Friends on MFP with poor food diaries?



  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    LOL. I'm not saying it won't happen, I just really hope it doesn't.
    That's sad that you say kids are whining for fast food. I really hope my kids never think of fast food as an option for dinner.

    Gee, I hope so too. Congrats on having it all worked out.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I think it's fair to say that the majority of members on this site don't post on these forums. I think it's also fair to say that the majority use this site to track their calories as the first priority.

    Therefore, you can't say the point of this site is to let strangers pick apart your food, and criticise you on every little thing. I'd like to think that those of us eating crap KNOW it is. We don't need to be told that!

    The smoking thing i started was only to highlight the point that people do unhealthy things even though they are fully aware of the consequences. And it's our choice to make. You may think you are helping someone by telling them smoking is bad for them, but really you just come across as patronising.
  • CBranson0503
    People get over it!!! What are you hiding?

    I have nothing to hide, but I don't need so called "friends" telling me how to eat. I started keeping track of what I ate to learn about myself and see where my eating habits are tripping me up from my goals. I don't care what anyone else eats on here. The people I have added as my MFP friends are still able to support and help me without seeing what I am eating.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    If one of my friends commented on my crappy food choice, as in they were presuming to tell me that I was eating poorly and needed to make better choices, they'd probably be on my friend list for about 30 seconds after that. but, that's what I love about my friends...regardless of what diet we're following (veg, vegan, clean, Paleo, portion control, etc.) we know that people aren't perfect and slip-ups happen. I also love thatvif I were to have a really ****ty week, they'd be more likely to ask me if I was okay, than judge me.

    I SO totally agree. I lost more weight than I planned and have felt guilt? :noway:
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    And this is why I keep my diary private. :noway:
    thank you same reason i keep mine private I am not dumb i know when i am not picking the best choices but its a life style and if i am not doing well with choices but staying under then its my choice you telling me diff just will annoy me.

    That's sad that you say kids are whining for fast food. I really hope my kids never think of fast food as an option for dinner.
    ok this annoys me . First off its normal i have a couple friends who never eat out with there children and always eat at home and yet there kids still beg to go to pizza out and such. Kids live in a world where there friends eat out and they will see it so if your kids dont thats great but i think its normal whether you like it or not. the whole reason there is a big debate about the toys they give in happy meals. My kid never eats out but she sees the toys on tv and still asks. Does not mean her family eats out every night. well let me rephrase my kid does eat out but we dont usually go to mcdonalds cause i dont care for it and she still wants to tons.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I bought my daughter McDonalds today for lunch... Did I feel guilty, heck no! Because for dinner she had a baked chicken breast with orzo pasta, spinach and mushrooms. Again, we're human...and we don't always make the best choices food wise. It's because of people like the judgers that make people keep their diaries private.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I bought my daughter McDonalds today for lunch... Did I feel guilty, heck no! Because for dinner she had a baked chicken breast with orzo pasta, spinach and mushrooms. Again, we're human...and we don't always make the best choices food wise. It's because of people like the judgers that make people keep their diaries private.

    well said!
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I forget where the McDonald's thing came from again? -surfs the pages-
  • discodaddy61
    discodaddy61 Posts: 161 Member
    to all of you nay sayers if its none of our business then why be on this site looking for help and encouragement??
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    to all of you nay sayers if its none of our business then why be on this site looking for help and encouragement??

    Because not everyone is on this site looking for help or encouragement. Some people just want a place to track their calories and exercise and make friends.
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    check out my diary and give me ur feedback.

  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    to all of you nay sayers if its none of our business then why be on this site looking for help and encouragement??

    Because not everyone is on this site looking for help or encouragement. Some people just want a place to track their calories and exercise and make friends.
    ^^^Basically this.

    If I need advice on my food choices I will share the password for my diary with the people that I will ask for advice.

    If I was choosing to get all my calories from alcohol and chocolate, that's my choice. I have been here long enough, I know what is good for me and what is a bad choice. I don't need unrequested comments on my choices.

    In addition, in the past I've seen people posting in the forums a full description of other peoples diary with comments like "look at what this person is eating. It's not healthy". :noway:
  • Jeanetta10
    Jeanetta10 Posts: 74 Member
    I have nothing to hide. My diary is public. I worry about you private ppl. Are we not here to help each othe
  • Jeanetta10
    Jeanetta10 Posts: 74 Member
    I keep my diary private as well. This is a site for support for those who need support. I have 2 friends, that's it, because I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN CHANGE ME. Worry about yourself. "we" people who have private diaries are doing quite well.
  • lindzmt22
    Clearly the person that keeps repeatedly commenting is trolling. Their goal is 1k calories a day, and they frequently consume 4 cups of cereal with half and half. 1 day for a snack they had 7 teaspoons of sugar. It honestly doesn't matter if they come back here and try to explain why they eat the way they do and even throw in a "You don't know my situation!" (And I honestly don't care what their situation is) because the OP doesn't know all of their friend's situations either, or the reason they eat the way they do.

    And notice how this same person who was bragging about having an open diary now has a private one!! LOL. See? It doesn't feel too good to be judged now does it?

    I think we are all on our own personal journies; I also agree in the saying to 'live and let live.' Let people live their own lives, and in return live your own. We all screw up, no one is perfect. And what does drawing attention to someone's screw up which they clearly know about (which also isn't anyone's business) do for them? Nothing. It doesn't accomplish anything. People are gonna do what they do regardless, that's life. Just my 2 cents. :)
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I haven't tracked in 3 months and haven't gained or counted calories at all. There isn't any food you can't eat while losing weight as it all adds up. People fail to realize how leaving just one thing out every meal adds up to fat loss at years end. Getting rid of sugar in morning coffee or skipping mayo on a burger or not eating cheese on it in a years time is a huge reduction of calories consumed. If you cut out 300 calories from what you would normally eat during the day which is really simple you will continue to drop over weeks, months, years. All these low fat, low carb , low anything are fad diets destined for failure.
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    For me, no, if I have a problem with a diary, I keep it to myself.

    I do have my diary public to friends though and for the most part I find that my friends are very encouraging and supportive. I do get some comments that I find really odd sometimes.

    For example, I usually cook from scratch - good quality, mostly clean ingredients but sometimes people criticise me for having a dinner with say 600 calories (even though it fits within my calorie limit). I personally, do not see how that is unhealthy.

    I also sometimes get people commenting that I need to 'drink more water'. Hmm, I just don't log any water at all - did they really think I didn't drink anything all day long?

    Another thing I have noticed is a huge bias toward the setting you have for your weight loss. For example, if I set my goal to 2lbs and my calorie goal is therefore 1200 people have no problem with me eating 1500 cals if I burn 300 cals. But if I set my goal to 1lb per week and therefore my calorie goal is 1600 cals then people have a huge problem with me eating 1500 cals if I burn 300 cals. Weird.

    All I am saying is, that I think sometimes the advice we give about food in a setting like this is not exactly fair, accurate or helpful.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Eat healthier or I'll unfriend you!!! lol sounds so "high schoolish."
  • lindzmt22
    When I see that, I usually post a topic about how ****ty my friends are eating. It seems to do the trick.

  • lindzmt22
    And this is why I keep my diary private.

    If I'm making the calorie/fat/carb goals, and producing results, the last thing I need is someone telling me I'm DoingItWrong, or otherwise belittling the efforts being make because they have it in their heads they need to judge others efforts so they can feel better about themselves or smug.

    Instead of calling your 'friends' out in false concern, perhaps take the more positive method of "Hey, I have this recipe that really tasted good and is low cal. Why don't you try it?" Or even inviting them out for exercise together, if they aren't producing results.

    One could even focus on your own weight loss efforts and show even better results, perhaps engendering said others to query how you are doing so great and maybe change things on their own.

    I love this!! Perfectly said.