large print so the reading takes a little longer. I have become really spoiled with large print.

    Neil started bowling with Special Olympics last weekend. He was a bit frustrated but I am hoping he loves it. He mall walks as well which is a special Olympic activity here. It is much easier for them than walking outside. He is able to push a cart which helps his balance.

    Jeri and Irene, so gad to see posts from you. I have been thinking about you both.

    Sandy, thanks for getting the month started, as always. Have a wonderful time at the spa, you deserve it. Sorry to read that your sister is struggling with infections. C Diff. can be so uncomfortable.

    Phoebe -- our cat door was under our deck and as far as we know we only had visitors twice. We only knew because of the different colour fur in the basement. Our Nicky was very territorial.:wink:

    Marie, how have the blood sugars been? Are you still happy with your diet plan? Glad the three of you are well.

    Cajunlady, looking forward to getting to know you. Welcome here.

    Becky, good for you. You are doing great with your exercise. My exercise bike keeps looking at me but so far I have been on ignore. Soon!

    Shirley, enjoy your Christmas party. A very early start to the season. I bet that is a helpful push to get out shopping early. Have fun.

    Birdie, nice to hear from you.

    Barbie, it is always nice to get a little gift. Enjoy! Jake's jokes always give me a chuckle.

    I really miss hearing from Gigi and Phyllis. I hope they are both doing great.

    I know I missed someone but I am on the iPad and can't check back. I will catch you next time. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi Gayla, always good to hear from you. If you missed anyone, it might have been Jackie. I'm not sure where all of the power outages are, it might have affected Maddie. That's good that Neal is trying new things. I can see where he would be frustrated with bowling, since I am a terrible bowler myself, but I would think the physical movement in the game would help with balance and control issues. Maybe he will learn as he goes. It must be nice to be planning your trip, so many choices. It would be Great Britain for me, no doubt about it. The whole place, too, Ireland scotland, and Jackies area, in Cornwall. I might not want to go to London, or any large city, just the quiet places. But that is my dream, and it is not my husbands, lol!

    Sandy, glad you got your power back, and so very glad it was not smack in the middle of winter. Sitting in the dark next to a lit fireplace, now that sounds good to me. Glad you had a fun girlie day.

    Becky, I'm so glad we are not at home right now, all that leftover Halloween candy marked down to half price, well, lets just say I love a bargain!

    We are leaving CA. And heading to Alabama for Sunday delivery, then we hope, we will go home and make some adjustments to the living quarters for the cats. More about that next week.

    Cajunlady, welcome. We like to go by first names here, and you are very welcome anytime. Tell us about yourself if youd like, and good luck on your weight loss efforts.

    Its a tough time of year for all of the foods that start to pop up everywhere. Halloween kind of kicks it off. We will most likely be working on Thanksgiving, but that is ok with us. We will try to take off for two weeks at Christmas.

    Happy November!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good evening Sneakers ~ Have had a lovely time with my friends that came to lunch and stayed longer than intended then had a long drive to the tip of Cornwall. They should hopefully be tucked up in their hotel by now.

    Becky ~ The fish soup was delicious and I'd recommend it. Check this site for the recipe

    I don't have diabetes and actually found the recipe in my soup bible but it's exactly the same. Don't worry about using cod in particular. I used haddock because it was on offer at a good price so any white fish will do. I also added a small glass of white wine to the mix when adding the 2nd half of fish stock and used a fish stock cube as I'm too lazy to make my own from scratch. I've got two more portions left over and will enjoy for my lunches over the next couple of days. So you have a neurotic cat too!!! She should meet my Jasper as it sounds like they'd get on famously.:laugh:

    Phoebe ~ I'm assuming those possums and raccoons are not friendly crittas towards cats then? We have the occasional problem with foxes but on the whole they avoid cats. If they do go after one they are referred to as rogue foxes because they go against normal behaviour. You may be alright and avoid Bruiser coming in unless he lives locally all year round. We have a male ferrel cat that comes through the district once a year in the spring looking for femaies and spraying everything in his path but disappears off late summer and through winter. I love the idea of Jasper being on his pity pot and will tell him all about it the next time he finds his way in! It might embarrass him into getting a life and becoming a cat again:laugh:

    Gayla ~ I just started reading The Help too and the friend who gave it to me told me to avoid the movie. A couple of months ago I was reading David Nicholls One Day when I realised the movie had come out the same time. Luckily I avoided that too as I understand it was rubbish whereas the book is brilliant.

    Cayjunlady ~ Welcome! When I joined this group I discovered funny, caring, supportive brilliant friends and am sure you'll do the same so stick around.

    Sandy ~ You've got my mind boggling again.:noway: A hanging fireplace! Hanging from what and how?

    That's it, bedtime for me!

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    SHIRLE & everyone: Often when you take cholesterol meds, as I do, you will get muscle cramps if you don't take the supplement CoQ10. My cardiologist told me that she takes it for that reason but only after I mentioned it. You can get it at any store and on the web, which is usually way cheaper. You could start with a low does and then increase if it doesn't help. The good thing is that it's a vitamin which women can use more of anyway so it's kind of a two birds with one stone thing. I take 200mg every night with my meds. Got it at Puritans Pride online. Great deal.

    Maddie :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    I fell off the bus. But realize i am staying hungry all the time. Blood sugar is not as great as it has been
    So now is the time to get back on. I have been wanting to nibble all the blasted time. So I said this is it. got to take time to prepare my meals I am cooking 2 lbs. of great northern beans in the crock pot all night . so I will have beens to put in the freezer.
    And Buss thank for telling me about the crock pop liners I am using one tonight ao Jerry want have such a Mess to clean up. Will let you know how it turn out.. I cook a chicken in one of those roasting bags in the oven a couple weeks ago and it turn out just great. We ate off of it for a couple days then froze it for Jerry to have hicken and dumplings this coming Sunday. now that it is getting much cooler need to make a big pot of chili. They say homemade chili is a dieter delight.

    :heart: Gayla So glad to hear you are planning you a nice trip. Neil will like bowling when he get used to it. He has came a long way. 2 yeas ago you would never ddream you would be planning on going across the pond

    :heart: Phoebe You and your cats. They probable do not like you going off and leaving them Phoebe I think with your being on the road all the time your best bet is to count point or calories/ Most of the diets are just not for a traveling girl.The food is just not available for you. I don't like to count points or count calories. the 1/2 cups is best for me.
    Today I had 1/2 c of greek yogut and 1/4 c no sugar cherry pie fillings for breakfast lunch was 1/2 c pintos, 1 c cold slaw 1/2 c brocolli Dinner the same thing. I may cut the slaw down to 1/2 c and have another veggies Tomorrow I will change it up and have 1/2 cups each of beans, cold slaw and 2 1/2 c of veggies.

    :heart: Jackie so nice to be reading your post again. You have such interesting things to tell us
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi Marie. Not sure what I said but thought I better clarify it. We are not going across the pond . . . Yet! We are just going across the border to the US. We are planning a trip to the Canadian Maritimes next summer but have to check with my in-laws to make sure that they will be home in Prince Edward Island before we book anything. I am still dealing with this darn foot pain. I will see the podiatrist before we leave. I hope he will have some suggestions as I don't plan to spend a week in the hotel!

    Jackie -- sorry I missed you earlier. I will jot down David Nicholls book. I have several library books out at the moment but I do like to have suggestions. It is interesting to me that in my head I visualize the story and the movie rarely lives up to the book. I can still remember my first adult book, Raintree County. Oh, how I loved it. I often think I should reread it but how sad would that be if after all these years I thought it was lame! Yeah for public libraries!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, we are all here to help you. I have to say, I have been encouraged by your bean meals. So healthy to have a low fat protein. I think that I will try that. Do you have a good recipe for chili that would delite me? :smile:

    :flowerforyou: Hey Jackie, the fish soup is a diabetic diet item? I have found those diets to be wonderful. I love 55 pounds on it.

    :flowerforyou: Maddie, I was curious about the cramps because my husband gets terrible ones. He isn't on any medication, though. What he does for them is eat a banana and drink some milk. This seems to help. I really need to go to a medical site and research it.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, you have brought up a good topic. Does anyone have any idea, recipes, etc. for the holidays. Just what can we do to stay on track. For those who will be having time off of work (meaning those who work outside the home), we may have extra time to exercise. That is what I am hoping to do.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    From taste of home, This is a link to some recipe makeovers.

    Pretty good recipes too.

    Maddie, I take 100 mg of co q 10. You and I shop at the same place.

    jackie, Bruiser calls our address his as well. He is always lurking. We will try to trap him at Christmas time off.
    of course, your Jasper may have been waiting for you to offer him a reasonable explanation. You know how sensible cats can be.

    Marie, yum! Those veggies sound great.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Phoebe. Taste of Home..great. My husband buys anything with their name on it. Hope that he will buy recipe makeovers.:laugh:

    No more time to post. Short lunch today. Very busy. Later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Happy Friday!! :bigsmile: The sun is shining, temperature not too bad and my sister is having a good day. :heart: I am grateful!!
    Our spa day was great except when my darling DIL asked if I wanted to join her she told me she had gift certificates and groupon savers. I figured I would have to give my tips for my services but didn't expect it when she used most of the gift certificates for herself and I ended up paying $200 plus I bought lunch. Yikes there is a lot of different things I could have done with that money but do have to admit it relieved a lot of stress.:tongue:
    My ex MIL who is 95 just called me and said she cannot get on the Internet so I told her I would come and help her this afternoon.
    This happens all the time and it is always something silly but her kids don't seem to have the patience with her as I do.
    Tomorrow is my sister's birthday but I don't want to go near her because I have a scratchy throat and her immune system is weakened so until I feel 100% I will stay away and she told me she doesn't want to see me. :laugh: She said it with love knowing she could get sick from any bad germs.:explode: You are all wonderful people and I appreciate you so much for always being here and listening, Thank You.

    Phoebe, your kittens sound like so much fun and you are such a good mom. I don't think everyone realizes what a great person you are with all that you do for everyone. Sending Katie a package in Africa not even knowing her was just so kind. Offering to send my sister cards to cheer her up, how amazing is that. Like Irene you are an angel on earth and I am so happy you are in my life. :heart:

    Becky, I don't think there is anything to keep you on track except yourself. :bigsmile: The holidays are hard for all of us and if we learned to eat in moderation and still exercise I think that would be a big help. Practice what I preach because I am good on preaching just not on myself. :laugh:

    Gayla, a vacation sounds wonderful, Cheryl and I are hoping to go on one with Marisa and Bryanna on their school break in March.
    I hope to also to Minnesota to see my older granddaughter before she goes to the Netherlands to be an Au Pair for a year and to Arizona to see my son and get warm when it is freezing here in January. Of course everything depends on my sister so I have to take it one day at a time. Neil sounds like he is doing well and adjusting well, I am so happy for him.

    Marie, glad you are getting back on that horse that you fell off, it happens to most of us, but getting back to basics is what counts. :heart:

    Maddie, my husband takes lipitor and before they adjusted it he had severe leg cramps. Also does your husband smoke because that can also produce leg cramps due to circulation. Just my opinion. :wink:

    Jackie, we have a fireplace suspended from the ceiling in our finished basement. It was here when I met my husband over 33 years ago but still is very modern.

    Shirley, have fun on your trip to Cambridge, it is always nice when you don't have to pay. :tongue:

    Cajunlady, welcome to our group, hope you stay with us and let us get to know you. I am not sure what I would do without this group in both diet and exercise and just for being there when needed. :love:

    I did manage to lose two of those extra pounds that sneaked back but still have two to go and like Becky I would like to lose a couple of extra after that to try and get through the holidays.

    Have a wonderful day dear friends.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    H e l l o Seniors,

    I have been missing in action. My husband has me coming and going. Also my quilt guild is raffeling a beautiful big queen size quilt and I took it to our senior citizens luncheon and sold $100.00 worth of tickets there. My husband bought some tickets too.

    My friend and husband just had birhtdays so I have spent time taking them out for their birthdays. On my husbands birthday the phone rang off the hook. At one time he was on the landline talking and his cell phone rang then my cell phone rang, we just started laughing. He got about a dozen calls. All the kids called and grandkids and family.

    I am watching the horses next door and they are running around and chasing each other. It's windy here so that is probably making them act goofy.

    I am going to make a pot of chicken soup for dinner today as my hubby has a cold. He is acting like a baby right now. You would think he was going to die from the cold. Oh well, he is worth the trouble.

    Today my day went like this, got up early and took hubby's car in to get new tires. Met friends in town for coffee. Stopped a the casino and won $70.00 and he won $20.00, so that was nice. I will use my money for christmas presents for the kids.
    Then came home read the newspaper, and mail. Made a nice ground chicken patty for lunch for hubby and I had tofu and veggies and egg whites. He dosen't like tofu and I do. Then I cleaned up some paperwork and filed things away. When I get off the computer I will sew a little. Then make soup.

    Gayla, I read the help in 5 days, just couldn't put it down. Then I gave the book to my daughter and told her to pass it down to someone else. This way I feel the money for the book was well spent.

    Have a great day and will try and get back tomorrow.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    Again a little risque but oh so funny!!

    A little old lady was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags was ripped, and every once in a while a $20 fell out onto the sidewalk.

    Noticing this, a policeman stopped her, and said, "Ma'am, there are $20 bills falling out of that bag."

    "Oh, really? Darn it!" said the little old lady. "I'd better go back and see if I can find them. Thanks for telling me, officer."

    "Well, now, not so fast," said the cop. "Where did you get all that money? You didn't steal it, did you?"

    "Oh, no, no", said the old lady. "You see, my back yard is right next to a Golf course. A lot of Golfers come and pee through a knot hole in my fence, Right into my flower garden. It used to really tick me off. Kills the flowers, you know. Then I thought, 'why not make the best of it?' So, now, I stand behind the fence by the knot hole, real quiet, with my hedge clippers. Every time some guy sticks his thing through my fence, I surprise him, grab hold of it and say, 'O.K., buddy! Give me $20, or off it comes.' "

    "Well, that seems only fair," said the cop, laughing. "OK. Good luck! Oh, by the way, what's in the other bag?"

    "Not everybody pays."
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I have been MIA for the whole month of October.
    Thanks Sandy for sending me the link so I could get back in touch with all my friends.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning Lovlies:

    Just finished 35 mins walking and stripped our bed sheets and packed for overnight.
    Leaving at 1:00pm for the hotel and Christmas dinner with hubby's coworkers.
    I don't know a soul. That's what happens when you work at home like he does.
    The social interaction isn't there. Anyway I hope to have a good time.

    See you all when I get back and have a wonderful weekend.

    :smile: Maddie: Thanks for the tip on the Coenzyme Q10. I have taken that in the past. I had a test done
    yesterday to see if anything else is going on. I am not on the Cholesterol meds right now until
    we find out about the cramping. My doctor already told me about the CQ10.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Cute joke Sandy.

    And I do know how special Phoebe is. I got some lovely flowers from UPS yesterday from all of hose eight kitties. Thank Phoebe You are one in a million. Luv Ya.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: I have known her for right around 8 years now and she is just as sweet now as she was then.

    Gayla I have known for the same amount of time. Is still the most adorable friend as she always have been. I am truely bless by there loving ways.

    I am also blessed to have You Sneakers around to talk to. You are the best. I know I am not on as much now as I used to be. And I am so bless to have sandy here to keep us going. She is quite a gal. I pick us a good leader. Don't you think so ?

    Barbiecat have walk enough to reach Texas by now. With Jake dragging along? Our lovely couple.