Worst Dates you've ever had



  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Twenty five years ago, and I wasn't fat at the time. But I've always been very rounded and curvy, not skinny. I lived in the high desert in California and some guy at a party down around San Diego got me on the phone as a wrong number. I used to be a DJ and I have a good phone voice. When I told him he had the wrong number and hung up, he called me back. He asked me to talk to him for a while. I said sure why not. He said he wanted to come up the next weekend and take me on a date. We had already ascertained I was about 5 years older than he was and I told him I was nothing special, but he insisted. So we agreed to meet in town because I wouldn't tell him where I live. The following Friday night I get a phone call telling me he's there. I drive to the meeting place and discover an absolutely adorable guy driving a black Porsche. I had him follow me up to a place called Pioneer Town to go dancing. He tried to pull off suave city guy persona and made me promise not to tell he was actually raised on a dairy farm in some midwestern state. We had a nice enough time and when it was time to leave, he had no place to stay, so I said he could sleep on the couch at my place. He seemed harmless enough. The poor guy was more spooked than I was. I had a little studio, kind of out of town. It was a really nicely done converted garage I rented from a widow. But off the beaten path. I know he thought I was taking him somewhere to rape and kill him. We bedded down for the night and every time I rolled over or moved in my bed, around the corner from his couch, he would pop up and go, "What are you doing?" Like he expected me to jump him the minute he fell asleep. I guess we both finally asleep. He got up early the next morning and fled in his Porsche, never to be heard from again. Twenty five years later, I still feel the sting of rejection!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I'm sure I've told this story before on a thread..

    But worst date ever would be one where we stopped at the mall so we both could run into stores (and it was items for the rest of our date. Just go with it). I came out of my store and looked around and didn't see him. Minutes later I saw him being escorted out of a sports store for shoplifting....the idiot tried to steal some Jordans. I mean really?! I then had to go to the PD and pay to get him and bring his sorry *kitten* home.
  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    I keep noticing Applebee's; it explains why I never have had a second date.

    No seriously, the worst first date I've ever been on was her best date. I made it a fun date on a mutual interest, ice skating and then dinner. We had a very fun and flirty time at the ice rink, holding hands, eskimo kisses, all that fun stuff. Dinner was at a nice, but appropriate local spot, and I paid. After taking her back to her place and getting a quick good night kiss, she must have been overcome with guilt because she admitted that, while she had a great time, her and her ex-BF had decided, via texting on the date, had decided to "work things out." What. the. hell!?
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    I met a guy online and he asked me out. We texted back and forth a bit, and I found out he didn't have a car, which set off warning bells. He then said something along the lines of "Are you one of those people who judge others for not having things?", which made me feel shallow and guilty, so I went through with the date. When we finally met, I found out that he not only didn't have a car, but he didn't have a job, and was sleeping on his mom's couch. And he said that he felt he should have a girlfriend who has her *kitten* together. I'm sorry, but most girls who have their stuff together want a partner, not a parasite.

    And I also seem to attract needy men who get attached after the first date. One guy was 35 with 4 kids, and he started freaking out that he really liked me and didn't know what to do, and would I meet his sister? The other was a 47 year old - First date was fine, but then he started to be needy and clingy. I backed off, and he proceeded to tell me that I need to communicate and I shouldn't just drop people. And then he deleted me from Facebook (Isn't that the insult of the day?) I'm sorry - You're 47 - Stop acting like a child.
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    My worst date was with a guy who was so obsessed with comics and superheroes he spoke about nothing else! He wore a ring that matched his favourite hero and showed me photos of his room where he had ripped out comic pages and stuck them up as wall-paper and he had superhero bedding....dont get me wrong, i love Sci-Fi films but this was quite extreme!! Everything i said he would back up or quote some comic!!! I politely made my excuses and thankfully never saw him again!!
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    I met a guy online and he asked me out. We texted back and forth a bit, and I found out he didn't have a car, which set off warning bells. He then said something along the lines of "Are you one of those people who judge others for not having things?", which made me feel shallow and guilty, so I went through with the date. When we finally met, I found out that he not only didn't have a car, but he didn't have a job, and was sleeping on his mom's couch. And he said that he felt he should have a girlfriend who has her *kitten* together. I'm sorry, but most girls who have their stuff together want a partner, not a parasite.

    I think I dated this guy too...
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Arrived at my house and walked straight in without waiting for me to ask him. Then spent the evening telling me what to do. Did the same when returning back to my house.
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    OMG. I WIN!

    I met this guy online and he seemed super cool so we decided to meet up. I already knew he wasn't really my type (blonde hair, ok) but I know I need to broaden my horizons.

    I spotted him across the street in head to toe baby blue, cap, matching jersey and shorts. His blonde frizzy hair was sticking out of his cap and I already knew it was all bad.

    During lunch he started talking bout all the beautiful women he has dated and how he met them on myspace. So I play along and ask him to rate these women on a scale of one to ten. I was having a good time. (mind you, he was NOT good looking at all)

    He then told me he dated a millionaire, so I asked him how he knew and he said , "Well...she spent money like a millionaire." lol I asked him if she was pretty and this fool said,

    "It's hard to eat hamburger helper once you've been dining on Fillet Mignon"


    We asked for the check and I took the bill and said, "Oh, I'll pay for my half."

    He said, "Thanks so much" and DID NOT put his card in. He handed the bill back to the waiter and the waiter left!

    I paid for the worst date of my life! The guy was such a jerk. He wouldn't even tell me where he worked because he said he thought I might show up there to check on him. eeeew!
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    here one, this was long time ago mind...I took this chick out on a date to a nice little chinese place, in the middle of the conversation she informs me she is an exobishinst (sp?) and decied to flash me in the middle the resturant. Would not have been so bad if there wasnt a family sitting next to us, who called the popo right away and she got arrested for public indency.

  • fudog
    fudog Posts: 16 Member
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hehe always love these threads.

    I do have a question, though... ElementalMoe, you said not having a car set off warning bells. I don't have a car. Does that mean I'm a loser? :indifferent: Could that be my problem?
  • fudog
    fudog Posts: 16 Member
    That's some funny sh** right there now...
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    I might have posted this a few months ago... Anyway my worst date was when I was going to UMASS Amhearst, I was 21, and had a part time job, no car. I took the bus to go to work at a 'rest home' Anyway the nurse that worked during the dat was very pretty and we talked alot, but she was married.. She told me she had a friend who was sweet, pretty, and she wanted to set up a date. I was reluctant because I had no car and she was 'older'. But she said, no problem, she would pick me up in her car. So I talked to my date and found a landmark she would pick me up and the time , etc. We would go out for drinks

    So my date arrived, She was wearing a plaid shirt and work pants, like ****ies or something, she weighed about 300 pounds.. I thought "Oh God", but I am not a mean person, I figured we could have a few drinks and part ways.... So I was a a junior in college, we started talking, she told me she was a janitor at the elementary school... "Oh that's nice" I was trying to find a way to start a conversation, We ordered drinks and She told me "I just want you to know I have 3 kids" and was telling me about them... I was in no way interested at that age... Then she told me she went to this bar, because her ex was violent and was stalking her, and he probably wouldn't check this bar for her tonight....I think I was halfway through my first beer.. I then said, "hey I need to use the bathroom" I went past the bathroom out the side door and booted 4 miles back to my dorm.. I was a little mad at my work- friend... That was the only time I did a chew and screw at a restaurant.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    OMG. I WIN!

    I met this guy online and he seemed super cool so we decided to meet up. I already knew he wasn't really my type (blonde hair, ok) but I know I need to broaden my horizons.

    I spotted him across the street in head to toe baby blue, cap, matching jersey and shorts. His blonde frizzy hair was sticking out of his cap and I already knew it was all bad.

    During lunch he started talking bout all the beautiful women he has dated and how he met them on myspace. So I play along and ask him to rate these women on a scale of one to ten. I was having a good time. (mind you, he was NOT good looking at all)

    He then told me he dated a millionaire, so I asked him how he knew and he said , "Well...she spent money like a millionaire." lol I asked him if she was pretty and this fool said,

    "It's hard to eat hamburger helper once you've been dining on Fillet Mignon"


    We asked for the check and I took the bill and said, "Oh, I'll pay for my half."

    He said, "Thanks so much" and DID NOT put his card in. He handed the bill back to the waiter and the waiter left!

    I paid for the worst date of my life! The guy was such a jerk. He wouldn't even tell me where he worked because he said he thought I might show up there to check on him. eeeew!

    I had one refuse to tell me where he worked too... he thought I would start stalking him because another girl he met did. He tried to convince me he collected cans for a living:huh: . If he was so worried I would be a psycho chick why did he bring his 4 year old daughter on our date?? :noway:
  • Ricky1103
    I broke up with this girl cause she really cared about money. Money came FIRST for her. She dint care if the guy worked his *kitten* off to achieve. So I broke up with her was really torn up about it for almost a year. On being relentlessly persuaded by a friend i went out for date with a girl. When i went out for drinks with her. One of the first few question she asked me in the beginning was.."Hey! How much is your salary?" And obviously dint see her again after that.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    my ex boyfriend took me to mcdonalds one valentines day.... pathetic...lol
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    This was way before I was married..so I went to the movies with this guy,and I had to pick him up last minute,which wasnt a problem,but for some reason,he brought his friend with him.he paid for the tickets,n made me pay for our popcorn n drinks.he then fell asleep thru the movie and was snoring.Afterwards,i had to drop him off first,and he made me drop off his friend home.his friend was a better choice,and dated him for awhile.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I met this guy online... we decided to meet up at 7 for coffee.. I brought two friends who sat a few tables over.. He walks in... Dirty baseball cap hair a mess dirty shirt with holes in it and grungy jeans... We talked and he seemed okay... Came back to my place tried to make out with me in front of my roommate then told me I should come with him back to his place and put my hand on his crotch so I could... Sense what was going on? Ugh oh and his feet stank
  • jonbobfrog
    A co-worker set me up on a blind date . . .

    I meet the guy in a restaurant (but not Applebees, lol!) and we ordered our drinks and our meals and we're sitting there talking while waiting for our food. Pretty normal. The conversation is interesting, especially since we're talking about technology, which I love. It was right around the time that smart phones were coming out and he decided to show his off . . .

    . . . by pulling out his phone and showing me "TWO GIRLS ONE CUP" . . . 20 minutes into our first date?!?! I stayed for the meal but when it was time to leave I turned him down for returning to his house. And when he asked me if he could have a good night kiss, I told him I couldn't because my newly pierced tongue might get infected from his saliva!!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    this isnt so bad but i'll share anyway......

    so just this summer i decided i should start dating again, i hate dating i like being in relationships, but anyways i met this guy on a girls night out, he was kinda cute and very nice and polite and all so when he asked me out i was still reluctant but my friends convinced me to go cuz you gotta start somewhere right.

    well it started off nice, he texted me and offered to pick me up, but i was running late and didnt know him that well so i wanted to drive and meet him there. well that and he mentioned the AC in his car was broken, (red flag #1). I didnt think anything of it so I just met him anyway. it was a nice place, and he had already ordered an appetizer (he knew i had just come from working out) so that was sweet. i was wearing a cute little black dress (not extra fancy but pretty nice) with sandals (it was summer) but i expected him to atleast wear a nice jeans, polo and shoes. he was wearing plaid shorts, converse and a tshirt (yikes!) keep in mind he's almost 30. I was a bit thrown off by that but i was trying to be nice anyway. the bar was getting kinda loud so it washard to have a conversation so we decided to go somewhere else...he was very attentive and kept asking if i was ok and what i wanted to do where to go which i thought was nice, but we walked over to another restaurant he looked at the menu and he didnt like it so we went somewhere else, kept walking, got to this other place also very nice (i noticed the menu looked pricey this time) and he again said he didnt like what was on the menu. to make a long story short it felt like he was just looking for a cheaper place and we ended up at a pizza joint at the end of the block where almost no one was there except for the ppl that worked there (kinda creepy) but i figured at least it wud be quiet and we could talk. well we did talk and i found out we were very very different. he went to school for some kinda natural healing mumbo jumbo and now is working as a bartender ( i knew that when i met him so thats ok) but the fact that his future plans involved working at a "healing center" and he believed in natural healing and all this crap made him sound like a hippie witch doctor, not to mention he was staying on his sister's couch, he kept mentioning he wasnt in a good financial place rightnow and had been a bartender for the past 3 yrs - UMMM NO! :huh:

    he did not get a good night kiss, and he did not get a 2nd date.

    Hippie witch doctor - I will be laughing all night - thank you!!!