Senior Golden Sneakers............November



  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon sneakers,

    To my surprise I woke up to a little snow on the ground. I don't like the cold ( then why do I live in Montana?) but the snow sure is pretty.
    My day today: I woke up with a miserable back ache, it started yesterday and it's just starting to go away. I haven't done much exercise so I don't make it worse. Tonight I may do a little. For some reason while I was hurting so much my appetite was horrible, I wanted to eat everything in sight. I did eat a little too much, it could have been worse.

    I went to town for some more fabric, ( like I don't have enough), to make some placemats and napkins for Christmas presents. I also bought more fabric for the back of the king size quilt I am making. This quilt is adding up in money.

    We went to costco and only had 3 nibbles, bought talapia and haddock. We filled up the car with gas and we decided to stop at the casino again and I won $35.00 and hubby won $10.00, not bad for putting in $5.00. So with yesterdays winnings I have $100.00 for Christmas. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose.

    Phoebe, be careful driving.

    Marie, its always nice to hear from you.

    Sandy, keep up the funny jokes.

    To everyone esle have a marvelous day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have been busy
    my best friend flew up from California on Thursday and I have been spending a lot of time with her. She's staying in a hotel (she's allergic to cats and would be miserable in our house) and she's not an early riser so I've had time in the morning for my regular dog walking. My friend came to line dance with me yesterday and was a really good sport about trying the dances. She's an excellent, experienced tennis player so she has the coordination and the stamina for dancing but learning the steps was a challenge coming to only one class. I thought she and I would be walking a lot but she says it's too cold for her here so we've been staying indoors and I've turned up the heat to accommodate her.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I haven't been posting my food because I don't have much time on the computer and searching for restaurant food takes a lot of time. I've eaten a few things that I haven't eaten in ages (tuna/cheddar melt, corn bread, sweet potato fries) yum yum. Fortunately she's a light eater during the day so I've stuck to my Isagenix shakes and bars during the day and restaurants only in the evening.

    :bigsmile: there's snow in the mountains but temperatures in the low 30's in the morning here.:bigsmile:
  • Hi ladies, how are you all doing??? Been very busy. My sister is moving to her own place soon so we have been packing, cleaning out things and would you know it finding things we thought lost. :laugh: Anyway, I'm still fasting, taking supplements after my fast to give the body needed nutrients without the bulk of food at the moment, then after a bit having a good salad with protein in it. My body has cleaned itself up very well. Just trying to be patient to get the rest off in good time. Once I have my home to my self again I may get back into the very early morning workout.

    Hope all is well here, I shall be posting again soon. Love to all, best of luck too!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lost in Cyberspace last post explaining I had just posted several recipes in our recipe board....all low sodium, and all from my favorite recipe email ...try to get onto his website, as MFP would not let me post his address to request being put on his email list.
    Low Sodium Cooking Logo, Low Sodium Cooking Name ... So, you ask, who is this **** Logue and what in the world does he think he's doing here? ...
    Ask to be put on his mailing list, Low Sodium Cooking Newsletter
    I'll try to post it here, but if it ends up showing stars, I'll try to follow up somehow! He's planning to send a menu and recipes for Thanksgiving shortly, and I noticed someone asked about holiday cooking.
    ****@lowsodiumcooking is the address, just add the dot com!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    stymied again! Add the name **** in front of that email ! Hope it works!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member Here is the site for Buzz low sodium she found.Thank you buzz. You are a darling.n ow to go back and read it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member

    I tried Buzz but this site must have a dirty mind since it won't let us put in the nickname for Richard. Starts with a D and ends with a K, the middle letters are IC. Does everyone understand??

    That is the best I can do Buzz.
  • Well, we are in AL. Tonight for delivery in the morning. Then we are supposed to go home to run around like chcikens to get a couple of things done. Then we leave on Monday. We need to work, but we sure get homesick when we dont get our.
    Marie, and Sandy, thank you for your kind words, but I am not an angel, lol!

    Hi Phyllis! Hope you are well, and just busy.
    And Marilyn, you've been fasting a long time, glad it is working for you.

    Buzz, thank you for the link to the recipes, I love reading recipes, especially makeovers.
    There are so many good recipes and cookbooks, I was collecting cookbooks, but I got too many, so I stopped. I like really old cookbooks, I bought several at a bookstore. For some reason, they jar memories and give me a good feeling. I think it is the old photos and even the typeface used.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. I'm just passing the computer on my way to make a quick cup of tea before heading back out into my garden to continue tidying and pruning. This morning I was laying paving slabs to create steps through a gate into the bottom of my neighbours garden so we can look after each others hens without the risk of a broken neck this winter!!:bigsmile: Had a quick read through of everyone's posts and will check back just as soon as I have a moment..

    Jackie:drinker: .
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jackie, good for you. You are staying so active. How many eggs to you get a day from your hens? I used to have Orpintons (not spelled right). They hold the record for laying the most in one year.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, have a safe trip back.:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I am so laughing !!!! This site also will not allow any religious threads. I am have no idea what you and buzz are talking about. :laugh:

    I made crepes for breakfast today. Wow, can't imagine all those calories. I did get a lot done today. All the laundry washed and hung up in the basement ( clothes dryer is broken again). I even gave the dog a bath.
  • katcoleesp
    katcoleesp Posts: 33 Member
    Good Morning LADIES!!!
    I am only 53, almost 54, can I join the Senior Sneakers!!!!!!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning LADIES!!!
    I am only 53, almost 54, can I join the Senior Sneakers!!!!!!

    Of course, welcome to the group.
  • Hi Kat(?), welcome and feel free to post away!
    Hi to you too Jeri, hope you are well, I imagine you feel a bit tired and maybe even 'sun'

    We are in for a long day today, but we will go home tomorrow for a couple of days.
    Jackie, be careful with those stones, dont drop one on your foot!
    becky, crepes sound fine for breakfast to me, if you will cook tthem, lol or lets go to IHOP!
    Buzz, I like the low sodium website, and didnt have any problems signing up for the newsletter. I like that there are good recommendations for seasonings and such.
    take care
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good afternoon seniors and welcome Kat.

    My cold is getting worse but I refuse to let it get the best of me. I am not whining like my DH was doing with his cold. You would have thought he was dieing. Sun is shinning and I may take a short walk. My back is feeling a lot better, I must have done too much last week.

    My day today: I had a nice breakfast of tofu, egg whites, and spinach, with homemade salsa on it. Then I had tea and read the paper, I didn't find any sales that I need.

    Went to town for vegetables and fruit. We eat so many I have to go every 3-4 days to restock. When we got home from the store, I decided to clean the fridge top to bottom. It looks so clean. Then we had a salad for lunch and both of us could not finish it so we have it to go with dinner now. I then decided to clean the bathroom top to bottom and it sure feels clean in there. The two of us don't make a mess but the dust keeps coming.
    DH stripped the bed and started the laundry. I will help him make the bed and fold the laundry.

    I am going to have a cup of tea and sew again. If I sew a little every day my projects will get done.

    Dinner is pork, 1/2 baked potato, and sm salad. This cold has my appetite down...............yea.

    Have a wonderful day.:heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OMG, I lost a huge post that I finally found the time to write! :noway: :sick: :cry:
    I thanked everyone from Sandy to Marie (what are you planning for your birthday?) and Phoebe (do you love Cook's Illustrated, too?) and welcomed Kat warmly from all of us, and Phyllis, glad you're back, and Jackie, always working at something, and Becky (now you understand?) and Jeri, Irene, and everyone working hard at being well...including Chris and her back! And Barbie, you'll understand my shorthand in this boo-hoo make-up post, as I've run out of time for a change! Computers, can't live with them, can't live without them! And I really screw it up when I lose a post for a change. Please forgive me for this abbreviated edition and hope I remembered everyone, but that darn Halfzeimer's lurks, ya know!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member

    Today is the first day of the Moslem holiday over here in Egypt. This is the one where they slaughter an animal. So my husband had a sheep killed and so I was up to my elbows cutting up meat. Well he actually helped cut it up this year and I was happy about that because I hate to touch meat! I did cook some lamb ribs and they turned out quite good for my first attempt.

    Most of the afternoon I worked on writing report card comments. I have a couple more days off for this holiday though so that is good. I am can enjoy more time out of the classroom.

    Chris, you really were in the cleaning mood. WOW I am impressed.

    Buzz and Phoebie, Thanks for the welcome back. Glad to get back in touch with everyone.

    I have thought it was Saturday all day today for some reason. When I have a few days off from school I forget what day it is and don't go to bed as early either.
    well ahve a good day everyone. Phyllis
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Phyllis Wow I would not like your job is putting that meat up Ugg!!

    Kat you are so welcome to our group. Please let us know something about you. You know the usally things like do you have any pets, How many kids? How long you been married. , etc. We are also very nosie. When is your birthday.? So glad to have you aaround.

    a little about me. I am almost the oldest one here But Buzz beat me out a couple years. I veen married for 56 years, I am 81 years old or soon will be. I have 3 grown children and Will be a Great great grandma in January.6 grandkids great grandkids 4 Now working on my first great great and he will be a Boy. Isn't it amazing they can tell what they will be months before they are born.

    Be looking forward to hearing more from you Well I don't see any typo errors but with my eye sight you may fine some.


    Now it is time to cook Jerry his chicken and dumplings I will have 1/2 cup along with some veggies Well really lots of vegies.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    In my lost post, I was going to mention I plan to make steak diane tonight, but don't have mushrooms, onion or even brandy. So we'll run out to the local market and hope for the best.,, I also mentioned what I love about Cooks Illustrated are the tips they work so hard to test. I never knew the best way to roast a standing rib is at 200 until it is pnk all the way through, and then put the pan on top of the stove and brown the fat so it looks better! The entire roast is medium rare using this method. Trivia, but useful for the holiday meal! We're off shopping on a late Sunday afternoon :noway:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    I sit here all pooped out. Fatigue has caught up with me but I know it won't be here for long. I have too much stuff to do. LOL. I am now finished with my radiation treatments.  Whoooo Hoooo.

    Calgary has a bit of snow and it is cold, but then what can we expect. The morning of my last treatment we had to go out on snowy slippery streets. Thank fully it was only the one time as we have a couple of big hills to navigate with lots of traffic. 

    But I AM DONE.  No more of that. The people at the Cancer Clinic were so nice. 

    We went out to visit one of our dd's this morning and their sweet little guy. Aren't kids great.

    Here's our youngest granddaughter at Hallowe'en. .

    Photo Share by FancyLady, on Flickr
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    How adorable !That is just to to cute.

    Yippie your treatment is all over with. I am so glad. Sounds like bad weaher is already there. We have been a little cooler than usally. . it gets a little chilly at night but the days warm up nicely. Have a geat night and a wonderful day tomorrow......Marie