Worst Dates you've ever had



  • Journeyingascrystal
    oh this is one i must comment on... on the night of my birthday i was being harassed by some guys after the club.. this one guy"who i noticed was following me around the entire night" came to the rescue. he was a little short for me but I figured he was nice and a gentlemen so i went one date 1!!!!!!!!
    long story short.. we get asked to leave this place because he sat there 'nursing ' 1 beer for like 3 hours and kept ordering water.. i was ordering wine.. on the second round he told the server i was done with wine and to just bring us water.. lol... i was like okay..... but we were sitting there with no food no drinks and folks were waiting for over an hour for tables. they asked us to leave EMBARRASSED!!!

    I explained to him that wasnt kool.. he begged me to go out again... DATE 2!!!
    we MEET (i prefer driving) downtown and park.. we walk into this place.. jazz music.. nice scene lovely.. and i'm like.. oh he made reservations(clearly this place required it) we get to the front.. he tries to give them our name for the sitting LIST!!!! OMG.. HAHHAAA.. the woman explains the tables are reservations only.. ok.. honest mistake. try to make the best of it .. they had a bar so we went there.. he is complaining about them not having WINGS!!!!! lol.. ROTFLMAO NOW.. not then! peeved!! so i order a chicken pasta.. i couldn't eat it all because i wanted dessert.. he says' why order dessert if you didn't eat all your food?' REALLY GUY?? lol.. i ordered a dessert.. he asked for 2 spoons to SHARE MINE.. i told him NO.. i was in bytch mode by now. so when we are done.. the receipt is just sitting there.. the bartender is looking at us like 'when are you gonna pay?". I got to the restroom.. come back.. still not paid.. I say when are you gonna pay? He pays.. reluctantly.. wasn't sure what he thought!
    So he ask did i want to go dancing it was place around the corner.. WHAT THE HELL .. sure! we walk.. and walk.. we turn around... he is fumbling in his phone.. im like where are we going.. my phone beeps. He says.. i just sent you a text.. its for where we are going.. i look at it.. THIS *kitten* SENT ME A GET IN FREE WITH TEXT MESSAGE!!! He wanted me to show my phone at this place so we could get in free.. NOT!!! He said and here you should pay for the drinks... really??? i didnt ask to go you.. you asked me!!!! Had he not been such a cheapo and had it been some time into out dating it would have MAYBE been ok.. but after all this.. HELL NO! and he even ask did i want to go to his place after and watch a movie. I said, James, what date are you on? Hell Frickin' NO! he was so confused...
    2 weeks later he asked me to explain.. and I wrote him a long email explaining.. he said well im not a rapper or a rich guy.. I said if you cant take a woman on date you shouldn't be dating. If i had asked YOU out I would have been prepared. Boo-BYE!
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    here one, this was long time ago mind...I took this chick out on a date to a nice little chinese place, in the middle of the conversation she informs me she is an exobishinst (sp?) and decied to flash me in the middle the resturant. Would not have been so bad if there wasnt a family sitting next to us, who called the popo right away and she got arrested for public indency.

    Care to give me her number? ;)

    sure but last I heard she is on her 5th kid from the 4rth different dad lol
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    So this isn't technically a date, as we'd been seeing eachother for a very long time.

    But it's REALLY something I should have known about.

    My siggy. See his father LOVES clowns. That's right. CLOWNS. Collects them.
    Never told me. First time I visit his parents house..

    I walk in. They are EVERYWHERE. Figurings, paintings, lamps, photos. CLOWNS.

    If your parents collect clowns, help a girl/guy out. Warn them.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Oh man, where do I start? :tongue: I would have to say one of the worst was ...

    I had been going out with this guy for about a month. He asked me on a date and told me to dress up. I was excited only to find out that we were actually going to a funeral...a baby funeral. One of his relative's baby had died of SIDS and he wanted to take me. It was HORRIBLE, and I hate funerals anyway. I never went out with him again.

    is he listed on dontdatehimgirl.com? If not, he should be.
  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    I went on a first date with a guy, and let me preface this with "I'm all about happy hours!!" but not on the first date. We went to Applebee's, which I"m not a huge fan, but he picked the place. It was about 8:30 pm. The waitress came around and asked if wanted something to drink. He said no, and that we were waiting until Happy Hour at 9 pm!!! WHAT?!?!?!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    She was a he
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    2 stick out in my mind and both with guys I had crushes on for a long time but then while on the dates realized what self absorbed jerks they were I NEVER wanted to go out with them again.
    First one.. the guy seem really interested in me..we had been talking on the phone and flirting back and forth for a few weeks.. he finally asked me out..I said yes of course.. We spent 4 hours at the Mall while he shopped for new jeans..literally.. I spent the whole time waiting for him outside dressing rooms and watching him model each and every pair while asked what I thought.. LOL I didn't know it was going to be a shopping date with a "girlfriend" :laugh:

    Second was a guy I liked all through elementary school.. major puppy love going on/ in high school we met again.. he liked me instantly.. big boost for my ego:happy: .. our first date..we went skating ..not a bad date all in all. the next day.. he called me and asked me to hang out.. sure!!!.. nothing big, we took a walk not a bad thing in my book, except for the fact that he started telling me about what he expected out of his future wife-( we were both 15 lol) he wanted a slave and was not shy about saying he thought it was his right to served his every whim , obeyed and bowed to. umm yeah..BUH-BYE. funny how he was confused that I never wanted to see him again after that :laugh:
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    She was a he
    Oh my goodness!!! aaaaaaaaaggh!
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    here one, this was long time ago mind...I took this chick out on a date to a nice little chinese place, in the middle of the conversation she informs me she is an exobishinst (sp?) and decied to flash me in the middle the resturant. Would not have been so bad if there wasnt a family sitting next to us, who called the popo right away and she got arrested for public indency.

    LOL! Unbelievable. :laugh:
  • smilingrn
    smilingrn Posts: 45 Member
    So I went out to eat with this guy. He's very very fit and muscular and back then I wasn't into taking care of myself AT ALL. Mind you, I have never been overweight but I was very skinny fat.
    Anyway, we go to Applebees and I order some dinner plate and he asks me if I realize there was over 1500 calories in that meal. I say no I had no idea..whatever, we finish up and I should of just said thanks but see ya later but stupid me went back to his house with him.
    So we get into his hot tub and I'm in bra and panties and he then starts pointing out how he can tell I have a 34" waist and how unhealthy that was and my waist/hip ratio blah blah blah. That I was young and I was already heading to a life of being overweight and I should have a 25" waist etc etc. I left.

    If only he could see me now! He was a ****head.

    What a jerk!!!!!
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    AHHHH!! These are so funny! Thanks for keeping me entertained at work!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Oh I forgot this one. Well, it wasn't much of a date really. There was this guy at work that I had talked to a few times. So one night we both got off work at about 10 PM and he asked if I wanted to hang out. I said sure. We went to his house which was nearby. His roommates (cousins, I think?) were watching a boxing match on TV. I sat down with them so that he could go and change clothes. Well when the first boxer came out, the cousins were like "Hey look at this n*****!" and saying all kinds of derogatory things. I just sat there looking uncomfortable and they said, "Oh look we've got us a liberal here! LOL!!" The guy came back in from changing clothes, and I told him I needed to leave.

    I didn't blame him for their behavior, but it was all so awkward... and I guess his whole idea had been to hang out and watch TV with them. Anyway he didn't suggest going anywhere else to hang out, and we never really talked again.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Oh man, where do I start? :tongue: I would have to say one of the worst was ...

    I had been going out with this guy for about a month. He asked me on a date and told me to dress up. I was excited only to find out that we were actually going to a funeral...a baby funeral. One of his relative's baby had died of SIDS and he wanted to take me. It was HORRIBLE, and I hate funerals anyway. I never went out with him again.

    you win. holy hell. i would have gone absolutely bonkers on that douche.
  • smilingrn
    smilingrn Posts: 45 Member
    Guess mine would be the time when my date informed me that since I made more money then him I should pay for our date, and got up from the table. We definitely went out again.......NOT ......what a looser!
  • ShannanLaNae
    ShannanLaNae Posts: 434 Member
    these are very interesting... worst date ever for me (well I have 2 )

    1. was being setup with my friends co-worker, she said he was really nice an respectful so I said why not. He wanted to cook me a home cooked meal I said sure he invited me over,and the food was already prepared, however to my surprise his mom was there and she made our plates gave us dessert and we played checkers and watcheed movies all night long!!!!!!! It turn kinda good, never saw the boy again but me and his mom go shopping every week:laugh:

    2. I knew this guy threw high school he asked me out to dinner several times I always went. We went to the movies, all kinds of places I was really digging this guy, One night he took me to this amazing dinner as we get to my apartment out hops out his wife in another car screaming and cussing him out!!!!!!! I couldnt believe it! I was so stunned and all he could do was get back in the car and drive away, and just leave us standing there together. She was going on and on I just left her outside to talk to herself Ugh men!!!!!!!!!!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    And there was the date that never happened. Another guy from work. We had talked a lot and he asked me out for that Friday. Well about halfway through the week he said to me that some of his friends were going to Hooters on Friday, and he hadn't really decided whether he was going to go with them, or go on our date as planned. I told him to go with them because there was no way I would ever go out with him since he considered breaking our date because he got a better offer.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I went on a date with this one chick on her 21st birthday. I took her to my house and made her stir fry with RAISINS in it, it was AWESOME but she didn't like it and we ended up at Applebees.

    eh ok it wasn't that funny sry.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Back when I was 19 I went on a date with a guy to dinner and a movie. The theater was in the mall and there was a good italian place right across from the theater, in the mall as well. I dressed up for the occasion in a dress and pantyhose. He had put his hand on my knee at some point and a little later excused himself, I thought he had to go to the restroom. No, he had gone to the expensive department store next to the restaurant. He handed me a small package and asked me to open it. It was a brand new, very expensive pair of panyhose and he asked me to go to the restroom and put them on because he didn't like the feel of the cheap ones I had on. I was so humiliated! I was young and not too high on my self esteem at the time so I did go put them on. During the movie he kept rubbing his had up and down my leg. At this point I was getting really freaked out. I had driven us to the mall for the date, thank gosh because on the way to drop him off, he reached over, grabed my leg and started to rip the pantyhose off. Scared the crud out of me. I stopped in the left lane of the busy street we were on and made him get out! Of course I never saw him again either. He probably went on to be a rapist or something.
  • Wingmistress
    November 17th? Oh yeah... you mean an actual DATE not the calendar date. :tongue: :frown:

  • NonchalantX
    NonchalantX Posts: 13 Member
    If your parents collect clowns, help a girl/guy out. Warn them.

    Laughed so hard. Could just imagine them keeping clowns in a basement prison for some strange reason.